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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:32 AM
HI I am new here and i have seen this treath going all the way, it's nice to see a discussion of this stuff, anyway I am not expert on airplanes, chemical or physics...but i do have some questions, i dont want to sound that i am conspiracy mind but i do have some question that maybe someone from here have some info about: 1 - How much time did the 757 stay in the air before hitting the pentagon?.do somebody knows ???, at what hour did the plane take off and at what hour do it hit the pentagon??? 2 - How much fuel do the 757 had before take off? 3 - How much fuel do the 757 should have used before impacting the pentagon??? 4 - How much Heat does it needs to melt or vaporize aluminium and for how much time ( 1 minute?? 10 minutes?? 1 hour?? days??)???? 5- How much do the aircraft weight aprox in total??? 6 - What type of fuel do the 757 planes use? (i have see many says kerosen, but it's there any other fuel that can be used instead of kerosen)??? Hope somebody have the answers..i will like to know them ..i will try to looking for myself but if somebody already have it then please post them! [edit on 2-4-2006 by AlexDJ] [edit on 2-4-2006 by AlexDJ]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:49 AM
Let's see what can answer for you. Take off time was 8:20am, at about 8:55 or so the transponder dissapeared. Impact time is approximately 9:37am We don't know how much fuel it was carrying, but we can make an educated guesstimate of around 6-7,000 gallons, or 40,800- 47,600 pounds of fuel. The Fuel Consumption of a Boeing 757-200 is approximately 1200 gallons/hour, so it should have burned ABOUT 1300 gallons before impact. The jet fuel used by commercial airlines is called Jet A-1. It's basically kerosene wth additives put into it.

Jet A-1 is a kerosine grade of fuel suitable for most turbine engined aircraft. It is produced to a stringent internationally agreed standard, has a flash point above 38°C (100°F) and a freeze point maximum of -47°C. It is widely available outside the U.S.A. Jet A-1 meets the requirements of British specification DEF STAN 91-91 (Jet A-1), (formerly DERD 2494 (AVTUR)), ASTM specification D1655 (Jet A-1) and IATA Guidance Material (Kerosine Type), NATO Code F-35. The Max takeoff weight of the 757-200 is between 220,000 and 255,000 lbs depending on configuration.

Operating empty with P&W engines 57,840kg (127,520lb), with RB211s 57,975kg (127,810lb). Basic max takeoff 99,790kg (220,000lb), medium range MTOW 108,860kg (240,000lb), extended range MTOW 115,665kg (255,000lb) or 115,895kg (255,550lb). Hope that helps some. I don't know much about the fire temperature stuff though.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:53 PM
the extensive use of physics, chemistry and engineering calculations seems not to convince the majority of official 9/11 explanation followers, that there is something ridiculously wrong with those official explanations. So, let's start to find the obvious signs of the times, without all the overly scientific complications and infinitely repeated data throwing. Pentagon Building Performance Report. and click the pdf link : Then proceed to page 16 of 45, and there you'll find the fatalities diagrams for the first and second stories. (Btw, in Europe, they would call that the ground and first floors). Anyone with a good eyesight will observe at first glance 2 things: 1. A circa 90° impact path for building occupants fatalities to the right of the impact hole on the West wall of the Pentagon. 2. A circa 45° to 55° spread impact path for building occupants fatalities to the far left of the impact hole. After scrutinage of the 2 diagrams, you could even devide that nr. 2 observation into : 2. A 45° impact path, and 3. A 52° to 55° impact path. Now, did you observe the remark from Fire at NIST on page 16 that : ""Impact of the fuselage was at column line 14, at or slightly below the secondfloor slab."" They want you to follow their impact angle of about 52°. However, the fatality debris path originating from that collumn line 14, is clearly under a 90° angle. And, moreover, in fact, it is obvious that the 90° angle fatalities impact path originates from collumn line 11. The very one which was the 20 minutes later than impact, implosion collapse front. At that expansion joints collumn line 11, the building collapsed. That expansion joint line had double collumns from the front to the back of all 3 rings E,D and C. But this report shows these doble collumns only clearly at the very left side of this diagram. And the 3D forms of these 2 diagrams are also clearly chosen to obfuscate the obvious 2 to 3 different debris flight pathes through the 3 rings. If a straight-on visualization was chosen, it would have been immediately obvious, that a few strange debris flight pathes would have been observable in such a 90° head-on visualization. Another strange fact: the scattered findings of the aircraft passengers fatalities. Those green and white blocks. The white ones are the front rows passengers. Remember : ""Impact of the fuselage was at column line 14, at or slightly below the secondfloor slab."" Well, that's strange. NOT A SINGLE passenger fatality found on the second story (EU : first floor). While we find the most remains of passengers in the last, C-ring's first story (EU : ground floor!) I'll make it clear for those who still don't understand the meaning of that remark : The passengers in any airplane are sitting on top of one of the strongest parts of an airplane: the floorbeams from nose to tail section. In fact the area they are seated in, is not much more than a flimsy aluminum can, compared to the luggage area. All the strength is situated around the luggage area with a few strong beams on top of that area, functioning also as the passenger cabine floor struts. And then you can observe another strange fact in one of my last pictures from my last post on page 141. You really need to open the hires picture, to be able to see clear that a substantial part of the floor slab's concrete is missing in that early Cpl. Ingersoll pre-collapse picture with the red hot burning entry hole clearly visible, and you can look inside of the entry hole. The thick concrete second floor slab has been evaporated for quite a substantial part of the E-ring's second floor area. So if that was a 757, most of the impact force must have been consumed by the impact of the planes floorbeams on the second floor slab. How the hell did it turn all passenger remains up at the ground floor level? They would have to end up, logically, at the first floor level, and logically somewhere in the first ring impacted, the E-ring. No, they find most of their remains at the back of the C-ring, on the GROUND floor. Which must lead us to conclude that bodies or body parts have more mass and more penetrating power than steel, titanium and highstrength aluminium plane parts. Sorry, pass that lie on to all those first and even second term Bush voters, they tend to believe anything when it is printed on government approved paper.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 01:00 AM
I have already addressed this a few pages back, and posted a few possible flightpathes. Long Lance, who seems to live in Washington, and has developed a healthy curiosity to find the true facts of flight 77, has posted there a few possible flightpathes regarding the list of witnesses statements I posted. At 911Myths, the "unofficial" debunkers of the official storyline debunkers, we find the following poor try of drawing a possible last flightpath trajectory : This proposed trajectory is based on a very flawed understanding of widebody passenger aircrafts behavior at high speeds at very low altitude. And on a widely appraised, but wrong last low flying trajectory following not Columbia Pike (244), but instead the Henry G. Shirley Memorial Highway (395), which contradict with visual observations from too many believable witnesses, who all saw a plane heading towards the Pentagon West wall following Columbia Pike (244). Let's not spend too much time on this totally wrong flypath proposal, and proceed to another, much better and thoroughly thought out flightpath proposal, at : Here we find a damn good train of thoughts, connected to 11 witness statements about their visually observed trajectory of "flight 77". Let's first look at some very informative pictures from this France based researcher : Flight 77 end-trajectory looking straight down on it : external image End-trajectory looking down from the South-West : Towards North-West : external image Towards North-East : If you visit this above link ( ), and fill in a checkmark at all landmarks etc. indicators, you will get a very clear picture in your mind regarding the problems pilotting this aircraft over, through and inbetween all these obstacles at the last part of its flightpath. I still strongly believe that this aircraft was flown by remote controll, steered by a well trained pilot sitting in that mysterious following C-130 spy-plane from the CIA, NSA or whatever other black-operational US agency. At least during this last final part of it's doomed flightpath. Ain't it a sign of the time, that after 4 years, a Frenchman does provide a thoroughly thought out description of those last minutes of Flight 77, whilst one would expect at least ONE american to have come up with the same pictures at a much earlier time. Since all americans should have a far greater interest of bringing up the true facts of 9/11. It looks to me that the majority of americans on this and other boards, don't really want to look their own legislaters deep in their wicked eyes, from point blank distance. If this isn't the time for revolution, when will it ever be? How much more can you bear? Don't you clearly see that a greedy cabal of derailed capitalists is moving your military out of the country and on a deceptive path of destruction, so they have their hands free at home to take over your minds and souls? When will you ever wake up and stand for your rights and take back your damn soil? Good LUCK.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 12:13 PM
That compressor wheel in the picture of the Pentagon wreckage is NOT from the APU! The Honeywell APU used on the Boeing 757 uses a 2 stage centrifugal compressor. The one in the picture is definitely an axial compressor. Centrifugal compressors are more efficient than axial compressors so they are used wherever airflow through the engine resulting from the forward movement fo the aircraft can't be used to advantage. This site has a picture of what a centrifugal compressor looks like. [edit on 10-4-2006 by Edward Teach]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 08:14 PM
I just read your article,"9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon." The article states,"Some people have tried to claim that the rims are different from a 757 rim - well here (bottom) is a 757-200 rim from an American Airlines 757, I've outlined the exact same symmetrical holes." The problem is the rims are indeed different. In the top pictures the rims have eight (8) symmetrical holes. In the bottom pictures the rims have ten (10) symmetrical holes. In other words, the rims at the Pentagon are smaller in diameter and circumference (by approximately twenty (20) percent than the rims used on a 757-200. The government won't show us the film of the plane hitting the Pentagon because it would show (prove) that it WAS NOT American Airlines Flight 77.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 09:57 PM
No they aren't. If you look at many of the threads, there are pictures of several different rims of 757s. Some have 8 holes, some have 10 holes. The rim is the same.

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by CatHerder If, I did not set out to prove anything other than one fact: a Boeing 757 was crashed into the Pentagon. The reasons behind that 757 crashing into the Pentagon do nothing to prove or disprove that one simple truth.
I have a question that really is going to put a damper on your post. Where are the wings? Where are the engine holes? Where is the wing damage? The fuel is in the wings so are you telling is that the wings and engines folded up and went into the hole along with the whole plane? hahahahahah..

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 11:22 AM
Yo zionists don't make up some bull evidence to claim that the jumbo hit the pentagon because your trying to convey one sided story with a lots of bull and top of that the evidence clearly shows no parts of the wing no dead bodies to be found damn the most obious must be where are the jet engens the engen shown on the picture is not a rollsrice engen. top of that up zionist planned this attack on the american people. AND THIS TO ALL ATS MEMNBERS WATCH THIS VIDEO IT IS DETAILED AND WILL TELL YOU THE TRUTH OF WHAT THE ZIONIST DID TO AMERICA ON 9/11

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 11:54 AM

Pentagon struck by explosives laden row boat??!!

The gaping hole blown in the port side of the U.S.S. Cole is approximately 18 feet wide, roughly circular in shape. The blast that tore through the U.S.S. Cole was, undisputedly, caused by a row boat filled with explosives. The U.S.S. Cole commissioned as DDG67, a U.S. Guided Missile Destroyer is 505 feet in length. As witnessed by these photographs of the Cole after the terrorist attack, at a scale of 505 feet the hole blown into the side of the Cole would measure roughly 18ft. Notice the man standing on the floating dry dock. The hole is approx. three times his height. And why is he wearing purple? Is there some hidden meaning? Roughly the size of the hole blasted into the side of the Pentagon on 911. Conclusive proof the Pentagon was attacked by an explosives laden row boat. Notice the subtle similarities? Is it a coincidence that it was an explosives LADEN row boat? I think not!! Overview of U.S.S Cole at recovery after bomb blast. Hole in Pentagon superimposed over hole in U.S.S. Cole. (Notice mysterious man in purple, possible alien connection??) Now that ALL the facts are out I think you will find it very clear, as I have. The Pentagon AND the U.S.S Cole were attacked by a row boat shaped UFO manned by aliens from some distant planet in the far reaches of the universe. For what reason? No doubt, military supremacy. I for one am now ready for them, I hope you will prepare as well. [edit on 13-4-2006 by undercover747]

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 02:01 PM
Watch The Truth In Detial 9/11 Loose Change 2 Video All will be understood after the video [edit on 13-4-2006 by Interseptor]


posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 09:01 PM
CatHerder made all this dif-info up into a nice presentation and many fell for it. Have to give credit for doing so, but not all fell in the trap.It takes more than altering images for those who dont just nod and say yes. Where is good ole' CatHerder? Why doesnt CatHerder post here anymore? CatHerder was a 'charactor' made up to spread dis-info on this subject and make sure it hit the masses.It did and some got sucked into it. What isnt dis-info is nothing more than copy/paste from Boeing on schematics of a plane.That tells nothing but how the 757 was made.It does not prove one hit the Pentagon.But many still swallowed that up as evidence.How is that? Again, have to give credit on doing such a fine job of making people believe in nothing.Words are powerfull and I think CatHerder knew that. Even if AA flight 77 757 hit the Pentagon, none of the info CatHerder put down says it did.If a Ford F-150 crashes into a wall and I post the schematic, does that prove it crashed? This thread should be put in the trash as the first post has much false information.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by SMR This thread should be put in the trash as the first post has much false information.
Then please feel free to create an opposing article prooving the information incorrect. Also please refrain from genralising people and mindlessly following something as the same can be said for you mindlessly following the conspiracy theories. its the biggest hypocracy I see on these boards.


posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 01:19 AM
I once tried that as well as others and they get closed and told to do it in this or other threads.I was one of the first to respond to this thread and by some unearthly force, some of those posts were deleted which showed the info to be wrong. You can believe me or not that is your choice.I know what I have said in here and know that this thread was nothing but to spread dis-info about the Pentagon issue.Have you wondered WHY this thread got SO much attention? Wonder WHY they had such an issue with sign of the times site? They debunked this junk big time thats why. As for your claim of hypocrisy, I wasnt leading anyone on with anything in my post.I just told what I know.CH no longer 'defends' his/her claims like once before.From out of nowhere he/she gets banned? Yeah ok.There are FAR worse members here that get away with all kinds of stuff and a member who really never flew off the handle gets banned? A rebuttle was done to this called 9/11: A Boeing 757 DID NOT Strick the Pentagon and was closed.It had the same type of structure as this but was closed.Why not a fancy front page for it like this one got? I even got into some words with MODS about it being closed and was told to stop crying and just leave.Why so harsh over a messageboard post? Yeah..... Im here to spread dis-info and brainwash to members to believe in lies
As I said, if AA flight 77 did hit, CatHearders post has no proof showing that it did even if true.Schematics of a 757 prove nothing.What color primer they use on a 757 prove nothing.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 05:00 AM
Still, there's something suspicious about that hole in the wall. There's no sign of any wing hitting it, no scuffmarks or anything to the right or left of the hole. Even that no parking sign looks like it wasn't touched by anything. Yes, I understand the wing to be made of lightweight material, but it has to be sturdy enough to carry the weight of the fuselage with all the people and luggage AND the jet engines on the wings.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 05:39 AM
Just for the record, as some of these are not published very often...

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by synholliday Still, there's something suspicious about that hole in the wall. There's no sign of any wing hitting it, no scuffmarks or anything to the right or left of the hole. Even that no parking sign looks like it wasn't touched by anything. Yes, I understand the wing to be made of lightweight material, but it has to be sturdy enough to carry the weight of the fuselage with all the people and luggage AND the jet engines on the wings.
Hey look, another person who thinks the c ring punchout is where the plane initially hit. The hole you are thinking about is coming from the c ring wall into AE drive. There is no reason to expect wing marks or scuff marks to either side of the hole.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 09:36 PM
"Most of a commercial airliner is just a thin aluminum shell, insulation, a thin plastic inner liner, some carpet and seats" So somehow this relatively flimsy aluminium construction disintegates into tiny tiny pieces upon impact and yet simultaneously retains enough structural integrity and clout to punch its way through a total of five 2-foot thick reinforced walls !! LOL Give me a break! "Even the black boxes have been recovered, the reason given for not playing the flight voice recorder for the media was that it wouldn't serve any use other than to cause more emotional pain to family members." But it's ok to cause emotional pain to relatives of those killed in New York by endlessly replaying the horrors that occurred at the WTC - right? Oh this is so so lame. And the government refuses to release confiscated video footage shot from the nearby Sheraton Hotel and Citgo gas station (which would unambiguously show what flew over Interstate 395) for what reason exactly ? This report is trash and the author probably works for the CIA. Don't be fooled people.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 09:41 PM
Uhm, first of all, only ONE wall was reinforced, and that was the outer wall. Secondly, you're STILL talking about around 200,000 pounds, moving at 500+mph. Show me any wall in the world less than about 10 or 15 feet thick that could POSSIBLY withstand that force, reinforced with kevlar or not.

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 11:16 AM
Hi, I have got to thinking that a lot of the web sites devoted to "exposing" the truth about 9/11 are controlled by the same people that planned and executed the crime. We are being fed just enough truth to keep us excited while being oh so carefully led away from the real truth. I mean, look at the Pentagon, would anyone planning and executing that attack really leave so many things open? Not releasing video, apparent lack of wreckage, conflicting witness accounts, etc,etc. We seem to have been led to believing that a 757 did not hit the building! Just look at the whole thing, feds carrying away covered wreckage, photographs taken of only ONE small engine, stupid CCTV film showing nothing! It is all so bizarre! This whole thing was carefully set up to make us start thinking along the lines we are and encouraged by the dozens of controlled sites we have taken the bait. You know, I reckon a 757 DID hit the Pentagon, but not flown by terrorists but maybe flown by remote control! I reckon that sooner or later, when the government appears to up against the wall on this, they will release a whole stack of real evidence, video etc which will prove that a 757 hit the building! Then where will we be? Looking stupid, all our lovely conspiracy stuff thrown out of the window! We have to look at the whole thing differently, whoever was behind all this is CLEVER, very CLEVER, but if we stop acting like sheep we might start to get at the truth.

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