posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:15 AM
From our little group of civilian rad checkers.
This started yesterday [Aug 8th.] in a place called Ponca Oklahoma.
Ponca City, OK, US
Coordinates Latitude: 36.43108 Longitude: -97.06180
Altitude 994 feet
Station Name Ponca
Geiger Counter Model Inspector+
Other Criteria Concrete block rm asphalt roof (On Laptop)
Report Period Day Time AM/PM
Beginning time 08/07/12 09:45:13 PM
Ending time 08/07/12 10:04:34 PM
Elapsed Minutes 19
Radiation Counts
Total Counts 1,825
Average CPM 96
Minimum CPM 39
Maximum CPM 536
Last Alert Level Set (CPM) 100
Now today in the same place.
Ponca City, OK, US
Coordinates Latitude: 36.43108 Longitude: -97.06180
Altitude 994 feet
Station Name Ponca
Geiger Counter Model Inspector+
Other Criteria Concrete block rm asphalt roof (On Laptop)
Report Period Day Time AM/PM
Beginning time 08/08/12 09:05:21 PM
Ending time 08/09/12 08:15:31 AM
Elapsed Minutes 670
Radiation Counts
Total Counts 63,417
Average CPM 94
Minimum CPM 32
Maximum CPM 3,455
Last Alert Level Set (CPM) 100
The best guesses we can come up with are a gamma burst or something to do with the wild fires in Oklahoma. These spikes are in the air, not rain. All
we know for sure is they are not glitches.