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Obama should've kept his mouth shut!

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posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Originally posted by beezzer

"He promised he wouldn't do it again"
"He said it'd be different this time".
"He says he'll be better."

Now , would these be the wives of soldiers coming home from the Bush Wars?

(kudo's on your volunter work)

Civilian work, through my church.

ETA: Nasty dig on the troops there

edit on 27-1-2012 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2012 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Civilian work, through my church.

ETA: Nasty dig on the troops there

edit on 27-1-2012 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2012 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

Ya , the dig should have been at Bush , not troops,
I can say stupid things in my haste.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Yeah usually these kinds of whopping 32% expenditures in a new Presidents reign might go to the military or his CRONY friends that got him elected to protect the oil business....but not so much anymore. He fights much smaller and more efficient wars without spreading American bodies through out the globe we are moving more toward specialized units and drones to get the job done. You gotta be blind or a hypocrite not to acknowledge the good this President actually has accomplished in spite of the fact he has failed to show enough leadership in some areas important to freedom and privacy in this country. I am not happy the Patriot Act stands and glad Presidents come and go every 4 to 8 years.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by beezzer

Yeah usually these kinds of whopping 32% expenditures in a new Presidents reign might go to the military or his CRONY friends that got him elected to protect the oil business....but not so much anymore.

Yup. Now it goes to failed green energy companies.

He fights much smaller and more efficient wars without spreading American bodies through out the globe we are moving more toward specialized units and drones to get the job done.

How about no wars. Or wars fought well for the right reasons.

You gotta be blind or a hypocrite not to acknowledge the good this President actually has accomplished in spite of the fact he has failed to show enough leadership in some areas important to freedom and privacy in this country. I am not happy the Patriot Act stands and glad Presidents come and go every 4 to 8 years.

Dunno which part to reply to, the part where he sucks or the part where you say he doesn't.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger

i have a question for
all you "let's get rid of entitlements" folks

what's your hurry?
you do know that the sudden elimination of SS and other programs is going to:

1- cause megadeaths especially among the elderly and children
[then again you're already doing that in many other countries through warfare]

2- will cause the crime rate to soar like never before in history
i mean half the country is on food stamps now isn't it

if you had to choose between "doing the right thing" and as result letting your kids starve
or criminality, what would your choice be?

"why did you kill officer jackboot?"
"officer jackboot, threatened my child's security and continued survival"

wonder how a jury would view such an argument?

see how this will work out?

still think it's worth a civil war on the streets, because you think it's going to get you more investment money, or lower your taxes?

and if you believe the latter: i have a great deal for you on a bridge in Brooklyn
edit on 27-1-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: added edit and comment

edit on 27-1-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: ?


And the Earth will suddenly implode and so on.
No matter how you do the math, the programs are not sustainable.
Good intentions and warm fuzzy feelings don't make it different.

your way [or the highway] has lead to the rise of tent cities through out the nation
now feel free to steal the food out of children's mouths
or condemn old folks to euthanasia through neglect
or forcing them to choose between eating,heating,or medicine
in hopes of having more money in your rapacious pockets
or delusions thereof.

keep pouring gasoline on a fire thinking that'll put it out
and see what that gets you.
"i've got mine" and cold ruthless feelings don't make it different.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger

your way [or the highway] has lead to the rise of tent cities through out the nation

My way?
You really have no clue.
The Govt meddling is the cause of tent cities.

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
now feel free to steal the food out of children's mouths

If your going to work it that way, I guess that the money to feed those people was stolen from my paycheck first.
Nice try though.

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
or condemn old folks to euthanasia through neglect
or forcing them to choose between eating,heating,or medicine

Again, because I am tired of the Govt stealing money from my paycheck, to provide them this, then yeah, sure sure then.

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
in hopes of having more money in your rapacious pockets
or delusions thereof.

Yep, class warfare at its basics.
I worked for the money. PERIOD.

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
keep pouring gasoline on a fire thinking that'll put it out
and see what that gets you.

Great analogy.
Like throwing more money at the problem, right?
Because that has worked well so far.

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
"i've got mine" and cold ruthless feelings don't make it different.

It makes the rewards mine, not others to have by the Govt taking and then handing out.

I share, when and where I want to. And with whom I choose.
You want the Govt to take from me to give to others.
Theft is the word you are thinking of.
Oh wait, that doesn't apply to Govt and the Liberal Ideals of good intentions and such.

edit on 27-1-2012 by macman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:44 PM
If Obama were my financial investment advisor, he would have been fired a LONG time ago. Considering Obama himself doesn't know in the least how to fix the woes of this nation, in spite of his promises of hope and change, for being such a great "community organizer", he wasn't even able to surround himself with those that did or do know. Tch Tch

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Gridrebel

Financial adviser??SPPFFT

How about someone that actual had a real job, and not just some glorified "Mob Herder"

If in any real world job, 0bama would have been fired a long time ago.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

That's why we need to wean the country off the entitlements just as slowly as the socialists made us dependent on them... Call it Cloward/Piven in reverse. The problem is, it makes for a very unpopular issue at campaign time, and if we go broke in the meantime, it will happen anyway. Either way, some sort of collapse is and will occur.
edit on 27-1-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 02:01 PM
It is simply amazing how many people do not know how social security works the simple fact a person pays 6% a year for however long they work then the employer matches it at another 6 % and they get paid more back than they ever paid in.

Most people will pay 40 to 50 years and collect only 10 to 20 years of benefits.

Yeah Obama blaming Bush for food stamps is complete garbage.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 02:16 PM
Obama is following his hippy mentor's instructions to the tea see "Cloward-Piven".That is what he is after and that is his strategy.This is beyond obvious.He was indoctrinated in college to do this.Once you know the strategy everything he is doing will fall into place.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

I have hopes that we can still return this country back to what it was meant to be.

Call me a crazy dreamer. . . .

It's possible. Just not with the complete and utter morons who are running this country, and have been for many years, now. It's a real cluster-f*** and it's going to take an act of the almighty to straighten this mess out.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by MrUncreated

Originally posted by beezzer

I have hopes that we can still return this country back to what it was meant to be.

Call me a crazy dreamer. . . .

It's possible. Just not with the complete and utter morons who are running this country, and have been for many years, now. It's a real cluster-f*** and it's going to take an act of the almighty to straighten this mess out.

That is something I think we can all agree on.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Is President Obama Creating A Nation Of Dependents?

Answer - He wants to. That's the dream of every Marxist 'wealth redistributer'. Everyone depending on the nanny-state and then having themselves in charge of the nanny-state purse strings.

Nanny State Dependents = Obama Voters.

Simple math.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by macman

once you forked the money over
it stopped being yours
not that it ever really was

lol, if somebody mugs you, you don't dictate what the mugger spends the money on.

but hey, keep focusing on the forest and not seeing the trees, or those worse off than you, because of all the dumbing down, and dependency, all paid for with your taxes.

like i said before, stop fantasizing your taxes will go down if those programs are eliminated,
or that you'll be better off.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by beezzer

The number of people on Social Security disability has steadily climbed since the 1970s, thanks mainly to easier eligibility rules

I about fell out of my seat when I saw that BS. A younger person, under 55 gets disabled and the Social Security will intentionally decline benefits for TWO years before a court forces them to pay up.

What is that person supposed to do for those TWO years? Lose everything they have and go live in a cardboard box and maybe die so the state gets to keep their money that they put in?

Social Security has only got worse over the years and the government does not want you to have your own money. SS is ridiculous and if its not fixed soon they might as well shut down the government because pissed off people are going to come for their money.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

That's why we need to wean the country off the entitlements just as slowly as the socialists made us dependent on them... Call it Cloward/Piven in reverse. The problem is, it makes for a very unpopular issue at campaign time, and if we go broke in the meantime, it will happen anyway. Either way, some sort of collapse is and will occur.
edit on 27-1-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

Why don't they fix the economy and they wont have all these people asking for help. Did you ever think of that?

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger

i have a question for
all you "let's get rid of entitlements" folks

what's your hurry?
you do know that the sudden elimination of SS and other programs is going to:

1- cause megadeaths especially among the elderly and children
[then again you're already doing that in many other countries through warfare]

2- will cause the crime rate to soar like never before in history
i mean half the country is on food stamps now isn't it

if you had to choose between "doing the right thing" and as result letting your kids starve
or criminality, what would your choice be?

"why did you kill officer jackboot?"
"officer jackboot, threatened my child's security and continued survival"

wonder how a jury would view such an argument?

see how this will work out?

still think it's worth a civil war on the streets, because you think it's going to get you more investment money, or lower your taxes?

and if you believe the latter: i have a great deal for you on a bridge in Brooklyn
edit on 27-1-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: added edit and comment

edit on 27-1-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: ?

THANK YOU for saying this

People get more upset over welfare moms than banker bailouts, its sad

People get more upset at welfare moms than their tax money going to places like Guantanamo Bay, its sad

People get more upset at welfare moms than than their tax money going to guard Poppy Fields in Afganistan, its sad.

People get more upset at welfare moms than if this country did have some sort of National Healthcare than Corporate Welfare...


If this country got rid of food stamps immediately you better start putting bars on all your windows and getting twenty locks on every door.
edit on 1/27/2012 by mnmcandiez because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Patriotsrevenge

While it does take years to get on it. As soon as you are granted it you get back-pay from the date you initially applied. So if it took you 12 months @ 1000$ a month you'd get a lumps sum of 12,000. Doesn't make much sense but it makes lawyers a lot of money

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by sligtlyskeptical

No, social security is taken out of your check, but most people receive back many times more money then they put is a pyramid scheme that is imlpoding.

I agree with Beez...write us check for what we put in plus 4% interest or whatever...anyone younger than 45 or so should save for there own retirement, they have plenty of least have a choice. Buy out or continue then change the system for all those under a certain age.

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