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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 08:42 PM
placement of the eyewitness's car and pole nr. one, and the supposed part of the 757 wing coming through her sunroof, after being clipped off by pole nr 1, which is situated damn far IN FRONT of her car. Page 86 :

Motorist Penny Elgas was driving north on IH395, see above picture. She said she saw the plane clip the top of pole one. She said the aircraft part above fell through the sunroof of her car. Problems with this? The part appears to be a graphite composite material used in military aircraft, and is painted WHITE. Wings of AA77 were silvery aluminum.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 02:34 AM
link Together with the text of page 122 : there are some questions to be answered. I think I have to open a separate thread to discuss this huge website's picture and explanatory text treasure trove. There are a few things found already which need additional explanatory text or need to be corrected. This will keep me, Howard and the rest quite busy before the time for this administration is coming. LT/ PS: the title of that thread will be : The 9/11 Story in PICTURES, (for dummies?).

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 10:21 AM
AA 757's have a huge number of white parts on the wings and elsewhere, that photo proves nothing.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 04:21 PM
facts offered on that page are the flightpath of that plane, clipping pole one, then the place Elgas was located, and then the obvious flightpath from the plane-part after impact with pole one and coming loose, flying in the direction of the sunroof of Elgas car. The vectors of both flight paths involved seem to me totally impossible in combination with eachothers speed and original direction. It must have flown back. Also the distance covered by that seemingly light part, with a lot of potential air resistance caused by its shape, on its way to her car. Looks like that distance is comparable to the whole length of the Pentagon's west wall. I would like to see how Jack White obtained that picture of the part, and got to know the exact position of Elgas car. That will probably be a difficult task, regarding what he says on his About page :

2. All photographs were obtained from public Internet sites shortly after the events of 9-11, and in some cases are no longer available elsewhere for viewing. 3. In most cases, no notation was made of the photographer or copyright owner, and many images were obtained from third parties.
I do see also white painted wing fronts on the AA airplane in your picture, but I do not know if these AA wing fronts were build up like it is to be seen in that mr White picture. Made from aluminum glued on composite sandwitch panels or on lightweight carbon fiber material. Inconclusive so far. I was more interested in the flightpath of that part. Interesting website. I was also baffled, just as him, by all the automobile swapping in so many official DoD 9/11 Pentagon pictures. And especially baffled by the seemingly ineffective firemen in lots of the DoD pictures. And the non-existence of firemen in a few of them, or the neglecting of burning hot spots while spraying non-burning parts of the Pentagon. Have a look at the next page 87. Strange position-swapped lightpole nr two in those 2 different pictures, and that crazy still standing light pole in both pictures, but the top turned 180° wrong in one of the pictures.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 04:24 PM
Link this film sums up how i feel better than i ever could. Like the 70 foot hole in the pentagon was made by a plane 100 foot wide. The fuel on the plane would have burned for days. anyway its a good film and explains in detail why a 757 WASNT what hit the pentagon. Its all relative though. The pro terrorist theory people say theat conspiracy nuts will swallow anything, and the conspiracy nuts say the other side cannot accept the fact that this was anything other than a terrorist act and swallows the official lies.
[edit on 23-6-2006 by rustiswordz] Mod Edit: Long URL only [edit on 23-6-2006 by UM_Gazz]

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 05:50 PM
I just wanted you all to look at something and compare it. I'm not arguing either side, but just wondering on both sides' thoughts on it. Download the pentagon video with the GREEN glare to it, (The other security camera that was officially released instead of the original) Ok, put that into Windows Movie Maker or something that will take good screenshots of the frames. Take a screenshot of the frame right before plane appears on screen, and take one when it IS on the screen. Put these pictures into Paint (only thing i had on my comp at the time :mad
and Custom Zoom at 800% and scroll over to the side the plane shows up. (Oh, forgot, open up Two paints at the same time (1 for without plane on picture, 1 with plane on picture) and both zoomed at 800%) Now put these scroll bars at the same place on both so when you click on one at a time, and back again, the scrollers are in the same place as to not confuse you on a moving picture when you switch between the two paint programs. OK, the point I am posting here is look at the blocks of colors change between the two, and I need someone with a sense of colors to distinguish what type of colors are on that plane. It is only blocks of colors, but use your common sense. The blocks of color (in my perspective) go from green (line of trees) to silver - blue (in that area) of the plane. I'm just saying, this plane looks like a straight plain color instead of a design from a boeing 757, and it looks small. I'm not arguing either side, but it just looks like a smaller plane and one color.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 06:26 PM
An American Airlines plane IS one color. The only paint on the plane is the red white and blue stripe on the side, the red and blue AA on the tail, and the name American. Other than that it's polished aluminum. Edit to ad: "plane" should read "fuselage and tail" because the engines are painted light grey. [edit on 6/26/2006 by Zaphod58]

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 08:44 PM
ok. Now after thinking it over again using the information you gave me, I now see the fuselage and the tail. One more question, how about the front half of the plane? When I keep switching between the two, there is no apparent color change.. or is it painted a dark color? [edit on 26-6-2006 by BigMoser]

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 08:46 PM
Not on American Airlines. It's polished aluminum, and the stripe starts right on the tip of the nose and runs back along the fuselage.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 09:03 PM
Here's a pic of an AA 757 for you to get an idea of the paint scheme.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 09:48 PM
Alright, did some deep thinking, and this is what I was concluding. I was always before looking at it going straight into the building, from right to left, just, straight in. But then I looked at all the angles and figures and thought to myself: Look at it like its coming from an angle and see if you can try to stop your mind from telling you what you kept thinking before and strongly present my mind with a slanted plane. Before I was like, how is the fuselage so close to the tail? (Compared my bitmap, to your hi-res photo you posted) Then I thought, hey, think of it coming in slant ways. So I did, and thats how it is closer to the tail it seems, looking at it from a SLIGHTLY frontal view from that camera. Maybe the reason it seemed dark was the shadow from the building?? So, that is how I am now looking at it. Look at it coming in slanted and not from a full portfolio perspective. I don't know why I didnt think of this.

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 05:29 AM
::continuing from last post:: and was that white smoke from the fuselage blowing dust, or the wing scraping the ground? I was thinking the wing sweeping the ground, making that real low wing cut you see in those pictures of the building. I see the hole in the middle, and the wide rectangular holing on both sides, mainly the left side of one of those pictures they show.

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by LaBTop The most interesting facts offered on that page are the flightpath of that plane, clipping pole one, then the place Elgas was located, and then the obvious flightpath from the plane-part after impact with pole one and coming loose, flying in the direction of the sunroof of Elgas car.
Facts? Why use Elgas' personal account of her experience, when you can just ignore it and make stuff up? "I headed north on 1-395 to DC from my home in Springfield, Virginia and I entered the highway a little after 9am so that I could take the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) express lane. As usual, traffic was very heavy and after I exited I-95, I found myself stuck in late morning rush hour traffic -- almost in front of the Pentagon."
Furthermore, on the colour of the object she found in her car: Elgas said the object "appeared to be a piece of the tail", not the silver wings (as 911studies states).
However, does Elgas have the expertise to know where on the 757 the part came from?
[edit on 27-6-2006 by vor75]

posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 04:10 AM
Isn't it possible that if the government is capable of attacking itself, it is also capable of doctoring pictures, adding evidence and subtracting evidence to support the official story? It really comes down to, you either have great faith in the official government story or you don't. One thing that I have noticed is that some people seem to have so much faith in the government that they are willing to accept anything that they are told as fact and aggressivly defend thier blind faith. This kind of blind faith is exactly what allowed Hitler to seize power. According to these faithful followers, any one who questions anything is an unpatriotic traitor.

posted on Jun, 29 2006 @ 01:43 PM
No what is comes down to is paranoia, plain and simple. Some people seem to think that the government is made up of a bunch of soulless sociopaths who are supremely competent in everything that they do and that can keep a secret forever.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark No what is comes down to is paranoia, plain and simple.
What is paranoid about asking questions about things you see as wrong from training and experience.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 03:02 PM
You mean training and experience that tell you wing sweep and angle are two different things, and that commercial airplanes don't have swept wings? Asking questions is why we're here, so there's nothing wrong with it, but when you're putting out flat out wrong information, that's another thing.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by waynos AA 757's have a huge number of white parts on the wings and elsewhere, that photo proves nothing.
Your photo does not back up your claim of the adjective 'hugh' not from my eye sight anyways. Try again.

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 03:07 PM
All the leading edge slats are white, the engine mounts are white, and certain panels on the wings are white. Some of them are hard to see, because you won't get a good angle on the wings. Edit to add: Oh, and the trailing edge flaps are white too. That's a pretty good bit of the wing right there. [edit on 7/2/2006 by Zaphod58]

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 03:32 PM
Btw Ultima, didn't found the answer to your question how long does it take to prepare a jet fighter to takeoff... Found only how long it was planned for scramble fighter to take off prior to 0911 in the USA - it was 15 minutes. This with plane already prepared for scramble duty. Fighters on Otis were put into "Action Stations" alert after first hijack reports - just because of that they were able to scramble in six minutes when the call came.

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