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Why do 27,000 children die every single day?

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posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by caladonea

I have a better question, how can the un rule the world if they can't even feed the kids?
Ehh, maybe yours is just as good.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Dionisius

I don't feel that we as individuals have any control over the aid that is given on a national or government level, neither amount nor where it goes. The important thing is that when we choose to give aid to others, we research who we are giving to (especially if an organization), how it is spent (if money), and who is actually benefitting from the aid. Sometimes it is easy, if it's local, and a small entity or individual. It is very hard sometimes when trying to aid those far off, which tend to be the ones most in need. We, as a family, chose one organization to work through which we have tremendous respect for, and focus on helping as much as we can through them to reach further. Anything else we do is very local so we know exactly where it is used and who is benefiting. You seem to have a kind heart and want to help so many, I feel sometimes we can help more by helping a few with as much as we can instead of spreading our gifts to thin... Much Love...

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
Forget what you see in the mad max movies, things probably would not even be that advanced. In all reality we would probably be living in caves throwing poop at each other. And warring with the dudes in the other cave over a sharp rock.

HA well in that case our guys would rule because we know how to make crossbows and catapults

I will give you one thing zorgon, form those pictures of your group...I't sure looks like you guys know how to party and enjoy yourself's. But I am afraid your guys would rule only if your not next to wherever group/cave I happen to have wandered into.

But a war of cavemen sounds like fun. Hey once a famous dude with frizzy white hair by the name of einstein, said that we might get a chance to do exactly that after WW3, and even using stick's and stones. So keep practicing on making those crossbows and catapults. Who knows maybe one day it really will SHTF then you or your descendants just might get a chance to use them.

But I if I was a betting man, which I am not...I would still put my money on mother nature coming out as the winner eventually.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Dionisius

Foreign aid rarely does well. You have to run it there, on the spot. Like Bill Gates or someone.

You will only ever fix it when you get up and go there yourself.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Ok how do we start? Remembering that there's still 7 billion people in the world? Who gives up what? If we all move out of our homes and mass population areas and spread out and thin our concentrated numbers we're just gong to to fill our land masses. How do we do that without doing more damage and negative environmental impact?. And in regard to geogaraphy, coming from a large country which technically space wise could take billions of people, the reality is that most of it is dry and can't support millions of people who might choose to live even a basic non technical lifestyle in the middle of nowhere.

See what people don't realise is that most civilisation are built around a water source. Australia has 23 million people and is roughly the size of the U.S not including Alaska but that doesn't mean that Australia has enough water, being the dryest inhabited continent on earth, to support a population of 300 million like the U.S does. Spreading a population out doesn't fix a problem in fact it creates more problems.

Poeple are looking at the land masses of the world but not asking can we live there? Can we survive? If that town out in the never never has 5000 people in a municipal area of 1 million square kilometres can that 1million square kilometres support more than 5000 people? Is there enough water? Is there enough natural food sources? You can't just have a population shift, That's one of the things that causes famine in the countries where there's refugees. Through war there's a population shift and people end up in areas where there's little or no water and food and if there is it doesn't last long. then you get disease and starvation. We need an insustrial system for feeding the population of the developed world or there wouldn't be enough food and spreading people out and making them live basic will only just create famine in the developed world as well.

Things aren't as simple as some on this thread have made out, And if they were in charge of creating a human utopia all they'd achieve is a famine the likes of which the world has never seen becuase they're not looking at the bigger picture or the over all sustainability of the landmasses

Basically what they're saying is thin out the population by breaking up the concentrated areas and put the people where there's little or no water and not much food but bushberries and grubs.
edit on 6-1-2012 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

There are other options besides abortion, seems to me that over 40% is huge and unnecessary this day and age and in this country.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:52 PM
I'll give you my answer to your question in four words...We Are In Hell...Thats why...

And my more "socially acceptable' answer is...

What i think is going on here,why theres so many massive amounts of doomed before their even delivered babies being born inside these wretched hell swept third world nations is that the women,for the most part,are being raped by dominating men who just dont give a damn,thoughtless men who run rampant and dont have any real laws to answer to,they have no negative repercussions installed into their society for them to worry about and then the women have no one to turn to and have no readily available abortion and so the children who are born to die are born again and again and again...

Seriously think about hollywoods "beautiful people" elites and then think about the poor and dying children all over the earth in these third world countries and then realize their sickening polarities,for they are the opposites of two extremes,lots of money and no money at all...
edit on 7-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 12:25 AM
Approximately 9,855,000 children die every year of Extreme Malnutrition and people having these kids haven't learned by now not to bring a kid into the world if they cannot take good care of them?

This means there are at least 5,000,000 really stupid people on this planet.

Those parents deserve the heartbreak this brings them. Those stupid people saw the same number of children die the year before that and the year before that and so on for many decades now. You would think at least half of them would have learned and that number would drop every year, but nope.. people remain to be stupid.

Do I feel bad for these kids at all? Hell no, except that they had to suffer before they died. Those kids are in a much better place now. Way better than being with such stupid parents. Their death is a blessing.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 12:37 AM
These people should be rewarded to get sterilized. I know some people are going to label this as eugenics, but otherwise, they would just shout about how they can't help themselves and can't be expected to engage in responsible sexual activity. The uneducated and impoverished are reproducing while the well-off are dying out from a lack of reproduction. It's like the polar opposite of 'survival of the fittest'.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by Dionisius
reply to post by OWSisdead

True we are breeding at a ridicolously stupid and irresponsible rate, but it goes a whole lot deeper than that.

Its got more to do with money, power, secret societies and big business and all the # that goes along with these evils.

No it doesn't. money, power, secret societies and big business do not put a male and female into a room and force them to make a baby. ( well perhaps they did in the case of the Bush children but really, have you seen Barbara?)

This issue has nothing to do with aid to other countries, government or business. I don't care what the situation is in the place you live in, how bad it is - it is the parents responsibility to KNOW if they can provide for the kid or not Before they choose to make a baby. Anything else and your just finding a way to place blame and take the spotlight off the true problem. You cannot blame money, power, secret societies, big business or government for this at all.

I say, if people have sex and bring a kid into this world without the ability to care for them, there must be some consequences. That's the problem, no one wants to take responsibility and why should they, there is nothing to force them to make the correct choice.

I'll tell ya what will do it. take the kid away and remove one of the parents from the other partner for good. can't shoot em, but at least this might make some people think twice.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by steveknows

Oh man your right...Were allzz doomed....I think we should all run around in circles saying dooomed.

But who is talking about population shift, we can just call it something else. How about population re-framing..See sounds much better.

And also who is talking and saying it will be simple, maybe we can change that word to...Lets call it complicated.

I think we can add more things to your equations and thoughts, or you might have missed some things.

But whatever the doomed part does sound cool....And it does have a catchy ring to it.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

There are other options besides abortion, seems to me that over 40% is huge and unnecessary this day and age and in this country.

I think the key word here is "seems" and "unnecessary" you might be right or you might be wrong...Time will tell.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
reply to post by steveknows

Oh man your right...Were allzz doomed....I think we should all run around in circles saying dooomed.

But who is talking about population shift, we can just call it something else. How about population re-framing..See sounds much better.

And also who is talking and saying it will be simple, maybe we can change that word to...Lets call it complicated.

I think we can add more things to your equations and thoughts, or you might have missed some things.

But whatever the doomed part does sound cool....And it does have a catchy ring to it.

I don't think we're doomed at all. I think people just don't realise that we can't just decide to live off the land tomorrow and let all the cattle run free and we all become vegie eaters.

We're only doomed if these "save the cows from nasty" humans get into power some how with their unrealistic answers to the population growth of the planet.
edit on 7-1-2012 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 03:19 AM
While I agree on some of the premise of the OP, the fact of the matter is that the infant and under 5yo mortality rate has DROPPED quite a bit over the last 60 years and is is predicted to keep dropping.

UN Data Records (Infant and under 5 yo mortality rates)

I really wish there was a way to post tables on ATS, even pasting and reformatting by hand so it looks right in the entry box, crunches everything in the preview. I have had this problem on more than one occasion.

The World 5yo and under mortality rate was 105 (per 1,000) between 1980-1985. This number has dropped to 66 (per 1,000) between 2005-2010. This represents a 37% drop over the last 25-30 years.

In the least developed countries these rates were 201 (80-85) and 125 (05-10), a 38% drop.

World infant mortality rates were 133 (per 1,000) between 1950-1955 and 46 (per 1,000) between 2005-2010. This represents a 65% drop over the last 55-60 years.

In the least developed countries these rates were 192 (50-55) and 80 (05-10), a 58% drop.

I do believe in some of the ideas about wealth, power and how it negatively effects the poorest among us. I do think there is a need for a fundamental shift in the way human society works, although I think the whole "return to the land" idea is a bit hypocritical from people using computers, the internet, electricity..etc. I also detest the rampant corruption in both government and private sectors, and see the problems with the so called "non-profits" and "charities".

I do not like inflationary tactics or using what appears to be large numbers out of context to elicit a emotional response. It only took me a short time to find the data from a reliable source to show that the trend is going in the opposite direction, and that child and infant mortality is dropping.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by steveknows
We're only doomed if these "save the cows from nasty" humans get into power some how with their unrealistic answers to the population growth of the planet.

Now on THAT agree with you

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
But I if I was a betting man, which I am not...I would still put my money on mother nature coming out as the winner eventually.

Well see I already have a cave picked out.. and its got a natural spring near it. As to mother Nature, well that same came was used by Neolithic people, Anasazi, then the 1800 miners, the depression era camps and the 1920's miners. The cave still has a wood burning 4 plate iron kitchen stove in it some old pots and plates and a stone table that would look great in the Flintstones living room

Point is the desert out here hasn't changed much since the Dinosaurs roamed around here. Rabbits and Quail aplenty, Lizards on a stick are tasty and so is rattlesnake Yuccu root, Prickly pear, wild melons and gourds that have been a staple since prehistory

So we have a plan B Won't tell you about the dynamites and other weapons in the bunkers
So maybe your cave and my cave should form an alliance

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by Dionisius

Let me make a point? The "FEED THE CHILDREN" guy on tv flies into some 3rd world country in an expensive helicopter with his expensive shoes and stands next to a little girl in the mud telling us how she wonders where her next meal is coming form. And she has no clean water to drink etc...

All the while the girl is looking at him and thinking "Who IS this guy and what is he saying about me?" She doesnt have a problem with it. She LIVES there. She DOESNT KNOW ANYTHING ELSE. How is she supposed to know anything about the drinking water and conditions in her village. She see and lives it everyday.

This guys flies in, speaks FOR the child....makes a commercial, and gets back in his helicopter and goes back to his expensive-lifestyle (by comparison)...and all the while these "poor-under-nourished-polluted-drinking-water" children grab a glass of it and look up in the sky thinking...WTF?

So many die each year as always. Dont get too caught up in it. The world and these countries are not going to change anytime soon.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
Approximately 9,855,000 children die every year of Extreme Malnutrition and people having these kids haven't learned by now not to bring a kid into the world if they cannot take good care of them?

This means there are at least 5,000,000 really stupid people on this planet.

Those parents deserve the heartbreak this brings them. Those stupid people saw the same number of children die the year before that and the year before that and so on for many decades now. You would think at least half of them would have learned and that number would drop every year, but nope.. people remain to be stupid.

Indeed, more than two-thirds of infant mortality is preventable. Though it is preventable in the sense that there should be clean water provisions for everyone. There isn't of course. The highest infant mortality rates are directly associated with access to clean, safe water. The little things that we take for granted, that grant us life.

Stupidity too, yes, given that a country as advanced as the US is unable to provide the education necessary to ensure that its young women even have the skills to cope with rearing a child, how is the third world expected to cope? And of course add to that the maternal mortality rate. In the US it is increasing. How can women be expected to ensure their child's survival if they cannot even ensure their own?

And obviously, none of this would be a problem if in so many countries, including the US, men didn't dictate and control female reproductive rights.

edit on 7-1-2012 by Omphale because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Gorman91

Exactly, if you feel the need to send aid, even donate to a local charity, do not donate money. Give your own time to the charity, DO something yourself.

That is real charity.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I agree that it is huge and unnecessary, but what does it have to do with the country it is happening?

Are you saying that if in African countries there was a rate of 40% you wouldnt bat an eyelid?

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