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Sorry babe, but you do have a penis....... [WTB]

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posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Thanks for sharing, I completely agree.

Reminds of the times I've felt like a dirty rapist whilst walking at night and coming across women on the street who seem to cross the road and triple their walking pace.

The con of having a penis

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 11:15 AM
It is terribly sad. Last holiday season I was shopping with a buddy of mine (yes 2 guys) and we came across a lost child. We figured it be best to take the child to the customer service desk. We approached the child and crouched to talk to him (male child ~5 years old). We stayed a good 5 meters back as we have heard "stories". All of a sudden a security guard comes running at us and another from another direction. I thought we were about to be tackled. We stood up quickly and the security guards proceeded to get in between us and the child and started yelling at us. They escorted us to their office and then took the child. Took us nearly 20 minutes to convince them that we were not attempting to abduct the child. Lucky for us, the child was smart and mature for his age. He helped out emensley. If it were a stupid child, I don't know how that day would have gone. Such a sad society we live in.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 11:27 AM
Would have been much easier if the lifeguard (preferably) just asked you to call the kids by their names to see if they responded to you.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 11:54 AM
Sorry wrong thread. To many ATS tabs open.
edit on 5-12-2011 by Malcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:43 PM
I've heard horror stories in Japan about men simply asking for directions. I guess it's making it's way to Australia now as well. The fact that even your wife says she doesn't trust men around children should tell you just how screwed up society is.

Your biggest mistake was trying to act innocent by trying to smile at someone who was glaring at you. NEVER smile at them. Also you should have turned the situation around and started calling the lifeguard and other woman pedophiles. When in doubt, always raise your voice and repeat what they say to you to draw the attention of others, most people will back down once they realize just how absurd their words sound.

The next time you go back, if you see the same lifeguard, go up to him and ask him if you're going to have a problem.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Thats also why surveys show that women cheat just as much as men on their partner but almost never get caught, Women are better at being emotionally deceptive.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

Dude I hear you, I have 3 kids and I often wonder about the same situation (I probably wouldn't as calm as you were).

There are a few local parks where I go with the kids and take pictures of them (I am not the greatest photographer but have been recently getting into it) however I tend to do this when there is no one around because I often wonder about the very same thing.

I have seen countless signs here in pommy UK stating "no cameras", they are my kids, my memories, how the ****** hell am I supposed to take pictures of my kids then? wankers.

Any way mate, kind of alarmed this crap is happening in Aussie land, I was thinking it was mostly unique to the PC poms here...still I am plan to move to Australia and I will do it.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 01:05 PM
And the sad irony is that all the while our society gets more and more paranoid about perversion, the style of children's clothing (girls) seems to get more and more revealing and inappropriate. Even the pop culture seems to endorse this. Of course, this isn't news to anyone who watched the Britney Spears fad take over and ramp up from there. This has become a world of paranoid hypocrisy and delusion.
edit on 5-12-2011 by empireoflizards because: grammar

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by empireoflizards
And the sad irony is that all the while our society gets more and more paranoid about perversion, the style of children's clothing (girls) seems to get more and more revealing and inappropriate. Even the pop culture seems to endorse this. Of course, this isn't news to anyone who watched the Britney Spears fad take over and ramp up from there. This has become a world of paranoid hypocrisy and delusion.
edit on 5-12-2011 by empireoflizards because: grammar

Well, more of "Divide and Conquer". Turn us on our selves, get use to "informing authority" of "possible threats", if we "see something, say something"..... I see the world going to Hell in a Handbasket, I see government getting scared of losing it's power base and passing absurd laws to try to derail the constitution, our God Given Rights, and anything else so they will have the "tools" to turn this nation into at best a Nanny-State, and at worse a Martial Law situation.

Get ready, hang on tight, kids, cause it will be a VERY BUMPY RIDE!

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 01:36 PM
Sort of funny, but really sad the drama you had to endure that just because this giant frilly eggplant of a human couldn't mind her damn business... I'm sure you don't look like a pedo. Wonder if you offered to snap a picture of her fat @ss she would have backed off... Because i'm sure no one has offered to take a picture of her in a loooong time, or they just don't make a wide angle lens big enough...

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 01:44 PM
These people that interfered with you and your family sound like closet pedophiles and porn addicts. They are always the ones that see perversion everywhere, because it is in their own hearts.
Sadly, many people are willing to allow themselves to be programmed to not trust their fellow man. It is a divide and conquer strategy...a thousand reasons NOT to trust your neighbor. Terrorist? Tax Cheat? Child Pornographer? Dope Dealer? Muslim? Wiccan? Surely they is some reason to distrust them...

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 01:48 PM
Honestly I wouldn't have given two thoughts about some dad on the beach with his kids. Some people just go looking for trouble or assume that people are bad and just waiting to do something. This lady and I use that term loosely, obviously had some pretty deep dysfunctional beliefs if that was her first thought.

However, I'd like to offer up a different perspective on why women inherently do not trust men. From a very young age we are taught to watch our surroundings because some man might kidnap you and or rape you. You are taught to travel in groups to avoid such things. "You and we" meaning young girls in general. We see other girls/women abused by men, you live with knowing there are things like abused women's shelters and the like because men abuse women. Even in the bible that we grow up being taught, you read about men who treat women badly, abuse them, sell them, ect.. These are not even always a spoken thing, although often it is, but it is this background knowledge that all girls grow up with. Even the more innocent things like making a joke about dad and the reactions to the first boyfriends. Why? Because boys want sex, boys could hurt your little girl, ect.. You don't think that young girls hear and understand these things even when they are not spoken directly to her? We do and it forms an underlying opinion of males in general. It isn't just news, it is people, it is parents, it is other kids, it is society as a whole that create these notions. And lets face it, it isn't all untrue either.

I am 36 and generally speaking do not trust most men. Ironically,me of all people had four boys and am married. I live with 5 males! LOL I am learning much along the way and hopefully raising my own boys to not be the idea that a lot of girls have in their heads of what boys/men are. This is not something that women are just being intentionally awful and sexist towards men and their intentions. These are deep rooted ideas taught to girls from a very young age.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 01:51 PM
Welcome to the brave new, politically correct world where men, but not women, are assumed to be paedophiles unless proven otherwise.

The argument appears to be that if such an attitude even saves one child from being molested then such a stance is justified.

On the other hand, women can also be paedophiles

Most sexual offenders against children are male, although female offenders may account for 0.4% to 4% of convicted sexual offenders.

On the basis of a range of published reports, McConaghy estimates a 10 to 1 ratio of male-to-female child molesters.

It is believed that the true number of female paedophiles is underrepresented by available estimates, and that reasons for this may include a "societal tendency to dismiss the negative impact of sexual relationships between young boys and adult women, as well as women’s greater access to very young children who cannot report their abuse," among other explanations


So if the logic is that by assuming all men are paedophiles saves a single child from being molested, then why not also automatically assume that a women is a paedophile?

They do molest children.

edit on 5-12-2011 by ollncasino because: clarify

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by ollncasino
Welcome to the brave new, politically correct world where men, but not women, are assumed to be paedophiles unless proven otherwise.

The argument appears to be that if such an attitude even saves one child from being molested then such a stance is justified.

On the other hand, women can also be paedophiles

Most sexual offenders against children are male, although female offenders may account for 0.4% to 4% of convicted sexual offenders.

On the basis of a range of published reports, McConaghy estimates a 10 to 1 ratio of male-to-female child molesters.

It is believed that the true number of female paedophiles is underrepresented by available estimates, and that reasons for this may include a "societal tendency to dismiss the negative impact of sexual relationships between young boys and adult women, as well as women’s greater access to very young children who cannot report their abuse," among other explanations


So if the logic is that by assuming all men are paedophiles saves a single child from being molested, then why not also automatically assume that a women is a paedophile?

They do molest children.

edit on 5-12-2011 by ollncasino because: clarify

Unfortunately your right, some women do these horrific things and should be brought to justice just the same if a man does it. However it isn't as if the assumptions of men being sexual predators is based in falsehoods. Why is the assumption even there? It isn't media because I assure you most women distrusted men far before the media was in every aspect of our lives.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by MaMaa
However it isn't as if the assumptions of men being sexual predators is based in falsehoods.

Speak for yourself. I'm not a sexual predator.

By the way, women who assume that all males are just ready to jump on them should actually ask some men they know if they want sex.

Most women would be suprised at how few men actually want to have sex with them.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:45 PM

I cant believe you had experience! Thats so horrible!!!!!!!!!!!

You know what is so wrong though, that there were moms aroudn you and no dads and it should be encourage that fathers get some time off with their children too and maybe that way, people would consider it normal? Thats so sick man, I feel abd for you... you mujst ahve felt so angry!

I will encourage my husband to go with my children (when they are born) and if people stare then thats their problem.. maybe have a wallet next time and show they are your kids.

Its kinda the society we live in and I blame television with all of those baby queen peagant shows, the little girls early 12 years old getting make up and acting like they are 25... Its on your TV! and people think its normal BUT ITS NOT and I think this black box have encourage pedophiles and created pedophiles.

Where I come from, you dont hear about pedo[philia so much... of course its around but its definetely not normal. You see dads playing by teh beach, ticlking their kids and its a normal thing but if you do it here in England, gosh they probably would call the police. Its just a cultural thing.... but then in my country, Venezuela, you see this disgusting girls dress like they are 25, with minis, you definetely tell them off... even if you are a random person.. that is wrong. Also, thoser tv series of little beauty peagants are also not accepted.

edit on 5-12-2011 by azulejo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Real shame you had that experience. Makes you wonder what right people have?
Strikes me unless someone LODGED A COMPLAINT that a stranger was taking pictures of THEIR children - then what are they getting involved for?

Me personally - I am always out with my kids, park, fair, town, play area. I take my camera, and I take pictures and video of them enjoying themselves.
Never had any one say anything to me, or look at me funny - but I will say that if they ever do they will be left in no doubt as to where they can go shove their (not my) problem - no one will be taking my camera off me or stopping me taking photo's of my kids which I treasure as great memories.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:01 PM
I feel sorry for you.
what that woman did will make you upset ever
time you go to some ware open with Your kids.

some do gooders are evil and dont know it.
like the witch burnings and linch mobs.


posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:19 PM
I would of been like "Please continue this discussion in front of my children, so I can have some witnesses when I sue the city. Ok we are ready now, please continue."

Just wanna knock some people upside the head.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

Awesome story man, thanks for sharing it; and sorry that it happened.

I turned red just reading it, and believe it or not I started cussing out the dumb lifeguard and the human walrus while sitting here on the computer trying to imagine the scene.

I would have turned it around and asked the life guard for his card. If he hesitated or refused to give it, I'd have accused him in return and threatened to call the police for pretending to be a life guard -- bluff you know. Once you get the card, the name and the number... well, only one way to get rid of dumb people like that, get in touch with as high up a manager as you can and relay the story. Ask for them to be retrained, whatever, he'll think twice next time the walrus comes up to him to start trouble because she watches too much TV.

It is sad that men are vilified in this society, but unfortunately we're not at the point where we're fighting for our rights just yet. Women are still too busy on the high horse -- and I don't say this to irritate women, but the intelligent ones will see truth in this. My honest opinion is that the feminist movement over the past 20 years has gotten out of hand and had done more to break up the families and create a divide between the sexes than the good it brought. We're all equally useless now and have less time to educate our kids and spend time with our families, however we are all equal in that we are ALL slaves now and can all contribute to the war fund. Perhaps in 20 years there will be another movement where we can get the kids to drop out of school and start working at age 12 - equality, right? If they want to work, why stop them?

Time will come when sexes will even out again.

edit on 5-12-2011 by Kharron because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-12-2011 by Kharron because: typo

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