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So!..... I am starting to believe that the hotel I work for is haunted.

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posted on May, 14 2012 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by doodles40

Just one minor thing recently. Havent shared it yet because I have been a bit on the busy side and havent been on here very much. This is nothing big and nothing that I myself have experienced first hand but I said I would tell ya'll everything and I intend to keep my promise.

So Aparently one of the housekeepers a few weeks back was cleaning a room and just chatting with the guest when he told her that he had had a wierd experience the pervious night. He said that he was sitting in one of the chairs putting his slippers on when he looked up and into the mirror and saw a figure standing in the room near his TV set. But as he turned to ask whoever it was what they were doing in his room there was no one standing there. He then proceeded to check the whole room just to make sure that no one was there and there was no one.

I know this isnt anything big as most were hoping for but I hav been switched to the evening switch so I am no longer working the 11-7 shift. Instead I normally get off between 12and 2 am depending on the night so I am really not there during the most active part of the night. Also during the time tht I am there more people are around and I have to stay in a certin area so I no longer have the run of the place. I will however be sure to update as soon as something happens as long as I kno people are still following.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by JROCK2527

Yeah man I'm sure everyone will understand and you know I'll still be following

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 04:38 AM
Thanx for the support. I start tomarrow night on 5 nights of 11-7 straight so maybe I will get alot to report and share with everyone.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 07:20 PM

Instead I normally get off between 12and 2 am depending on the night so I am really not there during the most active part of the night. Also during the time tht I am there more people are around and I have to stay in a certin area so I no longer have the run of the place. I will however be sure to update as soon as something happens as long as I kno people are still following.
reply to post by JROCK2527

I am still following this thread with keen interest, mostly because although many of the happenings/events and experiences seem benign it is probable they are anything but.

In the above you say that your shift has changed and you are no longer on at the most "active" part of the night. Could you narrow down what you would say was the most active in terms of paranormal events? I suspect it will be between 3 and 4 am.


posted on May, 30 2012 @ 04:09 AM
You are correct. Most paranormal experts believe that the time in which spirits are most active is around the 2am to 4am time with 3am being said to be the peak time for happenings. Many of the incidents that I have detailed in this thread have happend during or close to these times. My shifts were graveyard (11pm-7am) I have since switched to what i guess some consider the swing shift (4pm-Midnight) So I am usually out of there by 12:30. Also before I was working on the security crew and could go where I wanted when I wanted. Now I am a cook so I have to stay in the kitchen most of the time. However I still get pulled to Security sometimes when someone cant work. I hope that answers your question. If not I will try to provide a better answer. thank you for following the thread. I have some new things to share but it will have to wait to tomarrow. I have jus finished 8 days straight and im beat.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by JROCK2527

No worries, thanks for your reply. By all means update with new material when you get the chance, I am curious to see if the events are increasing/declining or about the same.
I guess above all its important whilst investigating things like these to keep your wits about you and stay safe.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 05:16 PM
Hey folks I'm back, orry for the huge delay in posting but I havent touched a computer in quite a while. So fo a quick update I havent really heard stories of or had many experiences myself lately. My only new report comes from about a week and a half ago. I was in the kitchen around 12am finishing up the end of day stuff, wiping down the stoves on the hot line when i looked up and thought i saw someone walk into the kitchen from the back and walk over towards our dish pit area. i just caught a quick glance but I knew it wasnt an employee uniform that I saw. No one is suppossed to be in the back area @ that time of night so I started around the line to stop whoever it was but there was no one there. I checked the dish pit area and no one there. There is only one way in and out of the dish pit area so they couldnt have gone anywhere. I am not sayin this is/was an authentic sighting as It was late and I was tired. But I said I would tell ya'll everything so here ya go.


posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 05:43 AM
WOW cant believe it has been over a month since ive been here. Have to apologize things have been busy but on a good note I have plenty of new things to report.

So there have been some shake ups in out hotel and we have hired several new employees throughout many of our departments in the hotel which has brought a lot of new experiences and I have also had a couple new ones myself so I will post mine first and then theose of others after that.

A few days after I was last on here I got pulled back to the Security crew to fill in for a few overnight shifts since someone was on Vacation. So the first night I am on I start shift as usual and am going through my nightly routine and checking the ballroom area. Our ballroom can be eaither used as one big room or has retracting walls that can divide it up into 3 different meeting rooms. When divided up the front part of the ballroom is all one room about half wa through is one of the walls. that can be pulled out across the entire room and another can then divide the back part into 2 separate rooms longways. So as I was walking through this particular night at around 2am the ballroom was set up into the three different rooms. I walked through the main room and entered the left side of the back and turned immediatly left to check and make sure our AC unit was off. It was dark in the room except for light coming in through the door at the back which leads to the back of the house. I finish checking the AC and turn to head towards the back of the room to go to the back of house area As I approached the door I noticed a shadow on the floor of the back of the house area which had the light on and from my vantage point it looks as if it is of someone standing in the hall so I step out and turn the corner only to find nothing and when i look down the shadow i saw on the floor was gone and there was only mine. I kno i couldnt have been seeing my own shadow because I was in the dark room with no light to my back. I didnt feel anything but just found it weird.

A few days later when I was still on security shifts It was one of our busy nights and at around 1amish I had come on shift at 11pm and had been going non stop running housekeeping items towels blankets etc to rooms and was in a somewhat pissy mood. when I got a request from a room for several bedding items. I went to housekeeping loaded the items into a rolling cart and took them up to the room on my way down I got yet another call for a set of towels so annoyance kicked up a notch I brought the cart back down and opend the door too the laundry room and gave the cart a pretty hard shove into the room towards the washing machine that we have in there and began to walk in to get the towels when I saw the cart that i had just shoved suddenly come to an abrubt stop and gently roll back towards me as if someone had grabbed it to stop if from hitting the washer and gently pushed it back towards me. At that time I didnt think much of it as I was in a hurry but later in the morning when i had some time to relax and take my time doing my partols and think I remembered it. I found it weird but I shared what happend with Nacho when he came in and he seems to think that it was the dedicated employee that I have previously mentioned trying to tell me to relax and calm down. It could be it could not be I dont know.

These are acouple of my experiences of late. As alwas feel free to share your thoughts and I will be back to post some more later as I am getting tired of typing and would like to catch up on reading some other posts.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by JROCK2527

This appears to be a mixture of demonic & ghost activity, which can get really confusing about what is what until bad things start happening. Excellent documentation & memory! I've really enjoyed reading this thread.

edit on 16-8-2012 by CrimsonKnight13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 02:38 PM
Haunted? Have you checked for carbon monoxide poisoning or EMT?

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 03:31 AM
I just want to thank the OP for this thread, Great read!

It's hard with haunting's to keep a flow.. they don't run on our time, it's not reality TV

They do however tend to fire up at certain dates, but that always seems to be a local factor and normally due to the incident or entity that's in play.

I'm surprised though, why you haven't been told the following...

You have a rather .. what i call.. a "mixed bag" there.. mixed bags are never good. I grew up in a mixed bag. Basically, what your rather unfortunate friend encountered on the stairs is your problem, it's old.. older than the town itself (older than America..) and it's holding anything that dies there "down" .. im being REALLY general here no religious stuff just "it is what it is" . a priest may help.. it seemed it did before but sometimes there can be gaps of a few years anyway. Do you have any Native Elders?.. history or anything like that.. in Australia in some cases we can still go see an Elder (where i live now is such a place) and get some info you wont find in a library on what may have happened in that spot in times past.

I know that sounds exactly like Poltergeist.. (giggles).. but your library will only tell so much.

I'm also an advocate of the VCR theory (my way of seeing it) whereas certain moments in time that were higly energetic get "recorded" in Stone/Rock/Mineral's that contain magnetic property's (like tape and a VCR head) when those same conditions are close or similar (intense emotions) it's almost a autoplayback.. hard to explain but if you look at how an old VCR read's Writes.. than think about were we get the materials for that process (nature.. basically) factor in a few beliefs like "personal energy levels increase when exited/depressed".. and Viola.. nature's VCR
that's my take on "residual" haunting's that you can almost time to the hour/day

This isn't what your hotel has..

If anything's happened.. no matter how trivial.. keep us all updated eh

edit on 21-8-2012 by Xarian6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by CrimsonKnight13

Thanx I will tryin update more often, Jus been pulling a lot of hours lately havent really had time to get on and post much. As for the memory and documentation. When I am on the Security crew I always carry a pen and notpad on me to log my activities throughout the shift and when something strange occures i go to the back of my pad and write it down so I can present it here. When others tell me something or I experience something on the other crews I work on i tryin make mental notes and write those down also. Thanks for reading.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by Xarian6

You are welcome and thanks for responding. The only History I have got on the hotel is what I have presented here. It has been open for about 16 years and was farmland before that. The only Native elders from the area are mostly located on a reservation about an hour or 2 away. Also my job is not in the same city I live in so I dont know many peopl from the area. I will when I get some time try to dig up more info. Once agian thanks for reading and thank you for shareing your insight. I will post as i can.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 06:12 AM
Tonight I will take the opertunity to share some of the stories some other employees have told me recently.

One guy who is a dishwasher and has only been there a few months has shared with me a few things he has expierenced. One night he said he was in the kitchen by himself mopping the prep area floor around 1am. He had his head down watching where he was mopping when he thought he saw someone walk by ahead of him but when he looked up he didnt see anyone so he went to see if someone walked throught that he missed. Well when he was going to look out the door he said he noticed shoeprints on the floor as if someone had walked across his floor. The only odd thing was it was just the outline of a shoeprint with no sole print. All employees are required to wear a non slip shoe and they all have the same soleprint on them. These were just outlines of a shoe nothing else.

The same guy on another night had jus finished his shift and was heading to leave when he heard people talking in the banquet store room and when he went to see who it was he found no one in there. agian this was middle of the night.

I have more to share but am tired so I will post them later

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by JROCK2527

I'm starting to wonder if someone did something ritualistic or summoned something in the hotel. That's a ton of events accounted for & I can't even imagine how many unaccounted... I'm sure many of us here would be very inclined to visit it just to see what happens & maybe some would want it purged of whatever is plaguing the living.

posted on Sep, 7 2012 @ 12:48 AM
Well being a hotel we do get many different tyes of people staying there and we can not account for what everyone is doing in every room at every time so it is very likely that something could have happend. Teenagers or even adults playing Oujia and summoned something or who knows could have been anything. Thanks for the thought. I personally never consideded that could have happend.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 04:56 AM
Newest sighting happend a few days ago in the back hallway area by the housekeeping area. One of the room service people were about to enter the elevator when they saw someone they didnt recognize walk by and when they stuck their head out less than 2 seconds later there was nothing there.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by JROCK2527

That one gave me a really bad sense of danger (I'm what people would call a sensor, hypersensitive, or discerner). I'm thinking that something new & angry moved in or something that was there has gone malevolent.

All of your past updates haven't done that, so I'm throwing in some caution here. I'm wondering if you should find a very experienced person that's trustworthy to investigate it & see if they can find anything while being discrete.
edit on 20-9-2012 by CrimsonKnight13 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-9-2012 by CrimsonKnight13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 05:00 AM
Which incident are you talking about that gave you chills?

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by JROCK2527

The most recent one. Not sure why but its the first one out of the whole time that has triggered a response.

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