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Satan Walks On Earth Disguised As Popes

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:25 PM
link, you mean to be humorous...with blocula.

The reason for the Crusades, brave Christian men defended the most holy
places on earth from Islam's destruction. Where Our Lord died!!!!

There have been a couple of non-popes but the others, 300 plus since
Peter have been holy men. Satan doesn't bring about a good, he has
no holiness.

Another non-pope will be working for the anti-Christ and with your
hatred of the true faith right now, you're going to be deceived. Try as hard as you can to discern this prophesy written in Daniel and in current prophecy.

The "continual sacrifice" will be taken away. This is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The anti-Christ is going to abolish the Eucharist, the "abomination of desolation." Don't believe it now, watch what happens. God knows the beginning to the end. He has revealed it. Give a response.

Where is the "continual sacrifice" in Protestantism?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by WhoKnows100
I'm not laying sole blame on the Catholic Church,they just happen to be the most evil organization of them all...

A continuous chain of popes for almost 2,000 years...

Holy war after holy war resulting in the annihilation of millions of people...

Crusade after crusade resulting in the annihilation of millions of people...

Hundreds of thousands,perhaps millions of innocent people including little children who were ruthlessly demonized and hunted down,captured,starved and tortured,then mutilated,hung and burnt at the stake as witches and heretics,their property then confiscated by the catholic church in the name of god...

Child after child after child molested and raped...

All those things were given the blessings and protection of the catholic church and popes...

Popes who have orchestrated hell on earth for millions of nameless,forgotten people...

Popes who then hushed up and supressed up their own evil deeds...

And the present day billion catholic sheeple dont seem to care that the holy foundations they kneel upon are drenched with blood and tears...

For they have been seduced by evil and they are obsessed and posessed by satan in disguise...Imo

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Repeat of the same BX, nonsense.

It's all "IMO", you show everyone you know nothing of history. "Holy war
after holy war" the most immature statement. No one is going
with your the Pope is Satan in disguise."

It's sad, the time soon when the anti-Christ attempts to take down
Christ's Church with the help of a non-pope, you will be deceived a second

Satan is not capable of good. That's so simple to understand.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:34 PM
It seems strange if you consider the beginning of the Catholic Inquisition.In the year 1215 Pope Innocence III invited 1500 priests to come to Rome to hold the so called "Lateran-Synode".During this synode the Pope declared,that the "Katharsers" were proclaimed being "heretics" and the "holy war was declared against them"

The holy inquisition was the best weapon.The Jews were once ordered to wear a yellow spot on their clothes.

700 years later,in 1941,the German Jews were told that they must display a yellow Star of David,"obviously and firmly affixed on the left side of their garment"...

Catholic Inquisition/Nazi Holocaust comparisons link >

The witch hunts were led by fanatical rulers,spurred on behind the scenes by the Catholic Church...

The Malefiz House of Bamberg has been a blueprint for prison camps of the KZs,gulags and many other person despising totalitarian regimes up until today...

Catholic Malefiz 4-story high Witch House and Torture Prison Link >

Sorry this link is in German,but its the only one i could find that shows what that 1600's Catholic Hell House/Witch killing prison looked like and it was a middle ages Death Camp >
edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by blocula

Your sources OP, your comments too, show you know nothing about the faith.

Posting a message from last January. A summary of the end times, of what is to take place before the Millennium, the 7th Day. Some of it to begin at the end of this year according to the revelations given the Irish seer, Maria/Divine Mercy.

There is a divine event prophesied, not spoken of in this message. At Garabandal, fifty years ago, a mystical event was prophesied to happen within one year after the Great Warning. It is the Great Miracle. It will be seen in the sky, everyone will know it is from God.

+ + +

message to Verne

God Speaks Will You Listen


I the Lord God will shake the heavens and earth both physically and spiritually because of the sins of this generation. My children are not responding to the ordinary means of salvation given to mankind: my church and the sacraments. The Lord has sent his mother as a messenger who has warned mankind. I have been shaking the earth for many years now. Few souls realize the natural events transpiring are to wake up my children to the eternal salvation. Changes in the weather, earthquakes, diseases, and food supplies are permitted by my divine will to wake up my children. Many are not able to discern the signs of the times do to their sins and the deception of Satan.

Therefore, I the Lord will remove the deception and allow my children to see the truth. An increase in the physical shaking of the earth will take place until the warning. The warning is the spiritual shaking. During the warning, all of mankind will know the truth, the state of their souls, and the particular judgment of their soul at that moment. My mercy and justice allow this warning as one of the last mercies to this sinful generation. The response of mankind to the warning will determine the severity of the chastisement, after the warning. The warning will fulfill the prophecies of: Blessed Anna Maria Taiga, Lourdes, Fatima, Divine Mercy, and Garabandal. My church will not go underground and the abomination of desolation will not occur, until after the warning. I need my church to bring my graces to my children, after the warning. Confessionals must be open for my children to receive the pardon and forgiveness for their sins. Remember, I am a God of mercy. Those who harden their hearts to my mercy and graces will pave the road for the events prophesied in Apocalypse 12, 13, and 14. I warned the people of Noah’s day and I will warn the people of this generation.

If mankind does not repent of their sins, you will see the following events, after the warning. The persecution of the Holy Father, causing him to flee Rome and go into hiding. The Holy Mass becoming protestantized with the abomination of desolation taking place. My true church being forced into underground masses with my children being fed my Holy Eucharist many times by my angels. A world wide persecution of my faithful. My faithful being called to flee to my refuges. A false church being instituted with a false leader or antipope. Mankind attempting to re-institutionalize the tower of Babel, with a one world government, which will control the world’s currency with the mark of the beast. An antichrist who will lead this revolt against God and who will proclaim the Masonic doctrine that all religions are equal and that the kingdom of God is a materialistic earthly kingdom.

This will cause my eternal judgment to descend on this earth and cast the antichrist and his followers into the abyss of hell for all eternity. Satan and his demons will also be locked away for 1000 years as described in Apocalypse 20:1-3. Then, the earth will go through 3 days of darkness just as my son was in the tomb for 3 days. My creation will then be renewed and the seventh day or era of peace will begin. These events are written in my Holy Scriptures. I bring messages to my people because my people do not read my Holy Scriptures. The severity and sequence of events will be determined by the response of mankind to my mercy and justice. Without repentance, these events will increase and take place in this generation. These words are a reminder that God’s will, will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Be like Noah and enter my ark of refuge and enter the seventh and eighth days of creation. Verne, this understanding will give you peace this day and the days ahead.


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by colbe

If mankind does not repent of their sins, you will see the following events, after the warning. The persecution of the Holy Father, causing him to flee Rome and go into hiding.

Are you freaking kidding me? Do you really expect Bible-savvy Christians to accept that the Lord refers to the pope as "the HOLY FATHER"????????

"And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

Jesus Christ

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by colbe

If mankind does not repent of their sins, you will see the following events, after the warning. The persecution of the Holy Father, causing him to flee Rome and go into hiding.

Are you XXXX kidding me? Do you really expect Bible-savvy Christians to accept that the Lord refers to the pope as "the HOLY FATHER"????????

"And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

Jesus Christ

This has been explained a 100 times. Jesus was using hyperbole in that verse. Our Lord and the apostles referred to "holy" men, some chosen by God as Father. It is a reverent word, positive, loving.

Thank you for taking the time to read the message.


posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by colbe

He wasn't using hyperbole, that's an excuse. This is also completely unBiblical:

Be like Noah and enter my ark of refuge and enter the seventh and eighth days of creation.

God created in 6 days, and rested from all His creative efforts on the 7th day. There was no "7th and 8th" days of creation.

"For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."

Exodus 20:11

So again, do you honestly expect any Biblically savvy Christian to accept that absurd tripe as coming from the Lord Almighty? The children i teach in Sunday school can tell you that there was no "7th and 8th" day of creation.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:46 AM
It's an old protest. Our Lord, His mother and the Apostles addressed, spoke of holy men as father.

+ + +

Matt. 23:9 - Jesus says, "call no man father." But Protestants use this verse in an attempt to prove that it is wrong for Catholics to call priests "father." This is an example of "eisegesis" (imposing one's views upon a passage) as opposed to "exegesis" (drawing out the meaning of the passage from its context). In this verse, Jesus was discouraging His followers from elevating the scribes and Pharisees to the titles of “fathers” and “rabbis” because they were hypocrites. Jesus warns us not to elevate anyone to the level of our heavenly Father.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:54 AM
Non-Catholic Christians, not all of them misinterpret "call no man
father." Here, chapter and verse, where Our Lord, the Apostles and Jesus' dear mother called holy men "Father."

+ + +

The Lord, Mary, the Apostles and Others Refer to Spiritual Leaders as "Fathers"

Matt. 3:9; Luke 3:8 - Jesus refers to Abraham as our "father."

Mark 11:10 - the people cried out blessed is the kingdom of our "father" David that is coming!

Luke 1:32 - God's angel says Jesus will be great and be given the throne of his "father" David.

Luke 1:55 - Mary says that He spoke to our "fathers," to Abraham and to his posterity for ever.

Luke 1:73 - Zechariah says the oath which he swore to our "father" Abraham.

Luke 16:24,30 - Jesus, in His parable about the rich man, says our "father" Abraham.

John 4:12 - the Samaritan woman asks Jesus if He is greater than our "father" Jacob.

John 7:22 - Jesus refers to the "fathers" who gave the Jews the practice of circumcision.

John 8:56 - Jesus tells the Jews your "Father" Abraham rejoiced that he was to see my day.

Acts 3:13,25; 5:30 - Peter teaches that the God of our "fathers" glorified His servant Jesus and raised Him to life.

Acts 4:25 - Peter and John pray to God and refer to our "father" David.

Acts 7:11-12, 15,19,38,44-45,51-52 - Stephen refers to our "fathers" in the faith.

Acts 7:32 - Stephen calls God the God of our "fathers."

Acts 13:17,32,36; 24:14; 26:6; 28:17,25 - Paul also refers to the God of our "fathers" in the faith.

Acts 22:3 - Paul says he was educated according to the strict law of our "fathers."

Acts 22:14 - Ananias says the God of our "fathers."

Rom. 4:1 - Paul calls Abraham our "forefather."

Rom. 4:16-17 - Paul says that Abraham is the "father" of us all and the "father" of many nations.

Rom. 9:10 - Paul calls Isaac, a spiritual leader, our "forefather."

1 Cor. 10:1 - Paul says that our "fathers" were all under the cloud, referring to the Old Testament spiritual leaders.

Gal. 1:14 - Paul says that he was zealous for the tradition of his "fathers."

2 Tim. 1:3 - Paul thanks God whom he serves with a clear conscience as did his "fathers" in faith.

Heb. 1:1 - the author says God spoke of old to our "fathers."

Heb. 3:9 - the Holy Spirit says that your "fathers" put me to the test.

Heb. 8:9 - God says not like the covenant that I made with their "fathers."

James 2:21 - James says was not our "father" Abraham justified by works when he offered his son Isaac?

1 Peter 1:18 - Peter says you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your "fathers."

2 Peter 3:4 - Peter says ever since the "fathers" fell asleep, all things have continued as they were from the beginning.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by colbe
Somethings really wrong here...God will shake the heavens and the earth...but god wasnt powerful enough to stop auschwitz?...One of hundreds of examples i could use...

So either...there is no god...or...god is evil...

The Popes and Catholic Church organized and orchestrated the Inquisition and Witch Hunts and Witchcraft Hysteria and with the "blessings of the popes",nameless and countless men,women and children were burnt alive at the stake...

Think About That...

And for all those millions of murdered people,their forgotten names,their annihilated lives and their ignored memories,i will declare the catholic church evil and satan walks the earth disguised as popes...

edit on 6-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by colbe
Somethings really wrong here...God will shake the heavens and the earth...but god wasnt powerful enough to stop auschwitz?...One of hundreds of examples i could use...

So either...there is no god...or...god is evil...

The Popes and Catholic Church organized and orchestrated the Inquisition and Witch Hunts and Witchcraft Hysteria and with the "blessings of the popes",nameless and countless men,women and children were burnt alive at the stake...

Think About That...

And for all those millions of murdered people,their forgotten names,their annihilated lives and their ignored memoriesI will declare the catholic church evil and satan walks the earth disguised as popes...

edit on 6-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

blocula (OP),

Be truthful, did you take the time to read the entire message, God Speaks Will You Listen? It wasn't long and for Bible Alone believers, there is reference to Scripture.

Friend, you wouldn't take your next breath if God didn't allow it. Don't
limit God...

He is all good. Man is partly good and capable of evil. God gave man the gift of "free will." Auschwitz happened. God brings "good" out of the most horrid evil, where do you think all those souls who died at Auschwitz are? They are certainly all martyrs, innocents.

You repeat the same general statement except it goes from "countless"
to "millions" over and over. And history doesn't line up with the cut and paste from the anti-Catholic websites you have posted in this thread.

"You" can declare the Church evil, it isn't, Satan who wants to take down the Church is evil.

I'll pray for your conversion at the time of the close (soon) Great Warning.



posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by blocula

I am beginning to take much more of a pessimistic view of the way history is presented from over 100 years ago. When it gets to the years you refer to, thousand years or so, I look at it as may have happened the way it is presented and may not have. To be honest though i would say most likely injected with heavy doses of propaganda and story telling.

Recently, i have been noticing people taking what they see in movies or books meant to be for entertainment (although the subject matter is serious) as factual as well. So it is also obvious to me that this must have been going on from the earlies humans who were able to verbalize and use media. Have you ever seen the stories that come about from a simple "cave" drawing? It is comical to me, but at the same time people are perpetuating fantasies.

I still enjoy movies and reading fiction though.
edit on 7-1-2012 by Malcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:14 AM
Heres a link that should open some peoples closed eyes and minds as it reveals just how sick and demented and evil the catholic religion and its popes actually

Sorry that link above appears to be really slow to open..."i deleted it"...theres a better one below...
edit on 7-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:20 AM
If Satan exists, wouldnt he be disguised as someone/something the majority of people, including young people, embrace? Such as Google for example?

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:22 AM
Consider the beginning of the Catholic Inquisition.In the year 1215 Pope Innocence III invited 1500 priests to come to Rome to hold the so called "Lateran-Synode".During this synode the Pope declared,that the "Katharsers" were proclaimed being "heretics" and the "holy war was declared against them"

The holy inquisition was their best weapon.The Jews were once ordered to wear a yellow spot on their clothes,700 years ago!

And heres another brutal yet true link that should open some peoples closed eyes and minds revealing just how,sick,demented and evil the catholic religion and its popes actually are...

The Roman Catholic Inquisition was one of the greatest disasters ever to befall mankind. In the name of Jesus Christ, Catholic priests mounted an enormous effort to kill all "heretics" in Europe and Britain. Heretics is defined whichever way Rome wanted it defined; it ranged from people who disagreed with official policy, to Hermetic Philosophers [Black Magick Practitioners], to Jews, to Witches, and to the Protestant reformers >
edit on 7-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by blocula

Maybe you didnt realize but your link has some adware and maybe other things, almost crashed my browser and auto downloaded files.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating
Hi,your probably right and i think and feel that satan,demons,evil,lucifer,fallen angels,whatever name someone chooses to call them are very real and they surely project themselves into our world,within our society disguised as many things,they sometimes appear as wolves in sheeps clothing...I have read and heard that the patent number for the first computer has 666 in it...I dont know if thats true or not?

edit on 7-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by blocula

Even still, blocula, how do you know if those drawings really mean anything? Someone drew a picture, made a chair?

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 11:11 AM
"On December 5, 1484, ... Pope Innocent VIII, issued a bull, in which he deplored the prevalence of witches, and empowered two Domincan monks, Heinrich Kraemer and Jacob Sprenger, to launch a holy war against 'this satanic sect',

Kraemer and Sprenger were ordered to give every assistance by bishop, priest, and lay authority. As guidelines for the monstrous pogrom of witches that was to ensue, the two 'holy' brothers produced a primer,

The Malleus maleficarum which went into details as gruesome as possible to enable dutiful inquisitors to force confessions from a tortured body. It became the standard manual for witch-hunting and witch extermination." >
edit on 7-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by blocula
"On December 5, 1484, ... Pope Innocent VIII, issued a bull, in which he deplored the prevalence of witches, and empowered two Domincan monks, Heinrich Kraemer and Jacob Sprenger, to launch a holy war against 'this satanic sect',

Kraemer and Sprenger were ordered to give every assistance by bishop, priest, and lay authority. As guidelines for the monstrous pogrom of witches that was to ensue, the two 'holy' brothers produced a primer,

The Malleus maleficarum which went into details as gruesome as possible to enable dutiful inquisitors to force confessions from a tortured body. It became the standard manual for witch-hunting and witch extermination." >
edit on 7-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Check blocula's link, oh my gosh. One full page of nonsense with drawings.

Read Catholic writings, search with Catholic apologetics first typed in, ask a Catholic who practices the faith.

blocula, did you use to be Roman Catholic? Why this thread, what's
your "chip" brother? Were your parents anti-Catholic?

I care, please share.....

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