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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 11:38 AM
The pentagon building performance report oddly shows your curtains in a picture titled Figure 5.1 Impact area with debris removed Could somebody post that picture, it does not show up for me when i preview my post, do i have a limit?

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 11:38 AM
Yes but what is your point exactly? You show the photo of the room on fire, then the post collapse photo with it in? In the photo with the drapes you can see that they had started surrounding the columns so it was obivously some time after, so why could they not have been put there long after the incident? What is your point regarding them?

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by The Links Could somebody post that picture, it does not show up for me when i preview my post, do i have a limit?
Here you go, I stuck in one of the other pictures too that show them quite well:

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 12:49 PM
The perspective is looking FROM the Pentagon towards the diesel generator truck. And towards the cable spools, from the wall position. Have a good look at all those green tree tops. Undamaged. That plane really acted like a Tomahawk. Look at the accidented terrain in the background. Then tell me if you still believe that most peculiar piece of disinfo posted by "an unknown" and still not acknowledged by the Pentagon, the socalled security gate 5 frames. That grey puff of smoke coming in leveled along the ground like a Tomahawk, and before that having to follow very dented terrain. Anybody telling you a 757 followed that red road on those Pentagon maps posted here will have to explain how it managed to bank slightly to the right then, and still kept wings levelled, at that top speed at the end. More and more it looks reasonable to insert at least one Tomahawk lookalike into the 9-11 Pentagon picture. To clear the way in for the big one. EDIT : This is the wrong flightpath pictured as a yellow arrow. Actually, the object came over the cloverleave and touched down the wall under about 52°. [edit on 11/3/06 by LaBTop]

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 03:47 PM
I think it's time all you unpatriotic so called americans learned something about being a true american!!!! A 77 hit the pentagon! END OF STORY!!!!. If you can't accept this just go vote for the liberals or something!!! Bush would never hurt this country!!! You should be ashamed of yourself!!!! And those of you who can't get this into your head because of a few conspiracy theories should do what I did because THERE IS NO ROOM FOR THIS SHIT IN OUR NEW POLICE STATE SO GET WITH THE PROGRAM WILL YA' ??? !!!!! SIMPLY IGNORE THE FOLLOWING: 1) The massive wreckage is missing, just bit's and pieces left from something we don't what is. 2) The hardest to hit, most reinforced, less inhabited side of the Pentagon was hit. 3) The video tapes has never been shown, just trust the animations please! 4) The official annimation shows the plane hitting the Pentagon with it's wings flying off without any explanation as to why they fell off (just trust that sort of thing happens a lot) and the fuselage disintegrating inside the first ring of the Pentagon. 5) Even tho the wings fell off before hitting the pentagon, they are not anywhere outside. 6) Even tho the fuselage supposedly disintegrated inside the first ring, there's a strange hole on the other side of the third ring. 7) the passengers were indentified from DNA tests, even tho the plane seem to have meltet, right along with the luggage, airplane seats etc. - well .....apparently. 8) Even tho Rumsfeld was deliberately avoided, sitting in the opposite side of the Pentagon. 9) Even tho Rumsfeld told american troops that a missile hit the Pentagon (THIS WAS OBVIOUSLY A SIMPLE MISTAKE AND COULD HAVE HAPPENED TO ANYONE!!!!) SO GET WITH THE PROGRAM SO CLOSE TO THE TOTAL TAKEOVER OF AMERICA IT*S NO TIME TO ACCUSE THE GOVERNMENT OF CONSPIRACY!!!! .....we are soooo close now...... the next patriot act ....the next attack ....and it's off to the camps for all of those of us who cannot get with the program so PLEASE!!!! •••• All of the above is what's called a Psy-ops, enjoy your police state, since you have no intention of giving it resistance. We'll feel the pain together, all of us. The fear, the paranoia of being the next who get's picked up by the vans. Sure, I'm just your usual nut, no sence listening to me, we'll have plenty of time being paranoid later. Later when the chips are implanted, when the drone choppers are patroling, and all because we could not grasp the fact that our country was taken over from the inside just like Germany in the 30's. Hey, don't feel bad, a vast majority of the Germans never saw it comming either, it works the same in any country, your just part of the statistic. Not so Sincerely as usual Cade [edit on 11-3-2006 by Cade] [edit on 11-3-2006 by Cade] sorry for the edit's, keep forgetting things I have already forgotten, that you really should forget too.... [edit on 11-3-2006 by Cade]

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 06:58 AM
external image Something is different than in those others. Mod Edit: Image Size – Please Review This Link. [edit on 14/3/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 09:23 AM
In the above picture the window on the second floor is still in place, as is the steel either side of the window, slight problem with that steel is the fact that it is not sitting on the second floor slab, it seems to have moved in the wrong direction, it is only there because it is hanging from the third floor slab above by a thin steel plate, which looks like a track of sorts in the wingtip damage pictures.

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 07:00 PM
Ok, then I'll repost the other picture : external image Don't tell me you ALL STILL don't see it.... Mod Edit: Image Size – Please Review This Link. [edit on 14/3/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 12:29 PM
The major difference between those two pictures is that the columns have been shored up in one, and not tin the other. Perhaps what you are looking at was affected by that?

posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop .. Don't tell me you ALL STILL don't see it....
Are both taken after the collapse? if so the smaller one has one more segement still intact, if you want me to i will circle the section & repost.

posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 03:42 PM
I simply CANNOT believe that people out there still want to believe this lie.

posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Long Lance

Originally posted by LaBTop .. Don't tell me you ALL STILL don't see it....
Are both taken after the collapse? if so the smaller one has one more segement still intact, if you want me to i will circle the section & repost.
Please do Lance, i think you can see one more section because you are looking at a second row column in the smaller picture, the windows and hanging steel has been removed which exposes column 17A. The outermost columns are AA.

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 10:39 AM
The circled portion, along with the floor above of course, has not yet collapsed

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 12:22 PM
So there was a time difference between the pictures? So what? If you look now it's completely different!

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 12:33 PM
I just have one comment to all the people that think a plane DIDN'T hit the Pentagon, but a missile of some sort did. And who also believe it was a government conspiracy... Why would the goverment use a missile to strike the pentagon and then claim it was a plane? Why would they risk being caught lying when they could have just used a plane as was done in New York? Give me one good reason they would take a change and it blowing up in their face?

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by sensfan .. Why would the goverment use a missile to strike the pentagon and then claim it was a plane? Why would they risk being caught lying when they could have just used a plane as was done in New York? Give me one good reason they would take a change and it blowing up in their face?
[speculation] Imagine the 9-11 attacks did NOT work as planned and were actually aborted mid term, leaving them with 2 planes in the air full of dead people in the middle of nowhere and an urgent need to bring their treason to a conclusion asap. the first 'surplus' plane hit tower#2 - probably a useless target (which btw, is a good reason for the goofy final approach, btw, and its 2 course adjustments en route) the second was not in range to hit an urgent target located inside the pentagon - ONI HQ, a relatively unknown yet (before the attacks at at least) very powerful secret service of the navy, and an old one to boot. Feeling the urgent need to kill ONI, lacking time in a hard way, while having the appropriate drone plane on the other side of the map, so to speak, they opted for plan B, sink the 757 in one of the great lakes and shoot something into the pentagon, and try your best to make it look like a 757 so it can be officially accounted for, while having a blackops team kill ONI and set everything ablaze. when everything's done, keep firefighters away for a longish time, then blow a few columns for distraction purposes...and so on, details can be easitly construed to fit in: f-ex.: According to this scenario the 'exit hole' is either tge result of a dumb frontline commander being overzealous, lack of physical knowledge and a childish personality on the planners' part in conjunction with a botched approach (should then be a 90deg impact..) among other things, OR was simply created to give conspiracy nuts like us something to chew on. [/speculation] Conversely, there's still a minor chance that ONI was a strawman and alledgedly targetted as a diversion, in that case they would have blown their own stuff and gotten new identities. you be the judge.

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 04:37 PM
I apologize for not being able to read the entire 147 pages of this thread but I skimmed a lot of this. But this: In the first frame. What is that thin white streak on the lower right by the lawn? It can't be the plane. I apologize if this point has already been brought up. I browsed through and didn't see it. Here's the still frame. [edit on 14-3-2006 by Barcs]

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 05:36 PM
The "Cat_herder" picture is taken a substantial long time after the "collapse" picture. Someone decided to reconstruct that left floorslab and a few things more. In the process an extra piece of red brickwork has fallen out in the left upper corner of the dented brickwork portion. That round dent in the red brickwork upper right looks awfully sure like a dent caused by an iron demolition ball. Well, I found that iron ball laying around in plain sight in a highres picture of cleanup work at the Pentagon posted lately on this site by The Links, with 2 huge cranes in the right position to do some serious ball demolition work. A huge black tire is resting against it. Such a tire is always used inbetween the cable and the ball, to act as a "rubber band" to protect the cables and top gear of the crane. It lays directly to the right of that darkgreen big shovel. I also found a Danish website which posted shortly after 9/11 that the FBI or some other agency ordered some more demolition of the collapsed front part of the Pentagon, and that such a crane did the job. The FBI's explanation : too much danger of more collapsing. There is nothing to be found anymore on the web of that FBI demolition statement in those early days after 9/11. I cannot get the impression out of my mind, that some "planners" needed that re-construction of exactly that part of the front slab, to make room for a no-757 debunking post on the Internet later on in the future. Without that left part of the picture with that strange dent in that collumn, Cat_herder or anybody else would have never come up with the idea that those 3 imprints on those 3 collumns were left behind by the slightly tilted up right wing of a 757. There would have only be 2 imprints. Even stranger, that left collumn is leaning to the RIGHT in the above first shot "collapse" picture, but is magically replaced straight-up with a NEW dent in it in the "Cat_herder" picture. And looks as if it is connected again by iron bars with the second floor collumn it belonged to. In all of Cat_herder's comments, those 3 dents made me wonder if indeed a 757 or lookalike was used. All his/hers other comments could be interpreted any which way. But those dents were a reconcideration turning point for many serious 9/11 researchers around here and on other 9/11 sites. In my opinion, Cat_herder has also been used, probably fed by someone communicating with him/her. Would be interesting to know if the idea of the wing imprint on those 3 collumns has been fed to Cat_herder in this thread construction fase.

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 06:15 PM
link Just safe to disk, or open in a new tab, and then you will see the demolition ball inbetween the green shovel and the red and white Springfield crane. Behind that one is another orangish painted crane, it has the demolition gear cable with the small steel connector ball still hanging from the mast. The demolition "ball" is btw more shaped like a "pear". As usual.

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 08:22 PM
Its odd the smoke darkened the building yet there are fresh marks in certain areas, now you mention ball it does look like the front of the building has been struck square with a ball like object, above grid line 20. [edit on 14-3-2006 by The Links]

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