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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on May, 17 2006 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by ronint

Originally posted by Leto That was horribly done, no offense. You superimposed a 757 over trees, not the actual tiny white object. Just in case you didn't see the relevant white object, look at this gif that shows the tiny white object appearing at the right center of the screen:
I don`t think so. I think that white object is a smoke from damaged engine(or some kind of dust). This smoke is also visible in the first movie. If you check my image again you will see that color changes between this two frames - from green to some kind of blue - exactly in place where plane should be. [edit on 17-5-2006 by ronint]
yah get a frame by frame and outline the colors i see it... outline the colors of what you see in the first and second frame, becaue I know what you're getting at... we're all assuming that white thing is the nose, why though? besides I've never seen a missle that big.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Matt281 "Ok, but how did a hollow tube, made of mostly aluminium, manage to punch through the Pentagon? I'm happy to try to help explain it with the aid of the good folks at Perdue University. We'll get to that in a moment" you cant be serious?....that reproduction has the wings breaking through the outer walls and taking out the majority of the support you see any damage from the wings in those photos? APU wheel? hasnt this been covered 10x over? why is there no damage from the rear stabilizer? where is it? where are the engines? they obviously didnt make it through the outer walls....
These are my favorites. Where are the engines? Where is the damage? People will choose to ignore the science of what happened because it sinks their conspiracy. They believe that, because there is not a huge single piece of the aircraft sticking out of the Pentagon with American Airlines 77 stenciled on it, it's obviously a coverup. Where is the various damage from specific aircraft parts? Are you looking at the same photos? I see plenty of damage and destruction. I particularly like it when people look at the 12 foot circular hole in the 3rd inner ring and exclaim, "Where's the damage from the wings or engines". You seek out and twist\misinterpret facts to support your theory and ignore what shoots holes in it. Where are the engines? (insert various other parts of aircraft for engines)... Do you really think that 155,000 lbs of aircraft, striking a concrete and steel building at about 500 MPH is going to leave any large pieces. Do you think the engines are going to stay "whole" and be readily identifyable? Where was the huge tail fin sticking out of either tower of the WTC? Whatever, cling to your conspiracy, please. If nothing else, it's amusing. I find it unfortunate that people would believe, for whatever motive, that their own government would perpitrate such a heinous act against the people of this country. What is the governments motive that justifies your conspiracy? Why the Pentagon? Why not just the WTC? The government has nothing to gain any everything to lose in this. Here's is my conspiracy. The government brainwashed Airforce\Navy pilots (ALA Manchurian Candidate), had them get jobs as civilian pilots and that's how this was pulled off. Motive: Begin a war in the Middle East to distract the world and divert attention from Area 51, where we are finally launching our first flying saucer after years of studying alien technology. I could probably prove this, at least to most people willing to believe it. [edit on 18-5-2006 by vandalizor]

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by vandalizor What is the governments motive that justifies your conspiracy?
watch all 2hrs and 17mins of THIS VIDEO, and tell me the US gov does not have motive. it's a sad and sorry truth that you live in a dictatorship, where the men at the top of the food chain value their own status and influence of power higher than the rights of the people they're supposed to serve. you live in an illusion of free speech and democracy and it's frightening that your happy to accept what your spoonfed by censored media and white-washed reports instead of saying "wait, lets look into this a little deeper before drawing conclusions..." lastly, to all the people hung up on flight 77, yes it's an issue but don't let it be the end-all of the truth movement. its standard "spin strategy" to give a snippet of information and build up steam behind one aspect of a larger movement, before releasing something bigger/clearer and undermining of said snippet that in essence bursts the bigger bubble. don't let this happen!

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 10:16 PM
Catherder, if you're still updating or reading your thread. I applaud you for your efforts and rational explanation into something that was so plainly obvious from the beginning. Thanks for your time and hard work and hard researched post. I live near the airport in my state, and can attest to everything you have written, and agree with what you have posted. To those of you who have backed up CH's post with fact and evidence; good work to you as well. Keep up the good work.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 11:35 PM
LOL maybe you should see this thread...' [edit on 18/5/2006 by ANOK]

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 04:13 AM
Why? There is nothing in that thread that is based on any evidence or fact. its pure speculation on the part of the thread starter, who in this thread was proven wrong so she/he decided to start his/her own thread. She/he is just regurgitating theories that have no base in facts or the evidence at hand. The fact that he/she ignores eye witness testimony, and those who worked the clean up exactly shows that its nothing more than a pointless argument that falls apart with a simple fact: There were witnesses to the crash. And until these "conspiracy" theorists are able to EXPLAIN why people saw a plane crash into the pentagon, their 'argument' only lies in people's gullibility.

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by boaby THIS VIDEO, and tell me the US gov does not have motive.
I watched the video. He presents his argument very well, even if there are many gaps in his "evidence" or he twists it to suit his interpretation. His case requires more than one stretch of the imagination. I will not enumerate the points I can make with this since they are too numerous. The fact that his can spout this drival at Portland State University and where ever else he is preaching this, speaks volumes for the United States. I am not dismissing this as total BS, there is no doubt we have criminals in government, any American will tell you that. I think his conclusions on what happened on 9/11 are completely and utterly preposterous. He often claims to have more evidence, why not present it then? He states at the beginning that he is going to present the case as a prosecutor, but I kept waiting for the piece of evidence that was the iron clad, smoking gun proof and he never delivered it. He presented a lot of smoke and mirrors, much like the people he is claiming are the criminals, and if you buy into it the more power to you. You can also see examples of where the world is not unfolding as he claims it will. Here is a question: If his case is so condemning, and his evidence is so irrefutable, then why am I watching this on a video on the Internet? Why has he not filed suit against the criminals? Why has he not presented this to the Law enforcement establishment so charges can be brought on the people involved? Are we to believe that everyone is "in" on this grand scheme? Why are the congress people presented not standing on the floor of congress shouting foul about the whole thing and not just the patriot act? Let me guess, they are all in on it? All elected officials, who aren't even sure they are going to be in congress, but they are all in on it... The American people are just consistently unfortunate enough to elect the candidates that are in the conspiracy. I will tell you why, because he has _no_real_proof_ of any of it. Not the CIA controlling drugs, not the allegded foreknowledge of the WTC attacks, nothing. Any congress person worth their salt would ride this right to the oval office if any of it were substantiated. Who wouldn't vote for the person who brought such criminals to justice? So over 3000 Americans died on september 11th and countless thousands are dying all around the world so that the world powers can continue to reap the profits from narcotics and we can "bum rush" the unproven oil fields of central Asia? Riiiight. It's a nice theory, but sorry, no sale. Islamic fundamentalists have had a long standing hatred of the west that is even more well documented than MR's "evidence".

it's a sad and sorry truth that you live in a dictatorship, where the men at the top of the food chain value their own status and influence of power higher than the rights of the people they're supposed to serve. you live in an illusion of free speech and democracy
You act as though this only affects America, maybe you should watch the video again. He is implicating the entire industrial world, not just America, though he claims our government is the most well equipped of the criminals. As a minor note, you should also look up the term "dictatorship", we may be many things here, but we are not that. This president has been a disapointment to all Republicans, there is no denying that, but in 2 years he will be gone. [edit on 19-5-2006 by vandalizor] [edit on 19-5-2006 by vandalizor]

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Wizy Why? There is nothing in that thread that is based on any evidence or fact.
Neither was Catherders thread, so what's your point? The whole natural collapse theory is based on a lot of assumptions, not facts... Assumptions 1. The planes knoocked off fire proofing. 2. The fires got hot enough to cause thousands of tons of steel and concrete to fail. 3. The floors sagged and cause a pancake collapse. No facts, just assumptions made to fit a pre-conceved conclusion.

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 06:33 PM
Thank you for that. Rarely well said. Sincerely Cade

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by vandalizor Where is the various damage from specific aircraft parts? Are you looking at the same photos? I see plenty of damage and destruction. I particularly like it when people look at the 12 foot circular hole in the 3rd inner ring and exclaim, "Where's the damage from the wings or engines". You seek out and twist\misinterpret facts to support your theory and ignore what shoots holes in it. Where are the engines? (insert various other parts of aircraft for engines)... Do you really think that 155,000 lbs of aircraft, striking a concrete and steel building at about 500 MPH is going to leave any large pieces. Do you think the engines are going to stay "whole" and be readily identifyable? Where was the huge tail fin sticking out of either tower of the WTC? [edit on 18-5-2006 by vandalizor]
With all due respect Vandalizor. How did the engines get broken up without leaving a mark in the building? What force broke the engines up into pieces we cannot identify? Sincerely Cade

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 01:45 AM
Hi, I’m posting on behalf of IgnoranceIsntBliss because his browser will not let him log in for some reason. It just drops back to the front page when he tries to login. If you have any advice please post it here so he can read it. Also: he cant see the custom sidebar image avatar colors/graphics, if that helps. Here are these choice images he made today and wanted you guys to analyze:
Note that the stated frames are just the ones given from Sony Vegas for refernce, they’re not literal. Also, it seems to fully change frames every 32 frames. Could it be that the cameras were hooked to 32 channel multiplexers, and each camera saved once per second, therefore dividing each second by 32? Smoke trails: New camera anomaly: ^^ Click photo for full size
/911/Pentagon/jet400percentnormalsatco mparison.jpg Old camera anomaly: Slight fix to fisheye aspect? [edit: resized image. added link to full size version, shortened URL] [edit on 5/20/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by vandalizor Whatever, cling to your conspiracy, please. If nothing else, it's amusing. I find it unfortunate that people would believe, for whatever motive, that their own government would perpitrate such a heinous act against the people of this country.
here. check this 'unrelated' link. marc rich read 'skolnick's report'.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Cade [edit on 18-5-2006 by vandalizor] With all due respect Vandalizor. How did the engines get broken up without leaving a mark in the building? What force broke the engines up into pieces we cannot identify? Sincerely Cade
With all due respect Cade, I think the photo graphs in the first post of this thread cleary point out the impact points of the engines, including the massive generator knocked towards the pentagon by the starboard engine. [mod edit: fixed quote tags] [edit on 5/20/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 03:41 PM
So the relatively soft nose of the 757 penatrated concrete, kevlar re-inforced walls, but the engines only left scratches and disintagrated into nothing???
Do you know anything about jet engine construction?

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by vandalizor Whatever, cling to your conspiracy, please. If nothing else, it's amusing. I find it unfortunate that people would believe, for whatever motive, that their own government would perpitrate such a heinous act against the people of this country.
here. check this 'unrelated' link. marc rich read 'skolnick's report'.
I think what many conspiracy people fail to realize or understand is one simple truth. That truth is, if there were any truth to the evidence advanced by these people they would be dead. Michael Ruppert is a perfect example. If what he was spouting was even remotely true, he would not be sucking O2 right now doing a college lecture circuit. He claims he has been shot at by they CIA for his knowledge. The CIA would not bother to shoot him, he would have had a "heart attack" or an "accident". He claims that they killed a Marine Colonel, but they can't stomach killing a has-been DEA agent or a LA Narcotics Detective? Assuming your conspiracy is true, do you really think that the people capable of executing the single largest mass murder of American people in the history of this country would bat an eye offing one washed up LA narcotics detective? Please. The above reason and the fact that our own government can't get out of it's own way tells me that it would be impossible for them to pull something like this off. It would require the cooperation of far to many federal, state, and local municipalities to pull off and cover up. There is no way that our government could pull this off. Look at Katrina for Christ sake and what an abortion that was. Our government is guilty of many things, this conspiracy is not one of them. [edit on 20-5-2006 by vandalizor] [edit on 20-5-2006 by vandalizor]

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by ANOK So the relatively soft nose of the 757 penatrated concrete, kevlar re-inforced walls, but the engines only left scratches and disintagrated into nothing???
Do you know anything about jet engine construction?
Yes I do, do you? They didn't disintigrate, and if you look at the pictures the damage is pretty extensive. Keep digging though.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by vandalizor I think what many conspiracy people fail to realize or understand is one simple truth.
there is no simple truth. this is what no-conspiracy people 'fail' to realise. (i put that in brackets because i think half of the people who even discuss this topic are 'in on it' ala cointelpro/majestic mind control) katrina was a manufactured storm, and a trial run for bigger disasters yet to come. sherman skolnick has sent supreme court judges to JAIL. he is no lightweight, and NOT a 'theorist'. he is a voracious researcher who has been watching and attacking(and wounding) the beast of the illuminati cabal(although HE doesn't call it that) for DECADES. if you can read that marc rich story, and merely hand waive it off as fiction, then you have no business making popish remarks about what can and cannot be true in the 'real world'. because this is a 'big thread', and i must 'stay on topic': the 'new' pentagon footage shows nothing new, and has been edited, and there is no reason that it could not have been shown in september of 2001. the 'it's evidence in a trial' excuse is just about as lame as they come. the fact is, is that the government is HIDING ALL THE RELEVENT EVIDENCE of 911. that ALONE 'indicates' complicity.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 10:07 PM
If we accept that Flight 77 did in fact hit the Pentagon, that still does not answer who was controlling it. Arguing about what hit the Pentagon distracts us from what happened to the evidence.

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by vandalizor Yes I do, do you? They didn't disintigrate, and if you look at the pictures the damage is pretty extensive. Keep digging though.
Yes, I was a jet engine mechanic in the Navy thanx...NEC 6418 (turbo-props) If the engines didn't didintegrate then where are they? And the damage is not extensive. How do you explain the question I asked? I didn't want to know your opinion on whether you think its possible, I wanted an explanation of the physical forces that caused the soft nose to punch through and the engines to hardly (in comparison) leave a mark. I'm not digging, it's an important question that no one has been able to answer, thank you very much mate... Hey maybe the planes 'engine' (the one found) was not attached to the wings. Think about it....

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 12:21 AM
I'm sure the Pentagon doesn't feel comfortable letting the public know that their best efforts in structural engineering failed. They also would not want the public to know about Home Run or that a hijacked plane can be hijacked from the ground.

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