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Ron Paul Was Scheduled to Appear on a White Supremacist Radio Show in 2006

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+4 more 
posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:34 PM

Ron Paul Was Scheduled to Appear on a White Supremacist Radio Show in 2006

The story so far: apparently Ron Paul was scheduled to appear on the notorious radio show “The Political Cesspool,” a talk show in Kentucky connected to the white separatist Council of Conservative Citizens and the Holocaust denial group Institute for Historical Review.

The announcement of Ron Paul’s appearance was posted on the blog of Political Cesspool co-founder Austin Farley: Congressman Ron Paul TONIGHT On The Cesspool.

If true, this would be the most direct connection yet between Ron Paul and the kind of people who cheer for David Duke. But as Adam Holland and I both discove
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:34 PM
I am from the beautiful Commonwealth and know of these foul people. If Ron Paul did indeed appear on this show, I will have to forgo any consideration of voting for the man.

4 years ago, I donated to Dr. Paul and really hoped that he would change the conversation. Today, I have been taking a more wait and see approach. While the recent onslaught of media attention very well might be all smoke and no fire, they do bring up two issues about which I have grave concerns.

1. The sheer amount of vitriol and bigotry that appeared under his name, while doesn't necessarily mean he believes the same, shows a deep lack of executive skill. It is simply inexcusable to allow such garbage to be printed under your name.

2. This is more personal, but I believe one of the hallmarks of being a man, is to call out injustice and bigotry when you see it. Dr. Paul, whether he subscribes to the ideas himself, has been associated with people that espouse disgusting ideas. My father (and mother) raised me in a manner to stand up for what is right, and that entails speaking out when those around you are being bigoted. Yes, you may agree with 99% of what a group says, but when they stand for evil, you must call it out.

I hope none of this is true, but Dr. Paul must address the two points I outlined above if hopes to garner my vote.
(visit the link for the full news article)

+53 more 
posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by LordOfArcadia


STRAWS ANYONE??? Every candidate is to be held accountable for any new agency that interviews them...oh boy we are really screwed then....LMAO nice try u 2

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:40 PM


posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Drala
reply to post by LordOfArcadia


STRAWS ANYONE??? Every candidate is to be held accountable for any new agency that interviews them...oh boy we are really screwed then....LMAO nice try u 2

Knowing of the Political Cesspool, I would not call the show a "news agency" but more akin to being asked to speak at a KKK meeting.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:44 PM

edit on 23-12-2011 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:46 PM

edit on 23-12-2011 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Drala
reply to post by Drala

WOW DRALA GREAT hmmm the odds that the 2 people that post in this were registered on the same day....i bet the odds are great if its the same tool that registered 2 times to help agreement with himself lol...BUT I DIGRESS....


Hmmmm DRALA 3 YOU ALSO MAKE GOOD POINT....lobby group anyone....


ya ya good one DRALA 4 lmao

I am fairly new here and this is only the third thread that I have started, but when you post a link in breaking news, it posts the snippets in one comment and your thoughts in a second comment. This wasn't me trying to post twice, but simply a feature of how ATS operates.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

LOL - conspiracies are everywhere man...even in ATS's well known (to some) system for breaking news....

Well done for denying this guy's ignorance without making it personal!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

Well done for denying this guy's ignorance without making it personal!

Thanks. Civility might be hard to find in today's world, but it will become extinct if those that know it exists cease to use it.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by LordOfArcadia

Originally posted by Drala
reply to post by Drala

WOW DRALA GREAT hmmm the odds that the 2 people that post in this were registered on the same day....i bet the odds are great if its the same tool that registered 2 times to help agreement with himself lol...BUT I DIGRESS....


Hmmmm DRALA 3 YOU ALSO MAKE GOOD POINT....lobby group anyone....


ya ya good one DRALA 4 lmao

I am fairly new here and this is only the third thread that I have started, but when you post a link in breaking news, it posts the snippets in one comment and your thoughts in a second comment. This wasn't me trying to post twice, but simply a feature of how ATS operates.

Sorry my mistake....I thought you were pulling a shady bad...i still cannot side with you....Dis he appear on the show? Or they just had him listed to appear? Did he confirm? Why did he not appear if he declined? Sorry for the confusion, but lets get real...obama has appeared on chinese tv and iranian think then he is chinese or iranian affiliated?

Perhaps IF Paul had gone on the show, I think we should judge how he responded....not how he didn't...did he decline because he found out their view? I think you should try to post something as to why he DID NOT appear, avoiding debate over what he did not say in the interview that did not happen...AM I GETTING THIS RIGHT?
edit on 23-12-2011 by Drala because: (no reason given)

+77 more 
posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:57 PM
This attempted smearing is getting so ridiculous. There is nothing that Ron Paul has ever said or done to insinuate that he is a racist, so now they are saying he was almost going to say something, but didn't. Am I the only one who realized how STUPID that sounds? Secondly, I guarantee you that none of us have all the facts.

The trolls sure have been coming out in force to bash Dr. Paul here on ATS lately, and it is relatively moronic because their agendas are obvious, because they are the same moronic tactics the mainstream media has been using against him for how long now?

If the PRESIDENT OF THE NAACP says Ron Paul is NOT racist, corroborated by the lack of any supporting evidence to the contrary, why in the name of all things holy do people keep posting this CRAP? Because that is exactly what it is. Instead of slandering a good man's name, why do these people not focus on the issues that are really important?

It is people like this who perpetuate the reality tv show mindset...braindead. Only interested in who is having an affair with who, and the first time anyone claims anything, whether it's racist or bigot, even though there is no evidence, they just eat it up and ask for seconds. It really is sickening.

To the OP, this wasn't directed towards you if you were posting this for reasons other than to slander Dr. Paul because you don't like him. If you do have an agenda that involves something of this nature, then this definitely was directed at you. So you can take it either way, but mainly I was referring to a whole slew of people that keep doing what I described above.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:57 PM
All of a sudden when Ron Paul is high in the polls, stories come out claiming he's a racist. This is the oldest trick in the book. Maybe he was scheduled to appear on this show. So what? Is he supposed to know every belief that every person who interviews him has? I heard Jay Leno hates gays. I guess Ron Paul hates them too because he appeared on his show

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:59 PM

edit on 23-12-2011 by DrunkNinja because: (no reason given)

Can anyone show me some words that he either wrote or spoke that were racist ? I would love to see them in context if possible, if they were ever uttered at all.

edit on 23-12-2011 by DrunkNinja because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by timi0000
All of a sudden when Ron Paul is high in the polls, stories come out claiming he's a racist.

Nope, all of a sudden YOU found out about Ron Paul being a racist. Many of us knew this long before it became popular at your high school to pretend to even care about the guy.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:01 PM
Okay so, I went to the 'archive' page for August 2006

and August 18 just happened to be missing.

Just pointing that out. BTW I am pro Paul so I don't believe this but.. hey you gotta try and hear all sides of a story not just the one you want to hear.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by JiggyPotamus
This attempted smearing is getting so ridiculous. There is nothing that Ron Paul has ever said or done to insinuate that he is a racist, so now they are saying he was almost going to say something, but didn't. Am I the only one who realized how STUPID that sounds? Secondly, I guarantee you that none of us have all the facts.

The trolls sure have been coming out in force to bash Dr. Paul here on ATS lately, and it is relatively moronic because their agendas are obvious, because they are the same moronic tactics the mainstream media has been using against him for how long now?

If the PRESIDENT OF THE NAACP says Ron Paul is NOT racist, corroborated by the lack of any supporting evidence to the contrary, why in the name of all things holy do people keep posting this CRAP? Because that is exactly what it is. Instead of slandering a good man's name, why do these people not focus on the issues that are really important?

It is people like this who perpetuate the reality tv show mindset...braindead. Only interested in who is having an affair with who, and the first time anyone claims anything, whether it's racist or bigot, even though there is no evidence, they just eat it up and ask for seconds. It really is sickening.

To the OP, this wasn't directed towards you if you were posting this for reasons other than to slander Dr. Paul because you don't like him. If you do have an agenda that involves something of this nature, then this definitely was directed at you. So you can take it either way, but mainly I was referring to a whole slew of people that keep doing what I described above.

I appreciate that you do not lump me in with those that are simply trying to slander the man, because I am not. I have been a Paul supporter and in many ways, would like to do so again. However, as I addressed in my comments on the original article, the recent smoke raises two issues that make me very uncomfortable.

As for the question why he did or did not appear on the show, this is an unanswered question. The facts as they were reported in the original article states that he was scheduled to appear on the show, but it has neither been confirmed nor denied if he actually appeared. My hope is that he did not appear and it was because he became aware that it was a haven for bigots. However, either way, my two primary concerns would remain until Dr. Paul addresses them succinctly and without equivocation.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by timi0000
All of a sudden when Ron Paul is high in the polls, stories come out claiming he's a racist. This is the oldest trick in the book.

It happens to all politicians - as you say, it's the oldest trick in the book - have a look at the Rep nomination race recently for a casualty or 2.

The only relevant question is is it true?

+10 more 
posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by ReadyPower

The show aired, but Ron Paul was not a guest. If you look at the dates you will see that it starts on the 3rd of august, and is aired every 7 days with no mention of Ron Paul, and no missing special guest.

This story is coming up as hoax bin worthy

+2 more 
posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:14 PM
Educate yourselves:

NAACP President : "Ron Paul is no racist"

The NAACP people, NAACP!

Putting an END to the 'Ron Paul is racist' claims right here and now. Who will challenge me?

Ron Paul is in the lead, the easiest way to smear a candidate is to make idiotic claims as the above because the people are too stupid to know better. (I.e. they have NO critical thinking skills. They rely on the news to tell them what to think.)

If Ron Paul is racist, that means Nelson Linder (NAACP president) is a closet Ku Klux Klan member.

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