reply to post by getreadyalready
They did start with the that, I don't know, perhaps you missed the first attorney, but he was excellent, short, and to the point. He dove straight in
for the Naturally Born point of the case, which the judge said hiimself he felt was the brunt of the case. This is the entire reason he felt he should
compell Obama to appear. The first attorney argued the case via a previous supreme court ruling that outlined what Naturally Born entailed, and
defined the difference in citizen, naturalized citizen and Naturally Born, then presented witnesses to state that Obamas' father never was a US
Citizen, including using words from his own book.
Orly was greatfully last, and you could tell he didn't really want to hear much of what she said, but he did listen. She did bring up interesting
points about the scanned BC as well as having the private investigator testify about the Social Security number having previously been issued in the
1800's. Another person testified that the number was issued in the state of Connecticut, not to someone living outside of Connecticut.
All in all, the testimony was good, and the Judge had to reign Orly in a few times, but it wasn't as bad as she has been on other occasions.
I think the Judge did wish to hear the Naturally Born part, to which he did listen very closely to. This Judge is a well known Constitutionalist, and
it matters very much to him. The rest of I think he may see as something akin to icing on the cake, as it were. He even told Orly a couple of things
were not relevant, such as the school registration from Kenya. IE: He thinks, as many do, Obama was born in Hawaii, let the Kenya thing rest. It's the
dual nationality thing that has this Judges goat, as well it should.
This certainly wasn't frivolousness, as Jablonsky tried to argue in an attempt to get them to drop the case, the Naturally Born clause in the
Constitution is still taken by many as very serious, including, apparently, this particular Judge.
It is refreshing, really, to see someone take a stand for what they believe in.
Now really, off to bed.
edit on 26-1-2012 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)