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Satan Walks On Earth Disguised As Popes

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by IamJustanAmerican
the catholic church,whos leaders and spiritual guides are the popes,the bishops of rome and papacy who have literally raped children,burned children at the stake and killed children in holy wars and owned child slaves...

satan on earth?...sure looks that way to me...

That is pretty much what members of virtually every other group on the planet have done. Do we just ignore all the crimes, murders, tortures and child molestations perpetrated every single day from other groups or just people no part of a group? Because that is what you are doing here.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by Malcher

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by IamJustanAmerican
the catholic church,whos leaders and spiritual guides are the popes,the bishops of rome and papacy who have literally raped children,burned children at the stake and killed children in holy wars and owned child slaves...

satan on earth?...sure looks that way to me...

That is pretty much what members of virtually every other group on the planet have done. Do we just ignore all the crimes, murders, tortures and child molestations perpetrated every single day from other groups or just people no part of a group? Because that is what you are doing here.

Thank you Malcher,

It's so believable besides, anti-Catholics big general slaughtering, murdering statements with no facts. Stupida....

Hmmm...most all of the mystical, the miraculous throughout 2000 years
of Christianity is found in Catholicism. It might be envy on their part
but they can become Roman Catholic. It's God's desire for them.

Reminds me of a famous quote:

"Nothing is more miserable than those people who never failed to attack their own salvation."

St. John Chrysostom

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by colbe

This type of bias and prejudice (OP) has been acceptable for many years now. The media has helped this along by giving the impression that these thing only occur in one specific group and at the same time nearly completely ignoring crimes against children perpetrated every day that do not involve Catholic Priests. We never hear about that. I should say hardly ever hear about it or it gets reported with a little blurb and if the victims are poor the chances it will be ignored is so much greater...afa the media is concerned.

The reason I point this out is that Catholic Priests are even LESS likely or if anything as likely as any other group to perpetrate those crimes. This has been documented in a study done by a law school in the U.S, anyone can search for it but they were very thorough and gave actual percentage.
edit on 5-1-2012 by Malcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Malcher
reply to post by colbe

This type of bias and prejudice (OP) has been acceptable for many years now. The media has helped this along by giving the impression that these thing only occur in one specific group and at the same time nearly completely ignoring crimes against children perpetrated every day that do not involve Catholic Priests. We never hear about that. I should say hardly ever hear about it or it gets reported with a little blurb and if the victims are poor the chances it will be ignored is so much greater...afa the media is concerned.
The reason I point this out is that Catholic Priests are even LESS likely or if anything as likely as any other group to perpetrate those crimes. This has been documented in a study done by a law school in the U.S, anyone can search for it but they were very thorough and gave actual percentage.
edit on 5-1-2012 by Malcher because: (no reason given)

Malcher and OP,

The media is so biased, anti-Catholicism, the last prejudice. And they
support sodomy so they can't call the scandal what it truly is, a homosexual scandal. 1.5% have been accused but not all are guilty,
how will they get their lives back? Satan believes the power of the

The nation sees "evil" for what it is, homosexual perversity, at Penn State.

The persecution is going to get worse for Catholicism, it's prophesied.
A Calvary for the Church. Watch... One to share, from the prophetic, when the Pope proclaims the 5th Marian Dogma, even Catholics, some of them will say "no" not understanding the meaning of co-. Co- means "with."

An don't forget this, remember, remember. The anti-Christ is going to abolish the Eucharist which means one thing, The Holy Eucharist is true.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by colbe

Originally posted by Malcher
reply to post by colbe

This type of bias and prejudice (OP) has been acceptable for many years now. The media has helped this along by giving the impression that these thing only occur in one specific group and at the same time nearly completely ignoring crimes against children perpetrated every day that do not involve Catholic Priests. We never hear about that. I should say hardly ever hear about it or it gets reported with a little blurb and if the victims are poor the chances it will be ignored is so much greater...afa the media is concerned.
The reason I point this out is that Catholic Priests are even LESS likely or if anything as likely as any other group to perpetrate those crimes. This has been documented in a study done by a law school in the U.S, anyone can search for it but they were very thorough and gave actual percentage.
edit on 5-1-2012 by Malcher because: (no reason given)

Malcher and OP,

The media is so biased, anti-Catholicism, the last prejudice. And they
support sodomy so they can't call the scandal what it truly is, a homosexual scandal. 1.5% have been accused but not all are guilty,
how will they get their lives back? Satan believes the power of the

The nation sees "evil" for what it is, homosexual perversity, at Penn State.

The persecution is going to get worse for Catholicism, it's prophesied.
A Calvary for the Church. Watch... One to share, from the prophetic, when the Pope proclaims the 5th Marian Dogma, even Catholics, some of them will say "no" not understanding the meaning of co-. Co- means "with."

An don't forget this, remember, remember. The anti-Christ is going to abolish the Eucharist which means one thing, The Holy Eucharist is true.

Well with the media you are at the mercy of whoever is writing the story and what the higher ups want to focus on.

Colbe, you are doing the same thing the OP is by attributing a specific group to this activity but the studies suggest there is no one group to blame. Sandusky was not a homosexual and would not be classified as a homosexual. He went after what he had access to.

The OP is much worse though since it does not consider the horrendous brutality perpetrated on fellow man before the RCC was formed. those days not only where you lucky to survive unmolested but you had a good chance ending up on someones dinner menu.

In those days it was kill or be killed and actually humans learned that from ferocious beasts. They saw how those miserable beasts got ahead and the strong survived. They basically learned from animals.
edit on 5-1-2012 by Malcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by colbe
I proved that the popes have the ability to gather more people together from more countries than anyone else on earth in the past and right now and you call it a lamo post?...Whatever,i know i'm right and i know whats going on...

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by colbe
No evil inflicted on any group has ever been on such a massive,well coordinated and protected scale as what the catholic church and popes have been doing to millions of people for well over a thousand years during their holy wars and their crusades,their hideous witch tortures and burnings and their protracted molestations and rapes...

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by colbe
No evil inflicted on any group has ever been on such a massive,well coordinated and protected scale as what the catholic church and popes have been doing to millions of people for well over a thousand years during their holy wars and their crusades,their hideous witch tortures and burnings and their protracted molestations and rapes...

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Was that in one of Hitlers speeches?

Seriously, just change the names and that is the same way Adolf Hitler spoke of the Jews.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:45 AM
Popes are satan,popes are the babylonian sun god and the evils of catholic freemasonry who by design want the third world war to bring in the new world order >
edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by Malcher
The nazis under hitler lasted around 12 years,there has been an unbroken chain of popes for almost two thousand years...List of popes >

And by the way...A Cult is a Religion without political influence...A Religion is a Cult with political influence.
edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:19 AM
It is not doing us any good any longer to keep using the scape goat of satan as a entity in its own right that can have power over someone.

Its time for people to take blame for there can only be understanding and healing of what is done through the attributes of being in the flesh if the person can dare look at why they do what they do. No one is born evil, everyone is born of the spirit of God and nothing can be without being of Thee.

We are all entwined of flesh and spirit. This is the spiritual battle and many things of past books of faith use their stories to show this. Even Jesus was a man that fought between what was the life of flesh and the life of spirit and had to choose and understand why the life of spirit was worth living for.

Positions of leadership come with power and power can cause greed and pride. These are natural attributes of the flesh, of experiencing individualism. It has been a natural observation of watching leaders become full of themselves, become controlling, become greedy, and to loose any foothold they may of had in being humble, honest, and compassionate for others. All we can do, is hold mirrors up for them to look into. It may not be until they die that they can see those mirrors of the things they did and the reasons they did them...but they will have to look and see how their actions affected other people and they will at some point, we all at some point, have to stand in the other persons shoes to see how we as a being, affected others.

There was not understanding long ago about how the experience of being in the flesh causes natural reactions, like pride, greed, competition, envy, lust, man created the idea that this little voice in the mind that sometimes encourages man to do things that the heart likely would not encourage, a name, a right to being a being separate from god, separate from us that can have power over us. Its not true and if you look into the design of life, this expression of being, all the so called bad things or bad people in life have all been reactions of being in the flesh, attachment of attributes of flesh, like pride, like greed, like desire of power over another, like living more for the self then others. There has been reasons and purpose for everything and even today, the ones you want to call evil and point fingers at...there is reasons why they are the way they are.

The more you keep giving credit to something that is not...the more you will not seek understanding in why life is what it is and why things have happened as they have.

Everything is of a divine there have been no mistakes or errors. We are meant to be here and we are meant to experience the causes of the flesh. Through being of flesh, we filter out what we are not in our true nature.

To sum it up, satan could be defined as the effects of flesh, the effects of the experience of what is whole, being separated, what is one, thinking its many.

What people want to call bad just people living more for things of their body of flesh then spirit. All beings at the core, are of spirit, nothing can be without being of Thee. In a way you could say then that we all are of satan and god...for we are experiencing being of spirit and of flesh.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by Malcher
The nazis under hitler lasted around 12 years,there has been an unbroken chain of popes for almost two thousand years...List of popes >

And by the way...A Cult is a Religion without political influence...A Religion is a Cult with political influence.
edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

There have been some bad popes, just like with any organization. Speaking of Hitler and the Nazi's, something you should read:

Scroll up a little to Religious Persecution section.

That was my original point.

As to your other point, I personally never got into any particular religion but that is the way I am. I keep to myself mostly and seldom join. That said, some of the early Christian writer (who were, most likely Catholic, not sure though) wrote some incredible stuff. Revelations alone is a masterpiece of writing and is one of my all time favorite reads. The Bible itself too, but tbh, i have not read it cover to cover.

Catholic art, around the DaVinci era was just phenomenal too. Nothing like it prior...imho and these were commissioned by the RCC. Point is you cant pick and choose when crimes cross all spectrum's of humanity fairly equally.

I cant comment on your links because i dont know the point they are attempting to make.
edit on 5-1-2012 by Malcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Malcher
So sad!,over one billion foolish people around the world have bowed their knee to Satan unknowingly by bowing to a statue of Mary or the Pope...

The second of the Ten Commandments strictly forbids us from bowing to the likeness of ANYTHING...

"I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images" ...Isaiah 42:8...

Catholic Devil Worship >

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by Malcher
So sad!,over one billion foolish people around the world have bowed their knee to Satan unknowingly by bowing to a statue of Mary or the Pope...

The second of the Ten Commandments strictly forbids us from bowing to the likeness of ANYTHING...

"I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images" ...Isaiah 42:8...

Catholic Devil Worship >

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

I hardly read those links, mainly because i have seen them before and question the mental fitness of the authors. As they say "opinion are like ***holes, everyone has one"

Now in the quote from Isaiah what are "graven images"?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by colbe
No evil inflicted on any group has ever been on such a massive,well coordinated and protected scale as what the catholic church and popes have been doing to millions of people for well over a thousand years during their holy wars and their crusades,their hideous witch tortures and burnings and their protracted molestations and rapes...

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Why do you keep laying the sole blame on the Roman Catholic Church? I used to believe that America was "discovered" in 1492 until I realised that history is ONLY what the group in power wants you to believe. Do you even realise that most of the witch trials were held and brought before civil courts? Do you ever stop to think that the version that you hold is not the entire truth?

The Crusades by the Church were against the Muslims gaining ground rapidly and cutting access off to Jerusalem. At the very same time, countries in the Med were fighting off waves of Muslims attempting to gain more territory.

Your version of events could be greatly exaggerated, as there seems ample historic evidence for you to read which paints a different picture of the "history" that we all grew up with.

Is the Catholic Church guilty of protecting pedophile priests and should all of us Christians and Catholics raise our voices to condemn the church for not immediately confronting and dealing with it? Absolutely 100%. That is what is missing. The entire church is soiled because it isn't proactive in acknowledging, fixing and condemning the problem as an abomination to the Lord! It blasphemies His Name!

But on to your premise that Satan sits in the seat of every Pope in history. One of Satan's many roles is to undermine true Faith and salvation. He, like any other, uses men to do it. Most organisations are brought down by the old "divide and conquer" and "corrupt from within" strategies.

“We hold upon this earth the place of God almighty.” — Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter, June 20, 1894.

“The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ, Himself, hidden under the veil of human flesh.” — Catholic National, July 1895.

“The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.” — Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, “Cities Petrus Bertanous.”

Looking at these statements, I'd say that evil has taken over. I wish that my fellow brothers and sisters would read the Word of God and know that the above statements cannot be supported anywhere in scripture, and more importantly, are doctrines of men that our Lord and Saviour forever condemned throughout the Holy Bible. Also, a healthy reminder that those who do not love the Truth WILL BE BLINDED AND LEFT UNABLE TO SEE THE DECEPTION.

Having said that, I do acknowledge Jesus' multiple warnings about the Synagogue of Satan who calls themselves "Jews" but are not. With this in mind, I cannot tell if the RCC, with it's identical pattern of "extrabiblical doctrines" which are placed above Holy Scripture, is the Synagogue of Satan - OR whether this penchant points us to another group who have corrupted the RCC.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by colbe
No evil inflicted on any group has ever been on such a massive,well coordinated and protected scale as what the catholic church and popes have been doing to millions of people for well over a thousand years during their holy wars and their crusades,their hideous witch tortures and burnings and their protracted molestations and rapes...

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Why do you keep laying the sole blame on the Roman Catholic Church? I used to believe that America was "discovered" in 1492 until I realised that history is ONLY what the group in power wants you to believe. Do you even realise that most of the witch trials were held and brought before civil courts? Do you ever stop to think that the version that you hold is not the entire truth?

The Crusades by the Church were against the Muslims gaining ground rapidly and cutting access off to Jerusalem. At the very same time, countries in the Med were fighting off waves of Muslims attempting to gain more territory.

Your version of events could be greatly exaggerated, as there seems ample historic evidence for you to read which paints a different picture of the "history" that we all grew up with.

Is the Catholic Church guilty of protecting pedophile priests and should all of us Christians and Catholics raise our voices to condemn the church for not immediately confronting and dealing with it? Absolutely 100%. That is what is missing. The entire church is soiled because it isn't proactive in acknowledging, fixing and condemning the problem as an abomination to the Lord! It blasphemies His Name!

But on to your premise that Satan sits in the seat of every Pope in history. One of Satan's many roles is to undermine true Faith and salvation. He, like any other, uses men to do it. Most organisations are brought down by the old "divide and conquer" and "corrupt from within" strategies.

“We hold upon this earth the place of God almighty.” — Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter, June 20, 1894.

“The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ, Himself, hidden under the veil of human flesh.” — Catholic National, July 1895.

“The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.” — Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, “Cities Petrus Bertanous.”

Looking at these statements, I'd say that evil has taken over. I wish that my fellow brothers and sisters would read the Word of God and know that the above statements cannot be supported anywhere in scripture, and more importantly, are doctrines of men that our Lord and Saviour forever condemned throughout the Holy Bible. Also, a healthy reminder that those who do not love the Truth WILL BE BLINDED AND LEFT UNABLE TO SEE THE DECEPTION.

Having said that, I do acknowledge Jesus' multiple warnings about the Synagogue of Satan who calls themselves "Jews" but are not. With this in mind, I cannot tell if the RCC, with it's identical pattern of "extrabiblical doctrines" which are placed above Holy Scripture, is the Synagogue of Satan - OR whether this penchant points us to another group who have corrupted the RCC.

Ah, the Deception in CAPS. Daaah, you recommend the Word of God, the Word of God is a Catholic book. Deny it to the loss of your soul.

Your anti-Catholicism, righteous never ending mention of the scandal doesn't hold. Remember Judas, an apostle? Man is capable of sin. We are all sinners. You're no saint. The homosexual scandal in the priesthood so hypocritically brought up by libs and anti-Catholics is proof again, in our time man is capable of sin. There is a battle going on, Satan believes in the Priesthood, he is out to destroy it. It is through the priest, God's greatest graces are received. Why don't you speak of the adulterous and the same homosexual scandals among Protestant minsters? That's a double shot.

The homosexual act is promoted by the secular world, they should get
off their righteous high horses. The "act" is damning unless with true
contrition, the sin of sodomy is confessed to God before you die.

There are 1.5% accused, what of the rest? All the many more holy priests who live for Christ and of the 1.5%, how many are falsely accused?

Ten bucks, your quotes above come from an anti-Catholic website. It
gets old, all the protests and maligning have been heard before. The true
faith is Roman Catholicism. Jesus said He would not leave His Church Matt 16:18.

Come to the faith OP and the rest of you anti-Catholics, the Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ, truly present, all of Him, His divine body, blood, soul and divinity.

Satan doesn't have to focus on you too much as he does with his attack
on the priests, you're helping him here.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:34 PM
A quote from a saint, to lift this negative attacking thread up. Gives one hope and reminds us all of who God truly is...don't you love Him? Yes!

+ + +

Encouraging Words

It is a very fine thing to feel ashamed of oneself when one realizes one's own imperfections and misery, but the feeling must not drag on lest one lose heart. It is necessary to raise the heart to God with a holy confidence, founded not in our strength but in God. We indeed change, but God never does; He always remains equally good and merciful toward us, whether we are weak and imperfect or perfect and strong. I always say that our misery is the throne of God's mercy, and so we must realize that the greater our misery, the greater should be our confidence in Him.

St. Francis de Sales

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:36 PM
Satan posts on ATS disguised as Blocula...


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Malcher
Graven Images/Idolatry...Idolatry is a pejorative term for the worship of an idol,a physical object such as a cult image,as a god,or practices believed to verge on worship,such as giving undue honour and regard to created forms other than

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by WhoKnows100
I'm not laying sole blame on the Catholic Church,they just happen to be the most evil organization of them all...

A continuous chain of popes for almost 2,000 years...

Holy war after holy war resulting in the annihilation of millions of people...

Crusade after crusade resulting in the annihilation of millions of people...

Hundreds of thousands,perhaps millions of innocent people including little children who were ruthlessly demonized and hunted down,captured,starved and tortured,then mutilated,hung and burnt at the stake as witches and heretics,their property then confiscated by the catholic church in the name of god...

Child after child after child molested and raped...

All those things were given the blessings and protection of the catholic church and popes...

Popes who have orchestrated hell on earth for millions of nameless,forgotten people...

Popes who then hushed up and supressed their own evil deeds...

And the present day billion catholic sheeple dont seem to care that the holy foundations they kneel upon are drenched with blood and tears...

For they have been seduced by evil and they are obsessed and posessed by satan in disguise...Imo.

edit on 5-1-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

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