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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 04:23 PM
A couple of other things I would like to add: I'm not going in either camp - 757 or Missile. I believe much of the information on Internet relating to 9/11 is pure disinformation these days. There is definately much more to 9/11 than the USG & Media let on, however, people who see through all this direct people to the 'wealth' of information on Internet and they see all the garbage floating about and go back to fully believing the official versions. Anyway, my point is, as someone else commented, when you look back across everything (Kennedy, Bay of Pigs, Iran-Contra, Drug Trade, Oil Cartels, the unbelievable things going on in places like Africa, etc. etc.) you realise it's pointless arguing about trivial matters like this. You just waste your time on the minor details and loose sight of the bigger picture. It does not matter what hit the Pentagon. It doesn't matter if the planes were flown by remote control or by actual terrorists. Something was fishy about 9/11 from the moment it kicked off, i'm sure most people here would agree on that. The key is trying to unravel what's going on in the big picture - where we are going as society if things continue the way they are. Rant over.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by MrMister Something was fishy about 9/11 from the moment it kicked off, i'm sure most people here would agree on that.
My sentiments, exactly. I've felt something was amiss from the time I saw the first Tower burning on the news. It's just too bizarre.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Krpano If u see the WTC crash u can clearly see that the wings of the planes left prints in the building...just watch the vids....ffs Just look at the evidences: 1. There was no signal of wings prints at the pentagon.... 2. There was some stuffs infront the pentagon which remained untouched and the windows were not shatered.... 3. Why they hide the security cams images ? 4. As some say the airplane body is so weak, how come it managed to cross through so many "reinforced" walls ? 5. And final question, if was not AA plane.....where did it goes ? PS. question "5" applies to th 2nd WTC crash too... Seems some ppl r rdy to accept anything their government says.
the wings made an imprint in the glass in the towers and not in the masonry of the pentagon and you think that's odd? glass breaks easily, brick, marble, limestone, whatever the masonry was, doesn't.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by fledgling666 the wings made an imprint in the glass in the towers and not in the masonry of the pentagon and you think that's odd? glass breaks easily, brick, marble, limestone, whatever the masonry was, doesn't.
There was no glass in the Pentagon. It's all Lexan...bullet proof plexiglass.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 11:54 AM
ONE BIG BEER CAN 747-200B SPECIFICATIONS Span - 195 ft 8 in Length - 231 ft 10 in Tail Height - 63 ft 6 in Wing Area -. 5,500 sq ft Gross Weight - 775,000 - 833,000 lb Cruising Speed - 600 mph plus Range - 6,000 nm Design Ceiling - 45,000 ft Power - P&W JT9D (46,950 to 54,750 lb thrust); GE CF6-50E2 (52,000 lb. thrust); Rolls-Royce RB211 (50,100-53,110 lb. thrust) Typical Capacity - 452 passengers Fuel Volume - 52,409/53,985 US gal [edit on 16-10-2004 by richard102c] [edit on 16-10-2004 by richard102c]

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by jhsyen4839ksdd No, really, this is what happened. Bush and the Nazi's living in Antarctica got together and stole three aircraft. They transported the bodies of the living to the future to help re-populate a decimated Earth. The rigged an F-16, a Predetor drone, a radio controlled 757, AIM-9 missines and a cople of Estes rockets to launch into the side of the Pentagon. The night before they did this they FEDEX'ed a bunch of dead bodies to the Pentagon and placed them inside. They also parked a Ryder rental truck outside that was packed with fertilizer and diesel fuel. The Nazi's launched and controlled the aircraft from one of their secret hidden stealth submarines they have. At the moment when the FAA lost the transponder signal from the fake aircraft the Nazi's, the Illuminati and Haliburton uploaded the virus to the mothership behind the moon to take out our satellite communications. Right before the moment when the radio controlled Predator, F-16, 757 and the Estes rockets were to hit the Pentagon Cheney went out to the video recorder and placed the recording device from R2D2 in front of it and ran a holographic image program of the Pentagon that was photoshopped by Mrs. Smiths third grade class from Portland Oregon. Ted Kazinski pressed the button to explode the Ryder Truck while the Nazi's guided the rest into tragic history. Now which sounds better to you.......
Great post, I almost choked to death on my drink�..
Its good that we are finally getting some other people out there that have some experience around REAL aircraft, and not just these people that know someone that knows someone that had a VFR pilots license once upon a time, or flew on a commercial jet once in their lives.

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 12:54 PM

Using simulation software called LS-Dyna, the smart folks use the physically accurate simulation results as input to animations and visualizations to produce a vivid reenactment of the impact of the aircraft on the Pentagon building and provide the larger team with the necessary data to construct these using 3D Studio Max, AutoCAD, and research tools. Now we can see, through a very competent and valid simulator, what happened in the attack on the Pentagon. Click here to view a video generated by the simulator. Or, click here to read the white paper.
What bothers me the most about this simulation is, there is absolutely no representation of the outer concrete wall, which obviously would have taken the greatest impact. They're only showing what would happen if there was no heavily reinforced concrete wall. That's more of a representation of what happened with the towers, but it doesn't accurately represent a crash into the Pentagon at all.

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 01:39 PM
I think that is where the Autocad and "other reserch tools" will probably come into play.

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 01:45 PM
I think my biggest problem with this whole thing is why did they release an obscured video, but not the other videos. That in itself tells me that something else hit there.

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 01:48 PM
And how do you know that there is anything to be seen on these �other� videos? Oh, that is right, you read about it on the �net.

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark And how do you know that there is anything to be seen on these �other� videos? Oh, that is right, you read about it on the �net.
Mostly because the hotel employees were reported to have been watching the video. Can this be confirmed? I imagine so, if you find out who actually viewed it before it was confiscated. I wouldn't think that would be too difficult. I'd like to know what they say, since they'd be secondary eye witnesses. There also appears to be a whole slew of traffic cams that could've caught footage. I'm sure that can also be confirmed. Actually, the manufacturer has it posted on their website, that they did indeed catch footage. There were plenty of cameras.

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) CCTV system used to manage the Northern Virginia freeway network had cameras in place that observed the September 11 crash site at the Pentagon. This CCTV system and the VDOT Smart Traffic Center were used as a command center for emergency responders and cleanup and recovery crews following the incident. So, it's looking like there are probably quite a few videos. Why then wouldn't they show them? [edit on 22-10-2004 by Damned]

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 03:29 PM
I agree with this... Those vids contain stuff, that must be kept away from the public. The witnesses saw the Boeing, but there could be other thing, that we cannot know, because the vids are kept in black box. I am more concerned of that animal who just could not fly at all...

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 08:27 PM
( Use a download manager like Flashget for faster downloads) Pentagon Crash WTC Crash Wake up America!


posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 10:56 PM
TEst for the Disapearing 757 aluminium frame: Go and buy high grade aluminium, put it in a ceramic container Appli a high temperature welding flame to the container till the aluminium melts ans start to evaporate. In that moment pour a lot water into it in a fast way or better pour it into a bucket full of water! If you survive the explosion, please post your experiences on how the firefighters arrived and poured tons of water over the smouldering inferno and had no detonations? Also for our turbine expert, please check the Rolls Royce web site and search for RB211 537 and check th eblades of the fan are made of titanium and encased in a ring of high strength titanium to withstand th eforce of a 9 lbs frozen duck on a full thrrotle turbine. IMO just the 50 minutes of Air the "aleged 757" got flying in the US capital and the cnfiscation of videos are enough proof to me something fishy is there. If I flew a glider in DC area for 10 minutes with no permision I bet that the Army would fire my a$$ to oblivion.....but what the heck you have Disneyland dont you?

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 05:06 AM
I don�t think that there is anyone out there that would disagree with there being something fishy going on. The point here is whether they used a B757. With the resources that the government has at its disposal, why would they use anything but the best? As far as the Rolls Royce engine goes, that is an option. Airlines can order their planes with a multitude of different engines like the GE version, just depends on what they want to spend.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by defcon5 As far as the Rolls Royce engine goes, that is an option. Airlines can order their planes with a multitude of different engines like the GE version, just depends on what they want to spend.
Rolls Royce bought out the GE engines division some time ago. It's mentioned on the Rolls Royce website. [edit on 28/10/04 by COOL HAND]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 09:12 AM
Chrysler bought out Lambroghini sometime in the past, Does that mean that there is the same engine in a Neon and a Diablo? [edit on 10/28/2004 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by kix TEst for the Disapearing 757 aluminium frame: Go and buy high grade aluminium, put it in a ceramic container Appli a high temperature welding flame to the container till the aluminium melts ans start to evaporate. In that moment pour a lot water into it in a fast way or better pour it into a bucket full of water! If you survive the explosion, please post your experiences on how the firefighters arrived and poured tons of water over the smouldering inferno and had no detonations?
Where did the aluminum air frame go in the Pennsylvania crash? All I�ve seen is pictures of a smoking crater an a part of the tail assembly? When the plane hit tie Pentagon, it shattered/shredded into a lot of widely dispersed small pieces.

IMO just the 50 minutes of Air the "aleged 757" got flying in the US capital and the cnfiscation of videos are enough proof to me something fishy is there. If I flew a glider in DC area for 10 minutes with no permision I bet that the Army would fire my a$$ to oblivion.....but what the heck you have Disneyland dont you?
Does anyone remember Mathias Rust?


posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 12:00 PM
Mathias RUST IS STILL IN PRISION AND HE FLEW A SMALL PLANE for God Freakin sakes!!!! I hate when you say something that has some logic on it and someone throws a curve ball with paralell data. The Red square is the same as D.C. ? The Rust incident involved the same airplane? Did the USSR was under attack in 150 live channels on tv around the world? Did it involve a murder? Did it attack a building or something? Were the tapes of the landing on RS confistated? warning ironic content ahead__________ with that kind of logic please dont go out and buy Cool Aid because Jim Jones might still be alive...! COME ON... p.d. you prov e my point the crash in Pensilvania was very secretive in its recovery and clean Up, but it left considerable debris, but hey if David Copperfield disapeared the Statue of Liberty, anything is posible right? End Irony_______ Peace

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by kix Mathias RUST IS STILL IN PRISION AND HE FLEW A SMALL PLANE for God Freakin sakes!!!!
Well if you had bothered to at least look at the link above you would have read this:

Rust, who claimed he undertook the stunt so he could discuss peace with Soviet leader Gorbachev, was sentenced to four years in a Soviet labor camp. He was released after 432 days, and now lives in Germany, where he was convicted of shoplifting a couple of years ago.

Originally posted by kix I hate when you say something that has some logic on it and someone throws a curve ball with paralell data.
Strike one!

Originally posted by kix The Red square is the same as D.C. ? Of course not, the Russians were much more paranoid about security then we ever were, even now. Furthermore, Reagan National Airport is just a few miles from the Pentagon. I am willing to bet that there weren�t a whole lot of airports, that small planes flew out of that close to Red Square. The Rust incident involved the same airplane? And that makes a difference, how? There are commercial airliners all over the place in the D.C airspace. How many small private planes do you think that there were in Russia then? Did the USSR was under attack in 150 live channels on tv around the world? Wow, you actually expect some one to be able to pull a stinger missile out from under their desk and make an instantaneous decision to shoot down an American Air Lines plane killing all on board based on the limited, confusing and conflicting data from the first minutes of 9/11?
Did it involve a murder? What are you talking about? Did it attack a building or something? Well until the plane actually hit the Pentagon it wasn�t attacking anything. Were the tapes of the landing on RS confistated? If the Russians had that technology to run tapes in Red Square back then they probably would have. Besides, what does this have to do with your issue about �the 50 minutes of Air the "aleged 757" got flying in the US capital?�

Originally posted by kix p.d. you prov e my point the crash in Pensilvania was very secretive in its recovery and clean Up, but it left considerable debris, but hey if David Copperfield disapeared the Statue of Liberty, anything is posible right?
Uh, no from the pictures of both I�d say they both left pretty much the same amount of debris. STEEERIIIIKE THREEE, YOUR OUTA THERE!!!!
[edit on 28-10-2004 by HowardRoark]

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