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America's Doomsday by end of Month? Weiss Ratings thinks so!

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posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Flavian

Ah, I don't think there is any reason for the red button when the economic and social unrest will destroy things just as effectively.

Now, they might choose to use weapons against their own citizens as false flags, or as population control. I honestly don't think that is an option on the table, but it seems more effective than nuking someone else.

I think the biggest mistake by TPTB in this case is they have not left themselves any safe-haven. The whole world is crumbling, so where will they escape to with their riches? There is no lap of luxury left to enjoy!

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Yes. Even more. Much more.

A couple of ATSers that I linked to work in food futures and commodities purchasing. They say the pricing is something they haven't seen in 30 years. It is out of control and unpredictable.

Also, I know some farmers and ranchers in the midwest. Many of them sold their horses and cattle after the harsh drought this summer. They were afraid hay and feed prices would be too expensive over the winter due to shortages, so they sold their livestock off before it got to that.

In fact, I know 2 people that made a lot of money buying horses in the midwest at firesale prices and shuttling them to California and selling them for profits.

Between the Mississippi Floods, the Texas and Oklahoma Droughts, the Harsh Winter last year, the food market is in a shambles. Everything from Hay to Rice, Tomatoes, and Oranges was impacted in some way by a disaster this year.

Then, you add the Trillions of dollars of newly printed paper money in the market and the looming inflation, and you've got food shortages alongside worthless dollars, and it is a recipe for disaster.

Do calm down. One issue at a time.

1. Yes, there had been droughts, floods and the whatnots. However, such environmental event does NOT claim entire swathes of agricultural production in EVERY region AT THE SAME TIME. It is sprodic and widespread. One region harmed, but several MORE remain untouched.

And do remember, crop cultivation and export are often produce in EXCESS. Its the excesses that one profits upon in good time, while the shortfall are the times one must tighten the belt, and not and never close down.

The effect of the prices you see are more man-made than natural - MARKET MANIPULATION by the greedy. Wack them and prices will start to rationalise. It doesnt cause doomsday.

2. I agree with you on the printing of paper money. It would cause inflation. It was a stupid act. It was used for bailing out banks instead of where it could have saved the economy - human capital. But that was the past. No more printing of money now, certainly not for banks if any.

If USA prints more money but use it to bailout human capital, then growth will return with money being circulated. Those who hoard money will see their value drop, and will quickly release it to the markets. WIth investments back, the economy will get on track to pay off loans over time.

Thus, no doomsday.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Celiac's? My wife has that, and we still manage to buy in bulk. Beans, Chili, Rice, Corn, Sugar, ...

VERY CLOSE I have Sjogrens. Many of the foods that trigger Celiacs also triggers Sjogrens. Can't have any sugar. Can't have the carbs that turn to sugar (bread, pasta, cereal). Not supposed to have nuts. The starches like potatos are a no-no. can't have things with bread fillers .... Rice can only be in very small amounts. I'm nibbling on a box of rice chex .. it's taking like 6 weeks to get through the box. I can't have anything high in acid like chili or coffee (I MISS COFFEE!!!!) or tomatos or most citrus because the acid 'burns' my mouth and wind pipe.

I used to stock up and be semi-survivalist. Now my diet is very fresh ... so much chicken I think I'm going to start clucking. Frozen peas and brocoli. Cukes. Black olives. shred carrots. Plain yogurt.

I've done what I can to 'stock up' for emergencies for me ... canned chicken, canned black olives, and i've got the glutten free rice chex and glutten free crackers. Some dry beans. (Lintels and peas)

I guess it is going to be a matter of 'survival of the fittest' when TSHTF. It's evolutionary and I guess it's supposed to be that way. Big bad things happen to the human race to weed out the weaker. Now .. I'm in the weaker category. Honestly, if TSHTF then I won't be able to get my meds anymore. Without plaquinel I can't even get out of bed. So without it .. I wouldn't want to be around anyways.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:32 AM
Although most probably won't listen, I will say it anyway.
It is not America that is bringing the world down, it is a criminal elite that work across borders. The statements made by "leaders" are a smokescreen hiding the truth. And, the truth is, the crisis is a manufactured one.
Just like terrorism is a manufactured crisis, so is "out of control" debt. It is not out of control, things are going as planned.
The plan is for the very few to control the very many. The very few lead Russia, China, Japan, UK, France, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Australia, U.S., etc., but it is NOT Russians, Chinese, Japanese, etc.
It is the criminal elite. They will survive this just fine. They care nothing for their own, so why should they care if the system collapses?
The answer is they DON'T. They planned this to keep the people powerless. America served a purpose, that is to arm the oligarchs. They are armed. They have control over the resources, sciences, and the people. You are dispensable.
Our enemy is not each other. Our enemy is ignorance. Watching THEM for clues is foolish. Know thy real enemy.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I agree with you that i do not think it will reach this stage, i just remember reading about it back in my uni days. I did a degree that gave me access to all sorts of "sensitive" material as we were preparing for jobs in the think tank like world of politics / security / societal issues. For example, despite being in the UK, our Professors trained US military in various forms of conflict resolution techniques. As a result, we had access to US military footage of various incidents around the world - the Black Hawk incident in Somalia being just one example. Our head of course was actually the ex boss of Porton Down (Chemical and Biological weapons facility) and he regularly filled us with all sorts of horror stories from meetings he was a party to.

The process i was mentioning is not mutually assured destruction either - it is something else entirely based on the principle that if the US is ever removed from the picture (total collapse of society, economy, etc) then the world would be destroyed as a reward!

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Kryties
reply to post by Flavian

The lower classes clearly have had enough of unequal treatment.

Those taking part in it have no political opinion.
There were statements like "I is just gettin my taxes back, innit!" from people claiming state benefits!

If we need to look at failures, we need to look at their parents. They are the ones who didn't instil a work ethic, they are the ones who didn't force them into school when they were too lazy to get up, they were the ones who allowed them to hang around with degenerates and they are the ones who have given birth to three or four kids without the means to support them or the basic intelligence to educate.

I grew up in North London, with the rat-infested tower blocks and drugs being dealt on every high street. I didn't grow up with luxuries and whatever we wanted whenever we wanted it. We had to work for everything we had.
And I grew up with morals, a desire to improve myself and work for what I want. To suggest that people from poverty somehow have an excuse to rob others is a weak cop out.

These kids are spoiled brats, arrogant and ignorant. They want the world, and they don't want to lift a finger to earn anything. They don't believe they should have to work, they don't think they should have to contribute to society in any way. They are raised by parents who prioritize themselves over their kids, greedy and selfish, with drunken mothers and absent fathers.

Rant over

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:45 AM
Conjectures, presumptions, assumptions are nothing more than crystal ball gazing.

And which rational man will rely on crystal ball gazers for answers?

Go for the facts, c'.mon. The only real doom is the doom of your own mind if you prefer falsehoods for comfort.

Even when the worse happens, regardless if natural or man-made, remember this is USA and you do have the 1st amendment still. Make your voice combine with others and get heard.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

At some point all of the world debt will have to be made to go away. I'm not going to get hysterical about some jerk speculator. I'd rather not think about economics. There is no scientific method for economics. The guy can make all the valid points he wants. But he doesn't know when the human spirit will overtake the demon of phoney debt and money.

One day were all going to wake up and be glad it's over. I hope the economy in the US tanks. I hope the poverty level increase. I hope we all have a chance to poop on the white house lawn in protest.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

You're right, One issue at a time.

But, the global food scene has been crumbling for awhile, and there is no sign of it recovering soon.

Wheat Stem Rust global impact

Wheat Stem Rust Epidemic

Could be harshest UK winter in 100 years and Here

20 signs that a Horrific Global Food Crisis is Coming

Almost 1/3rd of all Corn is now being used for Ethanol instead of Food

Global Food Prices up 36% in last 12 months. (from April, worse now)

47 Statistics That Indicate That Economic Stress Points In 2011 Could Be Setting The Stage For A Global Economic Meltdown In 2012 That source says Soybean Prices are up 50% since last June.

And one of the best articles of all. Time Magazine predicted in early 2008 that leaders mistakes, food shortages, and rising energy costs would lead to civil unrest and undermine political stability! They really nailed this one!!

The world economy has run into a brick wall. Despite countless warnings in recent years about the need to address a looming hunger crisis in poor countries and a looming energy crisis worldwide, world leaders failed to think ahead. The result is a global food crisis. Wheat, corn and rice prices have more than doubled in the past two years, and oil prices have more than tripled since the start of 2004. These food-price increases combined with soaring energy costs will slow if not stop economic growth in many parts of the world and will even undermine political stability, as evidenced by the protest riots that have erupted in places like Haiti, Bangladesh and Burkina Faso.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by Quetzalcoatl12
Also please watch the OPs video, which clearly you haven't. Weiss is a major finacial rating agency, not some kid in his room making a you tube video

If Weiss deserves the kind of global reputation people seem to think they have, they wouldn't be using the UK riots as some kind of indicator of the collapse in England. As I said in my last post, it was not a protest about economic austerity or worsening conditions for those involved in it, it was simply looting by a generation of scum who have been raised by parents with few morals.

I watched it unfolding here, and although I am what many would consider a Liberal, even I could see that this was NOT a protest against anything, it was an opportunity to loot and cause massive chaos.

It infuriates me that people are using images from that greed-driven meltdown as some kind of indication of collapse. Weiss is re-branding a sickening event to suit their purpose, which leads me to believe that they are no better than any other corporate brand manipulating the truth to gain a profit.

If they use propaganda like this, how much of what they say can be trusted?

Great point

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
You're right, One issue at a time.

But, the global food scene has been crumbling for awhile, and there is no sign of it recovering soon.

By global you do mean the world, don't you? So what's that gotta do with USA and your rather sensationalist title of American doom? You have some agenda against USA going on?

In anycase, the theory of scarcity had been dished out to mankind since the 60s. But is any democratic nation starving today? The only ones starving are the tyrannies around the world that had mismanage their own resources. It is a wake up call for them.

America too, must not get complacent, or get greedy which is the 1% greatest fault. Improvement on tech and science must continue on so that we can greatly enhance the bounty that we have today for generations more.

So, OP, calm down and think rationally, or you will only doom your own mind.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:03 AM
I remember America was going to be doomed in the summer. Then it was the fall. Then some guy on a website predicted it would definitely collapse in October. It was going to collapse after 9/11. It was going to collapse when Obama was elected. It was going to collapse whn Clinton and Carter were elected. It was going to collapse if we regulated business. It was going to collapse if we didn't. Blah blah blah.

When are you doomsayers going to tire yourselves out and take a nap?

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

In anycase, the theory of scarcity had been dished out to mankind since the 60s. But is any democratic nation starving today? The only ones starving are the tyrannies around the world that had mismanage their own resources. It is a wake up call for them.

No, since they are democratic, they are part of team America, and piggy-back on the sweat and blood of other nations members, just as we do.

I don't think any reasonable, and well-informed individual would think the extraction of resources as we're doing is sustainable. I don't think it's merely a mismanagement of resources, either. It's human beings doing their thing, and interacting with the environment. That environment is barely able to deal with what we've been doing.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I went to the global scene because you mentioned (and rightfully so) that when one area is suffering another is doing well. Right now, the majority of agriculture in the US is suffering. The South, the Midwest, the Southwest, and the Northeast are all grappling with problems that impacted their agricultural production. I'm in Florida, and my Banana trees didn't get a single banana this year because of last years long could snap. The tomato and orange crops were impacted. The Mississippi river had 500 year floods that destroyed cropland from Nebraska, to Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, and Arkansas. The droughts in Texas and Oklahoma are worse than during the Dust Bowl years.

So, I had already mentioned the problems in the US, you stated that when one area is down, another is up, so I brought up the global scene. I'm sure somebody is doing ok, but there are far more people struggling than ever before.

And, for the record, I've been a prepper for 30 years. I can stay in my home, without electricity or any outside help for at least a full year! If I invite friends and family in, we can still survive on my supplies for many months. I've also got first aid, medicines, and bullets to outfit a nice group. I'm not over-reacting to this particular scenario, I've been over-reacting since the 70's, LOL!

I bring up this scenario, because it is breaking news. It is relavent to this month, and with all that is going on in the world at this very moment, it seems very legit and worth sharing.

My mind is clear. I'm stressing over a friend that just got some very bad news on his cancer. Even if the world falls apart next month, he may not be around to see it, so my immediate stress is on my buddy, not this crisis, but I'm smart enough to still pay attention to this and all breaking crises.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by jtap66
I remember America was going to be doomed in the summer. Then it was the fall. Then some guy on a website predicted it would definitely collapse in October. It was going to collapse after 9/11. It was going to collapse when Obama was elected. It was going to collapse whn Clinton and Carter were elected. It was going to collapse if we regulated business. It was going to collapse if we didn't. Blah blah blah.

When are you doomsayers going to tire yourselves out and take a nap?

The funny thing is, they were all RIGHT! America has been so big, and so powerful, and so blessed that all of those predictions rang true, it has just taken us this long to fall the full distance, and we're not quite at the bottom yet.

Carter was a disaster, so was Clinton, so was Bush and Obama. 9/11 drove many nails in our coffin. The Housing collapse in 08, and the banking collapse that is still developing as a result of the housing collapse.

All those doomsayers were correct, they just underestimated the resiliency of the nation and the number of simultaneous crashes it would take to bring us down.

It doesn't change the fact, we are going down, faster and faster each day, and we will eventually hit bottom unless drastic changes are made.

I'm not entirely hopeless. Look in my signature block. There are some people with some real solutions, and if they can get into office, and stay the course, and get the support of the people, we can still turn the thing around.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 10:19 AM
When you run out of money to pay your soldiers you will lose the reserve currency. You will go to war before that happens though. The military are the only reason the US retains the reserve currency.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

What we need is a novel, unique, and brand new outlook on global finance. We need someone with a solution that has never been thought of before.

Don't get me wrong, I know things are bad. Hell, I literally just got laid off not two hours ago. But the fact is, when America has fallen on the blackest of times, we have come through. We have risen to the challenge and solved our problems. We always spiral out of control before we level out. The early colonial wars. The Civil war. The Great Depression. The huge recession in the 80's. This will be no different. I guess I have faith in my fellow citizens. I don't know the answer, but someone out there does, and eventually, it will be known.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by DerbyCityLights

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

What we need is a novel, unique, and brand new outlook on global finance. We need someone with a solution that has never been thought of before.

Don't get me wrong, I know things are bad. Hell, I literally just got laid off not two hours ago. But the fact is, when America has fallen on the blackest of times, we have come through. We have risen to the challenge and solved our problems. We always spiral out of control before we level out. The early colonial wars. The Civil war. The Great Depression. The huge recession in the 80's. This will be no different. I guess I have faith in my fellow citizens. I don't know the answer, but someone out there does, and eventually, it will be known.

I think most would agree we've been able to solve our problems, but we've got our noses all over the blasted planet and our tentacles are so intertwined with everything and everywhere else that one explosive fart in Europe could stink us up for decades . . .

The bottom is falling outta the box and there's nothing left below to catch it.

That's what makes it different this time.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by GoalPoster

Since I don't know the answer, I do tend to think in more abstract terms with this. I agree that our tentacles are entwined in many places they shouldn't be. But I truly believe that someone, some how will find out how to either cut them off or reel them in. This very issue I believe is what is at the heart of our problems. We are to extended. I can't not have hope and faith that we will eventually come to the correct conclusion before this is beyond saving. I hold this hope for me, my family and every one of my American brothers and sisters.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

Stop the greed, stop the bleed . . .

But we're at a point where the greedy have consolidated so much of the wealth and the power the only thing that will stop it is . . . well . . . their own greed.

And . . . spickityfrickingwonderdoooooooodiiddly-oooo of all things . . . guess what's happening. Was it not the banksters who opened the floodgates with their NINJA mortgages, and then spun those off and allowed the insurance cartel to get their share following which nobody could pay anything on anything so the government opened up their cash-drawer and shot out a bunch of cash that was supposed to fix things, but the original party farters in this mess kept it for themselves along with teh $600 million in 'fees' the government paid them to hoard their new found riches. This is the result. We've never gotten over 2008 . . . and we never will because the same greedy pricks are still . . . well . . . greedy pricks. It is imploding . . . rather slow motion-ish . . . we're terminally ill and still not into the acceptance part of dealing with it, rather the mood of those inhabiting this planet ranges from absolutey ambivalent to down-right pissed. In either case, the result is the same. We aren't doing anything much about it but sitting around campfires in some urban setting trying to figure out the damn words to Kumbya, get our faces on U-Tube, relieving ourselves on sidewalks and trying to figure out when the next Harry Potter movie comes out.

Unfortunately, us little peons inhabiting the bottom of the pile are only going to get dumped on more as a result while the rich bastards that caused this mess will float gently down to their soft landing.

Hopefully there will be enough of us peons left to meet them at the bottom with a sharp pickie-rod upon which their soft landing may be interrupted.

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