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America's Doomsday by end of Month? Weiss Ratings thinks so!

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posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Flavian

Sounds almost exactly like the Rodney King riots, minus the beating and plus the shooting dead.

The lower classes clearly have had enough of unequal treatment.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Kryties

The riots in 2000 were to do with poverty - i know as i lived in the middle of the Bradford riots and had to walk through rioters just to get my morning paper or a pint of milk
In actual fact (and i will probably get shot for saying this) they were quite entertaining up to a point (lots of funny songs and signs). At the time, they were portrayed as race riots - not true. As a white guy with a shaved head, if these were race related i would have been pummelled every time i opened my door instead of being offered a choice of bricks to throw at the Police (i never took up the offer).

These on the other hand were about getting a new winter wardrobe and the latest game for your 360.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:02 AM
It is often easy to stare at what is happening around the world and in US today, and then presume doom is upon us.

That is the wish of anyone whom finds comfort in falsehoods, progandas with hidden agendas, etc.

Only the truth will set one free, and truth is based upon logic and reason, if not facts alone.

Has Kansas soil failed that crops cannot be regrown again?

Had money disappeared into thin air, or are just sitting in vaults and homes gathering dust?

Has oil and alternative energy sources failed?

Had our youth and active adults lost their brains and cannot think of solutions anymore?

Had the US gov locked all citizens in jail or murdered them, like China, Russia and Syria?

Had mankind no more needs, and are prepared to starve and watch their children starved to death?

The answer to all above is no.

OP is wrong. His reasoning and logic is severely limited to what is the reality of today and tomorrow. Trillions in debt does not mean US is unable to pay off those loans over time. Trade is the lifeblood of the world, and USA do have products to sell, and is innovative enough to create needs for their products.

Americans are thankful to be living in a such a country, unlike others whom are more unfortunate, and have very little going for them in terms of resources including hampered and downtroddened precious human capital.

Today's grouses within the country are but part of democratic America's normal rejuvenation process, as it had been for centuries, to change for the better, building upon corrections of mistakes made yesterday. Many claimed the end of America for decades, but in the end, it was them that ended - EU, China's CCP massive problems, Russia's facism, etc.

Enjoy the popcorn while you watch. USA aint gonna end anytime soon. If anything else, it will be the launch of a new american century.

edit on 8-12-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:04 AM
There's a flaw to this..

Look at what's happened when countries try to stop trading commodities in USD?? We go to war with them, kill their leaders, and set up a new system that brings the status quo back.

If someone outright stops trading with us or buying our bonds, AND we think it'll tank our economy, the propaganda machine goes haywire, and they're now an evil doer for whatever bunk reason they want to say. Intelligence agencies will be informed this matter is of national security, and we're at war with them.

So as long as our superior military might enforces our standards of living, the decline will continue, but collapse will be adverted. Now, it's not a walk in the park or anything. Countries seem to be ganging up on us, and it seems the only next step is world war three, so I think that is more imminent than economic collapse.

It depends on how the warvplays out, as to who collapses once it's all said and done. Seeing as no great power will try to take us on their own, I'm a bit frightened, tbh. Taking on many fronts at this point might stretch our capabilities too thin.

Whatever the case, we're in for a bumpy ride.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:05 AM
"Food prices will skyrocket"

They already did. You mean they'll go up even more? We already can't barely afford the grocery bill. Jeeeeeze .... this is freak'n insane. Something HAS to pop ... seriously ... this can't keep going the way it is ...

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

That's all very well and good but this time it's not just a conspiracy theory. Look around you, the worlds financial systems are being held together with sticky tape at the moment, it doesn't take a gloomer and doomer to see the writing on the wall here.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

If it really is that serious in your case, why not buy staple items in bulk at a discount?

Just a thought. Sorry to hear you're struggling so much.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

I highly doubt the US would be silly enough to take on combined forces like the Commonwealth countries for example.

The war posturing works on small, isolated nations, I seriously doubt it would on anything larger.
edit on 8/12/2011 by Kryties because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

Thank you for your post and bringing me back on track also.

I agree that there is a flaw with this also and i believe it is actually a major flaw. If the US tanks (as predicted by Weiss) every other nation is screwed also as the contagion is now world wide. In other words, there would no currency strong enough to step in and take over. And before any mention BRICS, they would be in just as bad state (if not worse) owing to a US collapse. The property bubble in China would explode instantly, meaning they would also tumble.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Kryties

And the alternative?

Once you've made it up so high, you're not willing to take the hit, and fall down a notch or two.

It's balls to the walls, all or nothing.

That is the way of our culture.

However irrational, we're not going out without a damned good fight.

I could be wrong.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

The rich can afford to preprare. Anyone middle class and under is royally F'ed. If this government proves to be this incompetant there will be a revolution and a new government will be put into place that can better manage the countries' funds and take care of it's people.

This level of incompetence is unbelieveable and unacceptable. When did we start hiring incompetant people into office? Wait till people wake up and realize that all those U.S. treasury notes aren't worth the paper their printed on, people trading gold money for paper money is the biggest hoax in history and Herbert Hoover started it. You're some kind of magician if you can make people think paper is worth more than gold, or just a really good bullsh*tter. You want to see how much your treasurey notes (U.S. dollars) are truly worth? Take them down to the federal reserve and try to trade them in for the gold theyre worth, you will get laughed out the door while the security gaurds throw you out on your face and onto the pavement.

I for one am hoping like hell this doesn't come to pass. Theres going to be alot of people to go hungry and maybe even starve to death. This will be like in the Revolutionary war where the soldiers were eating their shoes and boots because they were starving. It will be a sad day in america if this comes to pass.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

So, when push comes to shove, you would rather kill your fellow neighbours rather than take the fall with them - considering, of course, that the initial fault lies with the US and it's banking system?

If this is so, thanks for letting us know, I will be sure to stock up on ammo and take as many of you as I can with me into the Great Darkness

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Yes. Even more. Much more.

A couple of ATSers that I linked to work in food futures and commodities purchasing. They say the pricing is something they haven't seen in 30 years. It is out of control and unpredictable.

Also, I know some farmers and ranchers in the midwest. Many of them sold their horses and cattle after the harsh drought this summer. They were afraid hay and feed prices would be too expensive over the winter due to shortages, so they sold their livestock off before it got to that.

In fact, I know 2 people that made a lot of money buying horses in the midwest at firesale prices and shuttling them to California and selling them for profits.

Between the Mississippi Floods, the Texas and Oklahoma Droughts, the Harsh Winter last year, the food market is in a shambles. Everything from Hay to Rice, Tomatoes, and Oranges was impacted in some way by a disaster this year.

Then, you add the Trillions of dollars of newly printed paper money in the market and the looming inflation, and you've got food shortages alongside worthless dollars, and it is a recipe for disaster.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
why not buy staple items in bulk at a discount?

I have an autoimmune disease and have a limited diet. Unfortunately, the majority of the 'bulk foods' are foods that I can't eat. And there are just three of us in this house ... so buying in bulk doesn't work for us. But that was a good idea. Thanks for thinking of it.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Kryties

Why are you making this personal

No, I'm certainly not like that.

I said it's in our culture, which it is.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

Sorry mate, just a bit touchy tonight I guess

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan


My wife has that, and we still manage to buy in bulk. Beans, Chili, Rice, Corn, Sugar, Powdered Milk, etc. In our survival preps, I have to make sure to have stuff for the kids, and also stuff for her. I try to buy as much Gluten Free as I can, but I still make sure there is enough variety to keep the kids eating good.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Kryties

i cannot for the life of me remember the name of the policy / process but i remember reading that at the upper echelons of power in the USA it was decided during the Cold War that if they can't have the world. no one else can either. It wouldn't surprise me to find that this attitude still prevails right at the very top.

In other words, as the nation collapses the shiny red button suddenly start saying "push me".

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
There's a flaw to this..

Look at what's happened when countries try to stop trading commodities in USD?? We go to war with them, kill their leaders, and set up a new system that brings the status quo back.

If someone outright stops trading with us or buying our bonds, AND we think it'll tank our economy, the propaganda machine goes haywire, and they're now an evil doer for whatever bunk reason they want to say. Intelligence agencies will be informed this matter is of national security, and we're at war with them.

So as long as our superior military might enforces our standards of living, the decline will continue, but collapse will be adverted. Now, it's not a walk in the park or anything. Countries seem to be ganging up on us, and it seems the only next step is world war three, so I think that is more imminent than economic collapse.

It depends on how the warvplays out, as to who collapses once it's all said and done. Seeing as no great power will try to take us on their own, I'm a bit frightened, tbh. Taking on many fronts at this point might stretch our capabilities too thin.

Whatever the case, we're in for a bumpy ride.

Well Hitler thought he was invicible too until he ended up with war on too many fronts and not enough allies to cover his ass. We just traded places with Nazi Germany, except now we're the Nazi's and not the good guys. This is what happens when you allow the 1% to rule your nation by allowing crony government and corrupt politicians on the take trying to secure the rich staying rich and in power. WWIII will come and it will not be over religion, it will be over money and power as all world wars are.

Satan rules the world and he is going about conquering mankind as divide and conquer are his ways, pitting nation against nation and man against man and humanity doesn't even see it happening. This is what happens when you believe your enemy doesn't exist, he destroys you. This is like walking into a raging battlefield with your eyes shut and your arms open wide.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by GoalPoster
The reality is that the root cause of both the economic collapse and the pillaging of shops is pretty much the same . . . .


Its just a whole lot easier to dress up as okay if you can get away with doing it while wearing a suit and tie.

I couldn't agree with you more.
However, "they do it too" is not an excuse to abandon morals. Just because I view all of our politicians as corrupt doesn't somehow justify me robbing old ladies or smashing shop windows to get at a new TV.

In true cases of economic collapse, banks would be attacked, food would be looted and a survival instinct takes over. People don't steal phones and games consoles in order to survive.

I'm not excusing anyone. I'm not suggesting for one moment that politicians, bankers and corporations are any better than the chav in the street mugging old ladies for their pension.

I'm saying that the riots in the UK in August were not about people protesting financial inequality as Weiss seems to suggest.
Weiss is either using a criminal event without any political motivation as a propaganda soundbite to convince people to believe them, or they are completely out of touch with the reality of the economy in the UK. We are not (yet) in a state of collapse. We are not (yet) seeing massive civil unrest due to tax hikes, lower standards of living or inflation.

However you look at it, Weiss has it wrong, intentionally or not - that doesn't look good in a thread suggesting that they are so clever, accurate and to be trusted.

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