Things at fuk are not getting better. Everybody will need a geiger soon just to see if the spuds are screaming at the market! Geigers won't tell you
if food is mildly contaminated, though. For that you'd need more expensive equipment [Thousands]. Really with our approaching new reality, the
grocery stores should have them at the checkout.... but that's not going to happen.
I use a soeks geiger. After a over a year of testing I can tell you they are a good little geiger. They are limited in that they only measure cesium
137 [Beta] [man-made] They won't tell you how much Cobalt or plutonium 236/239, or strontium 90 is raining down on you, but they give you a glimpse
into what your getting and they seem to be fairly accurate. I've got together with other checkers and compared numbers. Run them side by side, you
know? They jive.
Inspectors are great but more than double the price and they seem to have quite a waiting list. If you can find one grab it.
A friend who keeps an eye on new products recommends the PRM 9000. It catches more isotopes and you can stream 24/7. I think they go for about 700
clams on e-bay.
I do my indoor [winter], outdoor, [summer] air tests the low tech way. I jot down numbers for an hour and graph them on Exel, then screen cap.
Here are some of my indoor tests from the last week or so, in eastern Ontario in microsieverts per hour. I randomly test at different times of day.
Dec 10th
Dec 11th.
Dec 12th
Dec 13th. The most normal one of the bunch. No spikes
Dec 14th 2 hour test. I was curious how much it would vary from hour to hour?
Dec 16th. Yeah I know.... I slacked off on the 15th
Note the last spike was 4 cycles.
Dec 18th. Today. The spike to 0.56 was preceeded by a 0.39 and my geiger showed one single tall red bar in that little strike window. No Yellow Bars
like I usually see on air tests. This is the first time I've seen that Red bar on an air test. Hot particle?
And in Hawaii today they hit 117 CPM and averaged 53 cpm