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Why do 27,000 children die every single day?

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posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by kindred

Absolutely agree with your statement.

You see the trickle down theory doesn't really work..............the 1% keep telling the 99% that so they can get their greedy little hands on even more $$$$$$$$$$$$

If people, anybody out there wants solutions there are two excellent books, both by Ervin Laszlo, I highly recommend:

Chaos Point 2012 and Beyond Our Choices Between Global Disaster and a Sustainable Planet and The Chaos Point The World At The Crossroads.

Folks................we do not have a lot of time, if any left.

We as a species MUST get our act together or possibly we face near extinction (again)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

This problem goes allot deeper than population control. This is about the way we all live our lives, its about the greed and corruption, its about the disrespect we have for nature and its creatures.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:23 AM
Because there is a cabal of soulless creatures who deem it necessary. They make it impossible for people, average people, to get involved and change things. If you make too many waves, you will die, or your energy redirected to something meaningless. (e.g. Like above, aid money directed towards warlords and renegade tribes.)

It's as much spiritual as it is conspiracy.

It is an incredible weapon to hold against the humble or average, you tell an average person evil triumphs when good men do nothing, but they leave out the part where they'll (at the very least) kill you if you try. They try to deflect the blame of the suffering they caused on to those who did not do it. They have somehow convinced the average person, who was born into consumerist bondage, that just because they're alive, it is their fault that children suffer.

This comes back to the "1%" game we've heard so much about...

What it comes down to... What do you think you can do, to change all of this, and how do you go about it without being murdered or getting the rug pulled out from under you?
edit on 6-1-2012 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Dionisius

We spend far to much time and energy on war and lose too much sleep worrying about tomorrows terrorist and not enough time developing our minds and building technology for the betterment of mankind.

By now we could have at least renewable energy powered robotic skyscraper farms all over the world and enough food to feed everyone for free. With people not worrying about food we could then use that free time to work on bigger challenges. Of course there are people who do not want this because they think it is not possible sort of like people who vote based on perceived electability. I call these mental slaves or the over 45 crowd. It's getting stale on planet earth. "The world sucks, there is nothing I can do.. I'm gonna go cry in my soup and tell everyone there is no hope."

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

Population control isn't the issue.................According to Ervin Laszlo in his book The Chaos Point, you could fit every single man, woman and child in the State of Texas.

The biggest pollution problem and this was a real shocker for me is the number of animals we have to raise using grain to feed them.

You see the amount of grain and I know this cause I use to work on a small farm with cows, sheep and chickens............the amount of grain you have to feed say a cow (cows really eat ALOT) that amount of grain for one cow could feed hundreds of people.

I will quote from Ervin Laszlo's book "Chaos Point 2012 and Beyond Our Choices Between Global Disaster and a Sustainable Planet" pages 20-21

World meat consumption has increased more than fivefold in the last 50 years. more and more people demand meat.

A diet heavy on meat is not only unhealthy, it is also immoral: It indulges a personal fancy at the expense of depleting resources essential to feed the entire human population. Red meat comes from cattle, and cattle must be fed. The grain fed to cattle is subtracted from that available for human consumption. If cows returned equivalent nutrition in the form of meat, their feed would not be wasted. But the calorific energy provided by beef is only one-seventh of the energy of the feed. This means that in the process of converting grain into beef, cows "waste" six-sevenths of the nutritional value of their feed. The proportion is somewhat more favorable in poultry, but the average chicken still uses for itself two-thirds of the nutritional value of the feed it consumes.

The nutritive needsof the entire human population could be satisfied by eating more vegetables and grain and less meeat, using first and foremost the produce of one's own country, region, and environment. Grain and plant based food self reliance provides a healthier diet, and it allows the world's economically exploitable agricultural lands to be worked to satisfy the needs of the entire human family.

On page 16-17 (Same book).............and really everyone that is really concerned about this should get and read both this fellow's books, this guy is smart.

The unsustainability of the current distribution of wealth in the world. Economic growth continues in the world, but it is both precarious and unfair. its benefits regard ever fewer people and marginalize ever more. Hundreds of millions live at a higher material standard of living, but thousands of millions are pressed into abject poverty, living in shantytowns and urban ghettos in the shadows of ostentatious affluence. The richest 20 percent earn 90 times the income of the poorest 20 percent, consume 11 times as much energy, eat 11 times as much meat, have 49 times the number of telephones and own 145 times the number of cars.
The net worth of 500 billionaires equals the net worth of half the world population. This is not only unjust and indefensible - it is highly explosive.

The absolute deprivation of over one billion people and the relative poverty of two thirds of the world's population is an arbitrary condition; one cannot ascribe the blame for it to a finite planet. If access to the Earth's physical and biological resources were evenly distributed, all people in the world could live at a decent material standard. For example, if food supplies were equitably shared, every person would receive about a hundred calories more than are required to replace the 1,800 to 3,000 calories he or she expends each day (a healthy diet calls for an intake of about 2,600 calories). But peopole in the rich countries of North America, Western Europe, and Japan obtain not 100 percent but 140 percent of their 2,600 calorific requirement, whereas people in the poorest countries, such as Madagascar, Guyana, and Laos, are limited to 70 percent. Americans spend only 10 percent of their income on food, and still buy so much that they throw away 15% of it. haitians, some 600 miles to the south, as well as three-fourths of all Africans, spend more than half their income on food and are undernourished. This is a structural problem.............

It goes on and on and this guy quotes his sources.............Laszlo is quite interesting.

Besides he says Texas is soooooooooooooo large you could fit every single person on the planet within this one state.

Texas could fit the worlds population in it.

World population: 6.7 Billion
Texas area: 268,820 sq miles.

Gives a density of about 24 923.7 people per square mile. vs its current density 79.6 per sq mile.

That is quite a lot but there are many cities that are significantly more populated.
Dhaka, Bangladesh: 117,866 per sq mi
Paris: 54,156
New York City 27,440

There are over 30 cities worldwide that are twice as density populated as 24 923.7 per sq mile

The 2.5 acres claim is false.
For every one to have 2.5 acres you need an area of 26 171 875 square miles about 10 times bigger than texas.

Shoving everyone into texas would give you 0.25 acres per person.

The reality is 6.7 billion in texas would need high rise apartment buildings and slums everywhere.
People would have to live in every unlivable part of texas. Source(s):

2 years ago Source:

I've tried to find videos and there are a few of him about his book but he is like a really dry, boring college professor and hard to understand because he is soft spoken with a accent. His interesting life can be studied here:

It is also in Laszlo's book that the argument for world population is moot.

The books are excellent because this guy clearly gives clean cut direct solutions if only humanity would pay attention.

edit on 6-1-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by SyphonX

You are absolutely correct..................and that my friend is how the 1% control the 99%.

Case in point: I use to belong to a Breed Rescue dog's sister was hit by a car - now how come a dog is left outside and ends up in the street, unsupervised and not within a fenced in yard.

Logically speaking if you leave a dog outside to roam it is going to eventually get hurt - the statistics prove it.

I donated $700.00 USD towards this group and simply stated in a group blog, "Why wasn't the dog being supervised and behind a fenced in yard??????

So far over the last 40 days I have heard of 3 dogs being hit - two killed, one by a train and one survived with a cost of 3,000 USD.

Now, I pointed this out in the blog and guess who came under attack?

I got so many hateful e-mails I resigned from the group.

I did get a few saying I was the one making logical sense but hey, you try to change things for the better, alert people, even like here on ATS and get flamed.

You are 100% correct....................with humans, you can not tell them anything, most think they know it all or don't care.

The 27,000 children dying each day is solvable but people have to start sharing and caring more. Being a more responsible human being.

Time for my blood pressure pill.
edit on 6-1-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by hooberson3

Excellent reply - you would probably enjoy Ervin Laszlo's're thinking is along his line.

Another good book everyone wondering about the mentality of who is being allowed to run the planet is Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczewski.

We are in desperate need of some intelligent world leaders not these cagy, greedy, manipulative psychopaths that have been running the planet...........that is exactly why we're in the mess we are in and almost to the brink of near extinction.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Dionisius

I haven't read 1 word of this thread. I sometimes hate the way I'm hardwired. Then again I'm happy about it... lol

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Dionisius
reply to post by Freenrgy2

This problem goes allot deeper than population control. This is about the way we all live our lives, its about the greed and corruption, its about the disrespect we have for nature and its creatures.

The ingrained disrespect for life is what makes me angry. 2000 birds fall dead from the sky over the new years due to fireworks and no one gives a crap.

I'm a conservative, republican, christian. Former military. I'm 2d amendment, I'm somewhere to the right of John Wayne, but I detest people that don't value life. I have 7 parrots, 2 dogs. They have souls, they're unique... as is every living creature from rattlesnake to bunny rabbit.

Killing is vile. I hunt the hunters.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Dionisius
reply to post by OWSisdead

Of course, its the personal responsibility to stick the middle up to Capitalists and tell Civilization that its got it all wrong, take a look in the history books and have a look at what has happened to every single Civilization previous. It might open your eyes to how all this infront of us is not going to last and is the wrong way to live.

Do you propose that we just work harder and longer days so we can give all our hard earned money to people who just wont stop crapping out kids?

I do feel bad for people, but there are FAR too many people in this world already. Its not sustainable as it is, and of course its always the poorest, most disease and violence infested places where people have 8 kids.

I dont have to worry about my child dying because I dont have one, dont plan on having one, and think all my girlfriends friends who are popping out kids left and right out of wed lock because they "feel like they need to be a mom" need to be put down so the rest of us can can live in peace.

Yes I do have a heart, unfortunately its black and bitter.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
I do feel bad for people, but there are FAR too many people in this world already. Its not sustainable as it is, and of course its always the poorest, most disease and violence infested places where people have 8 kids.

I dont have to worry about my child dying because I dont have one, dont plan on having one, and think all my girlfriends friends who are popping out kids left and right out of wed lock because they "feel like they need to be a mom" need to be put down so the rest of us can can live in peace.

Yes I do have a heart, unfortunately its black and bitter.

Of course there are too many, but its natural instinct for your species to survive, so people when under extreme and harsh conditions will reproduce on a much larger scale in the hope that one baby will survive and keep the bloddline. You cant blame them for following instinct now can you?

I know you dont want my pity, but I am sad that you are unable to see the beauty in life and every single thing that comes with it. Granted, the whole world is becoming a black and bitter place, but that is exactly why we must rise above the dark place we are all in and enjoy the beauty in life before we all give up.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Welshy77
reply to post by Maslo

Are you for real?? We're told that we are using up the worlds finite resources, at an ever increasing rate. We have the technology to see a car licence plate from a satellite orbiting our planet. And our goverenments have computers that can tune in to any telephone conversation they wish to. We've created a chip (RFID) smaller than a grain of rice able to store and transmit megabytes of data. And yet we don't have the ability and technology to utilise and recycle the earths natural resources expediently enough on an ongoing basis?

I believe that we do. Most regular people will say that we don't, or that doing that its too expensive. They tell themselves that so they can sleep at night. There is an epidemic of apathy and willful ignorance in our society. We have the technology and the resources to help a great deal of people. However, the people in power have way more to lose then they have to gain by doing such things.

I turned on Travel Channel one day and saw a guy shoving a 5 pound hamburger in his face while a crowd of people cheered him on. When it cut to commercial, it showed a child too weak to stand up sucking food paste out of a tiny pouch. I almost threw up right there. The worst part is that our media and culture passes that off as perfectly fine. "Hey that kid makes your clothes and the cheap crap you buy at the dollar store, but its okay that he is too starved to stand on his own two feet. Go back to your 5 pound burger."

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
If humanity doesn't WTFU and fast, and get our act together as a species, I am afraid we are doomed.

No as a species we will survive, because in the end when Nature says enough is enough and wipes out most of us, there will be a percentage that survives. Nature will seek its own balance..

Take a Tsunami or Earthquake for example... a thousand years ago in Sumatra when a Tsunami hit, the villagers living on the coast saw the signs and headed up the hill to their temple... and all survived. A few years ago another Tsunami hit the same region. The same villagers headed up the hill again and so did all the animals, but 200,000 plus people died...

Why? Because the population and tourists was so high... and they did not have the simple knowledge needed to recognize the signs and head uphill... so we have survival of the fittest. Back in my high school days they taught us what to do when the ocean recedes RUN FOR THE HILLS

So Nature will in time sort us out, because even when we think we have out smarted nature like building 30 ft walls in Japan, Nature sends a bigger wave and shows us our arrogance, and takes out some nuke plants for good measure

We all allow the few to control the many.

Quite true. It is human nature to want someone else to lead. In our Medieval groups it is very hard to find good people to lead. Why? Because it involves hard work. Most want to be what we call Good Time Charlies... they want to participate, they want the fun, the food and the women, but they don'y want to deal with the setup or clean up or the organization that makes it all happen.

THIS is why we have governments... and sadly those that do take up the task of running things can get corrupted with the power. It is only when you push people to a limit that they will rebel... otherwise they are content to let you rule as you see fit.

And the end result is that in most cases the wrong people end up ruling because no one really cares as long as they have their beer and monday night football

In our groups the Rule of Vassalage states that if you want Vassals to do your work willingly you must be willing to pay the price. With us that price is free food and drink, a ride to events and the occasional recognition in front of their peers (a pat on the back in the form of a certificate to hang on the wall)

This is the way of things... humans are a herd animal and there will always be leaders and followers. Even the Church knows this as they maintain their flocks. This is why cults form so easily. It will never change

The only thing one can do is choose their leader wisely and hope one picks a benevolent dictator.

We all have not united and rebelled against the 1%

We rebelled when this country was created, but it was a mere HANDFUL of patriots that did so...

Most people will not rebel. They will make all sorts of excuses first. They will close their eyes to what is happening, until it is too late. This is how Hitler came to power in Germany... gave the people cars and the autobahn and created jobs to the out of work populace by making weapons and gave people an enemy to blame, the Jews. Things were good until people learned the truth, by then it was too late. Same thing is happening today in the US

You forget too that ATS tends to have those type of people who would be part of a rebellion... the thinkers, the doers, the black sheep are all here... but even here now since ATS linked to Twitter and Facebook... you see the sheep flocking

Rebellion is not easy... back in the days We the People could (and did) use pitchforks and bayonets and won the day. Today even though we in Nevada have machine guns, THEY have drones that can take out your house and you won't even see what hit you

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by DarthOej
I turned on Travel Channel one day and saw a guy shoving a 5 pound hamburger in his face while a crowd of people cheered him on. When it cut to commercial, it showed a child too weak to stand up sucking food paste out of a tiny pouch. I almost threw up right there. The worst part is that our media and culture passes that off as perfectly fine. "Hey that kid makes your clothes and the cheap crap you buy at the dollar store, but its okay that he is too starved to stand on his own two feet. Go back to your 5 pound burger."

A few years ago I was in a church in the city where I live and there was an exhibit, which rather graphically depicted the genocide taking place in Africa, though in a minimalistic way, to evoke contemplation I suppose. As I left I was accosted by an American tourist who asked me 'What was that with the ugly baby?' referring to the model of an emaciated, crying baby surrounded by the names of all the places in Africa that were and are 'unsettled'. I patiently explained this. And he shrugged his shoulders, said 'Oh' and carried merrily on his way.

People don't want to know, they can't see the truth, because the truth is ugly and nasty....and look there's something shiny...

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Dionisius

I dont see how those numbers can be correct, we (humans) have just hit the 7 Billion mark so loosing 9 Million a year would make a massive impact.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Thoughtful and well-written reply, Zorgon.

A Mighty Knight indeed.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Welshy77
42 countries? How do you define genocide?... At a guess the majority of the deaths aren't caucasian.. Mainly on the African continent..

I'VE BEEN saying this for awhile now! The blacks in africa are being genocided! If they don't kill each other, then they are killed by radical muslims or starved to death from superstition, bad laws, out of control religious leaders, or some other less than humane monstrosity, like corporations who don't have a clue what it means to be humane ! ( and i'm a capitalist! ) . i'm mean what the freak. are these people missing nerve endings or what?

so far, there are or have been genocides of black people in nigeria, sudan, somalia, egypt, and rwanda, and that's just in the last 20 years. Millions of black people. MILLIONS. alot of them are christians, but the ones who aren't are starving to death just the same! What is wrong with this picture?

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

i'm not buying that they lie to get their hands on more money. they print the money. i think the idea of convincing people that everything's okay when it isn't is to keep everyone else but those they approve of, from having any input into society beyond the street level.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by undo

Originally posted by Welshy77
42 countries? How do you define genocide?... At a guess the majority of the deaths aren't caucasian.. Mainly on the African continent..

I'VE BEEN saying this for awhile now! The blacks in africa are being genocided! If they don't kill each other, then they are killed by radical muslims or starved to death from superstition, bad laws, out of control religious leaders, or some other less than humane monstrosity, like corporations who don't have a clue what it means to be humane ! ( and i'm a capitalist! ) . i'm mean what the freak. are these people missing nerve endings or what?

so far, there are or have been genocides of black people in nigeria, sudan, somalia, egypt, and rwanda, and that's just in the last 20 years. Millions of black people. MILLIONS. alot of them are christians, but the ones who aren't are starving to death just the same! What is wrong with this picture?

Yes, yes, yes...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at the World Bank funding...particularly in Tanzania...the soon to be bread basket of the Western long as we can get rid of the natives...loads of money into industrialising the country, the bare minimum into education and health...and ALL malaria drugs are treatments not preventatives or cures.
edit on 6-1-2012 by Omphale because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I am pretty sure the beef here in alberta is all graze fed on grass as is most other livestock except chickens which are grain fed. I guess people could cut back on meat but I personally would never want to give it up and I also think the reason we even became intelligent in the first place was because we ate a diverse diet including meat.

This thread is really sad and my belief's tell me this is the way certain people want it and the rest of us either have no clue or dont care or they do care but there is not enough people to evoke change.

People say the earth is overpopulated and I say thats pure BS and its the way we run things like morons which causes all our problems. Our planet is huge and full of everything a population of a trillion could live off if we properly managed our resources for the benefit of the many instead of the few.

We dont farm properly anymore and we waste so much food its sickening and on top of that money is the name of the game so if country A's dollar is worthless noone will ship them food! IMO everyone could easily be fed everyday all the time if we had better farming and food processing practices while spending 100% of donations on actually getting these resources where they are needed.

edit on 6-1-2012 by Slickinfinity because: (no reason given)

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