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Satan Walks On Earth Disguised As Popes

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posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by blocula

I think the pope is the figure head. Very corrupted but not the true power.

Now, I keep having visions of making the arrests with the Cosmos, it always feels soon, but realize it could be a thousand years from now as there is no time. I always want it now, but I'm not exactly myself in those visions. More empowered self. I've thought about it often, and taken it in meditation. I realize this is Christ/Family/Father/Michael, what I'm calling the Cosmos are those serving Family and Family of Love and Goodness, so this suggests, not just another cycle when it happens. I'm in blue uniform with them.

We head straight to England and the House of Windsor and Rothchilds are first on the list of who we call TPTB. I have no idea what happens to the bigger ones. I'm sure it has to do with levels. There is no stopping the arrest team, its just sail in and out. There is nothing they can do. I recognize their energy and it has something to do with the past events/star wars, and what needs to be straightened out. Most people are influenced or controlled, some are really something else. I take it they're truly something else in source.

Its under the scenes or behind the scenes where the bigger elements operate.

Now they're trying to make revelations come true. We just went through Elenin, which is Revelations 9 11.

And they had a king over them, who is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue he has the name Apollyon.

Then end of Sept to Mid October there was a huge astrological sign involved in a once in 11 000 year moon position. So a rare one. Virgo was giving birth to planets and the Sun on Oct 16. That relates to Apollyon, the dragon and the rule of the Iron Fist/Dragon, so As Above So Below, China. Possibly China and Middle East. Then armeggedon?

I have prayed for Obama, because he really confused me. While he is doing bad things, I've felt his energy and it seemed ufology related not strictly negative. Anyway, I've prayed for his family alot. There is something around him, and when I was searching inside for the name I got Abaddon.

Then the video goes to the book if Isaiah in the Bible, chapter 14:14 where Satan is quoted as saying “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high.” According to the video, there are several references to Satan as having fallen from the “heights” or the “heavens” and that the Hebrew word used for heights is “bamah.” Further, according to the video, there are conditions in Hebrew in which “bamah” would have sometimes been pronounced “U-bamah” or “O-bamah” and would have been translated literally as “Lightening from the heights.”

Therefore “Baraq U-Bamah” or “O-bamah...

“Even if we granted that bama could mean "heaven" by itself (that is, without adding a word like "clouds" after it),” Dr. Finley said, “the combination that the video makes, "baraq u/o bama," could only mean "lightning and heaven," not "lightning from heaven" or "the heights").

Further, according to Dr. Finley, “What Jesus said in Luke 10:18 was, in the KJV, "Satan as lightning fall from heaven." If he spoke it in Aramaic, then "from heaven" should be "min shemayya." If Hebrew it should be "mehashamayim." It is impossible that he would have used "bama" for "heaven," whether in Hebrew or Aramaic. In Greek it is "ek tou ouranou." And of course this doesn't address how to account for "and" in the alleged name "baraq u/o bama."

The author above is trying to disregard something that is not just a play on words. Its a really alarming and unusual play on words.

In addition, Obama/Osama and the Twins, which are very important to the bloodlines, makes me think that while he may only be an option for them to use, easily replaced with another in the sidelines, and its not only him who could host Satan/Lucifer/Legion or Apollyon. If anything he is just a contender.

However, they've already gone to a lot of trouble with this one, and done other things, like black op cloning, Obama/Osama. So alot of time, effort and money has been sunk into this.

Mind you, maybe they are just grooming him for it but they spent money just using him as a distraction. While carefully a hidden one.

I don't know. But the pope isn't the one to me. He's like Disneyland, all out in the open.

In fact the vatican named their telescope lucifer, ie wakie wakie seek. And during sex scandal investigation, wrote, they were unable to make sense of the world so they went to alternative news sights, conspiracy sights to try to, In other words, wakie wakie.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by blocula

Hi, I'm reluctantly researching a trail and its hard to get real dates and data on. The dates given in this trail are all for when they tried to introduce this religion in Rome, but that would be ages after its foundation.

All I can do is give links that show some dark things, like the Dark Stone, which is also depicted in the kabballa. In fact its depicted with the eagel. I know from some other sources the dark stone is actually Saturn so this sun god is Saturn again. Stones are heavy gravity, guilt by the way, if you every meditate on clouds and stones and the lessons in the living library of earth. While at the same time also could be seen as record keepers, or mantle, but matrix energy.

Relating to this thread though, on the trail I'm on, not the first link, but my last link:

Revelation 2:12-13

New International Version (NIV)

To the Church in Pergamum
12 “To the angel of the church in Pergamum write:

These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. 13 I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives.


Pergamos was forty-five miles north of Smyrna. It was the Sin City of its day - one of the most religious places on earth. The people were known as "the temple-keepers of Asia." The largest shrine belonged to the Grecian sun idol Zeus, but the city was acclaimed for being the headquarters of the serpent god, Asklepios. I suspect they recognized that the sungod and the serpent represented the same spirit, but they might not have known that they both were kleptos - Greek, for "those who steal men's souls."

In this religious haven, the favorite spirit of the people was Bacchus, the Greek god of carousing, drinking and orgies. Bacchus modeled many of Osiris' traits who was in turn based upon the sungods Adonis, Ba'al, Bel, and Tamuz, digressing in time from the Egyptians to the Phoenicians, Assyrians and Babylonians. Satan has always found it handy to change his names and disguises. It's easier and more beguiling than changing his nature. Today, Catholics commemorate the Babylonian pagan rite of Lent, by celebrating the Bacchanalia under its new name "Mardi Gras." Lent itself is based upon the Babylonian practice of weeping for Tammuz - the Son of the Sun....

This is yet another sun god from that area and related to a stone: Terminus

Sol Invitus is the one I started my journey on, as an astrologer/mason commented that the real Christ was Sol Invitus.

No, the real Christ is not a black stone, Saturn.

But anyway, there must be some intense coding and perverting of information going on, and for eons even, things buried, hidden.

And I want the absolute truth about they're doing.

The prominence of sun worship in the Roman Empire was attributed to two factors. First, it had been a part of the religious worship system of pagan Rome for a very long time. It was widespread, but not the official dominant religion. Next, the Eastern cult of sun worship, “Sol Invictus” (Invincible Sun), through the cult of “Sol Invictus Mithra” and “Sol Elagabal,” became the dominant religion of the Empire. Notice the “bal” at the end of the name; this signifies that it incorporated Ba(a)l worship.

Mithraism primarily was more of a private cult, though it numbered among its adherents magistrates and emperors. Sol Invictus Elagabal, on the other hand was a popular cult with grandiose temples and during the rule of the young Emperor Elagabalus (A.D. 218-222) was made the official cult of the whole empire.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 03:37 PM


Prior to moving forward, some other interpretations of Teli deserve consideration. Interestingly, the word teli never appears in the Bible, it does however occur in the Bahir where it is discussed as the world axis upon which the celestial globe and world of manifestation hangs. In Hebrew teli means ‘to hang’ or literally ‘that which hangs from one’ begging the question of where did its association to a celestial serpent arise? Definitely by the medieval period the association between Teli and the Pole Serpent (Draco) was concrete. As Kaplan in his translation and commentary on the Sefer Yetzirah discusses, for medieval Kabbalists Teli was seen as one of two Leviathans – the female version being the water serpent of earth, the male corresponding to the Pole Serpent of the sky, Teli. This likely arose from Rabbi Shimon’s exegesis on the creation of the male and female Levi

athans as the upper and lower “Waters” in the Zohar. He further states that the world of manifestation “hangs from the fins of the Leviathan” placing this serpent in direct context of the polar axis mundi....

Let us take a moment to summarize. So what do we get veiled within the symbol of the Teli?

A celestial Pole Serpent that is in the Universe “like a king on his throne”, an axis-mundi upon which the world of manifestation hangs, a cyclic principle of space-time exemplified by the 12 constellations of the zodiac, a force that devours the Sun in eclipse, and a beast demonized by exoteric biblical religion that upon final judgment must be destroyed with God’s “great sharp sword”.


posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

the catholic church and the popes ruled europe for a very long time,hundreds of years and maybe even a thousand.the popes back then were like the dictators of european laws and "disorder" and the catholic church back then was like the government of europe...

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by Unity_99
The planet saturn was discovered by galileo in 1610,so any prior saturn worship must have been to the god saturn,who was in ancient roman religion and myth saturn,latin,saturnus,who was a major god presiding over agriculture and the harvest time,his mother was terra and his father was caelus...

edit on 12-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 09:33 PM
Just to be clear, it seems that the corollary to your argument would be that if we found any Popes that were good, conscionable men than that would mean that they were divinely inspired, right?

It would help your argument if you wouldn't make such large, sweeping and easily disproved statements.

Although there is a ton of anti-Catholic bigotry on display here, it seems to stem from ignorance, not malice. Look into the actual cause of the crusades, look into muslim aggression and militaristic expansion, look into the actual numbers of witches killed, look into how many were killed by Protestants as opposed to Catholics. A little erudition would bolster your theory.

Catholics and Popes have committed horrible acts. They have also been responsible for great and noble acts. It's part and parcel of being human. Until the return of Christ, the Church will be comprised of failable sinners, as were the Apostles during and following the crucifixion. That's just the way it is.


posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by EricD
Those Popes initiated and Popes orchestrated Holy Medieval Crusades that lasted for hundreds of years, killed millions and they are the origins and the reasons behind the present day Muslim Terrorists and Muslim Jihadists hatred towards the people of the western world...

The Popes were directly responsible for sending hundreds of thousands,perhaps millions to their deaths through their Papal Bull Witchcraft Laws,that led directly to the Witch Delusions and Witch Hunts that lasted hundreds of years and continuously laid waste to the countrysides and delivered desolation and death upon the innocent populations of Europe...

And the Catholic Church and its Popes covered up the rape and sodomy of thousands of children for who knows how long...

All that and more,thanks to the Popes and the Catholic Church...

The Popes and Catholic Church literally invented the Death Camp,as the following link sadly and shockingly shows and during the 16th and 17th centuries,more than 100,000 people in Germany alone were tortured and murdered as a result of being accused of being Witches.The Witch Hunts were led by fanatical rulers,spurred on behind the scenes by the Catholic Church. "whos leaders are the Popes" who are "the Bishops of Rome" >

And heres a side by side comparison of the Catholic Church and their Popes created and orchestrated Witch Hunts,to the German Nazi Holocaust >

The 10 most evil Popes link >

The above list doesnt even mention the Pope who i think was the most evil of all,Pope Innocent the VIII >
edit on 13-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by Unity_99
The planet saturn was discovered by galileo in 1610,so any prior saturn worship must have been to the god saturn,who was in ancient roman religion and myth saturn,latin,saturnus,who was a major god presiding over agriculture and the harvest time,his mother was terra and his father was caelus...

edit on 12-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

The astrology has been studied and known not just for the scant thousands of years we have recorded, ie. Vedic, Druids/Irish, China, Mayan/Hopi even, and Egypt, (and no, that man did not discover Saturn.). Saturn is named in Sumar, by the Caanites, and in nearly all, if not all, the ancient records of races on earth.

But thats only the last crop of cookies out of the oven. There are many we've never encountered knowledge of.
Way back by our standards, and everything is repeating itself, albeit with some new patterns and ways, but they use a cookie cutter model.

we bring an excerpt of a list of witnesses from a pact between the
same Assyrian king and Median king Ramataia (672 BC), signs denoting
the planets are translated as modern planet names:
In the presence of the planets, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury,
Mars, Sirius, and in the presence of Assur, Anu, Enlil, Ea, Sîn,
Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, Nusku, Urash, Nergal, Ninlil,
[---], Ishtar of Niniveh, Ishtar of Arbela Itar, by all the gods in
[the cities of] Assur, Niniveh, Kalah, Arbela, Kakzu, Harran, by
all the gods of Assyria, by all the gods in Babylon, Borsippa,
Nippur, by the gods of Sumer, all of them, by the gods of the
Lands, all of them; by the gods of Heaven and Earth. (Lindsay
1971: 42)
Astrology in the Bible
(phoenician and caanite come from the Celtic Druids, red hair even blond like the ruling ones, but sort of different opposing clan, the edonites from Egypt royalty)

This is one of the best collection with photos and research listing the red haired) and blond mummies found throughout the world including in China, Egypt, New Zealand, and South America. There are lots of links on this page.
The Trees of Life
(Exposing the Art of Holy Deception)

Very good read. I'd pdf it.

These fascinating Dogon legends speak of Jupiter's four moons and Saturn's rings, which were not seen by human beings until the invention of the telescope. They speak of the star Sirius and of a pair of invisible companions. One of them circles Sirius every fifty years, the legends declare, and is made of a metal that is the heaviest thing in the universe. Astronomers have discovered that such an object (called "Sirius-B") does exist but only the most sophisticated and sensitive instruments -- unavailable, of course, to the Dogons -- can detect it.

The planets circle the sun, the tribesmen believe (and astronomy confirms), in elliptical orbits. And planets with different kinds of people on them circle six other stars in the sky -- so the legends have it.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 12:24 AM
I'm just doing some interesting links randomly because I'm tired.

The ancient Egyptians had three different calendars: an everyday farming calendar, an astronomical calendar, and a lunar calendar. The 365-day farming calendar was made up of three seasons of four months. The astronomical calendar was based on observations of the star Sirius, which reappeared each year at the start of the flood season. Finally, priests kept a lunar calendar that told them when to perform ceremonies for the moon god Khonsu....

Egyptians knew the existence of Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter. They had names for them such as Sebequ,a god associated with Set , (Mercury), “god of the morning” (Venus), “bull of the sky” (Saturn), “Horus the red” or “Horus of the horizon” (Mars), and “Horus who limits the Two Lands” (Jupiter).

Cronos and Saturn:

The Romans had an agricultural god named Saturn who is in many ways the same as the Greek god Cronos. Saturn is married to Ops who is associated with the Greek goddess (Titan) Rhea. Ops was patroness of wealth. The festival known as the Saturnalia honors Saturn
Hebrew astronomy

Stars and constellations

Only a few stars and constellations are named individually in the Old Testament, and their identification is not certain. The clearest references include:

Kesîl,[2] usually understood to be Orion, a giant angel.
Kimah,[3] which may be the Pleiades, Aldebaran, Arcturus, or Sirius.
'Ash or 'Ayish,[4] possibly the Hyades or Ursa Major, or even the Evening Star (Venus when seen after sunset).
Mezarim,[5] which may be Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, or a synonym for mazzalot, in which case it would refer to the planets or the constellations of the zodiac.

[edit] Planets

Only two planets are named in the Tanakh:

Saturn, called Chiun in Amos 5:26, closely related to the Assyrian "Kévan" or "kaiwanu."
Venus, called Meleket ha-Shamayim, "the queen of heaven," in Jeremiah 7:18 and elsewhere. That the latter means Venus is shown by the cakes which are said to have been baked for her. Among the Assyrians and Babylonians the cake offerings were called "the bread of Ishtar."
Helel, the "son of the morning," in Isaiah 14:12, is also thought by some to be the morning star (Venus when visible before dawn). This identification is better known to many English speakers as Lucifer, the "light-bearer."

In Jewish mysticism and Mesopotamian mythology, Cassiel is associated with the planet Saturn and the direction north. He is the controller of the moon.[2]

In the magical text Berit Menuchah, Cassiel is associated with Kefitzat Haderech, the ability to travel quickly through space. Magic spells using his name are cast to create destruction, to scatter crowds, to cause a person to wander aimlessly, or to fall from a position of power.[3]

Ancient Hebrew amulets bearing his name are used to drive away one's enemies. The words on the charm are written with the blood of a bird and then tied it to the foot of a dove. The dove is then set to flight, taking one's enemy with it. Should the bird refuse to fly, it is a sign that one's enemies won't depart either.
Astronomy ancient India.
Vedic Astrology

Saturn known since prehistoric days.
Mayan stuff.

Just random grabbed links mostly.

Some of the equipment mentioned in the Vedas, of ancietn India have been rebuilt. One was an astronomical observation equipment more accurate than our modern, but not computer controlled, manual.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by blocula

Those crusades are the origins and the reasons behind the present day muslim terrorists hatred towards the people of the western world...

lol, really?? Present-day Muslim hatred is all because of some wars 500 years ago??

We don't even hate Germany 60 years after WWII and they started a war that saw 50+ million people killed.

totally right. The only people who really remember the Crusades are the Western world. I mean, they were bad, but the Muslims were doing bad things at the time too and we don't care about what they did then - we care about what they are doing now. The whole world was a dark place back then...

trying to blame terrorists on Crusades that happened 700+ years ago is BS. They hate us because we invade their countries and install dictatorships that please us and give us oil, and we side with those who commit human rights abuses (Saudi royalty anyone?) It's heinous to try and place the blame on some distant past; the blame falls on the government the Western world, mostly the US, has right now. If we forget that, we will get complacent and not try to change the evil acts our government is committing right now.

As for the Pope being Satan: I mean, to be fair, lots of people besides the Pope could be Satan based on their criteria you have posted/are implied:
a) Starts wars: Well gosh the Pope is the only person/office on the entire planet that has ever started a war, never mind...
b) Molests/condones molestation of young children: Oh I forgot, all of the molested children each year, it happens by Catholic clergy. Except... not?
c) In general, creepy. Well...
d) Keeps secret important information: Any government official could be hit with this too. Though I admit the Vatican Library pisses me off more than anything else.
e) Death camps: Yeah but Hitler actually installed those bad boys and killed MILLIONS of people. Russia invaded Cambodia and simply annihilated entire cities. Stalin disappeared more people than Hitler killed in the Holocaust. The US trains agents in the School of Americas to go into Latin American countries and wreak havoc and ensure that entire countries stay in poverty and destitution. Christopher Columbus literally, I don't even exaggerate, he LITERALLY wiped out an entire race of people, the Tainos, destroying them with small pox blankets, raping all of their women and creating mix blooded children. True Tainos do not exist anymore because of Christopher Columbus and his men.

My point is that yeah, the Pope is not really a horribly great guy, and God is probably not too pleased with him if God exists. That doesn't mean the Pope is Satan; it means that the Pope is one of the many evil, evil human beings on the planet who, if heaven is indeed a place, will likely not be entering on the first try... there are a lot of humans who are in the same boat as he is...

edit on 12/13/2011 by spacekc929 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 02:11 PM
There is no such thing as Satan or the devil.

Please do some research.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by blocula

I see all that and say it's there,
but in the same way I see all the stuff america has done with it's military especially after Wikileaks told the world, and say I still live in a country that has good points and I'd be foolish to not take advantage of the economy and education it still offers.

In a similar way, if you read the writings of most Saints declaired by the church they were declaired saints because the church was embarassed that they made their lives hell and if they didn't honor them they'd be seen for what they were, hypocrites. SO they honor and actually have some of the writings of holy men preserved which I like to read and find very spiritual.

I also sense Christ in the Eucharist, as it says in the Gospels 'If you do not eat my flesh and drink My blood you have no life in you' and people left, and Jesus didn't say 'I was speaking metaphorically' He let them go their way. At the last supper Jesus says 'This is My body, eat . . . This is My blood, drink'. I find a peace and a strength and a joy in being in front of the Eucharist that is not me hyping myself up. The same went for my uncle who was 7 years old when he died, no one explained the Eucharist to him well enough that when Grandma took him to see Jesus there he convinced himself he felt better even though he was dying, he felt better and said so at a young age because that truly is Jesus. I've had powerful realizations of that come out of the blue when I've been adoring the Body and Blood.

Now as for the preaching, it doesn't happen, and for the teaching, it doesn't happen either. I'm scared to give an offering because I'm scared part of it goes to abortion. I go to Protestant churches too so I can get the Teaching aspect I can't pick up out of books: Peoples faith clearly evident in their words from the Protestant pulpit.

But I also get a peace and strength and sense of guilt being lifted at confession, even when it's to a bishop that lies to me and I argue with him in the confessional. God doesn't need good men to be God if that's one way He's agreed to work.

I mean, strategically, satan corrupts the biggest target the worst, and the catholic church is a perfect example. The teachings of the Saints are supurb but few read it becasue the Catholics aren't EVER TOLD TO READ THEIR BIBLE let alone other good books and the Protestants despise all things catholic so they rarely read the Saints either. At least you have Wycliff to read though.

I believe that I need Jesus in the Eucharist, Confession, the Bible, Faith (protestant ministers and congregations), talking (praying) to and reading the Saints (Yes you start to notice a holy personality with you when you pray to the saints after a while and read them), and if you know what to look for the catholic doctrine over the years has good points too, like faith without works is dead (that's a quote from the bible but it's also in the catholic culture that you don't just take an easy ride to heaven no matter what you do, or at least a few decades ago that's what they preached). I find a lot of tangents that Protestants go out on that catholics help stear you away from if you know how to weed out the rest of the BS they put out.

For example, based on humani vitae which is what a probably heretical pope put out, contraception is wrong, and so I yanked my dad's old medical text off the shelf to see if the catholic claims that it was abortive in nature were true. Sure enough, on the contraceptive pill you get 'breakthrough ovulations' (eggs do sometimes come through despite the pill) and I forget what happens to the euterus but it's a lot more likely to spill out a fertilized egg if go for it with your spouse 'on teh pill so I'm safe' the egg happens to come out and you get it fertilized, after which point it will become a fully grown adult human if you let it alone and care for the child, (I consider a fertilized egg a child) then the euterus because of the pill is extra slipery so the egg just goes down the toilet or something and you kill your fertilized egg, I say, you kill your child. Protestants won't tell you that, catholics will. I checked it out and it does check out, so I'm going in with a wise attitude to look at the goods and toss and learn against the bades of both sides of the Christian faith.
Yes I wonder about catholic being Christian when I listen to the homilies, Ceace .

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:22 PM
Arrright. I ain't Satan, but I'm just sayin'...

Were I an evil overlord attempting to strong-arm my way into taking a society over, here's what I'd do:

1. Locate the highest concentration of the poorest of the poor
2. Offer them food in exchange for my worship
3. Condemn my followers to eternal poverty by insisting all birth control is evil, thereby ensuring their family income is diluted over as many people as possible, and demand that what's left of their money be given to me or they're going to hell
4. Inspire my followers to kill others for having beliefs unlike their own because that's just evil
5. Sodomize sons of the church to prove my point that once you control a population via poverty, fear and guilt, that population will allow me to literally own each and every one of their a**es.

...and I'm in!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by spacekc929
I dont think that satan himself is going to be too concerned about effecting one person in a grocery store,or too worried about what one jealous lover does to another,satan will leave those trivial aspects to his armies of darkness,the demons to take care of...

But who is the "one person" satan could disguise himself as that would effect the most people worldwide?

The one human held position thats been rejuvinated by new men for almost two thousand years?

The one person thats speaks to the most people world wide?

The one person that touches the most hearts of people worldwide?

The one person that influences the most minds and controls the actions of more masses of people in every country than any other person?

The Pope,the bishop of rome,the leader of the world wide catholic church...

And a lot of popes have been around for a very long time,265 popes since the year 33 AD...

List of popes...Satans ongoing incarnations on earth >

edit on 23-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical
Why muslims hate western civilization >

After the fall of the roman empire,christians controlled the holy land jerusalem.The fundamentalist muslims invaded and took it over and called it palestine and then it lead to the crusades...

"An estimated 70% of males born in the northern Nigerian city of Kano are being named after Osama bin Laden. Jamila Shehu,a nurse in the paediatric ward in the state run hospital said.This is the season of Osama babies". Kano was one of several Nigerian cities where the September 11 attacks were celebrated"...
--The London Times, 31 December 2001

edit on 23-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 12:40 AM
From the first Omen movie in 1976...A poem you'll not soon forget...And we may all soon be living what these words are saying...

When the Jews return to Zion,

And a comet rips the sky...

The Holy Roman Empire rises,

Then you and I must die...

From the eternal sea he rises,

Creating armies on either shore...

Turning man against his brother,

Till man exists no more...

Notice the line,"from the eternal sea he rises",what i think is actually meant is,the "Holy See" >
edit on 26-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by blocula

This thread is such a crock. "Baby Christians", what are you going to do?

A "Pope" canonized Scripture. "Bible Alone" folks deny where the Bible
came from cause they deny the Church who gave them their Bible.

Pope Damasus decided the Canon in 383 A.D. The Canon hasn't changed
since and the Dead Sea Scrolls in our time confirmed the Holy Father's

God given authority. That 's how Our Lord set it up, He understands
man's nature.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by colbe
I know that millions of men,women and children,if they could now be asked,would not think this thread is a crock,who would think that satan most likely does walk the earth disguised as popes...

Those nameless victims of the popes orchestrated holy war crusades,people who,after being brainwashed by the church all their lives,were then maimed,crippled and killed in the name of an invisible god upon the battlefields of devine retribution...

Those forgotten innocent people whos lives were torn asunder,who found themselves unjustly accused of being witches and heretics.People who then were demonized,hunted,tracked down,captured,starved,tortured,burned alive at the stake and then had their property confiscated.All of which was designed and directed by religious fanatics,catholics holding bibles in one hand and lit torches in the other,who then went to the victims families and forced them to pay for the wood that was used to killl their loved ones and if they couldnt pay the church, they themselves were then accused as witches and dragged away...

Those countless men,women and children hushed up and brushed aside during their darkest hours of spiritual doubt.People who turned to their religious leaders for help and guidance,people who were then raped and sodomized instead...

Pretty cool stuff huh?

If all the popes were and are not posessed by satan,then by what dark force drives their perpetual evil deeds?

Bugs bunny?

edit on 26-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by colbe
I know that millions of men,women and children,if they could now be asked,would not think this thread is a crock,who would think that satan most likely does walk the earth disguised as popes...

Those nameless victims of the popes orchestrated holy war crusades,people who,after being brainwashed by the church all their lives,were then maimed,crippled and killed in the name of an invisible god upon the battlefields of devine retribution...

Those forgotten innocent people whos lives were torn asunder,who found themselves unjustly accused of being witches and heretics.People who then were demonized,hunted,tracked down,captured,starved,tortured,burned alive at the stake and then had their property confiscated.All of which was designed and directed by religious fanatics,catholics holding bibles in one hand and lit torches in the other,who then went to the victims families and forced them to pay for the wood that was used to killl their loved ones and if they couldnt pay the church, they themselves were then accused as witches and dragged away...

Those countless men,women and children hushed up and brushed aside during their darkest hours of spiritual doubt.People who turned to their religious leaders for help and guidance,people who were then raped and sodomized instead...

Pretty cool stuff huh?

If all the popes were and are not posessed by satan,then by what dark force drives their perpetual evil deeds?

Bugs bunny?

edit on 26-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

I notice how you have no reply to what I stated, the facts. The Bible
is Catholic, a Pope decided the Canon. Your ridiculous thread is just
that, you know nothing of the faith.

The Protestant Inquisition of English Catholics and Irish Catholics, millions
were starved, murdered. Do you realize why? Man is capable of sin,
all men.

The Remnant is Roman Catholic, it's time and soon enough for you to
read Catholic writings. God isn't going to enlighten the world soon to 33,000 Protestant sects, to say "you choose."

There is plenty of anti-Catholicism, the reason Jesus said, you too will be persecuted. It's going to get much worse before the New Time, the 7th Day. The Church will experience martyrdom, like the first Catholics.
Even after the Great Warning, people will still deny. Don't be one of them.

It's so simple to understand, it's prophesied in Daniel, the anti-Christ is
going to abolish the Holy Eucharist. Try to understand what that means

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by colbe

Your a crock

But I must sadly give you a nod for your persistence in leading the lost down a road that leads right to the enemies front door.

Stop already with your Religious non-sense!

But I love you anyway
.............I have too....geesh.
edit on 26-12-2011 by radpetey because: (no reason given)

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