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(Hollow Earth) ''Berserk'' on their way to antarctica without permission

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posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 12:12 PM
Well I have to disagree with most of the people who have responded to this post. It shouldn't be illegal to travel to Antarctica without "permission". There should be more of an "enter at your own risk" policy. I think it's obvious that something secret is going on down there, and that's exactly what these guys were going to find out. Don't any of you find it suspicious that the yacht "disappeared" AFTER reaching their destination. I could understand your argument if they had hit an iceberg or something along the way, but the boat was tied up at the dock.

Also, why is it that I can go on google earth and look at ariel photos of Area 51 (the most secretive base on the planet), but I can't look at photos of Antarctica? You say scientists are mapping the terrain beneath the ice... I say BS.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by thedeadwalkk

If ATS is a "festering hole of looney, absent-minded conspiracy theorists" then why are you here? Seriously? I don't believe a lot of stuff people put here, but there is also tons of interesting information as well. Just because you don't like what you read, doesn't mean we all believe it. You should do yourself a favor and find a website where you don't have to deal with all of us "looneys."

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by kman420

Hmm, honestly i want to beleive you, but it does sound EXACTLY like what someone spreading disinfo would say...

Amazing how many members here have such in depth experience about spreading disinfo, to the point that they know "exactly" what a "disinfo agent" would say.

And just like everything i read or hear, im not gonna just take "your" word for it, that would be just as dumb as beleiving any one theory without firsthand proof.

Hmm, so you feel that this poster is spreading disinfo and lying by stating that Antartica is a cold and dangerous place?

Well, at least we know you didn't fall for that brainwashing they do in public schools

And thats the funny thing about this site and conspiracies in general, No matter what someone says or what proof they have, we all want firsthand proof and in the end, your proof, is nothing more than a few little grey words on a page, that mean about as much to me as any fictional book.

You know whats even funnier about this site?

No matter how logical, fact based and sources cited a post may be, you still get people who come on here and make extraordinary claims of how they know exatly what disinfo agents will say, claim a post is rubbish, and end it by saying something along the lines of "your proof, is nothing more than a few little grey words on a page, that mean about as much to me as any fictional book." , all the while offering no rebuttal, especially with sources to negate the intitial posters claims.

Keep an eye out for those kind of posters, those are the ones you need to watch out for

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Tsurugi

Originally posted by SpaceJockey1
Amazing that we WANT to spend MILLIONS trying to stop/help FOOLS, but let people suffer poverty all over the world, including here in New Zealand!

we should just STOP responding when they get in distress...SINK OR SWIM. Don't make it OUR problem. opposed to poverty, which is fine to make our problem? I don't get it.

HUGE difference IMHO!

The majority of people in poverty, especially children, don't CHOOSE to live that way, whereas these fools know what they are doing, and we're expected to pay the price for their choices?

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 12:28 PM
I've read about this theory (Hollow Earth) for many years and IN MY OPINION, there is something to it. After all a REAR ADMIRAL in the US NAVY said he found this place ( ADM BYRD ) . You don't get to be a rear admiral by mediocre work ,you are the best in you're class and field. Google this guy and read what HE wrote about it and DON'T take the word of someone WHO HAS NOT BEEN THERE that tells you there is NO SUCH PLACE. I cannot confirm of course because I HAVE NOT BEEN THERE... Also google Shamballah, Abraham's bosum , and Hell.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 12:40 PM
How did the earh become hollow? You have a gasball that condensates to mass, how does it go on to become hollow? There is 30 to 50 Km of Crust that can house a cave system. That is up to 5 times mount everest. It does not make the earth hollow.
edit on 26-1-2012 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 01:20 PM
Around september 2012 NPIEE will try to find the hollow earth entrance, if there is one. When on site, alot of research will be conducted by several scientists. Their team counting 35 members, exclusive ship members.

I hope they find something

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by SpaceJockey1

Aah, ok. I see your thinking now. Thank you for explaining.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 03:24 PM
Traveller beware...thar be dragons there
That is all that needs to be said. alert them of the dangers and basically if they get stuck, they are on their own...its up to them to calculate the risks/rewards.

any government trying to stop them should be taken as a hostile act by a nation and an attempt to claim the ocean and arctic illegally.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by LongbottomLeaf
When I was kid I remember my grandfather saying the further inland you go there is less snow and ice it gives way to plains of rock and sand. Sometime in the 40's after he got back from the pacific he changed commands and got sent on some trip there when he was in the navy. Now as I'm older I read about it and whaddya know pops was telling us the truth

My grandpappy also went there on an expedition after the war, as he was in the navy.

He did a lot of classified work for the govt, during his time in the Navy, and after when he went to work in the aerospace industry. He used to not ever want to tell me the secrets he knew, because of his "life long code of silence" he swore to uphold for both his and his family's safety.

Now that he's disgusted with the current govt, is ninety years old, and has two types of leukemia he no longer cares, and tells me things even ATSers wouldnt believe.

He told me that during his time in antartica, they were given a map, and told very strictly to stay away from certain areas on the map. My gpa told me that his last few days there, him and another man risked courtmartial and went to investigate what one of the restricted areas was. They couldnt travel for too long without arousing suspicion, but they did manage to get far enough that they saw "something"

He said there was an enormous wall that went as far as the eye could see, granted the weather conditions were worsening. This wall was enormous, and definitely not some naturally occuring structure. It resembled the outer wall of a castle, but was extreme in height, and had no windows or doors.

There's definitely things there that we dont know, and aren't supposed to know about.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by WhiteDevil013

Very interesting. I wish we could see what they saw. He also told me another story about this device on a few of the ships. Apparently when they turned it on the ship would start "glow" green like saint elmo's fire in the north seas the glow would last about a minute. Then he said almost everyone onboard would get sick and dizzy and some would go nuts and others would pass out and forget patches of their memories.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:00 PM
I didn't know they where still doing this???? i wanted to go last year..

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:04 PM
Not too sure I'm going to agree with all the 'hollow earth' chat that is going on here. But having said that I do think that there is something in the Antarctic that is being hidden from us.
I've always found it a very interesting subject and read as many books as I can about the place, particularly the earliest expeditions that went there. It's about as close as I'm ever going to get to it I'm afraid.
It does seem to be a very risky trip that these people are now undertaking for a small ceremony and I think it is quite understandable that governments would be against it, considering the risks not only to the people themselves but also anybody that has to go get them if anything happens to go wrong.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:16 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a National Geographic issue that is extremely rare and hard to find that featured a photo of this hollow earth enterance? I think it was the October, 1947 issue.

It involved an Admiral Richard E. Byrd noticing something unusual there. This information was then censored.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by TRiPWiRE

Quite possibly,.. but I still ain't buying that story

But, each to their own,.. be a boring old world if we all agreed on everything.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 06:22 PM
earth is not hollow..

second line

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
How did the earh become hollow? You have a gasball that condensates to mass, how does it go on to become hollow? There is 30 to 50 Km of Crust that can house a cave system. That is up to 5 times mount everest. It does not make the earth hollow.
edit on 26-1-2012 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)


I've mentioned before on ATS how in pre-internet days I saw a slide show of seemingly real hollow planets.

Could there be any logical reason for thinking that a planet might be hollow? The only possibility which comes to mind is that a spinning sphere might become hollow naturally. This was originally suggested to me by John Flora, who joined my Internet list. Scientists believe stars and planets formed from huge clouds of dust in space. Gravity caused them to condense. Then they started spinning and eventually became spheres. If this is the case then, like an ice skater, these stars and planets would have spun ever faster as they contracted. This would be dictated by the law of conservation of angular momentum. However, the solar system tells a different story. It is not the smallest planets which spin the fastest, but the largest ones. The Earth rotates om 24 hours, and many of the planets smaller than it rotate even slower. Jupiter, the largest planet, which has a diameter more than ten times that of the Earth spins about its axis in a mere 10 hours. This is not what one would expect from condensed, solid planets. John pointed out that this is also true of the different types of stars. The larger ones spin faster than the smaller ones. He believes that it can be shown mathematically that a high rate of rotation would cause a spherical body to expand until it reaches a point of maximum inertial stability. In an e-mail dated 15 Feb 1998, he explained in part, “As I said earlier, the maximum moment of inertia for a rotating sphere to spin stably is that of a hollow sphere. . .” He suggested that the planets and stars be regarded as “tornadoes in space.” He explained: “This smaller size – slower rotation, bigger size – faster rotation relationship of planets and stars rotations is exactly what you would think if the planets and stars were created hollow however!" Because, according to spherical shell dynamic theory, the planets and stars were created out of convection currents between warm and cool regions of space, swirling the particles into whirling, twirling tornadoes of particles. In the zero-gravity of space these tornadoes took on the shape of spheres with open poles, and the faster they were rotating, the larger they became! John’s logic also suggests that Hollow Planets must have Polar Holes of some kind. He pointed out that there was a point at which centrifugal force and gravity balance. Gravity, (as we shall see later, is zero at the centre of the Earth (or any hollow sphere). All mathematical exercises show that if one could suspend an object at the centre of the Earth, then it would be weightless. So when a forming planet rotates, the matter at its core will be flung away from the centre. Gravity however, increases as one moves away from the centre of a planet because there is more matter “below” it. So a point is reached whereupon gravity is stronger than the centrifugal force, and the expansion then stops. One thus ends up with a hollow spinning sphere. Hollow Moon? The idea of Hollow Planets seems to have found a home for itself among Russian scientists more than anybody else. In this century Russians have twice suggested that planetary bodies might be hollow. The first was the suggestion that one of the moons of Mars was hollow. The second was when two senior scientists from the Soviet Academy of Sciences (as it was then known) suggested that our Moon was hollow. In the mid-1970s Vasin and Shcherbakov from the Soviet Academy of Sciences suggested that the Moon was a huge alien spaceship! No one really knows how the Moon came into being. If the Moon and Earth formed together in orbit, why are the surface materials of these two worlds so dissimilar? There are also some rocks found on the Moon which might be older than the Earth. Perhaps the Moon came from elsewhere? Perhaps even from outside our solar system. Many scientists have suggested that. According to all calculations and models produced by scientists, the chances of a successful capture of the Moon by the Earth as a mere random event is one in billions. How could the Earth have captured the Moon against such odds? That is why these two Russian scientists suggested that the Moon was steered into orbit by intelligent beings – who perhaps are no longer around. Or perhaps they still live there inside the Moon? Why a hollow Moon then? Apollo 12 placed the first seismometer on an alien world. NASA did not expect many Moon quakes. They expected the Moon to be seismically dead.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 06:35 PM
I can't believe, that some people still think that the earth is hollow...

There is no proof for that theory. I read a lot of weird stuff, but this theory... I can not understand how somebody believes this.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 06:38 PM
A) how do you explain plate tectonics?
B) how do you explain gravity
C) how do you explain magma?

That alone should make you realize how idiotic this notion is.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by ConspiraCity

Originally posted by ConspiraCity
A) how do you explain plate tectonics?
B) how do you explain gravity
C) how do you explain magma?

That alone should make you realize how idiotic this notion is.

For the answers to your questions check out the link below (you still may not agree with it but hey ho)...

3. What do we really know about the Earth's interior? And how trustworthy is our knowledge of it? Many people (mistakenly) think that the lava which pours out of volcanoes comes from a large reservoir of molten material which makes up the greater part of the Earth. Scientists have discovered that lava comes from within the Earth's crust. The lava comes from approximately 20 miles down. The existence of lava does not affect the passage of earthquake (seismic) waves. This indicates to scientists that the crust is largely solid. So where does the heat come from which melts the rock locally? Scientists have advanced two theories. Some say that the melting is due to high concentrations of radioactive elements in a particular area. These decaying radioactive elements generate enough heat to melt rock. Much lava is slightly radioactive and that lends support to this theory. Other geologists have argued that shearing and faulting are adequate heat generating mechanisms via friction. The evidence supports both theories. Lava cannot possibly be rising from the centre of the Earth as some may be tempted to think. It would cool down and become solid on its long, slow journey upwards. Lava is therefore a surface phenomenon and does not in any way reflect what the Earth is like 50 or 100 or more miles down.

edit on 26-1-2012 by neotech1neothink because: add quote

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