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America's Doomsday by end of Month? Weiss Ratings thinks so!

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posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by memarf1

Bottom of the Ninth, and we are BEHIND!

Visit the Survival forum. Bug Out Bags (BOB), Everyday Carry Bags (EDC), and good stuff like paracord, fishing line, tobacco, water purifiers, plain condoms to use as water bladders or tourniquets. The survival forum has it all.

I've got a surgical kit, a snakebite kit, syringes, knives, fire starters, compas, and more in my little BOB, and mine is puny compared to some of the ones on ATS.

As if the economic outlook wasn't bad enough, a thread just popped up saying Glenn Beck might be running for President. That would zap all Ron Paul's energy and momentum and ensure a Romney or Gingrich nomination. What a dam disaster.

A little behind . . . . behind . . . at this point, the team we're fielding is made up of . . . um . . . our team is sitting in the dugout for the other side having French pastries and sipping tea!!!!!!!

We are so screwed.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

Not to be mean, but Weiss has hundreds of analysts, a track record, data that you don't have, practice at predicting financial upheaval or success, and the list goes on. What are you basing that opinion on? Why don't you think we are on the brink?

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
If I had a nickle for every time someone said we were going to implode financially or otherwise, I would buy every member of ATS a Ferrari. We are not in the strongest financial state, but we are nowhere near total collapse.

I disagree with you here. We are in worse shape than Brazil was before its total collapse. We are in worse shape then the USSR was before its total collapse. This is the first time in history the US has lost its AAA credit rating. Weiss is a very large and well-respected ratings company, and they say this is the end. We have at least 10 former Whitehouse financial advisors collaborating to write articles saying this situation DWARFS the one in 2008.

This is the highest debt load in the history of the world. Things in the last 5 years have exploded exponentially, and that means we are at the end of the chart and we have to completely reset.

If you don't know what an exponential graph looks like, it starts very tame and almost flat, and then it starts to curve upward at a manageable rate, and then it becomes almost vertical. We are now on that vertical part of the graph. The situation becomes many times more dire minute by minute.

US Debt Clock RealTime

In 2007 the US Budget Deficit was $161 Billion, and we were extremely concerned and up in arms about that deficit, then in 2008 it almost doubled to $248 Billion, and then in 2009 it Quadrupled to $1.4 Trillion!!! US Gov. Source

I don't think there is any possible way to exaggerate the severity of the situation. In fact, I think even the worst-case scenarios are probably not as descriptive as what the real situation calls for. I believe even the most radical among us will be surprised when it all comes tumbling down.

Remember, the US is the richest nation in the world, there is nobody to catch us when we fall. We aren't Brazil or Greece, there is no bailout, and there is no safety net. The bigger they are, the harder they fall, and we are the biggest and baddest around.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
If I had a nickle for every time someone said we were going to implode financially or otherwise, I would buy every member of ATS a Ferrari. We are not in the strongest financial state, but we are nowhere near total collapse.

Are you serious, I mean wake up!! 2008 was'nt a fantasy and since they tried delaying the inevitable by so called "solving" the collapse of 2008, things are far worse than ever. Our national debt has surpassed our GDP and that's our national debt without what we owe to the U.S citizens, other nations and military payouts. If you add that we far exceed our GDP. Take a look if you don't believe me!

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 07:58 AM
Also please watch the OPs video, which clearly you haven't. Weiss is a major finacial rating agency, not some kid in his room making a you tube video

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I watched that right up until he started talking about the riots in the UK in August. Those riots were nothing to do with the financial crisis here, they were simply greedy chav youth stealing and destroying when they had the opportunity. Those responsible for it were mostly unemployed through choice, they are scum who feed off of the social welfare system, raised by pathetic parents with no moral compass.

The guy just lost all credibility for me. If he got this so wrong, he is clearly not that in tune with the rest of the financial collapse on a global scale.

While I agree that the collapse is inevitable, and the guy is right that the $ will collapse, I cannot trust anything he says about it because he thinks our UK riots were related to our economic situation. They were not.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

I don't know much about the UK riots, so I can't comment. I do know most civil unrest begins with economic or class problems, so I'd be surprised if the UK ones were any different, and the guy has a huge company and plenty of ratings success, so I wouldn't discount what he says too quickly.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by Quetzalcoatl12
Also please watch the OPs video, which clearly you haven't. Weiss is a major finacial rating agency, not some kid in his room making a you tube video

If Weiss deserves the kind of global reputation people seem to think they have, they wouldn't be using the UK riots as some kind of indicator of the collapse in England. As I said in my last post, it was not a protest about economic austerity or worsening conditions for those involved in it, it was simply looting by a generation of scum who have been raised by parents with few morals.

I watched it unfolding here, and although I am what many would consider a Liberal, even I could see that this was NOT a protest against anything, it was an opportunity to loot and cause massive chaos.

It infuriates me that people are using images from that greed-driven meltdown as some kind of indication of collapse. Weiss is re-branding a sickening event to suit their purpose, which leads me to believe that they are no better than any other corporate brand manipulating the truth to gain a profit.

If they use propaganda like this, how much of what they say can be trusted?

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by detachedindividual

I don't know much about the UK riots, so I can't comment. I do know most civil unrest begins with economic or class problems, so I'd be surprised if the UK ones were any different, and the guy has a huge company and plenty of ratings success, so I wouldn't discount what he says too quickly.

Right, because smashing in shop windows to get an Xbox, a TV, a pair of high-price trainers or a new phone is really people suffering and struggling...

The riots in Greece are austerity-driven, the Indignados in Spain and the Occupy movement are responses to the economic collapse. A bunch of feral kids in the UK looting commercial goods from shops is not a comment on economic or social injustice, it's greed, driven by the desire to own more, and they took the opportunity to steal knowing that the police couldn't cope with such a massive crime wave.

Please trust me on this, as a UK citizen I can speak from experience that the August riots were nothing more than looting by the scum in our society who saw an opportunity to get something for nothing.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:16 AM
Watching ECB's "it's a drag-hi" right now.....

Don't sound too good, and killed the futures as well as the Euro-pee-on markets....

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:20 AM
To everyone questioning my reasoning behind what I said...We have been through this before and came out alive and better for it. Check your history. We are not going to implode. We are not going to devolve into a state of anarchy. Stop the stupid fear mongering!

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

I don't want to bicker about specifically about the UK riots, because I just don't know enough about them, but if what you say is true, isn't it still a problem between the "haves" and the "have-nots?"

Even if it was just flat out robbery by a large group of chavs, isn't it still an indication of the problems that exist between classes?

I bet, if you drilled down into the issue far enough, you would eventually reach a root cause related to class politics and economics.

I could be wrong though, I don't know. The Rodney King riots here in LA were a direct result of the not-guilty verdict for the cops that beat him, but in reality they were a culmination of years of police abuse, poverty, class and race inequalities, and many other things. They weren't really rioting over one stranger, they were really rioting over the whole unfair situation.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:27 AM
If the riots are all about people taking something to which they have no right, only for the purpose of personal benefit and at the expense of the rightful owner, you have to ask where they learned that kind of behavior . . .

Maybe they just have to watch the actions of multinational corporations, central banksters and their own goverrnment officials for shining examples of looting, pilaging and pretty much leaving a trail of carnage wherever they go.

If they can dip into what's not rightfully theirs and get away with it under the guise of 'saving the economic system', how does that make the main street rioters and looters any better or worse.

The reality is that the root cause of both the economic collapse and the pillaging of shops is pretty much the same . . . .


Its just a whole lot easier to dress up as okay if you can get away with doing it while wearing a suit and tie.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by DerbyCityLights


No country in the world has ever been this far in debt before. Sure, maybe we've been through this before, Rome, the Great city-states at the dawn of civilization, but those things did not just come through it. They collapsed violently and permanently.

The US has never been in this dire of a situation before. We have never had to borrow more than half of every dollar the government spends. We have never had a debt greater than our GDP. We have never had our credit rating down-graded. We have never been facing economic bubbles on every front. We have never spent Trillions of dollars to soften a fall and prop up real estate and banking, only to have it come crumbling down anyway! Every major bank is also having credit down gradings, the real estate market prices are plummeting despite the trillions of dollars pumped into the market. The unemployment rate is still high and stagnant despite all the supposed stimulus packages.

The government has taken extreme action from printing money, to borrowing money, to taking over toxic debt, and it hasn't done anything except slow the descent.

If there is history to support your view, please do share. I'd love to hear some good news. This situation is drastically worse than the first Great Depression, because we have a population that can't survive without its amenities. We have a much larger population. We have far, far more debt, And we have no more solutions.

What we need is a novel, unique, and brand new outlook on global finance. We need someone with a solution that has never been thought of before.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I read somewhere that the UK riots were as a result of the treatment of the police towards the lower classes. The tension built up over time and finally exploded.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by GoalPoster
If the riots are all about people taking something to which they have no right, only for the purpose of personal benefit and at the expense of the rightful owner, you have to ask where they learned that kind of behavior . . .

Maybe they just have to watch the actions of multinational corporations, central banksters and their own goverrnment officials for shining examples of looting, pilaging and pretty much leaving a trail of carnage wherever they go.

If they can dip into what's not rightfully theirs and get away with it under the guise of 'saving the economic system', how does that make the main street rioters and looters any better or worse.

The reality is that the root cause of both the economic collapse and the pillaging of shops is pretty much the same . . . .


Its just a whole lot easier to dress up as okay if you can get away with doing it while wearing a suit and tie.

Whilst i understand what you say, it is not a valid arguement. With the same logic, you can say that governments around the world kill so it is alright if i go and kill.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

What we need is a novel, unique, and brand new outlook on global finance. We need someone with a solution that has never been thought of before.

In other words, we need the economic greybeards to start earning their salaries. Same goes for any other 'geniuses' we pay huge amounts of cash to - start earning your pay and think up a new system.

Although, and i have said it countless times, when all the nations are now facing the same problems, why can't we simply hit the reset button. The debt in the world is not real money, it is all projected. If we all have the same problems, no nations seriously lose out if we reset. Or maybe im missing something!

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:44 AM
It's beginning as we speak....

Yesterday " lived in infamy"

Have a feeling that today will " Begin our destiny"

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Kryties

No, the original protest was about an unarmed gangster getting shot dead by the police. He was a scrote from a scroty family but he was unarmed so i understand that.

The subsequent riots however were about getting new shiny shiny for the house, whichever way you dress it up.

As an interesting aside, Mr Duggan (shot gangster) was a relative to Dominic Noonan, an underworld figure from Manchester. During the riots in Salford and Manchester, Mr Noonan was filmed by the Police organising which shops to loot, etc and even laughing with mates while spread eagled on the floor of the street.

posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Flavian

I guess I should have included the disclaimer in my diatribe to the effect that both forms of action are reprehensible . . . but I do stick by my suggestion that while we look at the rioters as greedybastard cretins who are nothing more than thugs and thieves, we also need to realize the actions of our supposed leaders, be they political, economic or otherwise, are no differrent . . . they too are greedybastard cretisns who are nothing more than thugs and thieves.

The world would be better without both.
edit on 8-12-2011 by GoalPoster because: too early to type, let alone think!

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