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Ron Paul Was Scheduled to Appear on a White Supremacist Radio Show in 2006

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posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 11:30 PM

rational thought seems to rise from the stinking piles of refuse
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

now see, this right here is just the kind of rhetoric you don't want to start with on ATS. it suggests that if anyone disagrees with you on any point in the future, they will suddenly become part of your stinking pile of refuse. human beings, contrary to what you may have been taught in elite circles are not refuse

you have to watch this whole thing to get some idea how you sound to me with your "stinking pile of refuse" comment and the rest of us piles of refuse are like the dude trying to sell his watch to a pawn shop dealer for 50 bucks even though it' s worth 6k.

edit on 23-12-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

Assuming that he did go on the show... so what? Did they talk about race? If not, then wtf is your point?

I swear, are people so freaking stupid they cannot discern what actual racism is, or between lies and fabrication to actual fact?

I respect your opinion after reading your comments on several other threads, so please take this with all due respect, but did you read my comments?

First, appearing on the Cesspool is not like appearing on a partisan-leaning program ala Hannity or Maddow, but a genuine hate group propaganda program.

But whether he appeared or not, is besides the point, the 2 primary concerns I expressed at the very start of this thread remain unaddressed.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by undo

rational thought seems to rise from the stinking piles of refuse
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

now see, this right here is just the kind of rhetoric you don't want to start with on ATS. it suggests that if anyone disagrees with you on any point in the future, they will suddenly become part of your stinking pile of refuse. human beings, contrary to what you may have been taught in elite circles are not refuse

you have to watch this whole thing to get some idea how you sound to me with your "stinking pile of refuse" comment and the rest of us piles of refuse are like the dude trying to sell his watch to a pawn shop dealer for 50 bucks even though it' s worth 6k.

edit on 23-12-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

Sorry cant watch it yet because my daughter is finally asleep on the couch beside me and sound is a no no. However my refuse comment was referring to the Internet as a whole and not ATS. In fact, my point was that ATS rises above the refuse on the net. If you are arguing that the Internet is not full of garbage, then we will have to just agree to disagree.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

I can see where you're coming from but you're willing to overlook over 30 years of action in supporting the black community because of something somebody else wrote under his name?

And on the radio show, I put my two cents in on Charles Johnson, I hope you read that.

It also depends on the topic of the radio show he was allegedly scheduled to be on for. Do you know the topic? If not, why are we all jumping to conclusions here?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

" The story so far: apparently Ron Paul was scheduled to appear on the notorious radio show “The Political Cesspool,” a talk show in Kentucky connected to the white separatist Council of Conservative Citizens and the Holocaust denial group Institute for Historical Review. "

Yeah , I remember that back in 2006 , seems Mr. Paul had some Black Friends he was going to Dinner with that Day and had to Cancel his Appearence . I wonder if those Good Ole Boys at the Radio Station were able to get a Replacement Racists to Fill in for him ?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 11:44 PM

1. The sheer amount of vitriol and bigotry that appeared under his name, while doesn't necessarily mean he believes the same, shows a deep lack of executive skill. It is simply inexcusable to allow such garbage to be printed under your name.

2. This is more personal, but I believe one of the hallmarks of being a man, is to call out injustice and bigotry when you see it. Dr. Paul, whether he subscribes to the ideas himself, has been associated with people that espouse disgusting ideas. My father (and mother) raised me in a manner to stand up for what is right, and that entails speaking out when those around you are being bigoted. Yes, you may agree with 99% of what a group says, but when they stand for evil, you must call it out.
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

1. he was part of the libertarian party, which 20 years ago, included amongst it ranks, people of many different political groups, except for communists, who sided with the panthers and socialists, marxists, and other far left wing groups. you have to realize you are not the only person on the planet and not everyone sees eye to eye on the definition of racism. for example, some people frequently call bigotry against one religious group while trying to protect their own right to be bigotted towards another religious group. this is transparent to people who watch it go on long enough.

2. We don't have access to your personal stand on many ATS related and world related topics, so there's no way to verify if you actually do believe that. I've personally witnessed people who claimed bigotry was bad, to only turn around and call christians, as a group, a bunch of red neck low IQ bastard children of inbred parents.

edit on 23-12-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:14 AM
I don't want it to seem like I'm just joining the dogpile on the OP here, but there's a point that a lot of posters have vaguely alluded to that needs to be hit a little harder.

And it's this: We have a huge number of instances of Dr. Paul's own words and actions--never mind the testimony of people who would certainly know--that demonstrate that he's in no way racist. Why would he be secretly sneaking around being racist behind our backs--and in ways that are so anomalously and uncharacteristically cryptic? Does that seem realistic in any way?

But the way these attacks are suddenly coming up, and the way they're presented... "Hey, have you heard Joe Blow's sister is a big, fat crack-whore?" Well, it could be that you haven't heard that because it's not true. And now how do you prove otherwise to the people who now think it IS true?

This is insidious. And it's bound to have some negative effect--as planned....

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

Ron Paul isnt Racist now please stop the Smearing.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Ex_CT2

if the individual is concerned that it could lead to hitler part deux, that may have some bearing on it. if i think i am seeing warning signs of that i would be among the first to withdraw any vocal support for him, as i don't support the wiping of any group of people on this planet!

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by undo

" i don't support the wiping of any group of people on this planet! "

Not even Politicians ? I mean , come On Man , some of them Need a Good Wiping after they Drool all over themselves Stealing and Wasting the Tax Payers Money . I hear they Prefer Linen Napkins by the way.........

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:22 AM
every time this stuff is brought up it is rebuked
and it's always the same argument time after time
and it's proven false time after time
when will you trolls give up?

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
reply to post by undo

" i don't support the wiping of any group of people on this planet! "

Not even Politicians ? I mean , come On Man , some of them Need a Good Wiping after they Drool all over themselves Stealing and Wasting the Tax Payers Money . I hear they Prefer Linen Napkins by the way.........

i don't agree with capital punishment of any kind. i don't believe in death sentences. i don't believe humans are currently, divinely alloted the authority to kill others. the refusal to rely on god to handle such things in his own time, is evidence of lack of faith, but that doesn't mean because someone has lack of faith, that they should die or be treated as less worthy in some fashion. two wrongs, don't make a right. that only works in math.

edit on 24-12-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by undo

So , i take it you don't Believe in Abortion either ? Smart Man........

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Zanti Misfit
reply to post by undo

So , i take it you don't Believe in Abortion either ? Smart Man........

i'm female lol
you knew that.
and no, i don't believe in abortion unless the woman was raped, in which case, if she aborts,
i believe the blood is on the hands of her rapist. two wrongs, STILL don't make a right. no matter how ya spin it. i guess you could argue that two wrongs can make a right if the result of people seeing such wrongs occuring, learn from the example and don't make the same mistakes.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by LordOfArcadia

1. The sheer amount of vitriol and bigotry that appeared under his name, while doesn't necessarily mean he believes the same, shows a deep lack of executive skill. It is simply inexcusable to allow such garbage to be printed under your name.

I am going to ask you a couple very direct questions.

1) Have you read the newsletters in their entirety?

If so...

2) Are you aware of the hundreds of pages compiled over the length of the publication these FEW questionable entries consist of?

Please just answer directly.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

Ron can be the best president in history of US

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:48 AM
Well, welcome to ATS OP, in between shouts of "UR A SHILL" and death threats (which i get whenever I question the Paul) I hope you find something worthwhile.

He didn't show up to gig, so I don't see why we are discussing it?! However I will not be voting so don't think I am biased. As George Carlin once said "At least when I'm done masturbating, I'll have something to show for it."

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by undo

Oh , Sorry Maam . All Life is Sacred , but sometimes the Needs of the Many Outweight the Needs of the Few . it's Called the LAW , both God and Man Recognize this. Order From Chaos , the Selfdefense of a Society also has a God Given Right to Protect itself even if the End Result causes Human Death ...C'est la vie .......

edit on 24-12-2011 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

Your created an OP of how Ron Paul DIDN'T do something to prove he was "aligned" with White Nationalists?

Is this like how he was in a photo with Don Black, and received a $500 contribution from him, so that MAKES him a Stormfront member too?

Just curious because this is getting ridiculous.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by antonia
Well, welcome to ATS OP, in between shouts of "UR A SHILL" and death threats (which i get whenever I question the Paul) I hope you find something worthwhile.

He didn't show up to gig, so I don't see why we are discussing it?! However I will not be voting so don't think I am biased. As George Carlin once said "At least when I'm done masturbating, I'll have something to show for it."

i offer my promises not to kill you for disagreeing with ron paul.

whew, are you really getting death threats??

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