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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by osmodia Hi, I have got to thinking that a lot of the web sites devoted to "exposing" the truth about 9/11 are controlled by the same people that planned and executed the crime. We are being fed just enough truth to keep us excited while being oh so carefully led away from the real truth. I mean, look at the Pentagon, would anyone planning and executing that attack really leave so many things open? Not releasing video, apparent lack of wreckage, conflicting witness accounts, etc,etc. We seem to have been led to believing that a 757 did not hit the building! Just look at the whole thing, feds carrying away covered wreckage, photographs taken of only ONE small engine, stupid CCTV film showing nothing! It is all so bizarre!
I partially agree with you, but then the best way to explain the discrepancies would be a very different hit location (roof) and some demo work to complement the official err, fabrication.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 03:29 PM
Well explain to me then, if the plane at the Pentagon was so badly damaged by the crash and jet fuel fire that hardly anything of the plane is left how did the bodies survive. External Source: WASHINGTON -- Recovery workers at the Pentagon reported Saturday finding many bodies of those killed when a hijacked jetliner crashed into the building. "We are now getting into the heart of the crash site," said Edward P. Plaugher, the Arlington, Va., fire chief. He declined to say how many bodies were found. Government authorities have said 189 people - a combination of military and civilian employees at the Defense Department and the passengers and crew in the plane - were believed killed. "Anything like this I would not probably be describing it adequately to you," Plaugher said. "It's just not capable of putting in words that type of destruction, that type of death that you're seeing." He also said several pieces of evidence were found, but would not say if they were parts of American Airlines Flight 77.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1 Well explain to me then, if the plane at the Pentagon was so badly damaged by the crash and jet fuel fire that hardly anything of the plane is left how did the bodies survive.
First, bodies don't "survive." Second, bodies are recovered from fires all the time. If you insist that no bodies were recovered, then maybe these pictures can shock some sense into you. WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES These were recovered at the Pentagon. Satisfied? [edit on 18-4-2006 by HowardRoark]


posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 01:32 AM
I believe he was talking about 'PLANE' bodies. The images you show were most likely 'PENTAGON' bodies. Unless otherwise noted somewhere, which from that site it is not, saying "here are bodies from the flight" are false. Please, if it says anywhere that THOSE images ( on that site ) are of PASSENGER bodies, please do show. EDIT: I talked about DNA being extracted for ID purposes when in fact they did not do DNA testing at the Pentagon. [edit on 18-4-2006 by SMR]

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 02:00 AM
WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES I dunno, how do you know those arn't plane bodies? They may very well be. You can identify remains from very little, technically you would only need a very small lump of flesh. These images are obviously Pentagon victims, the others may very well be aircraft victims.


posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 02:26 AM
They 'could' be, but unless otherwise stated, we really cant say. By looking at what images were posted above, I would doubt very much that if those were people from flight 77, I have to wonder how even that much survived.The 'plane' is gone, but we have those remains? Like I have said before, stranger things have been known to happen.But I find it hard to believe that even that amount of remains are left.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 09:12 PM
In another thread it was pointed out that in those two pictures, two of the men are in red jumpsuits. In one shot you can see what looks like an ID tag. Just thought I bring that up.


posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 09:34 PM
We arent talking about the orange jumpsuit images.Above are other images that, well, I dont want to be disrespectful, but look like a badly burned steak or rack of ribs. Im still trying to study those men in orange.They just dont seem real.As I have said before, I have seen many scenario of burn victims and never seen ones like those.As I pointed out, the chest area looks to be plastic.Perhaps they are real. All I know is there is still really no proof in any of those images that FLIGHT 77 AA 757 hit the Pentagon.Yes we have wreckage and bodies, but all of that could have been caused by other things.Yes, even another type of flying object. If they try and pass off those men in orange as passengers, then we would need to know why they are wearing them and who they might be.But I think we have come to the conclusion they were in the Pentagon when it was hit by whatever.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 10:26 PM
This is a serious thread! Can anyone sum up what the general accord or agreements are, of some of the major issues, at this point?

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss This is a serious thread! Can anyone sum up what the general accord or agreements are, of some of the major issues, at this point?
  • the official flightpath is wrong, for many reasons
  • the flightpath i drew on p121 i think is probably wrong, too, although there's a witness statement from Reagan Airport and several from hwy #395...
  • many witnesses are planted, see the 'moved taxi' thread iif you can find it, d'uh, so there ain't even the question what they saw, because the answer is most likely 'a big check'
  • the 'exit hole' has chisel marks and is therefore fake, its purpose remains unknown, even though it could have been used to access the building
  • the involvement of a B757 still cannot be confirmed
if anyone's unhappy with my list then feel free to correct and/r complete it.

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 01:19 PM
where are the bodies, where are is the luggae? where are the two main engines? and why the hell did eveyone smell cordite???? all the stuff that this guys says is good and well reserched ill give him that but there are still things that dont make sence and lets me honest the evidence left behind was so bloody small it could have been placed in the building (that part was empty remember) before the crash, all i can see is a seat half a wheel and a small engine, its crap... why did about 50 people carry all the evidance away in a box with a blue sheet over its! two words.... Carbon Fibre

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 02:12 PM
I just got done reading and seeing all of what Catherder had to say about a 757 hitting the pentagon. I myself believe in the movie "loose change" as that is what describes it best. If a 757 DID hit the pentagon, then why did the FBI confiscate all the tapes showing this incident that was on film on nearby buildings? For all the times our news media covered the twin towers and the impact of the planes hitting two buildings, why did our government not share with the public the so called 757 hitting their building? Really, what is there to hide? There would be no need to get into so much detail as to wether or not a 757 hit the pentagon if the films were released to the public. Being it was never shared, what does the government expect the people to think? Biggest fact is we are talking about the pentagon, if in fact a 757 truly did hit the pentagon, we would have seen that impact time and time again like the coverage we got from the trade centers. I personally believe that some kind of missle hit the pentagon to cover up the fact that a plane never did hit there. It was stated that a plane went down in pennsylvania and yet, no remains of any plane were found there. why is that? can anyone explain that? not only was there no plane remains, but no human remains as well. Seems to me that this is the first time in US history that an entire plane just vanish's into thin air. For argument sake, lets say our government scammed the entire nation having us believe it was a terrorist attack, don't you think they would hire people such as "Cathead" to give his expert opinions to make the public believe otherwise? Of course they would. We are talking about the most powerful people in the world who acted out of greed because of all the gold under the trade centers. You best believe they are going to cover thier tracks and pay who ever is necessary to get the public to believe that they are the "good" when they truly are nothing more then "evil". Our government is extremely evil and what they want, they get! make no mistake about that. After I saw the movie "loose change" I am now a firm believer that our government fooled us all. Now how sick is that? It is actually worse then 9-11 itself and the people need to come to the realization as to what our government is doing. They somehow have to be stopped. If they have nothing to hide, then release the footage of a plane crashing into the pentagon. They have that footage and they are not releasing it for the FACT that a 757 DID NOT hit the pentagon. I have footage of what happened at the pentagon and it certainly is not a plane that hit the pentagon I can assure you that. How is it that tower 7 managed to come crashing down but this building was not even hit by a plane. Too many important documents that could reveal the scams in this world sat right in that building. That is why it came down. People, get a grip with this. It is so obvious as to why and how this all happened. Watch how the towers do come down. Watch and see explosions on each floor as the towers are coming down. No different then when someone purposely takes a building out. Do you know that no matter what anyone has to say regarding the government and 9-11, that no one will do anything about it and if someone did try and pursue such a thing how fast a loved one or even a cash settlement would be given out. The government is NEVER going to just come right out and admit any wrong doing. So on that note, I thank you for listening to my opinion and hopefully the wrong people don't view this and I find my life with complications. Common sence is all it takes to truly figure this out. Think about that.

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 02:20 PM
Yeah the bodies at the pentagon are NOT being disputed and although they showed people from the pentagon removing wreckage, this wreckage was covered up in a blue tarp. So what really was under that tarp? and why have we not seen the plane that hit the pentagon over and over again like they showed from the trade centers from the news media? For all the servailance cameras that surround the pentagon, there must be some kind of footage. Where are the bodies from Pennsylvania, they never found bodies, a drop of blood or anything that resembled a plane.

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 03:12 PM

why did about 50 people carry all the evidance away in a box with a blue sheet over its!

So what really was under that tarp?
Because they were carrying a tent. [edit on 20/4/06 by Skibum]

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 03:18 PM
My God it was right under our noses all this time.... I am literally speechless - savour this moment guys..

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 03:33 PM
I've wrote about this tent on some other thread...

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by STolarZ I've wrote about this tent on some other thread...
I first brought it up on page 37 of this thread. Good lord this is a long thread, I see why so many new posters keep bringing up things that have been beat to death.


posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 04:18 PM
I hate that 'TENT' image
I think it may have been you SB that made me look better and realize that it had NO BOTTOM...... Every time I see that picture I want to reach into my moniter and tear it to shreads
So I hope everyone takes notice, this is just a TENT with NO BOTTOM.There is NOTHING being transported INSIDE of it!!!!!

posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 05:15 PM
ok, you think you guys are that good with the "tarp" being a tent? answer this and I will go away and leave this to rest. 1) WHY has the tapes showing the 757 crashing into the pentagon been taken by the FBI so the world can not view them?? ANSWER THAT. (Is it not true that the world saw the planes fly into the trade center time and time again? day after day? week after week? and yet nothing on the pentagon regarding a 757 was ever aired) WHY? ANSWER THAT. The grounds at the pentagon can not be that sacred as they had no problem showing parts of the destroyed building. So why hide the plane crash??? hello out there and all you experts, what does the government recommend in answering that question?? 2) WHY- was the plane that crashed into the earth in pennsylvania ever found? ANSWER THAT? NOR were there any bodies or remains at that site. WHY? Like I said, this would be the first time in US history that a plane and all the bodies just up and vanished. 3) not that I even need this answered so no need to comment... BUT... As one could see when reviewing what our dear old president was doing at the time of this disaster, he was reading to a bunch of kids at a school when a secret service or some representative approached him to tell him that the trade centers went down or something to that effect... and what did mr. president do? He sat there with a puzzled look on his face and continued to read. continued to read???? The president of the United States continued to read when his country was supposively under attack??!! Does anyone not see anything wrong with this picture? Even moms get right up when they are in the middle of reading to their child when something is boiling on the stove or when someone is at the friggen door! You simply tell the children this *Being I am president as you know, I have a very important job and I have something to attend to right this minute, it was such a pleasure being with you and hopefully someday soon I can come back and finish right where I left off. Tell the kids something, anything would have been good. but no... he knows in his mind what just happened and he sits there reading as if he could care less. or possibly it was getting to him as to what the government cooked up knowing damn well what it was going to mean to thousands. He is our president and he is so stupid to not even look the least bit interested. He does not fool me, he doesn't fool most and if the voteing in this country wasn't as crooked like the rest of the government is, he wouldn't even be our president today but that is an entirely different subject all together. Thank you to the individual who took my entire post and showed me a tent when that was the least important thing I had stated. Now address the issue as to WHY they did not air the 757 slamming into the pentagon. You can't do that but I would bet you could get a hold of the missle that went sailing right through there. Did you guys know that the secret service went to every building that did have this on tape and told the people to just keep quiet? People were even paid off and someday the movie "loose change" is going to get to enough americans to hopefully cause some real damage here. Enough said!!


posted on Apr, 20 2006 @ 07:08 PM
I feel you may be thinking I am on the 'other side' of this argument.I am not. I firmly believe that NO 757, nor flight 77, hit the Pentagon.The 5 frames we are shown are pure junk.But that tarp, tent, whatever you want to call it image is just that, a tarp, or tent.Nothing is inside of it.It has NO BOTTOM.If someone were standing under it, they could stand up and you would see them go up into it. I was thinking of doing an example in real life, but havent the materials.Just look at it carefully, you will see that it is just a tent double layered with no bottom.

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