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Twisted thug feed's a kitten to python in a sick Video

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posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

Sorry, looked a little old to be a give away, but you are right. I doubt he feeds his "pet"cats. Also picking up free kittens for snake food is even more devious as people that give away kittens usually love them until they are old enough to give away to decent homes. So you are saying he is searching the paper bi monthly for a "free to a loving family" kitten to feed to his snake? What a scumbag you are making this guy out to be.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by PaxVeritas

Let me enlighten you. Sunday morning, cant sleep, nothing on tv. Was an interesting thread with some intersteing posts. Then everyone poster in here took a shot at me and I responded to each and every one of them, including this tripe. Then someoen like you comes along, counts my responses, and feels that means something.

I am more worried about the person sitting around analyzing and keeping track of complete strangers posts on a fourm like this.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by Noobastronomer

This is really heart breaking as well as disguisting. Who in their right mind would indulge in such a cruel act

What exactly is the difference between a cat and a mouse ? The python has got to eat dude.

Have you any idea what goes into cat food ?

Wakey wakey this is how the world operates big things eat little things , here kitty kittens' cousin having anaconda for lunch does the horrific demise of Hissing Sid disgust you and break your heart ?

How about this monster, if Jesus/yahwhe is actually real then the god of the Americas is one sick and twisted Bastard to come up with this nightmare -

Thank god we hairless primates evolved to make guns and napalm eh ?

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

Oh, sorry. In that case I'm sure you will make some man or woman very happy one day with your arguing for the sake of arguing.

See what I did there? I upped the politically correct ante to makeup for my lacking earlier.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

Seems like some people have no idea that in order to have their fish supper someone may have to skewer poor little Eric the worm with hook bah, the earth is a cruel place.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by ChristianJihad
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

Seems like some people have no idea that in order to have their fish supper someone may have to skewer poor little Eric the worm with hook bah, the earth is a cruel place.

Seems like some people equivocate like 5 year olds and not grownups, and argue with logical fallacies instead of RELEVANT debate.

We're both sickened, howzabout that?

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by ltinycdancerg

You can read about it many places online. There was a facebook page that did amazing work in figuring him out.
They looked at the wall outlets to determine the country, the brand of the vacuum cleaner, I can't remember but there may have been something on t.v. they figured the language from. Then they found uncensored pics of his face somewhere I believe. They worked hard to get him. There was a post about it here a while back.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan
I am pretty sure an animal understands the laws of nature and its instinctive desire to have its species survive.

That's where you and others here are wrong IMO. "Domesticated" in this case means that this kitten had no idea of the laws of nature in the wild. It didn't know it's life was in danger, and didn't know to flee.

If the cat were wild like the snake, it would have recognized the danger and did what comes natural and might have a fighting chance. It might get eaten, and it might not, either way, that's nature. For a snake to hunt it's prey, and kill and eat it in the wild is a whole different thing than to domesticate an animal for hundreds of thousands of generations to rely on humans for survival, then use it as food for a wild animal.

All that aside, the guy in this video obviously just wanted to feel like a man by showing himself tourturing an animal most would consider a "cute pet".

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

Sorry, looked a little old to be a give away, but you are right. I doubt he feeds his "pet"cats. Also picking up free kittens for snake food is even more devious as people that give away kittens usually love them until they are old enough to give away to decent homes. So you are saying he is searching the paper bi monthly for a "free to a loving family" kitten to feed to his snake? What a scumbag you are making this guy out to be.

Can you make an argument without making up things, claiming I said them, then arguing only against the parts you just made up? I did not say any of what you suggest. Please show me where I stated I know how and where he gets his cats from.

You claimed they are expensive. That is not true and I pointed that out. The rest is crap you made up because I guess having an honest discussion was no fun?

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

You have hit the nail on the head. Even if the snake had gotten out and ate the kitten in the house of his own volition it would not be as horrendous as the guy serving it up on a platter. Now, even if he had served it up on a platter the disgusting part is in the filming of it. Sure, they have to eat, but why does this dude think he needs to film it and show the world what a sadistic jerk he is? The problem lies in the fact that he's taking pleasure from it. Whether its a rodent, kitten or whatever... the sick and twisted part is that he took pleasure from it and filmed and posted it for shock value.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by ChristianJihad


The issue isn't about a snake eating a cat.
No one is saying it is 'wrong' for a snake to eat a cat/kitten.
First of all, snakes have no morality- they SURVIVE.
Second, obviously a snake is going to eat any mammal it can fit in its mouth.


What IS wrong (the crux of the matter), is that someone would TORTURE a helpless kitten, and then find its suffering humorous and entertaining.

And as if that's not bad enough,
he video tapes it, and uploads it to the internet/youtube as though it's a trophy-

He's PROUD of it.
And is apparently pathologically narcissistic and delusional enough to believe that others will feel the same as he does, and even ADMIRE him.



posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

I just filled in the implication you made with your "ever open a paper" bit with my own real world experience. People get cats from pet stores or from people giving them away (usually hoping they are going to a nice home). I doubt anyone giving a cat away would agree to give it away for snake food.

You know that is true as well. You seem to be in some sort of damage control. Let me let you know, I don't think you advocate this type of thing. I think you wanted to make a very poor "think outside the box" argument and then argued it and defended yourself a little too long.
edit on 4-12-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

Nice wordy deflection, how about an answer to what I was asking though?

Ditto. How is it that when my questions lay unanswered, I am just trolling. When your question goes unanswered, I am just trolling?

I know what you are doing, and know what you are arguing, but I don't see why.

Then you must not actually know what I am doing or arguing and that sucks because it was really quite simple.

I am unclear what makes this so cruel just because it was a cat and not a different animal. That is the only thing that eludes me and in response I have been called names but never really told why I should understand.

If it was just to help people to look at it from a different perspective, that could have been accomplished with one concise post, but you are adamant about making this argument over and over again to the point that it seems you don't see what is wrong or that you are justifying the actions.

You keep responding to things you preceive me as doing or saying and not what I actually am. That makes me curious as to what your point is and why you are doing it. I just want to understand why it is ok to kill my neices pet hamster but not my cat. I know why I personally feel that way but I also know my personal feelings are not the be all end all.

It becomes a little annoying at that point, and I would consider it trolling if it wasn't obvious you just want to be viewed as the girl that can "think outside the box." The fact is a lot of us already went there and came back full circle to the original conclusion drawn.

Then I really need to know why you respond to me at all. If your completely nonsense assessment of me were true, then your continually seeking my approval, attention, and perhaps enough of my mind to persuade me says more about you than me, no?

Luckily it is not. I do find it interesting though that the topic is now me, not the snake, the cat, or Karla.

P.S. before you go off on another deflection regarding the "second part" of my post, I would prefer you answer my original question.
edit on 4-12-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

Again, ditto. You do a great job of doing something and then accusing someone else of it. Just following your lead. You clear up what I asked and you will most likely get what you are seeking so desperately. I hope you can remember the topic of the thread though.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Algernonsmouse
OK, for all the wonderfully mature and enlightened adults here that keep calling me a troll and making emotion based arguments all while condemning a complete stranger and even dignosing them let me ask you what I am missing.

The argumenst presented in the thread are
It is cruel because it is a cat and not a mouse.
It is cruel because cats are pets.
It is cruel because cats are domesticated.
It is cruel because it was set up and not natural.

Did I miss anything?

Some people like mice mor than cats, that is not an argument.
Mice are just as much pets to some people are cats are pests to others.
The mice sold in pet stores as pets and food are domesticated just like the cows and chickens that die to feed your dog and your cat.
If he fed the snake any other animal, it would still be set up.

None of those arguments worked so now I am just a troll?

I would rather just be corrected.

I guess
"It is cruel because it is a cat and not a mouse."
Is it cruel that cats eat mice and mice and cats can both be pets almost like a snake to eat a cat?

"It is cruel because cats are pets."

Snakes are pets too like I was saying.

"It is cruel because cats are domesticated."

Very true I agree with this, although the cat that was eaten apparently had a name I wouldn't write it off as it is domesticated, I would think if whoever this is was indeed that sick he would video tape the emotional break down of the cat owner and post that as well, kids actions may have been juvenille I just fail to justify that is criminal.

"It is cruel because it was set up and not natural."
So is owning pets.

My conclusion irresponsible yes, immature yes, criminal no, diluted psychopath no. I think it is more of an emotional thing for some while not so much for others.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

Oh, sorry. In that case I'm sure you will make some man or woman very happy one day with your arguing for the sake of arguing.

Right because now I am all lonely and sad and desperate, right?

See what I did there? I upped the politically correct ante to makeup for my lacking earlier.

Not knowing my gender was politically incorrect? I am getting this thread a dictionary for Christmas.
What you did there was try to be witty and fail, confuse politically correct for just not knowing my gender, and posted a direct personal address to me without any mention of the thread topic at all.

Do you know the topic?

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by ChristianJihad
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

Seems like some people have no idea that in order to have their fish supper someone may have to skewer poor little Eric the worm with hook bah, the earth is a cruel place.


What I am getting from most of the responses is that it is cruel to skewer Eric but it is not cruel to buy fish.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

Ok. Why do YOU think people consider it different? Why would police arrest a person if they squeezed the air out of a cat? Bigger animal suffers longer, cats are also a lot more intelligent, but that isn't even my argument, because I know where you are coming from. Why is one animal valued over another right? It doesn't matter in this scenario because it was done for the sole purpose of showing the animal suffering. It isn't as I said before "business as usual." The person obviously did it to make the animal suffer. This animal suffered much longer than a mouse or rat would have. Did you watch the video?
I don't even know why I am still responding to you really.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

LOL.. if you can honestly agree with that analogy and think it is relevant to this argument than I've been paying you compliments in earlier posts.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

The point is, you ingrate, that he could've went and bought feeder rats that were just as big if not bigger, and would've satisfied the python just as much. Instead, this sick f**k who probably gets off on fingering children and stomping ferrets and then masterbating in their blood, puts on a santa hat and makes a video because he know it will draw an emotional response. You know, they say people who get off on killing animals are most likely to have the same instincts to kill humans.

edit: the rats are bred specifically for the purpose of feeding the snake. that is their purpose. just like feeder mice, feeder fish. scientists experiment on rats all the time... not that its humane or anything, but animal rights abuses go on everywhere. sick bastards need to be called out. china..
edit on 12/4/2011 by smarterthanyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

I just filled in the implication you made with your "ever open a paper" bit with my own real world experience. People get cats from pet stores or from people giving them away (usually hoping they are going to a nice home). I doubt anyone giving a cat away would agree to give it away for snake food.

All you did was take one line and add it to your very personal and subjective experience. Why you suggest that cats can only be found from people hoping to give them to good homes eludes me. Walk down any street in Chillicothe sometimes and you can literally grab kittens off the street or find boxes of them left out for the trash. No one is standing around asking if you are going to be nice to them. They are just there. So your argument that cats are too expensive fails because cats are given away free all the time. You argument that those kittens are meant for good homes fails because cats can be found, picked up, or even saved from the people that did not want to keep them. Maybe not in your home town. There are not piles of dead cats in my home town either.

Watch the opening of Gummo sometime. It is horrifically accurate.

You know that is true as well. You seem to be in some sort of damage control. Let me let you know, I don't think you advocate this type of thing. I think you wanted to make a very poor "think outside the box" argument and then argued it and defended yourself a little too long.
edit on 4-12-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

I know what is true as well? That your personal and limited life experience applies across the board? Mine doesn't. You are wrong in your assessment of me and should probably stop trying to do that with such limited access. I am not trying to make any argument I do not wholly believe in. You just keep adding words and trying to change what I am saying so you can argue something else and that is why you are having a hard time understanding how I can believe what I write. Because you keep changing what I write.

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