When I saw the video of one of the girls exhibiting tics, it does look like Tourettes.
I know Tourettes, as my family has the second most Tourettes in the world, after an Ashkenazi Jewish family.
In fact a study was done on my family in Maudsley hospital 3 decades ago.
They concluded that it a person can have a predisposition to Tourettes but it doesn't mean you will get it, if it runs in the family.
One of my cousins has it so bad as he has the swearing symptom.
The main thing i have found out is that stress really does make Tourettes worse and it can seem to start in people who have never had before, or it
may seem like it. As these people would have had the gene for it but hadn't been stressed enough before for it to manifest.
When I say stressed, I mean physically stressed, not so much mentally. As anyone knows we all react differently to stress.
This disease is manageable using nutrition, as that is basically is what caused it- well a deficiency caused it.
In my family's case, it was magnesium and potassium deficiencies.
Eating too much sugar, white cereal and rice does cause magnesium deficiencies, so you need to eat more wholegrain foods.
Eating too much sodium can cause potassium deficiency. (So can Barium in chemtrails.)
Also we are allergic to MSG and Aspartame in our family.
This is borne out by one of the mum's comments;
Dupont and other parents afterward said they don't believe it all boils down to stress especially since, for some of the students, the tics
don't seem to become less frequent when school is out (though one mother who spoke said her daughter didn't have tics over Christmas
I have also found my symptoms are lessen over Christmas and that is because of the food is different- such as nuts, dried fruits; eg dates, raisins
and sultanas, mincemeat (it makes mincemeat pies in a sweet pastry for our US friends), all have more magnesium and potassium in them.
What I also found interesting, as this has also happened to my immediate family, is fungal poisoning.
Someone mentioned the Convulsive Ergotism illness in the 6yr old Betty Parris of the Salem trials, basically fungal poisoning.
On Rense,com there was an article that says flu is not as such a virus, it is rather a mycotoxin, ie a fungus. TB is also a mycotoxin. Both were
classified by Drs who didn't have access to Electron microscopes only classification of symptoms in early 1900s. So we are stuck with virus, not the
I heard that the Swineflu vaccines contain an attenuated 'virus'. If the Swine flu is a mycotoxin-this means it is the Swineflu and you just got it
in your blood stream. Fungus is flooding your bloodstream.
The thing is, a magnesium deficiency would make your immune system useless against a mycotoxin invasion!!! As magnesium is needed for a defense
against fungal infections in the body.
I also remember hearing that after an incident in US when a stadium full of high school kids and then the would-be-rescuer fireman too, came down with
the sudden illness; some boys developed Tourettes-like symptoms too. (I can't find the video or ATS thread).
I happen to know that ionizing radiation, is what is causing the sudden illness events all over the globe (I personally experienced the sound and
sudden illness in August) (Not Fukushima! but a source near our Sun.)
Ionising radiation (IRad) prompts fast growth in mushrooms and fungi. So therefore the fungus in the blood, when exposed to ionising radiation
suddenly goes into overdrive and those people who have damaged immune systems, nutritional deficiencies, underlying diseases, etc have now been
triggered by the IRad.
Well this got me thinking, what if TPTB knew this from years of discovering and then hiding the truth from us. Swineflu vaccinated people are walking
timebombs waiting to go off, depending on our genes and what we ingest or don't ingest.
Just my thoughts.
PS I used to make animal vaccines and worked across the hall from human vaccines, so I know what went into them, and I had to learn about the diseases
the animals suffered from. So I understand the mechanisms of disease.
Swineflu is man made and the vaccine is a global depopulation timebomb-a weapon of mass destruction. Gardasil is evil but Swineflu vaccinations will
be a mass killer.