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Radiation Watch 2012

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posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 07:08 PM

[color=FDD017]The total number of days between Friday, March 11, 2011 and Friday, January 6, 2012 is
301 days.

[color=Chartreuse]The radiation poisoning of we, the people, our children, pets, food, water and our land
has continued unabated - 24/7/365
- for 9 months, 26 days ... which is:

• 26,006,400 seconds
• 433,440 minutes
• 7224 hours
• 43 weeks

Once again, are we any closer to a solution to the Fukushima multiple melt-throughs disaster/fiasco spewing life-altering clouds of radiation 24/7/365

OK, let's try a different tactic to share what we feel is important to understand at this precise time in history. This is not a drill or dry-fire exercise. The balloon has dropped, and it's called [color=Chartreuse]Nukushima.

So, where are we?

The world is only one more “event” away from the banishment of the scourge of nuclear energy forever: one event - be that [color=FDD017]a world-wide consciousness-raising multi-media event on a scale eclipsing Live Aid (still, 26 years later, the standard by which other all-hands-on-deck rock and charity events are judged), or the unthinkable - [color=Chartreuse]another Chernobyl, Three Mile Island or Fukushima nightmare disaster/fiasco.

What do enquiring minds really want?


Nuclear Radiation In The Ocean Near Fukushima Now 4,385 Times Above Normal

... or this?

Looking Back At Live Aid, 25 Years Later

At one point, according to a stage announcement, [color=Cyan]95 percent of the world's television sets were tuned in to Live Aid — an even more incredible statistic when you consider that it happened before the Internet, cell phones, e-mail, text messaging, streaming video and Twitter.

So what can we do?

We can dream about ambitious possibilities and believe in positive solutions.

We can envision concerned citizens across the world coming together for a fun-filled learning experience and unite all anti-nuclear organizations to speak in a single voice:
No Nukes!

We can conceptualize an idea: how about LIVE EARTH AID? ... or working title -
Earth Aid™.

[color=FDD017]Earth Aid™ is dedicated to the creation of an interactive world-wide multi-media event
to raise awareness about the challenges and solutions associated with nuclear energy.

We can say that we now have a raison d'être.

What the world needs now is a knight in shining armor to ride in and save the day and help us produce this world-changing event.

What the world needs now is another Bob Geldof or Kevin Wall to take the bull by the horns and make this event a reality - perhaps to literally save mankind and our planet ... can we have a little help here, please?

The simple truth is: the choice is ours to make or the choice will be made for us.

So which will it be - life or death?

We choose life - and rock and roll for humanity.

Peace Love Light
[align=center][color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution[/align]

edit on 9/1/2012 by thorfourwinds because: color

edit on 9/1/2012 by thorfourwinds because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/9/2012 by Mirthful Me because: All Caps Title.

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 07:31 PM

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 07:52 PM
[color=dodgerblue]I will be keeping an eye on this thread for sure.

I think it is amazing that we hear almost nothing about this anymore when this is possibly one of the biggest tragedies the world has ever experienced.


posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by daryllyn
[color=dodgerblue]I will be keeping an eye on this thread for sure.

I think it is amazing that we hear almost nothing about this anymore when this is possibly one of the biggest tragedies the world has ever experienced. S&F

Greetings daryllyn:

So nice to see you again... it's been awhile since we saw you in Cometgate (the trap we set for Phage - it worked like a moth to a flame) and you suggested shorter posts. Oh, well, thanks anyway.

To assist in your quest for information, take a peek at Westcoast Nukes in our signature for length and any of the rest of them are good to keep up on various fronts of this challenge.

Thank you for your time, consideration and participation. We look forward to further communication.

Peace Love Light
[align=center][color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution[/align]

posted on Jan, 11 2012 @ 01:19 AM
Yeah everybody! There's a radiation watch!

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by EarthGod
Yeah everybody! There's a radiation watch!


Thank you for your time and consideration and participation.

At the very least, your gratuitous comment will count toward your post count.

Thanks for sharing. Now go back to last year's info and see that nothing has changed regarding Nukushima, and there is no solution nor end in sight.

BTW, where do you live and what are the rads there?

Peace Love Light
[align=center][color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution[/align]

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 04:10 PM
A few Weeks ago i created a Youtube-Channel for the People from ATS
and Enenews

I uploaded already a few Readings directly from Tokyo,
all of them are made by me and with a Amateur Equipment!

But my Readings are going compare with the Readings of our PTA-Group and

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 10:59 PM
St Louis readings.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:18 AM
Two checks i done yesterday, only surface but better than nothing,
the first is on Cement because of the new Trouble we face:

And the second is on Soil:

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 03:44 PM

[color=FDD017]The total number of days between Friday, March 11, 2011 and Friday, January 6, 2012 is
315 days.

[color=Cyan]The radiation poisoning of we, the people, our children, pets, food, water and our land
has continued unabated - 24/7/365
- for 10 months, 9 days ... which is:

• 27,216,000 seconds
• 453,600 minutes
• 7560 hours
• 45 weeks

[color=Chartreuse]Once again, are we any closer to a solution to the Fukushima multiple melt-throughs disaster/fiasco spewing life-altering clouds of radiation 24/7/365

Meanwhile, some really good information on radioactive waste in Central Asia (the waste is still the same deadly stuff, no matter the geographical location on the planet) by legendary correspondent Simon Reeve of Meet the Stans fame.

Our inner feeling is that this one facet of nuclear power is most likely the Achillies Heel of the entire nuclear energy issue.

Since the nuke industry has not been able to come up with the promised answer for the long-term disposal and waste storage issue in over 50 years and there is no technology nor solution in sight, that may be the criteria for immediately stopping further licensing and subsequent construction of any new nuclear power plants.

Postcards From the Edge
Simon Reeve walks into a radioactive waste dump in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, while making his TV series Meet the Stans. The Meet the Stans series took Simon from the far north-west of Kazakhstan, by the Russian border, east to the Chinese border, south through Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the edge of Afghanistan, and west to Uzbekistan and the legendary Silk Road cities of Samarkand and Bukhara.

I cant imagine anyone switching off who stays for the first five minutes as Simon Reeve is a bestselling author and broadcaster and in recent years he’s traveled to scores of countries around the world for a series of BBC television documentaries.

And from correspondent StarryBrooke in Chiba, Japan, putting a human face on the exploding Japanese concerned citizens anti-nuclear movement with wonderful, truly inspiring photos and commentary.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Anti-Nuclear Energy Demo in Yokohama

Yesterday I participated in an anti-nuclear power demonstration in Yokohama, which took place in conjunction with Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World ... and at this, my fourth demo, I realized how much I enjoy taking pictures of the eclectic group of people--monks, grandmothers, Catholics, college students, a German Green Party politician, and other citizen activists--who gather with the most interesting signs and messages for the world...

If we are a country that believes in the "power of the word," we are a country that fools.
We read "cold shutdown" as "thought shutdown."

The water flows; the wind touches our bodies; the sun beams.

The food radioactivity standard is too high. Stop immediately!

Against the agreement to nuclear power.

Save Fukushima children from radioactivity!

Graduate from nuclear energy

Stop nuclear energy, with the zebra!

Stop the dangerous cycle of pluthermal power. Stop the use of MOX fuel at "Genkai," "Ikata," "Hamaoka," "Tomari," and "Takahama." Six factories for reusing nuclear waste! Restarting "Monju" is one step towards the collapse of Japan.

Orchestrate for a safe future for children

Stop the restarting of the nuclear reactors! 10 million signatures

Stop nuclear power--five left!

[color=Cyan]Imagine a future without nuclear power plants

No need for plutonium!

Hate nuclear energy!

Are we going to continue to live terrorizing the countryside?

Peace Love Light
[align=center][color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution[/align]

posted on Jan, 21 2012 @ 04:37 PM
Yea i remember not too long ago how they send out several groups of monkeys with radiation detecting colors on that they could access remotely. Aint a bad idea really. I hope they get all this under control i know its gotta be hard on them.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 10:49 PM
Ok today in eastern Ontario I wiped half the car winshield with a paper towel and did a freezing rain check for radiation Jan 23rd, 3:15 PM. My first test at 2:45 pm read 0,29 microseiverts. This 0.73 [5 X background] was my second test at 3:15. At 3:50 I rechecked this same sample [by request] and 35 minutes later it was still reading o.28 to 0.31 microseiverts, steady. [2 X background]. Since my last video, the last few snowfalls have tested as normal background or just a few points above.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 06:50 PM
Here we go again. This morning [Jan 24th] eastern Ontario.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 11:33 PM
More strange emergencies at nuke plants declared.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Aircooled

[color=Cyan]The total number of days between Friday, March 11, 2011 and Friday, January 27, 2012 is
322 days.

[color=FDD017]The radiation poisoning of we, the people, our children, pets, food, water and our land
has continued unabated - 24/7/365
- for 9 months, 26 days ... which is:

• 27,820,800 seconds
• 463,680 minutes
• 7728 hours
• 46 weeks

Once again, are we any closer to a solution to the Fukushima multiple melt-throughs disaster/fiasco spewing life-altering clouds of radiation 24/7/365

OK, let's try a different tactic to share what we feel is important to understand at this precise time in history. This is not a drill or dry-fire exercise. The balloon has dropped, people, and it's called [color=Chartreuse]Nukushima.

From Tetsuen Nakajima, a Buddhist monk in at a hillside temple in Obama city:

[color=Chartreuse]I have a sense of crisis that the promoters of nuclear power and Japanese public[color=Aqua] won’t be able to repent unless a second Fukushima takes place and I absolutely want to prevent that.

After having received money related to the nuclear power plant like a form of drugs, this region’s capability to nurture its economy independently and actively has declined.

Isn't that akin to getting the word straight from Creator?

Come on, a Buddhist Monk?

Maybe it's time to listen up, people.

The public health radiation-induced quandry in the United States evidenced by infant mortality rates skyrocketing, the contamination of all open water, agricultural land and the entire food chain, not to mention the broader economic and social implications, has neither been fully acknowledged nor addressed in a comprehensive and meaningful fashion by the very authorities we elected and pay mightily for... for what, pray tell?

This is an undeclared nuclear war perpetrated on the peoples of Earth by an uncaring conspiracy comprised of the JAPGOV/TEPCO, the EPA/FDA/USGOV and the MSM worldwide. We have dealt with war before, and we'll treat this attack on we, the people, as such and respond accordingly, albeit with 40 years more knowledge and ammunition plus newly-freed pent-up frustrations of feeling betrayed by those we trust... we do not forget.

America as a nation state is on the Eve of Destruction, teetering on the brink of a precipice that is surely a fatal fall if we were to plunge into the abyss. Our once-fertile, abundant lands and inland, once-pristine waters are now nuclear fallout contaminated - for how long, no one seems to be sure - hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.

Too many parts of our precious country are already 'nuclear waste storage' uninhabitable forever, plagued by the broken promises of multiple lackey government agencies and nuclear-friendly-and-paid-for administrations that continued to kick the nuclear radioactive waste can down the road and those once-temporary on-site spent fuel pools and dry canister storage have now become
the final resting place
for this nightmare abomination that is deadly radioactive - for all intents and purposes - FOREVER.

So, where are we?

The world is only one more “event” away from the banishment of the scourge of nuclear energy forever: one event - be that [color=FDD017]a world-wide consciousness-raising multi-media event on a scale eclipsing Live Aid (still, 26 years later, the standard by which other all-hands-on-deck rock and charity events are judged), or the unthinkable - [color=Chartreuse]another Chernobyl, Three Mile Island or Fukushima nightmare disaster/fiasco.

We choose rock and roll for humanity.

[color=Aqua]click stargate

Peace Love Light
[align=center][color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution[/align]

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 04:23 AM

Mini-Demo, not me but adorable!

edit on 28-1-2012 by Human0815 because: link fix

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 04:49 AM
From today, ground Radiation is a little bit increased but not dangerously high!

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 12:50 PM

The Fukushima black box
A dangerous lack of urgency in drawing lessons from Japan’s nuclear disaster

There is a breathtaking serenity to the valley that winds from the town of Namie, on the
coast of Fukushima prefecture, into the hills above.

A narrow road runs by a river that passes through steep ravines, studded with maples.
Lovely it may be, but it is the last place where you would want to see an exodus of 8,000 people fleeing meltdowns at a nearby nuclear power plant.

Along that switchback road the day after the earthquake and tsunami on March 11th 2011,
it took Namie’s residents more than three hours to drive 30km (19 miles) to what they thought was the relative safety of Tsushima, a secluded hamlet.

What they did not know was that they were heading into an invisible fog of radioactive matter that has made this one of the worst radiation hotspots in Japan—far worse than the town they abandoned, just ten minutes drive from the gates of the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.

It was not until a New York Times report in August that many of the evacuees realized
they had been exposed to such a danger, thanks to government neglect.

Mizue Kanno visits her home in Namie, Fukushima Prefecture on Oct. 1 to clean up.
She must wear a double-layered mask and carry a dosimeter. (Jun Kaneko)

Here is one such story, excerpted in part here.

Tsushima district in Namie, Fukushima Prefecture, is located in the mountains approximately 30 kilometers northwest of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO).

On March 12, the day after the nuclear accident, 10,000 people fled to the Tsushima District from the coastal area that lies within a 10-km radius of the nuclear power plant.

Residents took people into their homes, since there was not enough room at the elementary and junior high schools, community centers and temples.

One after another, people began arriving at Mizue Kanno’s home throughout the day.
By evening, 25 people had gathered. Although many were relatives and acquaintances,
there were also strangers among them...

'I don’t know what happened at the nuclear power station, but if we evacuate this far,
then we should be OK.'

Everyone looked relieved for the moment...

Kanno, 59, cooked two pressure cookers full of rice and made an evening meal of rice balls and miso soup with pork and vegetables. People who fled with only the clothes on their backs assembled in the large room and began eating.

The pressure cooker Mizue Kanno used to make rice (Jun Kaneko)

Following dinner, everyone introduced themselves and formed rules for living together:

* To prevent the toilet from getting clogged, toilet paper should be thrown away in the cardboard box placed next to the toilet.

* Everyone should help cook and serve meals.

* Do not hesitate to be open with one another.

The people split into groups and slept in two rooms. Kanno handed out all the futons she had.

Then, Kanno stepped outside, where she noticed a white van that had stopped in front of her house. Inside were two men wearing white protective clothing. They turned toward her and shouted, but she couldn’t make out what they were saying.

'What? What’s the problem?' Kanno asked.

Why are you here? Please, get away from here!'

Kanno was shocked.

'Flee? But this is an evacuation shelter!

The two men got out of the car. Both were wearing gas masks.

'Radioactive materials are spreading!'

Kanno told others who had sought shelter in a nearby house about the men in protective clothing.

One laughed saying,

'I worked at TEPCO. The nuclear power plant we built could never be that dangerous.'

[color=7FFF00]At that time, readings at locations approximately 10 km from the Tsushima district using instruments measuring up to 30 microsieverts per hour were going off the meter.

[color=Cyan]As of 2003, Namie had an estimated population of 22,068 and was not searched for bodies until more than one month after the tsunami.
Namie, Fukushima, Japan

Peace Love Light
[align=center][color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution[/align]

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by jadedANDcynical

People are being denied information which could allow them to make informed decisions
relating to the safety and well-being of their families


This was so good that we're sharing it here to be sure it receives the attention deserved.

And here we have a dandy little video that tells it like it is with the nuclear dragon -
humans are stupid!

You certainly have a way with words, Master Wordsmith.

And who can forget this?

Imagine what this would be like at Los Angeles, San Diego, New York, Chicago, Atlanta...

We bring this up because Miles O'Brien's Nuclear Aftershocks documentary tonight is sure to arouse the passions on both sides (good!) and hopefully raise a plethora of questions that will need to be answered in an intelligent, caring manner.

Among the many questions that remain unanswered besides the nuclear waste musical chairs fiasco is the improbability of a successful evacuation of citizens in the "danger zone" near these precocious beasts.

Consider the information plastered about in Japan during the unfolding Fukushima nuclear accident disaster/fiasco nightmare.

• 17,000 British nationals could be evacuated as last ditch efforts are made to stop nuclear catastrophe

• Cooling pool for spent fuel rods has 'boiled dry' in one reactor

• Japan has 48 hours to avoid 'another Chernobyl'

• Foreign Office provides free-of-charge rescue flights from Tokyo

• Rich scramble to book private jets out the country as fleeing passengers pack Tokyo airport

• French say Japanese have 'visibly lost essential control' as they urge their citizens to get out


"The Japanese Red Cross said on Wednesday that Tokyo was safe for international travelers."

Right. Only 150 miles south, but at the moment, perhaps the best call available.

TEPCO graciously provided this timeline graphic just so the unwashed could perhaps understand the gravity of the situation, sanitized as it is.

For those of you who detest TSA screening as much as we do, consider this "fun-time" at all transportation hubs in America.

Is this the future we want to see here in America?

Anywhere on Planet Earth?

Of course not!

Thank goodness the FDA is there to protect us and tell us not to worry.

17 April 2011
FDA Claims No Need To Test Pacific Fish For Japan Nuclear Radiation

[color=LimEGreen]The FDA has claimed that there is no need to test Pacific fish for Japan nuclear radiation reports the Anchorage Daily News but when drilled on details by the reporter, [color=Cyan]the FDA refused to answer questions and gave the reporter the run around.

The FDA says there will be no testing of fish until NOAA testing finds cause for alarm but NOAA refuses to answer questions on what kind of monitoring has been done.

But wait, forget the damn FDA (never trusted them anyway), the EPA says not to worry.

April 22, 2011

Daily EPA RadNet Monitoring:
As of April 22, 2011, monitoring of radiation in and near Idaho does not indicate any public health risk related to the damaged nuclear reactors in Japan.

Thank Universe. We almost thought there might be something to worry about...

Japan Nuclear Radiation Rainwater Update
Idaho Iodine Levels 14,066% Above EPA Limit

As previously posted, Lucas Hixton Whitefield tipped us off to the fact that the EPA has been detecting Plutonium and Strontium along the entire US West Coast since March 18th.

The discovery came after Lucas found that the advanced custom EPA Radnet data search contained several radioactive isotopes that the EPA was presenting to the public as the all inclusive list of Radiation being detected.

click graphic stargate

Peace Love Light
[align=center][color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution[/align]

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 08:57 PM

[color=Cyan]The total number of days between Friday, March 11, 2011 and Friday, February 10, 2012 is
336 days.

[color=FDD017]The radiation poisoning of we, the people, our children, pets, food, water and our land
has continued unabated - 24/7/365
- for 10 months, 30 days ... which is:

• 29,030,400 seconds
• 483,840 minutes
• 8,064 hours
• 48 weeks

Once again, are we any closer to a solution to the Fukushima multiple melt-throughs disaster/fiasco spewing life-altering clouds of radiation 24/7/365

OK, let's try another tactic to share what we feel is important to understand at this moment
in history. This is not a drill. The balloon has dropped, people, and it's called [color=Chartreuse]Nukushima.

Let’s look at a few tidbits from our friends over at USA Radiation News Today for possible enlightenment.

7 February 2012
Highest level of radioactive cesium in San Francisco-area milk since August 2011 — Now at 150% of EPA’s maximum contaminant limit

2/6/2012 (2:31pm): A new milk sample has been measured, this one with a best-by date of 2/16/2012. The results are posted to the milk sample page. Low levels of both Cs-134 and Cs-137 were still detected in the sample.

Best Buy Date of 02/16/2012:
Cs-134 @ 0.052 Bq/L
Cs-137 @ 0.115 Bq/L

0.167 Bq/L of radioactive cesium = 4.526 picocuries/L (1 Bq = 27.1 picocuries)

The EPA Maximum Contaminant Level for radioactive cesium in milk is 3 picocuries/L:

“EPA lumps these gamma and beta emitters together under one collective MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level), so if you’re seeing cesium-137 in your milk or water, the MCL is 3.0 picocuries per liter; if you’re seeing iodine-131, the MCL is 3.0; if you’re seeing cesium-137 and iodine-131, the MCL is still 3.0.”

These are the highest cesium levels detected by UCB since at least August 2011 (As the MDA was higher over the summer, it’s hard to be sure of the exact levels at that time):

BTW, remember way back when we pondered the question of Napa Valley wine being affected?

7 September 2011
Alpha radiation detected in imported Japanese Sake

10-minute interior average Japanese Sake #1 Liquid in Test Dish bought in Southern California Japanese market = 45.6 CPM which is 22.3% higher than previous background average.

When detecting with the Inspector, the sake in its unopened bottle, there was little ionization above background radiation. That makes this significant reading all the more troublesome because
[color=Cyan]it indicates the presense of alpha radiation which is up to a thousand times more dangerous than beta and gamma radiation.

(Image for illustration only. Identity of radioactive sake withheld)

16 January 2012
Over EPA limit:
Cesium levels in San Francisco area milk now higher than 6 months ago

13 January 2012
Radiation levels spike in Miyagi milk -- Highest since 3/11

5 December 2011
Local gov’t tests kids’ lunches: Tokyo nursery school serving milk with 17.9 Bq/kg of cesium — Over 160 times EPA limit — Milk industry protested testing

20 October 2011
220 days later: Radiation levels in San Francisco-area milk remain above EPA's Max Contaminant Level -- Cesium-137 continues steady increase that began in August

To be continued...

[color=Cyan]click stargate

Peace Love Light
[align=center][color=magenta]Liberty & Equality or Revolution[/align]

edit on 9/2/2012 by thorfourwinds because: color

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