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Why do 27,000 children die every single day?

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posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:23 PM
There are numerous reasons -- some of which we probably aren't even aware of.

A few of the more obvious might be ...

- lack of education
- lack of proper medical care
- lack of birth control
- ignorance
- greed
- rape
- incest
- people resistant to change
- cultures resistant to change

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Jana12
There are numerous reasons -- some of which we probably aren't even aware of.

A few of the more obvious might be ...

- lack of education
- lack of proper medical care
- lack of birth control
- ignorance
- greed
- rape
- incest
- people resistant to change
- cultures resistant to change

And war. Civil and otherwise...


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Omphale

Originally posted by Jana12
There are numerous reasons -- some of which we probably aren't even aware of.

A few of the more obvious might be ...

- lack of education
- lack of proper medical care
- lack of birth control
- ignorance
- greed
- rape
- incest
- people resistant to change
- cultures resistant to change

And war. Civil and otherwise...


Thanks ... Correct ... I agree ..

and also ...

Psychopaths and Sociopaths

I believe most suffering and crime can be traced back to one or the other ... at least IMO.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Jana12

Originally posted by Omphale

Originally posted by Jana12
There are numerous reasons -- some of which we probably aren't even aware of.

A few of the more obvious might be ...

- lack of education
- lack of proper medical care
- lack of birth control
- ignorance
- greed
- rape
- incest
- people resistant to change
- cultures resistant to change

And war. Civil and otherwise...


Thanks ... Correct ... I agree ..

and also ...

Psychopaths and Sociopaths

I believe most suffering and crime can be traced back to one or the other ... at least IMO.

Perhaps...but more so in the respect of the majority acquiesing to the orders of those psychopaths...the lone psychopath that the mass media attempt to deflect our attention towards, cause negligible damage and as often as not, yet provide the necessary manufacture of consent to keep the masses locked up inside their little bubbles of ambivalence. We consent to the actions of our governments, the psychopaths that we elect, by our very long as they ensure that there is something good on the telly to watch...
edit on 6-1-2012 by Omphale because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 05:50 PM
Children die because people do not care - the politicians do not care - the cabal/illuminati/whatever do not care.

Psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists have no problem lying - to your face while looking you in the eye - they do not care if Children are suffering.

People need to care for Children - all Children because the people in positions of authority do not care. If they actually cared they would be doing something. It is time people woke up and saw the truth of how this entire planet is being run. Each generation is another herd of humans - to exploit - make them work - drain them of their wages and tax them to the hilt. Children are another resource.

Much all the Children who are waiting for the adults to wake up...

NB Ever noticed that in the African countries where the news shows photographs of hundreds of starving Children and adults that the politicians of that country are always well fed and clothed? Why is that ?

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Freenrgy2

Population control isn't the issue.................According to Ervin Laszlo in his book The Chaos Point, you could fit every single man, woman and child in the State of Texas.

The biggest pollution problem and this was a real shocker for me is the number of animals we have to raise using grain to feed them.

You see the amount of grain and I know this cause I use to work on a small farm with cows, sheep and chickens............the amount of grain you have to feed say a cow (cows really eat ALOT) that amount of grain for one cow could feed hundreds of people.
That's sure and fine in an emergency when trying to feed a famine stricken population but the human being is an omnivore. We also need meat.

I will quote from Ervin Laszlo's book "Chaos Point 2012 and Beyond Our Choices Between Global Disaster and a Sustainable Planet" pages 20-21

World meat consumption has increased more than fivefold in the last 50 years. more and more people demand meat.

A diet heavy on meat is not only unhealthy, it is also immoral: It indulges a personal fancy at the expense of depleting resources essential to feed the entire human population. Red meat comes from cattle, and cattle must be fed. The grain fed to cattle is subtracted from that available for human consumption. If cows returned equivalent nutrition in the form of meat, their feed would not be wasted. But the calorific energy provided by beef is only one-seventh of the energy of the feed. This means that in the process of converting grain into beef, cows "waste" six-sevenths of the nutritional value of their feed. The proportion is somewhat more favorable in poultry, but the average chicken still uses for itself two-thirds of the nutritional value of the feed it consumes.

The nutritive needsof the entire human population could be satisfied by eating more vegetables and grain and less meeat, using first and foremost the produce of one's own country, region, and environment. Grain and plant based food self reliance provides a healthier diet, and it allows the world's economically exploitable agricultural lands to be worked to satisfy the needs of the entire human family.

This guy obviously has a vegetarian/save the animals agenda. The fact is that humans need red meat for healthy brain function and development. Becoming a meat eater is one of the main reasons we have the most powerful brain on the planet. And it appears that when he goes on about the population fitting into Texas and such he deasn't take into account that great areas of land on the planet need to allocated for food supply. Yes you could fit every person in the U.S into texas but you wouldn't have room for farms big enough to feed people. Did you know that we humans aren't the only members of the great ape family that eat red meat?
edit on 6-1-2012 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by RightWingAvenger
reply to post by Dionisius

"Some of you folks make me sick. How dare you declare less fortunate nations "welfare states." The very resources that go to make your IPOD's,cell phones/plasma tv's etc...are the same resources not being shared with the people."

****"less fortunate nations". What makes them "less fortunate?
Why exactly does every country on Earth have to live at our standards? Who are we to impose these standards? When we "found" them they were thriving. It is only our insistence that they live up to our standards that they became "less fortunate". If we had left them as we found them they would still be thriving. It is their way to breed like flies. They thrive when their harvests are good and starve when they are not. And that is what they have been doing for thousands of years. It is only your perception that the need help.

"It's absolutely racist to assume that those in poor nations are welfare grabbers. They simply do not have any other choice. I'm willing to wager if we could take all the poorest nations and swap lifestyle for a single year that the majority of Americans would weep and say "okay...okay I'll start to share now"

****"welfare grabbers"? Of course they are. They wouldln't be grabbing if it were not offered to them. They would find their own way of dealing with it. So you are all for redistribution of the wealth? From each according to his ability to each according to his need? No reason to work hard, just sit here and wait for that aid from thos "rich countries".

So you save the children; and then what happens? In a few years they are reproducing and you have still more starving children. Leave them Alone. They will work it out. They will not become extinct. Save your tears and put your energies into taking care of your own. As someone said; There are plenty of cold, hungry children Right Here in the US!!!!
edit on 6-1-2012 by OhZone because: added thought

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Dionisius

i know this sounds harsh, but the best thing that could happen in some of the underdeveloped nations is for them to start using birth control and practice population control. over population only makes poverty worse.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:04 PM
This question is only half developed.

While it appears to us to be a tragedy, it is only from our perspective.

The Universe makes its own plans, and these children are still a part of it.

Perhaps these souls are here in our world, like the rest of us, to learn and experience very specific lessons.

It is my belief that this is the one thing that God has created us to do, collect experiences He could not otherwise collect.

While this may seem tragic to us, and to every good and moral person on the planet it IS, my guess is that God has a bit of a different take on it.

WHat we become is a direct result of being and practicing that which we do NOT wish to become.

You have a wonderful heart, obviously, as this is deeply troubling to you OP.

You are learning that you do not want to be the kind of person who ignores such needless death.

Now, what will you do now that you have that lesson learned?

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Dionisius

Oh I am sure you can find out why do 27,000 children die every single day. If your really looked, and kept an eye on it all....But better yet, the way out of it is to first strengthen the core and your own communes and families before trying to tackle the whole world. Or even really you wont even be able to grasp the whole problem globally, if you cant grasp it locally. But even those to are different things when it comes to lots of things.

After all if you cant keep your own house in order, what change do you have of keeping the whole world in order.

But somewhere in there no doubt reptilians and Moloch will come into the picture of the missing/dead children and after them...Then it gets real crazy.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Welshy77
reply to post by zorgon

NO! YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT! Why does there have to be a structure??? Why should someones potential be based purely on geography? The only charities i contribute to are local animal sanctuaries..
Don't get me wrong i'm not digging at you.. but you've gotta see the bigger picture?

Its simple people function in structures.

Everything you do daily has a structure to it, even the way you think has a structure to it. Even the way you feel about things has a structure to it. Someones potential is not based on geography, but the structure of that particular geography that they are at will effect them to various degrees depending on any number of thousands of things.
edit on 6-1-2012 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:52 PM
I don't know but,40 percent of all pregnancies end up in abortion in New York,

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by Dionisius

It makes it so developed countries can get mineral resources dirt cheap by allowing guerrilla armies to machine gun entire villages, chop off little kids hands, and rape their mothers and sisters in front of them. If they became a developed country the guerrilla armies would not be allowed to do this in order to cause migration of impoverished people. When they control who lives on the land they control the mineral rights. Then the developed countries buy the minerals dirt cheap. Its not only for diamonds.

Follow the money

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by jimnuggits

As an individual I do not believe there is anything I can do to solve all of our problems.

The only thing I can do as an individual is to rid myself of materialistic objects which essentially funds all of this poverty and grief and live a simple life off the land, not taking more than i need and giving back as much as i take. Unfortunately this is near impossible in the way that the world is today.

This whole idea of individualism is a part of the problem as well, we are all as one but we definetly dont act like it. Every action and reaction made by one of us affects all of us, and this is something we all need to truly understand before we can even begin to contemplate sorting out our dire problems.

It is dark times we live in my friend.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by Dionisius
reply to post by Welshy77

Yes I am for real, are you? The only resource we really need is food. Food can be foraged and hunted, we do not need mass scale production farms which rape the land to feed us. We dont need satellites that can read number plates, we need food and water. We could go down the zeitgeist road and have technology do everything for us but it would lead to unfulfilling lives.

Have you ever gone out and caught food for yourself or foraged plants? It is a hugely satisfying experience and one which should be cherished. Not dismissed as a primitive and animalistic thing to do, now I know thatg is not what you afre saying, but it is the view of humanity.

The world could not support the population it has with hunter gathering. In fact the very reason there are so many people in the world is because we learned to farm and domesticate cattle. We would never had reached this level of population just on being hunter gatherers.

Also we would never have reached the level of technology and we couldn't maintain the lifestyle we have with out the amount of people that are in the world today give or take a few million.

It's not just food availablilty and wealth which drives technology and lifestyle but also demand. You might not realise this but in order for you to to have a job, house, car and go shopping etc it has actually taken the work of thousands of people in order for you to do that and each one of those thousands need thousands. So for millions all over the planet to do it it takes millions in order for it to be done. So 7 billion is about the amount of people needed in the world to maintain our level of technology and lifestyle give or take a few million. Ask any social scientist.

If we went and broke into small groups now billions would starve as there's not enough wild foods avialable. Which leads to something else. If the world turn to crap tomorrow through a meteor strike or such. I responsible action of the authorities would be to make sure that all gates of all cattle station in the world are left open so that the cattle have a chance to survive which gives us a chance.
edit on 6-1-2012 by steveknows because: Typo

True, but who says we have to go back to a completely hunter gatherer society.

It would be stupid that with all the advances we go back doing things like they were done in caveman times. A little bit of tough and lot of afford would be required, into looking on this thing more rationally. Instead of always going from one extreme to another.

And so little bit different here, and there, goes a long way down the scale, which eventually leads to big effects. Even eventually in most likely a long ways time, to even eliminating the dependency on the pyramid structure.

But till then it will be better to start moving to a better interlaced and more self sufficient structure, not so totally dependent on mass concentrations of peoples and the constant syphoning of energies from the lower rungs of the structure to keep the structure going. It is more then a bit, faulty.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Omphale

that's horrible. : /
like the stories of witch doctors telling them that sex with virgins cures hiv and aids.
and when there were no girls of appropriate age left, sex with infants. that witch doctor
singlehandedly wiped out an entire village without raising a weapon.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Dionisius
What I mean is that to live a sustainable life off of the land without harming Nature or hunting too many animals, we would have to split off into much smaller groups, learn essential survival skills and find a piece of land that can support the whole group.

Even if it was possible (and there are some places on Earth where this could be done) how long will it be before the group next door sees your successful group after they have found their group is not doing so well, and they decide it will be easier to take what is yours?

Do you really think everyone is equal enough to leave the others alone in peace?

It is a sad commentary on the Human race, but left to their own devices MOST humans would resort to brutal savagery very quickly. You only need to look as far as New Orleans after Katrina to see the truth of it, where people were stealing plasma TV's in a flooded town, stealing food from old people also stranded, shooting rescuers and where the cops turned criminal. 120 officers were charged.

edit on 6-1-2012 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

If anything zorgon that just shows that something must be done, and things must change to varying degrees...Because if a little bit of water did all that, imagine what would happen if something really big hit.

Forget what you see in the mad max movies, things probably would not even be that advanced. In all reality we would probably be living in caves throwing poop at each other. And warring with the dudes in the other cave over a sharp rock.

But really it is sad stealing plasma tvs in a flooded area with no power or way of getting it anywhere. And probably it got wet and broke in the whole ordeal...Sad indeed, humans as a whole even suck at being good or smart thief's....But yes nature is a bitch both actual nature and human nature.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
Forget what you see in the mad max movies, things probably would not even be that advanced. In all reality we would probably be living in caves throwing poop at each other. And warring with the dudes in the other cave over a sharp rock.

HA well in that case our guys would rule because we know how to make crossbows and catapults

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by OWSisdead
Why? Because people are breeding irresponsibly.

people here in the U.S breed irresponsibly as well, considering we have clinics that'll give you free contraceptives and condoms. But we have a system that'll help them out (welfare). Most people living in poverty (3rd world countries) don't have that. Us humans enjoy sexual intercourse, were going to do it.
unless you expect them to be asexual.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
I don't know but,40 percent of all pregnancies end up in abortion in New York,

Ya to those saying why don't they just stop having children...Well it is not so easy when you got billions of years of evolution egging you on to do exactly that, and that's just one of the things that is basically just a symptom or shadow of a bigger problem.

Abortions are common because they are necessary, it is in many ways our civilized way of dealing with the problem we are arguing the ones in third world countries have. Even the religious nutters against abortions should get such a simple fact, and hopefully before it needs be beaten in there heads.

The whole thing is just arguing in circles. In our more developed society we just have learned to cope or hide such little fact's better then in places like the middle of nowhere in war torn Africa. Really is it a surprise that they are surprised that abortions are at over 40%.

And they even seem to think that declaring they stop having abortions will actually do something.
I think they best think things trough a little before they open there mouths again.

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