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Fluoride Linked to #1 Cause of Death in New Research

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posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by masterbuilder22

Found some more information regarding the lady with Chronic Flouride poisoning in the youtube vid I posted above.

Apparently after nearly dying, the only thing she could was avoid all flouridated foods, water, plastics and cookware at which point she recovered quickly. She did create a blog and post introductory information about her experience with Flouride poisoning and many of the motives behind.

Reposting as I feel this is relevant to the OP.

Woman with Severe Flouride Poisoning:

Her Blog and latest update:
Update, January 12, 2008:

After avoiding fluoridated water, cookware and toothpaste my health is much better now, thank God. When I'm exposed to fluoride my symptoms quickly begin again. If you or a loved one have a serious illness, try being fluoride-free for a while and you might feel better.

I have learned a lot about why we are being given poisons like fluoride and started a new blog:

Red Pill Reich

Below is the original intro.

Peace, OliviaHadassah

They are INTENTIONALLY POISONING the food, water and prescription drugs with NERVE GAS = fluoride.

HITLER and the Russian Army were the first ones to put fluoride in tap water because it makes a person unable to resist domination.

There is NO BENEFIT to human consumption of fluoride. Even the smallest amount causes brain and nerve damage.

Fluoride is commonly used as a pesticide, roach and rat killer, and chemical nerve gas, meaning FLUORIDE KILLS and is used by the government to kill enemies at war.

Fluoride is also anesthesia, meaning the government is slowly anesthetizing you through your food and water. The #1 cause of death from surgery, more than any other complication, is anesthesia.

As a US nurse who is now fighting for her life due to lifelong fluoride poisoning, I can tell you we have been brainwashed to believe it is safe and beneficial for the prevention of cavities. Fluoride is actually the #1 cause of tooth loss.

I recently discovered that the diseases I was diagnosed with, as well as many others, are not diseases at all - they are CHEMICAL FLUORIDE POISONING and millions of people are unknowingly dying because of this.

VISIT MY BLOG for links that expose research that proves fluoride is 100% unsafe, find out if your prescription drugs contain fluoride, and see if your "disease" or "symptoms" are actually caused by fluoride poisoning.

Fluoride accumulates in the body over time, so you may not look like I do in this video, but after 20 years it's possible you will if you don't take steps to eliminate it from your diet and remove it from your body.

Now that I recognize the symptoms of fluoride poisoning, I realize I unknowingly killed my patients by giving them common drugs containing fluoride - a deadly chemical that has no positive effects when consumed by humans - and watched them slowly die of fluoride poisoning, believing they were dying of a disease.

This is happening EVERY DAY and doctors and nurses are intentionally left completely unaware of this information.

Fluoride causes multiple hormonal imbalances and induces early puberty, depression and ADD/ADHD.

Fluoride was used by the medical profession at one point to suppress the thyroid gland. If fluoride suppresses the thyroid, why is it being put in your drinking water?

Why are you brushing your teeth with something that has a warning label to contact poison control if swallowed (in the US)? It's easily absorbed through the soft tissues of your mouth, even if you avoid swallowing your toothpaste.

And why don't your fluoride-containing water and foods have the same warning label to contact poison control if swallowed?!

When people go to the doctor with symptoms produced by fluoride poisoning, the drugs they're given further poison the body, causing them to show new "symptoms."

We are taught to see these as symptoms of "disease" when they are actually symptoms caused by poisoning the patient.

In turn they are given MORE drugs containing fluoride, and therefore their condition deteriorates.

Ultimately we KILL the patient, believing they died of a "disease," when they were actually killed by fluoride poisoning, as well as an accumulation of other deadly chemicals found in prescription drugs that ARE NOT SAFE for human consumption.

This is a DEADLY SCAM that generates business for the medical industry and pharmaceutical companies.

If the government loves you, why are they putting nerve gas in the water/food/toothpaste/prescription drugs?

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by masterbuilder22

Why are the TPTB going through so much trouble to dumb us down as slaves? Considering there Eugenics agenda'the above is designed to keep us stupid, passive, infertile, dumbed down. This also relieves and affects large portions of our brain that create cognitive thought; the ability to question authority and think for oneself.

I think you answered your own question there. If people in the U.S weren't so stupid, Ron Paul would probably win with a landslide, and we all know they DO NOT like Ron Paul. They like things corrupt and cozy, streets full of zombie-sheeps and little fuss except the occasional stupid fool kicking in a window and shooting up the naighbourhood. The prison industry is one of the largest industries in the US, with manufacturing, helplines and what have you. Cheap and profitable. Not to mention they do not have to bother with getting rid of the toxic waste in a more expensive way.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:36 PM
Ok, I maybe way off here, and if I am feel free to laugh and make fun of me, or call me clueless. But is this the Fluoride that once every month or so the health department would bring to the elementary schools in my area and make grade K-5 rinse with it? OH I HATED THAT s*^t so much!

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:37 PM
Here is a link to the Memorandum to Bernard Berelson (President, Population Council) found in "Activities
Relevant to the Study of Population Policy for the U.S." 3/11/69 by Frederick S. Jaffe (Vicepresident
of Planned Parenthood - World Population).

It clearly states one way is increasing the chemicals in water.

Restructure family:
a) Postpone or avoid marriage
b) Alter image of ideal family size
c)Compulsory education of children
d)Encourage increased homosexuality
e)Educate for family limitation
f)Fertility control agents in water supply
g)Encourage women to work

Population Control
edit on 17-1-2012 by ExposingYou because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:41 PM
your right

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by mudbeed

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by MegaMind

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by MegaMind
I refuse to drink or cook with my city's tap water. It taste awful and smells heavily of chlorine. I drive 20 min away and fill BPA free containers full of great tasting natural spring water from the source right out of the ground. Tea and coffee never tasted so good. I usually fill about 14 gallons at a time. This last me about two weeks. Well worth the effort (no pun intended). It's too bad I still have to shower with the city water.

When people start caring more about people than money and power a paradise on earth may be had.

edit on 17-1-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

hmmm I hope no icky organisms in your spring water.

This spring has been supplying water to this community for over 100 years at least. No problems so far.

edit on 17-1-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

oh fantastic!


Don't tell him that's where I like to pee while on a jog.

This is such a childish response and speaks volumes of your character.

This spring, as many are, is piped out of the ground through what is very much like any well house. It is located on private land that a 100 year old church owns. The community around there enjoy and respect the spring, and each other - imagine that!

Enjoy your flouridated city water ...
edit on 17-1-2012 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:51 PM
ANY consumption of flouride will contribute to the vein calcification problems talked about in the OP. this paper studied pharmaceuticals containing flouride but this does NOT mean that the paper's findings are INCORRECT when studying water flouridation.

animal proteins also contribute to this same phenomenon.

look up "The China Study" or the documentary called "Forks over Knives" for this explanation.

pineal gland calcification also is a result of flouride consumption. many trolls will attempt to debunk this idea, but it would obviously be an outcome of flouride consumption, as the PINEAL HAS NO BLOOD/BRAIN BARRIER.

this means everything that is in your blood (flouride) will go through your Pineal Gland. In fact, the Pineal has more blood flow than ANY other organ in the body besides the Heart.

flouride isn't found in nature, and there's no reason to consume it. at all.

these are dangerous times we live in. decades from now we will clearly see this. almost everything in our environments is toxic, or carcinogenic.

S & F for sure!

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by mudbeed

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Hey if flouride is already naturally occurring, why do they have to put more in? Makes no sense. I guess we must be getting a double does of flouride then in the tap. One calc flouride and the other sodium flouride. Fun eh. More is not always better.

Go find an old Mr. Rogers video where he visits a water treatment plant for your answer. Drinking water is a scientific process and is a lot like other consumables. There is X amount of this, an X amount of this and so on.

Yes, I suppose the chemist on duty will only put the necessary amount to fill the void where the natural flouride stops.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by mudbeed
reply to post by VitriolAndAngst

We dont?

Look at another country that didn't have the process in place.
edit on 1/17/2012 by mudbeed because: (no reason given)

I was asking FOR the research. "Look at another country that didn't have the process in place..."

The other problem is, if it's something like the Ukraine -- they've got a lot of other factors that are different from the USA. Even more complications to study this if you compare Chernobyl not fluoridating water.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by mudbeed
I feel sorry for all your paranoid people above.

I know plenty of people that are every day "sheep" as you would call them.

They feel the same as you. Have outbursts, get angry at the gov or society and generally enjoy life even in these economic times.

Real people don't have issues like is being murmured here.

Fluoride in the water just seems like one of the least issues we as a society need to even consider worrying about.

Why are you being so passive-aggressive? The act of being concerned over controversial subjects does not indicate that a person is "unhappy", or is only looking for a resolution just to be "happy". Most people are not children, and their convictions go beyond personal comfort. It's also both telling and insulting with your use of the term "real people". It's as if you don't even value the merits of your own discussion, because you dismiss yourself as well when saying these things.

No one is 'murmuring'. People are having a discourse over a very serious and controversial issue. It happens here, online, and in other alternative venues because most people no longer have an avenue of approach in solving matters with the state. It's a very difficult process anyway, and maybe some of us will go on to actually change things. Until then, we discuss it here. Weighing opinions against one another, and providing evidence here, and evidence there, and debating for or against it. Discourse. Not complaining. Not being 'unhappy' and 'not real'. Conviction. Discussing.

Fluoride in water is a very serious issue, actually. I'm of the opinion that if people realized the profound nature in which fluoridation affects a person's mind, they would quickly realize there would be less "issues we as a society need to worry about." If all people were lucid and their faculties in top order, matters of 'the society' would be solved in an expedient and logical manner. There would be no 'discussion' over whether or not literal poison should be added to potable water supplies. Not to mention a thousand other ridiculous matters of the state.

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

This goes back to the "inmates running the asylum" theory. If everyone is inundated with harmful chemicals and drugs, then there is no yardstick to measure by, it's just a nation wide tragedy and farce. It's clear the US is the forefront for a "medicated society". It's as if no one seems to care that everyone is medicated with psychotropics and soaked in poisons. When one citizen petitions to another citizen for clarity, they can expect the most casual "oh well" response, which begs the question: Why don't we replace the word 'apathy' with 'America'?

In 50-100 years (if we last that long), fluoridation and pharmaceuticals will be as embarrassing to medicine as the 'lobotomy' was to psychiatry; eventually considered 'crude' and ludicrous. We will probably have moved beyond what is nothing more than a 'chemical lobotomy' and into something else needing debate. Something that our children and children's children can argue about. They'll be discussing the validity of nanotech and microchips in our bloodstream over the telekinetic wire no doubt.

Anyway it's far greater than being "happy" (whatever that really means), and it's more about realizing the potential of humanity itself, and making sure that every man, woman and child is given every opportunity to realize such a potential. It's not a fair shake if they're poisoned since birth and thrust into a world that tells them to deal with it.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by NeoVain

I cant understand how this is allowed to go on
S&F op this subject needs a lot more backing
edit on 17/1/2012 by indisputable because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by metalshredmetal
flouride isn't found in nature, and there's no reason to consume it. at all.

Fluoride isn't found in nature? Really?

Absolutely, unequivocally false statement.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:39 PM
You know, this is really bad considering my family and I recently took up to drinking boiled tap water. Since my sisters and I have become (ahem) too lazy to buy water from the next block over, we've been preparing it ourselves. I try not to think about the fluoride every time I quaff the noticeably more bad-tasting water, but I should know that it does not go away. I wonder if it would help to [Brita] filter the water after boiling it?

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by KamiKazeKenji
You know, this is really bad considering my family and I recently took up to drinking boiled tap water. Since my sisters and I have become (ahem) too lazy to buy water from the next block over, we've been preparing it ourselves. I try not to think about the fluoride every time I quaff the noticeably more bad-tasting water, but I should know that it does not go away. I wonder if it would help to [Brita] filter the water after boiling it?

Boiling it would only concentrate it further, unless you meant capturing the water vapor and using that. Brita does not filter fluoride that I know for sure.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:46 PM
Anyone notice that the same people who defend vaccines are in here defending fluoride too?

Sodium fluoride is bad for you. It might be less toxic in lower doses, but it's still toxic!

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by TheComte

Originally posted by metalshredmetal
flouride isn't found in nature, and there's no reason to consume it. at all.

Fluoride isn't found in nature? Really?

Absolutely, unequivocally false statement.

Calcium fluoride naturally occurs in nature, sodium fluoride not so much.

Sodium fluoride is a chemical byproduct.

NaF is prepared by neutralizing hydrofluoric acid or hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6), byproducts of the production of superphosphate fertilizer. Neutralizing agents include sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate. Alcohols are sometimes used to precipitate the NaF:

Since you defend fluoride and vaccines, how about you let me shoot you up with a huge vial of sodium fluoride since you say it's so safe?

edit on 17-1-2012 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:51 PM
BEER it is then!!

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
Anyone notice that the same people who defend vaccines are in here defending fluoride too?

Sodium fluoride is bad for you. It might be less toxic in lower doses, but it's still toxic!

ooh, please point out these members to me! in a PM if you have to, i've recently been having a lot of fun with the "post history" feature of ATS and my browser's "Find" function


& btw, i was refering to the base chemical, "flouride", not it's combination with other chemicals.
this case is similar to MONOsodium glutimate (MSG) in that sodium can be good for you, but only if it is NOT monosodium. human bodies cannot break down monosodiums in a healthy manner, like it can with other sodiums.
edit on 1/17/12 by metalshredmetal because: clarify

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:54 PM
Yea, and people wonder why I don't drink tap water, for 1) It's got Fluoride in it, 2) Fluoride is in rat poison 3) It tastes utterly disgusting and 4) It's got fluoride in it. I honestly haven't taken one sip of tap water for two years, and this just gives me more reason not to, it doesn't even make sense to put fluoride into tap water because it's not going to 'help your teeth', unless 'help your teeth' means 'drop the population' it really confuses me
who thought of the idea to put this garbage in everything, like, they should of done some research instead of being like ' oh lets just put this in here, *scratches head like a monkey*, honestly, it's the stupidest idea we've ever made.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by TheComte

Originally posted by metalshredmetal
flouride isn't found in nature, and there's no reason to consume it. at all.

Fluoride isn't found in nature? Really?

Absolutely, unequivocally false statement.

Fluoride is found in nature, it's a natural element. The fluorides added into water supplies however, are not found in nature. The fluorides used are umpteen times more hazardous than what is normally found in the natural world. In nature you find calcium fluoride. You'd be hard pressed to find sodium fluoride in nature. Unless of course it was put there because of toxic waste runoff.... oops.

Calcium fluoride is absolutely miniscule in toxicity, compared to sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride is positively lethal, I don't care if you want to argue the dosage or not, no substance that is as lethal as sodium fluoride should be ingested, period.

This is what metalshredmetal meant, they were referring to sodium fluoride. You would know this if you were paying attention.

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