posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by JROCK2527
JROCK2527, it sounds to me like you have a rather interesting facility to patrol for a job. It certainly beats something boring doesn't it? I would
like to make a suggestion or two, to help you in your dealing with these issues.
The first thing I'd suggest is starting a working journal. Go to the store and get yourself a spiral notebook and keep it with you. Note every odd
event, just like you'd be writing an incident report. Time, Date, Location, Observations, and Theories. By taking down information as it happens,
everything is still fresh in your mind and you're able to write down exact details. A good example of this would be when you were up by the door to
the roof and you heard talking. Was the voice male or female? Was there a sense of accent that varies from your area? Was there a sense of mood of
the person? All of these things when you first experience them will be much easier to remember when you write them down. You may also start
establishing trends of activity after you've documented long enough. If you're able to start anticipating what will happen before it does, there
may be an underlying pattern to the activity.
The second thing I'd suggest is to go out and buy yourself a small digital voice recorder (if you don't have one already). When something strange
starts happening, the first thing you ought to do is hit record and make sure you vocalize things like times, locations, and things you see and hear.
Having a recording, even if nothing overly paranormal is recorded, will help you with the journal, especially if you're out on patrol and not near
your journal at the time something happens.
I wish you the best with this and think you work in a rather interesting location. It'll be even more interesting if patterns emerge in the
activity. Best wishes.