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Christians....I'm SICK of them

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posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by gabby2011

Gabby, I know you are a Christian and have a deep I want to ask this of you (repectfully). If God is so merciful, why is it that when I was a child and being hurt, he never helped me? I would lie in bed crying and praying at age 5 BEGGING for him to help me.....nothing. In fact, it got worse. I wonder how a God of love could turn a blind eye to an innocent child? I'm asking because I can think of no explanation for this. The song says he loves all the little children. This seems contradictory to me. My whole life, I wanted to have faith.....but what I was taught, and the reality of what happened to me just doesn't mesh. Explanation from your point of view?

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 07:58 AM
I feel the same way about Jews and Muslims.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by Viking9019

Agreed, any organized religion was made to make someone money, and keep them above the peasants.
Good point.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 08:15 AM

All you have to believe god exists is your faith, blind faith, do you know why they call it 'blind' faith? You've been brainwashed into believing in a mythical figure probably from a young age (the church likes to get em' young...easier to brainwash) or if you started believing when you were older it will have been after a traumatic event and you needed comforting, even if that comfort was artificial.
Just for the record, I would like to dispel your assumptions of Christianity (in my case anyways).
I was an ADULT when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I was not "brainwashed" - as I CHOSE to believe and trust in HIM. I was not attending any church or Christian seminar at the time. In fact I had only ever been to church once before - and while I was there I DENIED Jesus Christ as my Saviour, to the face of the Pastor of the church.

Sometime later, I simply asked a gentleman whom I was working with a few questions about the Bible, that's it. I was under no traumatic delusion at all. His answers made perfect sense to me - rationally, theoretically, practically and emotionally.

I am not following "in blind faith". I have been blessed with many physical and emotional "proofs" of the reality of Jesus Christ in my life. I have experienced "spiritual" attacks (which many members on ATS have also experienced) and have overcome those situations in faith and in the name of Jesus. I have been blessed with a phenomenon called speaking in "tongues". (which took me by surprise, believe me !) I have been blessed with visions, dreams and prophetic words for people I know AND PEOPLE THAT I HAVE NEVER MET UNTIL A PARTICULAR MOMENT. All real - all true - all fact. Not blind faith at all. True, evident reality.

God ''sees all and knows all' does he? So he sees all the flith and molestation and lets it happen? Is that what you're saying? Absolutely ridiculous.
The Christian Bible teaches that AT THE MOMENT, GOD does let it all happen. But there will come a time when HE will judge ALL of mankind according to what he (mankind) has done. GOD is patient and loving and just, and is giving us all (that is every nation, tribe, race and tongue) the opportunity to change our ways and repent from the "filth and molestation" that we ALL partake in.

If god exists then he's not your version of god, not the christian version, I'd find that impossible.
What we as humans find as impossible is primarily due to ignorance. It was impossible that the earth was round - it was impossible that man could make it to the moon - it was impossible for things to travel faster than the speed of light. In the case of the Christian GOD - it is not only ignorance that blinds our acceptance, but accountability.
Please allow me to explain............
Most people who deny the existence of the GOD of the Christian Bible, do not understand who the GOD of the Christian Bible is, mostly because if we own up to the truth about GOD (and who HE is) then we must own up to the truth that we are accountable to that GOD because HE has created us, and ultimately, we are HIS.

Have you noticed that it is much easier for the world to believe and accept every other religion, or god,or deity, or belief - OTHER THAN THE GOD OF THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE?

I will tell you why that is so...............

Other belief systems tell us that "we are gods/goddesses of our own accord, or we come back and have another chance, or we plainly cease to exist once we die, or there is no heaven and hell at all, or there is other ways to heaven besides Jesus and that we don't need a saviour - as we can save ourselves, or there is other gods besides the Most High,or you can 'pay off' your sins in purgatory,or god is everywhere, everything and in everything" etc etc etc.

NONE of those systems have any accountability !!!!!! That is why they are people friendly and Christianity is "claimed" as not people friendly. But here is the big issue my friend.........

The Christian Bible teaches that GOD wants EVERYBODY(all nations,races,tribes,tongues and peoples) to be in heaven with HIM. HE wants every person to be HIS friend - not HIS enemy. HE LOVES US ALL!
HE took upon HIMself the punishment for all the wrongdoing that ALL of humankind has ever done. That is Love !
That is the GOD of the Christian Bible !

Every person who believes in god does so simply because they have been 'told' by other humans that he exists and if they don't believe they will go to hell, that's not good enough for me.
Actually, if you seriously investigate the copious amount of evidence supporting the Christian Bible as the TRUE Word of GOD, and the evidence to support the reality of Jesus - what HE said and what HE did - then my friend, that WOULD be good enough for you. That is what a vast majority of Christians begin their faith on - solid, factual evidence.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by vogon42
From another post, after spending about two weeks trying to make sense of the christian religion.
Asking the following questions that perplexed me as a child.

How many animals were on the ark?
Why can jesus be reincarnated, .....why not grandpa?
My kitty just got hit by a car. I ask my mother if my kitty will go to heaven, and the answer is NO.
Why is it my kitty can not go to heaven?
Why am I called a sinner, when I did nothing wrong?

Why do you pay this guy to tell you your are going to hell?

******************** so to todays post **********************************
.sod off! I'm done trying to make sense of this religion of yours. I can honestly say I gave it another chance......but it failed.

My original experience with YOUR religion, at a very young age was filled with nothing more than Greed, and the "I am better than you" attitude, browbeating, preachers instilling fear......and all stuff that REALLY borderlines child emotional abuse.

25 years later............yes TWENTY FIVE YEARS.....I decided to give it another try. And I see the SAME Results.

You know what......I.m not 9 years old now.
If I ask a question, HOW DARE YOU slap my wrist and call me bad child.

NOTHING has changed, I ask a LOGICAL question any YOU Christians act like I just committed some sin. WHAT is wrong with seeking knowledge???

If yours is the true religion, I would rather burn in hell, than have to put up with such ignorant, egotistical nonsense.

I'm glad hell only exist for your type......because you deserve it.

I think for the most part sadly you still have the intelligence of a 9 year old.

One of those types that HAS to be told and when you dont like the answer you have a sook a big complain and blame everyone else.
Your questions are asked to many and varied people with some differing views. Common sense suggests you read the bible, not ask on a conspiracy web site, sheesh that in itself is absurd. Where is your brain at fella???
If I want to fix my car I dont ask my Nana or my wife, I get the manual, the instruction book.

Clearly your arrogance and unforgiveness make you a sinner, clearly the fact you think you have never sinned speaks volumes more than anything else you state.That in itself shows your contempt for Christianity. Why even consider Christianity if you are perfect, again thats absurd. If I was perfect I wouldnt consider Christianity
Emotional abuse to children? What? If you are so perfect then how does that work out?
child emotional abuse, well stop being a child.

The only thing I see as a failure is your post. You are not interested in Christianity. The first evidence of Christianity is admitting sin, you didnt do that.
This is just a silly rant, antichristian attack. Borderline conspiracy to attack Christians.
Good luck with that.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by Praetorius

Srsly dude, male or female.
If anybody told me to my face that my dogs weren't welcome in heaven, I'd kick em in the ding ding.
Really my doggies past present and future all have been outstandingly superior to many humans I've known.
I think the church should have thought that one out a bit more.
But all is well, the pope every now and then comes up with something new that god has told him and they add it to the story.

The old testament mentions something about people NOT supposed to be getting close to animals. So I would say, no, no animals make it to heaven.

I wish I knew exactly what scripture it was. (no, nothing to do with beastiallity...) where it was wrong to treat an animal as human. I'll have to dig into this one. I know it's old Testament, first books.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by theRhenn

The old testament mentions something about people NOT supposed to be getting close to animals. So I would say, no, no animals make it to heaven.

I wish I knew exactly what scripture it was. (no, nothing to do with beastiallity...) where it was wrong to treat an animal as human. I'll have to dig into this one. I know it's old Testament, first books.

And I would say, "bollocks."
If what you claim is so, then it is another of many examples of the utter barbarity of the tome. Talk about "wrong." People need to realize we are CONNECTED to animals, we NEED them, and they don't need us. Ridiculous and wrong-headed, in my opinion. And very, very sad. I don't trust anyone who has no affinity for animals, especially the ones that agree to live with us and accept us as their friends and caregivers. Therefore, I can not trust the Old Testament authors, either, as telling the Truth. How warped.

You might look into the story of Rainbow Bridge.

edit on 7-1-2012 by wildtimes because: disgusted and intend to say so.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by theRhenn

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by Praetorius

Srsly dude, male or female.
If anybody told me to my face that my dogs weren't welcome in heaven, I'd kick em in the ding ding.
Really my doggies past present and future all have been outstandingly superior to many humans I've known.
I think the church should have thought that one out a bit more.
But all is well, the pope every now and then comes up with something new that god has told him and they add it to the story.

The old testament mentions something about people NOT supposed to be getting close to animals. So I would say, no, no animals make it to heaven.

I wish I knew exactly what scripture it was. (no, nothing to do with beastiallity...) where it was wrong to treat an animal as human. I'll have to dig into this one. I know it's old Testament, first books.

That would make it a Jewish belief and not a Christian belief cuz Jews believe in the Torah or the Pentateuch, which are the first five books of the Old Testament, while Christians have the New Testament which in a sense 'trumps' the Old Testament

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by theRhenn

I owe you a kick in the ding ding.

Do you believe this?
Would you treat a dog or cat the same as a bug, say a fly?
I know my dogs feel and have feelings, I see it every morning when Mommy gets up to leave us for work.
Our male dog gets stubborn and will turn his back to her as if he was butthurt.
it is cute to watch.
Well, I guess I'm about as close as a person can be to their dogs (within moral bounds that is) so I guess I can't go to the christian heaven.
I'm cool with that.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:14 AM
Just purely out of curiosity...

If animals don't go to Heaven, why was Noah commanded to save them all?
Was it purely so we can use them to our own ends? That is.. food and stuff?

If it were food, why not fill the boat with cows and sheep instead of snakes, lions and stuff we dont eat or "use" in any useful way?
edit on 7-1-2012 by Mister_Bit because: Spelling oopsy

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:17 AM
Hmmmmm not one answer to my question yet? I would really like an answer from one of the religious people. Just for the record, like I said, I grew up going to church, and read the Bible...and never found the answer there either.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:32 AM
I am just tired of fanatically religious people in general.

How many people have been murdered in the many names of "God"?

Seems Christians in my area just have to keep trying to shove "salvation" down your throat all the while to be polite one must keep their mouth shut and remain silent for fear of really setting them off.

If you tell them, you are not Christian, they either make a point of trying to "save you" or treat you like a leper.

My self, I am more prone to believe that we are like drops of water and "God" is the "Source".

And that is not a new age theory - it's Eastern, along the lines of Buddhist.

Feel frustrated, I found this and to me anyway it is beautiful and is called "The Great Bell Chant".

I'm not trying to shove my beliefs down anyone's throat.

But in my humble opinion, many of our planet's current problems are due to the fact that we do not realize we are all a part of a grand whole and intimately connected to one another and to the universe we inhabit.

When you hurt another you are truly also hurting yourself..............again just my own opinion.

The link for The Great Bell Chant is here:

“In the history of mankind, fanaticism has caused more harm than vice” - Louis Kronenberger

Albert Einstein had a interesting view of God see below:

Albert Einstein described belief in God as "childish superstition" and said Jews were not the chosen people, in a letter to be sold in London this week, an auctioneer said Tuesday.

The father of relativity, whose previously known views on religion have been more ambivalent and fuelled much discussion, made the comments in response to a philosopher in 1954.

As a Jew himself, Einstein said he had a great affinity with Jewish people but said they "have no different quality for me than all other people".

"The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.

"No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this," he wrote in the letter written on January 3, 1954 to the philosopher Eric Gutkind, cited by The Guardian newspaper.

Source and rest of article:

A interesting program is "Ancient Aliens" on now you can find them on You Tube and all over. There are a couple on religion that make a lot of sense like Noah's ark was probably a collection of DNA vs. the actual animals.

And yes, in my own heart anyway, all dogs, cats, bunnies, squirrels, all our animal friends have a "soul" a life force and are just as important to the "Source" - the "Creator" as we humans are.

A good book that describes how humanity got the arrogant idea that we have the "God given right" to mistreat, abuse and slaughter animals is in a book by Matthew Scully called "Dominion".

Very good book, highly recommended.
edit on 7-1-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by vogon42

From another post, after spending about two weeks trying to make sense of the christian religion. Asking the following questions that perplexed me as a child.

Trying to make sense of any Religion, Myth, or Belief takes more than just "two weeks", it takes a life time of study to really form an opinion and even then you may not have one....but only faith...or none at all.

Getting angry with some people that didn't tell you what you want to hear or didn't meet your expectations is not useful as this is your journey and maybe you are frustrated by asking questions to the wrong people which leads you to seek answers for yourself...which is a most divine plan because it is the way...your way..not someone elses way. ;-)

I am almost 40....been on this belief journey all my life and I will continue to be as my belief is not set in stone, its based off what I think I know and my perception of what I think I know. That in itself can change. My belief is not a destination or a label...its just a life time journey.

Try may like it...ya never know.


posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Mister_Bit

You kidding?
Snakeskin boots, Mink coats, there's a lot of merchandise there to go into shops.
Now just who were the shop keepers???

It is just another too big to be true story made up thousands of years ago by cavemen who could not begin to imagine the things the average person would know of on a daily basis.
The ark, could a wooden boat that size actually sail? yet alone hold all of the provisions?

Just a bunch of hooey.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
reply to post by gabby2011

Gabby, I know you are a Christian and have a deep I want to ask this of you (repectfully). If God is so merciful, why is it that when I was a child and being hurt, he never helped me? I would lie in bed crying and praying at age 5 BEGGING for him to help me.....nothing. In fact, it got worse. I wonder how a God of love could turn a blind eye to an innocent child? I'm asking because I can think of no explanation for this. The song says he loves all the little children. This seems contradictory to me. My whole life, I wanted to have faith.....but what I was taught, and the reality of what happened to me just doesn't mesh. Explanation from your point of view?

If I may, its a tricky question.

Pain and suffering are the by product of sin, Jesus taught forgiveness because this world and life sux. Its a horrible place. Bad things will happen and Jesus teaches we have to forgive
If somebody gets drunk and kills a child with a car, God gets the blame, a building gets hit by a plane, God gets blamed. God has to allow sin, choice.
God doesnt turn a blind eye, God is waiting for the time when he can administer judgement. If God steps in and stops everybody from sinning, why not just create us as robots?
God has to allow people to do what they want to do, thats the nature of His love

You live for this world, Christianity teaches we are to live for Jesus with our eye on eternity with Jesus. This life is short and as hard as it is to believe, its inconsequential. Heaven and eternity matter.

Remember God turned his back on Jesus when he could have destroyed His every enemy, not because He wanted to but because He allows choice.
Its not an easy answer to comprehend when this life is everything, but this life isnt everything.

God is merciful at judgement, humanity in and on this earth are not merciful.
This isnt Gods earth.

Hard to imagine that helps, but biblicaly its Christianity in a nutshell. Live for Jesus, forgive and focus on the prize

Revelation 6:11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed.

Heaven is the redemption where the old and evil sad things pass away, even for Christians who suffer.
Gods own children

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
reply to post by gabby2011

Gabby, I know you are a Christian and have a deep I want to ask this of you (repectfully). If God is so merciful, why is it that when I was a child and being hurt, he never helped me? I would lie in bed crying and praying at age 5 BEGGING for him to help me.....nothing. In fact, it got worse. I wonder how a God of love could turn a blind eye to an innocent child? I'm asking because I can think of no explanation for this. The song says he loves all the little children. This seems contradictory to me. My whole life, I wanted to have faith.....but what I was taught, and the reality of what happened to me just doesn't mesh. Explanation from your point of view?

I have my own answer for this one, if you would like to hear it.

My answer is what I "think"...and may not be the truth and nothing but the truth but if you knew me, my life journey, and the "coincidences" you may think I am spot on... who knows.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by vogon42

It's not that they don't want to teach, most Christians are tired of it. They are tired of trying, no matter what answer a Christian gives to an non Christians question it's never good enough and it's always a 3 page argument. Simple solution READ IT FOR YOURSELF!!!!! If you agree and believe it fine if you don't thats fine too. Don't take it out on others because you can't understand a simple concept and at the same time refuse to open a bible and learn it yourself.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

You say,

Trying to make sense of any Religion, Myth, or Belief takes more than just "two weeks", it takes a life time of study to really form an opinion and even then you may not have one.

Not really, in just a few seconds I can read any car salesman.
You tell me that a fairytale is just a story and not real, then you tell me the same exact thing is real and not a story, I go Hmmm.

Religions are simply a lie.
I am not saying that there is no Goddess, all I am saying is no living human is closer to her than another and nonee of us have any inside information.
Therefore all else must be a lie.
Of course others call the same faith.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by MamaJ

You say,

Trying to make sense of any Religion, Myth, or Belief takes more than just "two weeks", it takes a life time of study to really form an opinion and even then you may not have one.

Not really, in just a few seconds I can read any car salesman.
You tell me that a fairytale is just a story and not real, then you tell me the same exact thing is real and not a story, I go Hmmm.

Religions are simply a lie.
I am not saying that there is no Goddess, all I am saying is no living human is closer to her than another and nonee of us have any inside information.
Therefore all else must be a lie.
Of course others call the same faith.

Are you asking me a question or telling me?
I mean.... would you like to discuss ideas or are you wanting to simply tell me your thoughts and have a one sided conversation?

The thing is ....every single person has their own ideas and beliefs or non beliefs based upon either blind faith or perception of their studies regarding the subject which they choose with their own free will.

You may can read a car salesman.. thats easy. Trying to make sense of religions and the many beliefs takes a lifetime as their are many texts to choose from and they are only expanding with time.

To say that someones writing and or experience is a lie is pretty bold imo. It is what it is and none of us have the "answer" to anything. We could argue all day long about a lot of subjects because the truth is based on other "truths" that may indeed be a lie. Like...for example... I think we live in a Binary Solar System.... many however do not because they are basing their truth on a theory that may or may not be the Truth.

At the end of the day...your time has either been spent searching for the truth or not. To each his own and whatever makes you happy. You either have faith in a Higher power/creator or you don't. Seeking answers by studying and reading is better than asking someone and taking their word for it or getting mad because what they said did not meet your expectation of an answer.
This is life,

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:01 AM
Scripture makes it undeniably clear that animals will inhabit heaven. Or did you not read Scripture for yourself when seeking these answers? Seems legit.

"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox." Isaiah 11:6-7

"The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox: and dust shall be the serpent's food. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, says the LORD." Isaiah 65:25

The hate on this thread would be alarming if it weren't so typical, predictable, expected, standard, etc., at this point.

Cheers haters
edit on 7-1-2012 by followtheevidence because: classified

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