I just want to admit to how dense I can be at times. Rather, it's like I put on horse-blinders and refuse to acknowledge anything that is not on my
selfish radar. I know I've been talking passed people and refusing debate, and only making political statements. I feel once again I should apologize
for making the general remark that geologists are basically prostitutes. I've toned down and refined my assessment of the rock jockeys and told aorAKI
that I indeed knew that not all geologists were evil super villians. For a while I thought Tony Hayward of BP was a geologists. But later learned he
was an engineer. Anyway, since we have geologists visting us here, I guess I shouldn't be so rude and extreme.
When Puterman first introduced JohnVidale, something got filed in my head, but since my life is a living hell at the moment, I read but had no
comprehension. I suppose I put him on a parr with the fake geologists we had on the Yellowstone thread last year. It was nothing other than the fact I
could not distinguish between things and had no desire to engage with you all. I'm sorry. I think if you've read much of what I write you know I'm out
here- half lost on my own trail. I'll get there sooner or later.
To be honest, I was reading John's and Puter's debate on magnitudes scales, but, much of it was Greek. To me, and to many of the readers here. The
debate really doesn't interest me. All I want to know is if it's small, medium, or large. Then there's mega.
Puter, there's a project for you. Create an equation that will give you a universal scale. Use the metric scale of 10. Start a petition- crowd source
or something to get ideas, or get the professionals to start to want to unify. Globalization baby.
Anyway, the reason I'm writing is that it's finally clicked in my head who John Vidale is, even though I really already knew. I was doing some reading
and there was John being quoted in an article by Wired. I guess I was just figuring John was an eager student or something. I know this all should
have been apparent, but it seems what we have here are a few geologists, and some citizen scientists that will answer our questions. (Duh. that's me
duhing as I explain the situation to myself)
The real groovy thing is thatin the article, John was discussing one of my favorite topics. The moon. I'll post link for the arctile where John is
quoted. But I want to post original articles which discuss prediction. Prediction is one of my favorite areas as well. But it's hard. Not impossible.
Just- really, really hard. Because there's a billion variables.
I'm going to write a bit more- just afraid something will happen within next minute and I'll lose this.. it happens
When aorAKI told me they were a geologist, I wanted to tell them all my kooky ideas and hypotheses. But I figured they all ready read about them and
dismissed them. I've long since given up on the hard sell. Now, I'm almost resigned. If I wasn't such a stubborn s.o.b., I might not care about my
secrets at all. They're my secrets because I'm the only one that believes in them. I'm going to describe some of my ideas, and I'm just throwing them
out there. I want no mention of them. The only way I would ever try to explore them again is if someone else, could and would believe, and set about
finding the proof. So, I'll make some statements and let go it. Then I may lose my mind again for a while. My life's changing again. damn.
Here's my ideas... Like Ripley said,
Beleive it or not.
1. Hudson Bay was formed by 3 mega volcanoes 448-300ish million years ago. Youngest beinging the southeast semi-circle.
2. Earlier mega eruptions ejected magma into orbit much like CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejection) . The material collected and it became our moon. VME
Volcanic Mass Ejection. Or mega eruption. It's really just a big hydro-thermal explosion. Or a mega phreatic/phraetic eruption. Don't worry about
pronouncing that one correctly, they can't agree on spelling. Sorry.
3. The eruption at Thera ejected magma which vapourized and turned into a sulfuric acid cloud. It condensed over the cities of Soddom and Gammorah
and the rest is history. Lots wife did not turn into a pillar of salt. She dissolved as if she were a pillar of salt that was left in the rain. The
acid rain.
4. Earthquake Prediction. I scored a prefect prediction by using the lunar cycle and was able to predict the second largest swarm in Yellowstone's
recorded history within hours. I had to correct the YVO. They had wrong start date. Documented here on ATS on the Yellowstone thread.
The moon is going to be big next month. Why am I writing this? I just am. You don't have to read it.
And please, let it lie unless you're going to pick up the fumble and run it into the end zone. I can't, my leg is bent backward and wrapped around my
I may be deluded. And quite frankly I am confortable with that thought and love the brain teaser that is delusion. I believe in one way or another we
all delude ourselves. I think my doctor is deluded. He said that I cannot be suffering delusions because I am aware of the fact that I may be deluded.
But wait. If my delusion is that I am the world's smartest man/person, wouldn't it makes sense that I would understand the concept of delusion and
would have to ask myself the question of whether or not my precepition of reality is true or false. Indeed, I've had a constant battle to find the
lines of delusion and reality and how they blur together. My doctor is deluded. In fact, most to the medical profession is deluded. They believe
anti-depressants work. They are no better than placebo. Yet, this being the truth, how can doctors continue to prescribe them? They don't want to
believe the alternative. They are denying the new findings because they cannot cope with reality, and so they ignore it and continue as they've always
done. England is ahead of the game. They've stopped using anti-depressants as a frontline defence against depression. Bravo state health. They don't
want to pay for unnessary treatments.
Wow. sorry sorry sorry. It's my need to infom I suppose.
I'm a bit embarrass to show my big bare ass out here. I think sometimes I make these big bold claims and rant so that I will someday say something so
stupid I can never take it back and therefore be so ashamed that I never come back. (i keep thinking someday i'll accidently link to porn- a tv
station made that boo boo just the other day. good morning, he's some porn to start your day)( billy's milk and ceral pouring down his chin as he
tries to comprehend the new commercial!?)
Shakes head.
edit on 24-4-2012 by ericblair4891 because: (no reason given)