posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by JROCK2527
God this nacho geezer has some fun at work eh?
Did the employee quit coz he was scared of the spirit or just fom the sheer mortification of being caught at work with his pants down? lol, sorry
should'nt laugh. I have been known to say myself at work ' I don't get paid enough for this s**t but that takes the biscuit......
The shadow animal I saw was a Fox. No doubt about that.
I was at a friends house, there was a few of us, no drinking or anythingelse that night, just girly chats. Got a lift home from one of the girls who
lived in near to me. As we turned off the main roundabout and headed down the road there were no other cars in sight but its lit fairly well and i
spotted a Fox up ahead on the white line in the middle of the road chasing its tail round and round on the spot.
Neither of us spoke but as I turned to look at my friend to make sure she had seen it, she leaned right up close the windscreen and then very firmly
put her foot on the break. We slowed from about 60 to about 20mph, fast approaching the fox which seemed totally unaware of the car. It was now right
in front of us in the headlights and when we were about 6ft away from it......... this bits hard to explain.... It just disolved like smoke.
I looked at my friend and said something stupid like 'Oh.. Its gone' and she said 'there was a Fox'. Neither of us spoke again until we pulled
into the driveway.
We both saw the exact same thing, clear as day.