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believers in jesus...please explain this..

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posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by k1k1to

Not so hard to understand if you read the bible. Remember the parable of the faithful servant; "That servant, who knew his lord's will, and didn't prepare, nor do what he wanted, will be beaten with many stripes, but he who didn't know, and did things worthy of stripes, will be beaten with few stripes. To whomever much is given, of him will much be required; and to whom much was entrusted, of him more will be asked.". If you have heard Gods word and still do injustice then you will surely get the worst punishment. With the mentally handicapped, since they do not have proper reasoning they are automatically going to heaven, this goes the same for children. If some village people have never heard of God or Jesus they would be judged on how well they treated others. God makes no fault in judgement, you will understand your judgement perfectly and know in your heart it is right. Remember that God will do final judgement on all of us, but Jesus made it so through him he can give us a good word because in front of God no man is worthy of his glory. Amen.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by freedomSlave
reply to post by NOTurTypical

LOL couldn't even be bothered to watch all 4 parts I guess. Pathetic your statement is void son . Maybe watch the whole thing before jumping to your little conclusions .

Of course, why would I need to watch the video to know it's absurd? Canyons were carved in less than an hour from the Mt. St. Helen's disaster. Canyons are carved by large volumes or water in a spill over/washout scenario.

the Yosemite valley was carved by glacial flows... so you are incorrect in your statement.

also ICE walls hold back very large volumes of water, at the end of the last ice age these ice dams broke flooding the earth with many feet of previously land bound water causing global flooding. did not flood the entire land mass, just the coastal areas and low lying areas. along with all areas in the direct path of the deluge.
edit on 28-12-2011 by CaDreamer because: typo

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Poisoning the well and ad hominem fallacies.

What you practice is deflection, from demands to back up crazy claims you make, by distracting with counter claims against whoever is asking you to substantiate anything you say.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by k1k1to
according to many religions...mostly christianity

the way to avoid damnation and eternal punishment in to accept jesus christ as your lord and savior.

my question is? what about the mayans? the ancient egyptians? the incas? cavemen etc...what about them? how were they to accept jesus christ as their savior when he wasnt even born yet? are they to live in eternal hell for this?

how were the natives living in north america supposed to know jesus was born? why was he born in a certain part of the planet, and not the other? that doesnt seem fair..

i hate paradoxes

They get to spend eternity somewhere it's very warm. No, i'm just kidding.

It goes like this. All men are decended from Noah and his sons Ham, Shem and Japheth and they spread out across the world to replenish the population on the planet. Now we all have some rudimentary sense that There's one "king" of the heavens, one major God who is the creator of everything.

Take a look in the bible, the story of Enoch, he was a prophet of "God" whose name is YAH. Enoch was so righteous that God didn;t wait to claim him after death, he took him and changed him and took Enoch with him. he saved Enoch by Enochs faith in him.

Skip ahead many generations later and we have Ibrim (Abram or Abraham if you will). Abraham submitted to God and chose to serve him and believe in him and then he went in and smashed all the pagan idols of other gods in his house and from then on he obeyed only YAH and YAH made a covenant with him concerning his future decendants the Israelites. Again, prime example Abraham was saved by his faith in YAH and rewarded for it.

Skip ahead many more generations to Jesus, up until his sacirfice on calvary men had been saved by their faith in God and the belief that God would send them a savior, a messiah. They didn't go to heaven right away, instead they were locked away in a waiting ground, a place called Abraham's bosom which surprisingly enough sounds just like Elysium. part of Jesus' sojourn into hell was to free those who were in captivity there that believed he would save them before he was ever born, the second task was to take the keys of death and hell from Lucifer.

After his ascension the requirement to gain access to heaven was you had to go through him first, follow his teachings, believe in him, keep his commandments, be baptized (thats not a requirement necessarily) by water and by the Holy Spirit (get "saved"). Why do you have to go through Jesus? Because the game hasn't changed, he is the messiah, the promised immanu'el which means "God in person". In essence by believing in Jesus you are believing in God and having faith in him. He is the truth the life and the way.

Now in regards to other ancient peoples across the world in his time, i have heard stories that he appeared to them clothed in bright light (which fits with his glorified body) right after when he was crucified and this is possible because after his resurrection he reclaimed his Godhood and was again able to be omnipresent (be everywhere at once) after being free from his mortal shell. Wether or not this is true we will never know, it is between he and them and only they know the truth of it. Some say he may have been Quetzlquatl but Quetzlquatl is a winged serpent but it does strike me as odd that they thought Cortes was "His" second comming which lends credence that Jesus in fact did make an appearance to them in his glorified body and that he promised them he would return which is why they embraced Cortes instead of killing him on sight, they thought he was Jesus.
edit on 28-12-2011 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:18 AM
I remember something along the lines of they are pardoned for not have to research it.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Poisoning the well and ad hominem fallacies.

What you practice is deflection, from demands to back up crazy claims you make, by distracting with counter claims against whoever is asking you to substantiate anything you say.

Sorry, but when you attack a person and never address what that person actually said it's a fallacy. You might not like that it's a fallacy, or you might not believe it, doesn't matter, when any argument is shown to be a fallacy in part it renders the entire argument invalid as a whole. You may think you've made a real, rational, logical argument, but in reality you did nothing more than waste ATS's bandwith.

I'm beginning to be alarmed/concerned that you couldn't care less if your brain operates in a manner that's not rational. It's really odd, usually in forums and threads like these when people learn they have made a fallacy of logic they'll make an attempt to rectify their faulty premise or conclusions. When pointed out to you that what you're doing is both irrational and fallacious I get the internet equivalent of a deer caught in the headlights.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

All men are decended from Noah and his sons Ham, Shem and Japheth and they spread out across the world to replenish the population on the planet.

No, all men are descendants of Adam. The people who were born and who died before Noah are not his descendants.

Carry on.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:26 AM
The most important thing you have to remember in order to truly see the light if you are blind is ask yourself what can I do instead of what can I get. Some ignore Christianity because they want to keep doing sinful things, I'm not going to lie it is hard to fight temptations, even Jesus knew and he was perfect. The devil tempted him, the devil and his demons tempt us. Life is like a test, a short test compared to an eternity. Compare a test you've taken in your life to your life, like that. Now do you go to your test thinking "I can't wait to talk to my friends and have fun", of course not. Life is supposed to be hard, that's the purpose of a test. It is meant to weed out the people that don't truly love God. People want to believe that life is meant to be completely enjoyed, I'm not saying you can't enjoy life but you have to remember you serve God and ask Jesus/God to help you with this test and I assure you he will help. And believe me, there are no curves on this test.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by k1k1to

the ones that didnt hear gods word were reencarnated to give them another chance

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by k1k1to
the way to avoid damnation and eternal punishment in to accept jesus christ as your lord and savior.

my question is? what about the mayans? the ancient egyptians? the incas? cavemen etc...what about them? how were they to accept jesus christ as their savior when he wasnt even born yet? are they to live in eternal hell for this?

i hate paradoxes

ROTFLOL!! Oh you people crack me up, you don't believe a word of the Bible but then you insist that there are paradoxes that you can only "prove" by assuming the Bible is factual
The irony! Even assuming the Bible is 100% accurate there is in fact no paradox here because nowhere in the Bible does it state that you are condemned upon death. This is an assumption that many people make and many others teach in churches, but it has no scriptural basis. It's an interpretation, and probably an incorrect interpretation. Ask yourself this, if God is pure and perfect (which by definition He must be because otherwise He wouldn't be God), would such a paradox even be possible? Of course not. Condemning people who have never heard of Christ for not accepting Him as their savior would be neither fair nor just. But God is fair and just by definition, and He will not condemn anyone until after they know the truth about who He is, and in many cases that may not be until after their death. The thief on the cross learned the truth moments before his death and was forgiven, the clear message from that example is salvation is outside of our acts on earth.

edit on 28-12-2011 by SavedOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:19 AM
You can kill as many people as you want, rape babies, or do any of the most horrifying things you can think of...and as long as you TRULY accept jesus into your heart before the moment you die, you WILL go to haven. BUT if your someone who does not believe in god and you lived a very good life, helping your fellow man and things of that nature, you will NEVER get into heaven.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:20 AM
link of the brainwashed and indoctrinated

We all know the Bible is fiction...well, us people that havent been indoctrinated into believing the nonsense written within.

The believers will explain everything....but they will only explain what is written in the book. If these people were to really question their religion, by using other texts/books/evidence they may also wonder why it is full of contradictions and things that can be explained by science.

Its like me saying i can fly, and then presenting a book i wrote about flying as evidence lol

"Everyone came from Adam".....not possible im afraid. From 2 people came 7 billion.....and we arent all backwards with extra limbs through inbreeding.

None of the people who are Christian are "True" Christians anyways, so there is little point in asking them for an explanation. You may as well ask us athiests, as "True" Christians are hard to come by.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by TheLordJesus
You can kill as many people as you want, rape babies, or do any of the most horrifying things you can think of...and as long as you TRULY accept jesus into your heart before the moment you die, you WILL go to haven. BUT if your someone who does not believe in god and you lived a very good life, helping your fellow man and things of that nature, you will NEVER get into heaven.

Yeah, but we are all evil creatures. We're either repentant evil creatures or unrepentant ones. I'm actually thankful God doesn't grade on a curve, nor does He make decisions on our eternal destiny based on our actions. I mean how ridiculously maddening would that be to try and maintain. I'd constantly be wondering if my good days cancelled out my bad days, or if I had enough good works. What if I was one good work short? lol I'd have to have journals and a scientific calculator. I'd have to make up a point system for sins. To decide which sins were worse than others. et cetra, et cetra.

Sadly, millions will reject free grace and will instead opt to be judged on their own works.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by ferumbra

I mentioned something similar on page two or three. Basically the same thought as yours.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Hence how Jesus became the Lamb of God. People were to slaughter a lamb or sheep every time they sinned. Endless blood to cover the impossible laws. Then, Jesus became the lamb by dying for those sins.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by HeavenWolf
I guess the old proverb rings true, every man is right in his own eyes.


And this is what we are doing here my friend.

Proving the WORD true.

Thank you for working with me.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
We have no other way to know God.

You can look at me.

I am willing to look at you and see God.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy of the brainwashed and indoctrinated

We all know the Bible is fiction...well, us people that havent been indoctrinated into believing the nonsense written within.

The believers will explain everything....but they will only explain what is written in the book. If these people were to really question their religion, by using other texts/books/evidence they may also wonder why it is full of contradictions and things that can be explained by science.

Its like me saying i can fly, and then presenting a book i wrote about flying as evidence lol

"Everyone came from Adam".....not possible im afraid. From 2 people came 7 billion.....and we arent all backwards with extra limbs through inbreeding.

None of the people who are Christian are "True" Christians anyways, so there is little point in asking them for an explanation. You may as well ask us athiests, as "True" Christians are hard to come by.

Fine my friend. Those who believe in God are fools.

No problem. Your statements are not going to sway them.

Not while I am around.

So tell me.

Tell us.

Whence came you?

Where did you come from.

Go all the way to the beginning and tell us YOUR story.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74

I thought you was the one trolling.....
By saying there is a census with Jesus in it I asked you for links and thought your post was a joke post because I have never heard of any census with Jesus in go on give me links, back up your claims.....census? I wanna see that then....links me the census
Please show me the census...or your claim that it proves he lived are just as false as your book.
edit on 27-12-2011 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

I respect ATS too much to be stupid on here, and if you don't have the basic skills needed to operate Google, don't expect me to do it for you.

Edit: I'll give you a clue to get you started "Quirinius"
edit on 28/12/11 by woogleuk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by woogleuk

I asked you for proof of the census, there is none,only a lot of people saying it may or may not of taken place, also how many people were called Jesus in those days?
It proves only says it in Luke...there is no other record of this your using the bible as proof which is just silly.
PFFFFTTTTT!!! SHOW ME THE PROOF (Oh wait there is none)
I asked you for links but instead you decided to assume I was trolling when I was not..
Oh and don't say I lack basic skills, remember you made the comment about the census not me, its up to you to supply the links to your claims.

edit on 28-12-2011 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

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