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Hermosa Beach UFO 1/13/2012

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posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by chinchillachillin
I lived in this area from 2002 to 2008 and in that time I was never a believer but at the same time I never looked for such a thing either. On a side note since then I have seen numerous UFO's since Nov of 2011 here in the Chicago area. When I did live in Hermosa Beach though I knew a few people who told me stories of sightings they had seen over the ocean. These strories were from credible people. One boyfriend of mine at the time witnessed a craft actually decend into the ocean. These things are VERY real people and i do believe that some other worldly species has bases in the ocean. I dont care if you call me crazy, but what about the incident after Pearl Harbor when the Ufo's were spotted over the ocean in the same spot. Gooogle it and there are many accounts of this back when that happened by residents there and our military attacked the ufos at the time thinking they were a Pearl Harbor like attack!

Hello there
Welcome to ATS!

I have seen a few UFO's myself
The second video I posted where the object comes in from the left and suddenly stops that is like what I saw but it was around 3am not dusk. Freaked me out! I first noticed it cause of the color and it's positioning. I knew it wasn't any star or planet cause I always sat outside at night. I put the object between my balcony rails to see what it would do and it darted to the left and stopped then took off and disappeared. I had chills and then woke my friend up at 3am so I wasnt so freaked out lol. It was very interesting and I still have no idea what it was but by definition it was a UFO. I had put where I was in Stellarium and ruled out all the other possibilities and I still haven't a clue what it was. I have had quite a few friends tell me of similar experiences they have had in this area. I have had more friends come out so to speak on their experiences to me because they say they know I won't think they are nuts and they are correct. I usually take notes of their experiences and then look into the area they saw it.

Yea I was reading online about sightings in that area and I found that some believe there is an underground sea base in that area. I found this link with a list of sightings in that area of various shapes and sizes. There are some that talk of craft coming from the sea or going into the sea. THAT would be crazy to experience! I am going ot look more into a few of these and post what I find later

UFO sightings Southern Cali area

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 04:20 PM
This is the best ufo footage I´ve seen in a long time. If this isn´t cgi, don´t really know what it is.
One of the videos really reminded me of the Phoenix lights, to me one of the best footage ever of a ufo.
Hope this thread gets a little more attention, due to all the strange sounds threads (some really cool stuff as well) many people might miss this one...
A star for you op, can´t flag you yet, maybe not enough posts.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Nice videos, they're all very similar.

Who knows what it could be... Also, I don't know if im the only one who noticed it but the first video, when they're disappearing in sync, the 3rd or 4th light flashes red before it disappears.. I don't know if it's my screen or something, check it out.

Very nice videos though, very strange, and I really do not think that they could be flares. They're absolutely motionless except for the second video when that one moves in a then just stops.

Nice stuff

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by fakemessiah

Yeah, strange indeed. What is even stranger is the complete lack of supporting evidence for such a public display of UFO's. It's almost like it happened over a completely unpopulated area for only one witness. Almost as if they show up and are visible to only one if that person were told about them in a dream....OH WAIT, THAT PART IS REAL, lol. What a laughable joke. Odd that. But yeah, let's spend as much time as possible analyzing this video before even using our heads to see if it might be a waste of our time?

Next time such an amazing thing is filmed, by a person who has major interest in ufo's and is told about them is their dreams, lets hope it happens over a populated area, I mean this place is so desolate he must have been the only witness......what a shame.
edit on 19-1-2012 by MainLineThis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:49 PM
very interesting but if they all put on by same you tube member it raises a few conerns, however yeah, they are very reminisent of the phoenix lights and no none of our KNOWN aircraft could move in such ways, nice thread, thanks. Im gonna try and find vids of same area/sightings that were posted by someone else. Will keep ya posted guys and gals

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Indigo86
very interesting but if they all put on by same you tube member it raises a few conerns, however yeah, they are very reminisent of the phoenix lights and no none of our KNOWN aircraft could move in such ways, nice thread, thanks. Im gonna try and find vids of same area/sightings that were posted by someone else. Will keep ya posted guys and gals

Yea they reminded me of the Phoenix lights too. The second video reminded me of what I saw which I found interesting but what I saw was late/early morning around 3am.

I have someone who said it could be a type of satellite which I am looking into as well. I also have a couple programs to mess around in to see if the vids have been altered in anyway. If they haven't and it's not a satellite then I don't know what the lights are. I wouldn't say flares because they don't even move.

Anyway, thanks for the reply.

It will take me some time to get the vids looked at and the satellite theory checked out but whatever I find I will add to this thread. Thanks

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by chinchillachillin
I lived in this area from 2002 to 2008 and in that time I was never a believer but at the same time I never looked for such a thing either. On a side note since then I have seen numerous UFO's since Nov of 2011 here in the Chicago area. When I did live in Hermosa Beach though I knew a few people who told me stories of sightings they had seen over the ocean. These strories were from credible people. One boyfriend of mine at the time witnessed a craft actually decend into the ocean. These things are VERY real people and i do believe that some other worldly species has bases in the ocean. I dont care if you call me crazy, but what about the incident after Pearl Harbor when the Ufo's were spotted over the ocean in the same spot. Gooogle it and there are many accounts of this back when that happened by residents there and our military attacked the ufos at the time thinking they were a Pearl Harbor like attack!

Off Hermosa Beach in California? The ocean area is there is a huge playground for Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop, Orbital, AF Space Command & of course Navy.

San Nicholas Island.

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by mbkennel

I know there are many aircraft in that area as well as LAX airport being close that fly many routes over the ocean even to turn around to fly back east. If there are military craft decending into the ocean that would be an idea but IMO I believe what my boyfriend saw was a disc kind of craft of some sort and since I have seen these things in the skies I would have to go with that was what it was!

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Wow! What an great link! Thank you so much for posting this! I cant wait to forward it to my friends still in the area! I still cant believe I never saw anything of the sort while living ther and in the last few months I have seen at least 5 differnt crafts out of this world flying above the suburbs of Chicago! LOL
I also have a picture that I cant wait to post on here and see what people have to say about it! I am a new member so I have to make at least 20 replys before I can post. This anomalie is the weirdest thing. In a park one morning something of a higher power told me to take photographs of this park and i felt like i was being watched and got an eerie feeling. I got out of m car and immediatly got back in because this great amount of fear took over. I snapped some shots and later when I was oomed in and looking at them I caught what may have been a red alien hovering on a small craft in the distance and you can clearly see the features! It is wild! I have 2 different pictures of it! I'm sure i will get alot of slack for it but I dont really care! It was pretty facinating! Cheers!

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 03:45 PM
I completely support the videos of this nature. The string of lights or light anomalies in mass numbers seems to be an extra-terrestrial MO. Great videos, thank you for posting!

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