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Lies! - Reactor 4 FULL Of Fuel - Pacific Ocean May Be Lost

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posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:08 PM
A lot of what ofhumandescent is saying is right on target. I guess with that kind of life experience one might acquire a high tolerance for straight talk and a low tolerance for BS.

Nuclear technology is the only technology that mankind is involved with where we don't have the knowledge, ability or techniques to manage the technology from A to Z. Burying the waste products for thousands of years inside mountains is not managing the technology.

When we can neutralize radioactivity, it can be widely deployed in all kinds of ways, but until we can neutralize it, its use should be restricted to the laboratory or to the experimental institution. There should be no nuclear industry, until a way to render radioactive materials nonradioactive is found.

There is no endgame strategy for nuclear technology.

If we are going to rely on this genie, and make no mistake about it, we are going to rely on this genie, we absolutely must know how to put it back in the bottle.
edit on 6-2-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:26 PM
still no word on the news about it i bet japan news talks about it time to learn japanes

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

This latest crisis in Japan coupled with the Gulf oil gusher and the CoExit we poured on top of it means that now not only two major oceans have been compromised but our air, soil and food chain are now involved.

But again, most people simply don't like to concentrate on the negative and will wait until the last minute, when it's already too evident and again, this time, it may already be close to already being too late.

I live on the gulf coast, grew up here, family has been here a few generations. My great grandparents took everything they had and, along with a dozen or so other families, left their homeland their their ancestors had lived in for many more generations than we've been here.

You would not believe the number of people I talk to on a daily basis (I'm a restaurant manager in a popular tourist town, so we see locals and out of towners) who think both Fukushima and The Deep Horizon problems are either fixed or well under control.


Yeah, that's the stuff they used to clean up all the oil, right?


People don't know or care about much beyond what crosses their narrow field of view at the end of their blinders. Unless it can be directly related to them, too many people just don't care.

I know radiation is dangerous, I know that corruption and greed that are rampant in government and business should not have the keys to that closet. I know public apathy plays in to their (They Live, great movie, gave me the chis and i figured the reason that it wasn't more popular was that it was too close to the truth) hands.

A few are aware and have a wider field of vision, a greater percentage on this site than in the general public would qualify there.

Your mother was born the same year as my grandmother, so I imagine you are closer to my dad's generation than to mine. I am a gen Xer, but I am not typical of what is commonly portrayed about them. I have educated myself in a tremendous number of subjects and have always been able to learn easily and quickly.

You are so right in what you say in that we, the people, need to stand and make our voices heard. That is the ONLY thing we have left to us. I just don't know if we can awaken enought people in time to make an impact.

I try. Believe me I try.

Think globally, act locally; see the tree thread in my signature.

What I find is that normalcy bias is too strong and sims has too much inertia to allow people to accept the depth of what Fukushima means for our world.

Has this killed the Pacific?

I don't know. I hope it hasn't. I know it has injured the ocean. If those hundreds of thousands of gallons of highly contaminated water do end up in the ocean, that wound will be much deeper and be more difficult to treat.

Reactor 4 has proven to be an extremely tough (we've never been able to find video of that explosion) nut to crack, but just by looking at the building, one can determine that it would have had to have been an incredibly powerful explosion.

Of the ~1535 (the chart below shows the breakdown) assemblies on the SFP of R4, ~200 are are fresh, unirradiated core awaitng the replcement of the shroud of the reactor.

Caltech .pdf *******This is the direct link to the full 10MB file******

The remainder are previously used cores and are being bled of decay heat before being moved to the CSFP building:

Where more decay heat is bled off through a series of heat exchangers before he assemblies being eventually encased in a dry cask for long-term storage:

building in fireground to the right of the image is the dry cask storage facility

If the earthquake caused significant enough damage, coolant would have begun leaking immediately and Ina very short time he temps would have reached highe enough levels to strip water down to hydrogen and oxygen. Soon thereafter, the cladding on the fuel rods would have transformed into zirconium hydride, which is explosive in and of itself.

Whatever has actuall happened over there, it is a very. Bad. Thing.
edit on 6-2-2012 by jadedANDcynical because: Typo

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by stumason

It is estimated that nearly 1,000,000 people have died or been affected by Chernobyl. The "few birth defects" you talk about are horrific, assuming they even survive them in the first place, leading to a much reduced quality of life.

Trying to down-play the seriousness of Chernobyl is like saying Hitler "only killed a few Jews".

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by SoulVisions

Then I cannot talk to anyone that thinks like that, for example you.

For someone that so set on hurting people and say that I'm telling lies, is one that is telling the lie and rejecting ones opinion rather than acknowledging that they have an opinion and let them be. I on the other hand can't stand when someone is dying in front of me or has been hurt and I'm to stand around and watch as they die, I would rather die than watch them die.

And for one that isn't really learned in the field of Orgone, I would like to ask you to touch the rods of a cloud buster and get back to me on it, if you really know what your talking about and are learned in that field.

I leave you with this, I will not stand down to fear, fear will kill people, I am a man that will take a stand when others won't.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by jadedANDcynical

so I imagine you are closer to my dad's generation than to mine

I'm 59 (was the product of a love affair late in life, mother widowed, father married to someone else).

we, the people, need to stand and make our voices heard. That is the ONLY thing we have left to us. I just don't know if we can awaken enought people in time to make an impact.

It may already be too late, I hope, really hope I am wrong. Maybe if enough people stormed (peacefully) no guns, no pitch forks, the White House, if enough people refused to pay their taxes, some how but it would require ALMOST EVERYONE getting screwed over to unite and rebel. And personally I don't see that happening, too many people are either asleep or afraid.

I am very impressed by your links and your reply, wish I could give you more than 1 star.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I'm 59 (was the product of a love affair late in life, mother widowed, father married to someone else).

That outs you between my generation (I'm 42, will be 43 next month) and my dad's generation (he's 74), my grandmother got married when she was 14 and started young (good Italian catholic).

It may already be too late, I hope, really hope I am wrong. Maybe if enough people stormed (peacefully) no guns, no pitch forks, the White House, if enough people refused to pay their taxes, some how but it would require ALMOST EVERYONE getting screwed over to unite and rebel. And personally I don't see that happening, too many people are either asleep or afraid.

I too fear you are correct in this. Asleep, afraid, unwilling to wake or stand up because it requires the sacrifice of what makes one comfortable. It's not an easy task to take on one's "leaders" and buck the trend. And unfortunately, those same "leaders" have demonstrated that they are more than willing to "deal with" anyone who seems to be successful in either waking or instigating a rising up of the people.

Back in my teen years I became aware of the blatant corruption and rampant greed in those who style themselves as our "leaders" and my cynicism has been amply fed in those intervening decades. There is a passage from a rather forgotten document that has never left my mind since that time:

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

The Declaration of Independance

I am very impressed by your links and your reply, wish I could give you more than 1 star.

Thank you for that! I try

And will keep trying, I am SO torn between the hope that there are enough out there like us, across the generations, and the disgust at the unwillingness of many even listen to my ramblings that I sometimes think I may just go mad.

posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by FreedomCommander

Well, I definitely respect you for this much at least. Everyone's personal experience with spirituality, or even something like let's say.. self-help books, is going to differ vastly. I understand this. I admit my comment prior was a bit brash (as a couple nights no sleep tends to affect), but my personal involvement and suffering in this subject has been significant.

I'm fortunate to not have developed anything yet, but I have multiple members of family who either have contracted or already died from cancer. The latest worldwide treatments, medications, therapy, on and on the list goes with what has been tried. Chemistry and biology certainly aren't my strong points unfortunately or I'm sure I would be at it day and night working to find a solution.

So when an individual (well meaning even!) comes walking past me on the street and casually mentions that "if I would only try this approach now, as it's sure to work." ...Well, I'm sure that you understand the thought process that goes on. Especially in regards to how said "treatment" was supposed to work. I've years of experience working next to the best inventors on the planet (yes, entire planet), and so after getting my hopes up briefly based on your post before I really took another good look at it, I studied the design of the proposed treatment device.

The plans stated I should build a box using sheet metal. Next, line it with steel wool Brill-o pad material, place an antenna on the top of it, and then just watch the miracles happen.

Of COURSE I'm going to be skeptical of this. You don't need even a 5th grade understanding of studies to figure out that the only benefit that may possibly be gained, might be a shielding from certain waves in the air, and maybe a little bit of a placebo effect if the person had convinced themselves of it's proposed abilities.

I have to ask you this now that I've explained my shortness earlier with you. Why do YOU believe it works? Real energy flow, fields, chemical, or medical effect? Or is it a matter of faith? (which, I can tell you right now, runs in very short supply as the individual lays there on their death bed)

You meant well, and I do appreciate that, but it's offering a false hope to people that (if it's reached the desperation point they might try anything) neither have the strength, time, money, or desire left to fight anymore. One more hit like that when a person's already down... there's not a lot of chance they'll get back up.

This bothers me. I would take on the suffering of my loved ones any day of the week. Feeling powerless to help though? That's a kind of suffering that should never be felt by anyone.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by SoulVisions

First of all, I accept your apology. Seeing that you were in a bad mood, I accept it.

I'm fortunate to not have developed anything yet, but I have multiple members of family who either have contracted or already died from cancer. The latest worldwide treatments, medications, therapy, on and on the list goes with what has been tried. Chemistry and biology certainly aren't my strong points unfortunately or I'm sure I would be at it day and night working to find a solution.

There is one treatment that is being hidden so well you won't even believe it. One of the cures of cancer is White Powder Gold. I have some of this stuff and it's working wonders like nothing. For example, I hated doing anything physically tiring, when I started taking this, I wanted to get out, and doing something. This is also a food called Manna, philosophers stone, ORME, and other names. Against radiation? I'll tell you a truth in another post. The great Nuclear Scare Scam.

The plans stated I should build a box using sheet metal. Next, line it with steel wool Brill-o pad material, place an antenna on the top of it, and then just watch the miracles happen.

Ok, on this one, the information that you got this from is false. Orgone, or life-force, is best absorbed when there are alternating layers of organic material and inorganic material. The one you gave in this quote says that it's all inorganic, which will kill a person.

Of COURSE I'm going to be skeptical of this. You don't need even a 5th grade understanding of studies to figure out that the only benefit that may possibly be gained, might be a shielding from certain waves in the air, and maybe a little bit of a placebo effect if the person had convinced themselves of it's proposed abilities.

I understand your skepticism. If a person knows what they are doing, then the placebo effect won't work. Due to the fact that the experimenter has a hypothesis and must prove to himself or herself that what they think the answer is is true.

I have to ask you this now that I've explained my shortness earlier with you. Why do YOU believe it works? Real energy flow, fields, chemical, or medical effect? Or is it a matter of faith? (which, I can tell you right now, runs in very short supply as the individual lays there on their death bed)

Because I have one. I made it, I studied it. No chemicals, no acts of faith. Just build it and leave it. The design is a small one since it's purpose was to purify and charge water. The hypothesis was that, and it came out to be true. Stick your hand in it, and you'll feel a calming effect.

Experiment: Put what is called an Organite cube inside a pot then dirt, then a seed. Within 10 days you'll have a strong plant. Within 3-4 months they will be ripe for the taking.

You meant well, and I do appreciate that, but it's offering a false hope to people that (if it's reached the desperation point they might try anything) neither have the strength, time, money, or desire left to fight anymore. One more hit like that when a person's already down... there's not a lot of chance they'll get back up.

Don't blame the people that run the system, blame the system itself. I only offer assistance. No false hope. I offered my friends help, and they have taken it. I keep a record on how they are doing, and are always there for them whenever they need help.

Today I saw one of my friends, and I could tell that he was in suffering. If I mentioned what I know, then he would think of me as a loon. Plus I had little time to talk since he was going somewhere. I always shake hands with anyone.

This bothers me. I would take on the suffering of my loved ones any day of the week. Feeling powerless to help though? That's a kind of suffering that should never be felt by anyone.

I know, I get that sometimes. I just provide somethings, and people have the choice to take it or leave it. Some took it and had a better time,
while others, such as a girl that was afflicted with cancer with a vengeance, died.

edit on 8-2-2012 by FreedomCommander because: incomplete

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 01:33 AM
I need to tell those that are reading this thread that Nuclear materials are relatively harmless. One man that has been working in the field of nuclear technology by the name of Galen Windsor. You can't find a clear site page of a biography of him other than going on to on chapter 11.

Joseph H. Cater, who's dead (Don't believe he's dead, since he knows how to avoid any kind of disease he comes across and how to eliminate them before they even act as well what makes a disease a disease.), is the man that talked about it, told it to any reading his book, and ways to be cured from radiation sickness. As well told some truth that I have to admit thought was false. The evolution theory, says that we came from an ape. Can an ape design sandals and wear them? No. There was a fossil found in Utah dating back to 600 million years of a man or a woman with a sandal stepping on a trilobite. As well, tools that only pickle sized people can use? A stone axe weighing 300 lbs.? Says a lot of things are true and what is told by popular scientist are false to get some attention.

And another factor to throw in, if Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been bombed with nukes, then where is the mutations? Galen stated that the only mutation that are going to happen is cell damage and subsequent malfunctions. Not to mention the effects are immediate and NOT long-lasting. As long as the source is removed, then everything will go back to normal.

Truth be told, if everyone knew about this, then it will be a world wide pilfering of nuclear materials. Water will be purer than before. Food will last longer even in vacuum sealed bags with just a 10 second exposure to the radiation. Refrigeration will be a thing of the past. You can swim in your own pool of nuclear waste and not suffer any effects and your pool with feel 100 degrees F. and it will glow a blueish color, so no need for lights.

As the thread title says, I say "It's the idiots that put a bomb there." As long as the nuclear materials are under the critical mass, they are safe to be handled or used in any other way.

I'll leave this off with one question that everyone must ask themselves. In WWII, when the A-bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities, what was the content on the bombs that were dropped?

I know the answer, Do you?

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 01:27 PM
Fukashima is a great trajety, not only because of the obvious reasons, but because it is made worse by mans imperfections....

im not trying to be smart, but i have great faith that the salty brew of the Sea, and the Earth for that matter, will self purify humanities follies. Please have faith, we only have the power to effect what we can change--we humans are not always in control.

anything less, is arrogance.

please save any religioso comments for another time--we are all in this together, friends.
edit on 8-2-2012 by rainbowbear because: oops

edit on 8-2-2012 by rainbowbear because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 02:16 PM
Things always seem to get worse

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by McC556
still no word on the news about it i bet japan news talks about it time to learn japanes
iment this in a nice way not being a jerk

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 03:31 PM
Nuclear power plants were designed and placed to checkmate populations in my opinion. Why build a nuclear power plant in an area prone to earthquakes. The people who control this world are very evil and are trying kill us all. Heck I'm starting to believe that our leaders arent even human. Yet we stand by and let it happen.
edit on 10-2-2012 by Teeky because: words

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by FreedomCommander
I need to tell those that are reading this thread that Nuclear materials are relatively harmless. One man that has been working in the field of nuclear technology by the name of Galen Windsor. You can't find a clear site page of a biography of him other than going on to on chapter 11.

Joseph H. Cater, who's dead (Don't believe he's dead, since he knows how to avoid any kind of disease he comes across and how to eliminate them before they even act as well what makes a disease a disease.), is the man that talked about it, told it to any reading his book, and ways to be cured from radiation sickness. As well told some truth that I have to admit thought was false. The evolution theory, says that we came from an ape. Can an ape design sandals and wear them? No. There was a fossil found in Utah dating back to 600 million years of a man or a woman with a sandal stepping on a trilobite. As well, tools that only pickle sized people can use? A stone axe weighing 300 lbs.? Says a lot of things are true and what is told by popular scientist are false to get some attention.

And another factor to throw in, if Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been bombed with nukes, then where is the mutations? Galen stated that the only mutation that are going to happen is cell damage and subsequent malfunctions. Not to mention the effects are immediate and NOT long-lasting. As long as the source is removed, then everything will go back to normal.

Truth be told, if everyone knew about this, then it will be a world wide pilfering of nuclear materials. Water will be purer than before. Food will last longer even in vacuum sealed bags with just a 10 second exposure to the radiation. Refrigeration will be a thing of the past. You can swim in your own pool of nuclear waste and not suffer any effects and your pool with feel 100 degrees F. and it will glow a blueish color, so no need for lights.

As the thread title says, I say "It's the idiots that put a bomb there." As long as the nuclear materials are under the critical mass, they are safe to be handled or used in any other way.

I'll leave this off with one question that everyone must ask themselves. In WWII, when the A-bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities, what was the content on the bombs that were dropped?

I know the answer, Do you?

What were in the bombs??

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Teeky

That is what you have to find out yourself. But I will give you a hint, both are nuclear but not the same material.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Greetings ofhumandescent:

We wholeheartedly agree with your astute assessment of member jadedANDcynical. He generally has it right and serves up irrefutable evidence with a flair for the flamboyant.

We cannot accept that it may be already too late. That would be an indication of accepting defeat - which is not acceptable. We herewith reject accepting the unacceptable.

Sometimes you can be so smart technology-wise at the expense of your spiritual and moral growth that you simply out-fox yourself and personally that is exactly what I think humanity has allowed those that have been allowed to run things have done.

Esteemed member ofhumandescent, it would appear that you are ahead of the pack, again. Thank you for your prescience.

Previously, similar information has been shared with us, which we readily shared then and now seems to have specific relevance.

Human behaviors, formed from past habits and training, have had such an inertia that this perspective leads you to a dead end. You entrust these problems to representatives, whose conscience of common well-being slowly fades away in front of corporatist interests, with those difficulties. They are always debating on the form but rarely on the content.

Just at the moment of action, delays will accumulate to the point where you have to submit rather thyan choose. This is the reason why, more than ever in your history, your decisions of today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow.

[color=FFF017]The public health radiation-induced quandry in the United States as evidenced by infant mortality rates skyrocketing, the contamination of all open water, agricultural land and the entire food chain, not to mention the broader economic and social implications, [color=FFF017]has neither been fully acknowledged nor addressed in a comprehensive and meaningful fashion by the very authorities we elected.

There are several billion of you. The education of your children and your living conditions, as well as the conditions of numerous animals and much plant life are nevertheless under the thumb of a small number of your political, financial, military and religious representatives.

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests to turn you into slaves while at the same time giving you the feeling that you are total control of your destiny, which in essence is the reality.

[color=Aqua]The use of these advanced technologies now directly affects mankind's ability to control its own fate and the lethal consequences on our earthly and human ecosystems are perhaps irreversible.

We are slowly but surely losing our extraordinary capacity to make life desirable. As the nuclear fallout continues to spread worldwide, our natural resilience - our immune system - will artificially decrease, independently of our own will. These technologies affect not only our physical bodies, but our minds as well.

On the home front, we will continue our endeavor to keep the horror of this environmental warfare nuclear holocaust on the front page of we, the people's, minds and thoughts (as well as world media) in a positive, pro-active way, so as to be a beacon of light in the dark night of a potential nuclear winter, as [color=Cyan]positive thoughts create positive reality, and we certainly do not need any more distractions to further pollute our understanding of manifesting this envisioned reality.

Yes reactor 4 is not only full of fuel but melted down as well and now besides the Gulf, we have lost the Pacific and her many inhabitants are dying along with the coral reefs which sustain much of the oceanic life.

As we are researching all aspects of this ongoing environmental disaster for our upcoming opus,[color=FF00FF]"The Fukushima Chronicles: [color=Chartreuse]The Last Nuclear Accident In History", we would be appreciative of the source of the statement, "...reactor 4 is not only full of fuel but melted down as well."

We have, so far, been unable to verify that particular part of the story of #4 being full of fuel, let alone a meltdown in an “empty” reactor.

Thanking you in advance for your time and consideration.

Pick a date for this graphic:

When will this insanity end?

[color=Cyan]click stargate

Peace Love Light
[align=center][color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution[/align]

edit on 12/2/2012 by thorfourwinds because: color

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 01:14 PM
The radiation leaks from nuclear accidents don't stay in one place. They are carried by the wind and water to, well, everywhere.

NEWSFLASH from the White House:

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Nicolas Flamel

And rain down upon the soil.

Myself I have had personal experience with radiation poisoning.

My mother was born in 1910. (Had me at age 43)

My mother had tonsillitis around age 8 (1918) This was before antibiotics and anesthesia was rarely used.

Back then the way the medical establishment treated tonsillitis was with their brand new discovery of using a x-ray machine on the "patient".

Now, x-ray machines back then gave out a lot more radiation than now days because they did not know what we know now.

While they gave my mother a couple "zaps" in her throat and chest area" I was one of her eggs inside of her not yet fertilized.

End result: 35 years later I was born with a cleft palate, cataracts and a severe high frequency hearing loss (all the nerve endings in my ears that pick up consonants were scarred (dead).

My half sister died at 61 of colon cancer (13 years older than me) and my half brother (15 years older then me) was a mess from day one - he died in prison from trying to rob a bank at gun point. He was three cans short of a six pack.

My mother died at age 52 from either lung or thyroid cancer on February 23, 1962. When they opened her up They found several tumors the size of footballs and millions that were so small you could only see them with a microscope. They were not sure where the cancer originated from but because she smoked they labeled it lung cancer. The doctor told my sister though that it could very well have been thyroid cancer because she hardly ate and yet was a good size woman.

Worked up to the day before she went into the hospital for exploratory surgery, diagnosed and given two weeks to maybe a couple months and died two days later.

Thankfully, she did not waste away and have a long and agonizing death, she went fast. I was 9 with no father.

Fast forward: I have three sons. Never drank alcohol excessively, Smoked from age 16-20, always ate health foods ie: whole wheat, veggies, lean meat, etc..............When i was pregnant I even stopped coffee. (No sugar of any kind except honey). Did not do drugs.

We produced three sons, the oldest is ADHD and the two youngest are high intellegent, fairly normal functioning autistic.

I am telling you folks out there, you ain't seen nothing yet.......................radiation affects human DNA.

And it will affect and mutate your DNA on a chromosome level forever after.

My grand daughter who is the daughter of my oldest son (ADHD) is also ADHD.

Wait, will see how this will affect our entire planet.

Ya know, it sounds crazy but watch the movie, "The Arrival" with Charlie's almost like our planet is being re-terraformed right out from under us.

Or, it's just man's stupidity - like a two year old playing with a lighted blow torch.

I also worked a cancer ward with patients that went through chemo and radiation "treatments".

Saw first hand how bad radiation affects the human body.

Nasty stuff..................if something is that uncontrollable we have no business messing around with it.

edit on 12-2-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

read an eyeopening post

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