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Twisted thug feed's a kitten to python in a sick Video

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posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 09:35 AM
It wasn't so much that the snake ate the kitten that is disgusting, or that the kitten was eaten by the snake... such is the way of life. What I have a problem with, and many others would agree, is that the intentions of this guy were wicked, thus the whole thing is disgusting. He could have easily fed the thing a rat or something, but he chose a kitten (and recorded it, by the way) just to amuse himself and stir up others. That, my friends, is sick.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 09:41 AM

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Noobastronomer

I absolutely abhor the man that fed the kitten to the python. I am a cat owner....and I think what he did is horrible. Kittens are not meant to be food for snakes!

I know some of you will say (the laws of nature)...blah...blah...blah...but me feeding a kitten to a snake goes against the laws of nature. So...we can (agree to disagree) on this one.

edit on 4-12-2011 by caladonea because: correction

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 09:54 AM
it was a quick death. As oppossed to the million homeless pets in the US being starved, beaten, hit by cars and being shifted from home to home to die in the humane society if they are lucky.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by ErroneousDylan

The difference being that we have changed the cow, the dog and the cat to be completely dependant on us, and changed their very nature.

A few thousand years ago there were no such things as housecats roaming north america. Neither were pythons. That is why it seems completely un natural.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by antonia
Great, now I know I'm on ATS with amoral psychopaths. is amazing how many there are!......

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:05 AM
It's been said already but I'm going to weigh in here because so many of you people disgust me. If it's in the wild then it's fine, no problem. If the snake gets out in the house and finds the cat and eats it, fine, no problem. If some sicko holds the cat down to ensure the snake eats it then that's just wrong. Cats are not a natural food source for the snake, rodents are. As has been stated, there are rodents out there specifically grown to be food for pet reptiles, just like there are cows and pigs specifically grown to be food for us. This is inexcusable.
edit on 4-12-2011 by mus8472 because: Spelling

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by caladonea

Let's take a step back here and think for a moment. We all agree that the guy is a complete sicko, yes? Well there is more to this story than the chemical imbalances of the child. The snake and the kitten are as much a part of it as him, so let's not give the kid too much credit.

In nature, cats eat snakes... and snakes eat baby things. That is how it works. To be appalled by something like this is naturally, sure, who wants to see something get eaten alive? But that is only because we have detached ourselves from nature and have lived apart from it for so long that we are sensitive to how gruesome it can be.

I am not against the kitten being eaten, like I said before... I am against the kid feeding it to the snake for kicks. I am sure everyone agrees with the latter. The debate here, if there is one, where everyone seems divided, is that cat lovers are appalled by seeing a kitten being eaten by a snake, and others are seemingly nonchalant about how they approach the topic (myself included). That doesn't make them amoral.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:15 AM
Look i'm on board with the whole this is how nature goes but this is just pure cruelty and twisted mentality. I mean the dude even filmed it that takes a serioulsy screwed up individual. So I hope that person gets eaten by a snake.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Domo1

I think the difference here is that the mice and rats are specifically bred as food. You want one for a pet? You get a pretty black one. The standard white gives off the impression of laboratory stock and snake food.

They do keep them frozen for those who are squeamish about feeding snakes live animals, or if they don't want their snake torn up.

I have had a snake that I fed mice too. I love mice and rats, but this mouse is designed to be rat food, though the pet store would put it in a box with big letters on it: I am going home! lol

I presonaly would thunk the mice on the head to knock them out.

I bring this up because I think the mental reasoning is the same:

Cats and dogs have now become disposable, people dump them or have them put down when they no longer want them. Kittens do get dumped on teh side of the road.
Because of all the irresponsible humans, they are left to breed indiscriminantly. We just don't care.

What people don't like aobut this scenario is that what we consider an adored pet is now reduced to snake fodder.

When you reduce the importance of life, things like this start happening.

In my city where there is rampant poverty, cats, even pregnant cats, are often used as bait for pit bulls. They will be tied to a fence and a pit bull allowed to attack.

The problem here isn't this guy, the problem here is the irresponsibility of this society who created domestic animals and then doesn't take care of them. Unless they are surrogate babies like chihuahuas in silly costumes.
edit on 4-12-2011 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:22 AM
You know, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so how many words is a video worth?

After seeing this, all I can really think of is the following:

Who's more "sick" the kid for making a video of a cat and a snake, Tom Green for doing something similar years ago, society in general for wanting to see people do things like this, or even the person laughing in the recording of this youtube video (then going out of their way to upload it online).

I think it goes a little bit deeper psychologically than the kid simply being a "sicko".

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:24 AM
What makes this cruel is the kitten was a pet, and bonded to it's human owners. If it had been a feral cat in the wild and eaten by a snake, such is life. But not when you raise a kitten and it regards you as it's family or matron, it's relying on you to protect it, not offer it up as a meal. Aside from all that, it's cruel to keep a 19-foot python caged up in glass box all it's life too, one of the reasons I detest snake owners or any exotic/wild animal owners. They belong in their natural habitat not sitting in some jackasses living room so he can show off how macho he is.

I feel bad when a human being get's killed by a car crossing the street - but I don't take my infant son out into the crosswalk, tie him up, and purposely allow him to be run over.

One is life. The other is cruelty.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:25 AM
Last time I checked animals in the wild hunted themselves.

This is different, and no, its not natural.

Someones taking a domesticated kitten, picking it up and putting it next to a large python...on a bed. How is this natural?

The idea is that in the wild the animals have free will. It is more natural if a kitten happens to stumble upon a python in its natural habitat, where most likely the python would be TRULY hungry. This situation is controlled and it doesn't allow the prey the opportunity to get away. I know it is highly unlikley a kitten would escape a pythons presense in the wild but its the idea of allowing both animals free will.

I used to work in an exotic pet store and alot of customers feed live animals to their snakes. I used to aswell (when I had snakes), I have come to disagree with it because it is NOT in fact natural because you are taking a live animal who has been trapped in a cage all its life, picking it up, and putting it in a (most likley small) cage with a python and the prey animal has NO chance of escape...EVEN IF it was unlikely it would escape in the wild...THE OPPORTUNITY IS STILL THERE to whatever doesn't matter.

Yes I think this is cruel...not because its a kitten...but why feed something which has the potential to be a loving pet? Im not saying kittens are better than other animals Im saying that, that kitten has more potential to bring love into someones could improve some little kids life...who knows.

Either way when it comes to UNNATURAL feeding such as this the best thing you can do is have the prey killed in the most humane way possible. Death from constriction is not a quick painless death, its scary and the animal suffocates, have you ever watched it up close? Its not funny or something to play with. Regardless of the development of the life form they all deserve to be respected EQUALLY.

This is one of the reasons I left the pet trade...I don't agree with having caged animals in general anymore. The way prey animals are raised just to be fed off live....i don't want to be a part of that...

P.S. And for those who say 'this doesn't bother me, I dont like cats' or 'I dont see whats wrong with this, Im a dog person anyway'

So because you don't like cats this is acceptable? Im not a huge fan of vultures myself...that doesn't mean Im going to shoot one because I don't like it. Or be O.K. with one being treated unfairly. This is a very selfish mindset. Im not saying you SHOULD change Im saying...consider giving this some thought.

edit on 4-12-2011 by ZacharyW because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:25 AM
liveleak took it down O_O must be really "hard"...very unusual

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Noobastronomer
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE..!! I'm sorry but Wow im amazed at some of the reply's in here... Sure the snake was doing what comes natural - feeding. However, to feed a kitten and video tape it for one's amusement is really a sadistic act in my opinion....How would you feel if i christmas wrapped one of you, feed you to a LION and videotaped it?

edit on 4-12-2011 by Noobastronomer because: (no reason given)

It just tell's me that humanity is off the charts with what it'll do for sick pleasure's like this.
The apathy from the rest is deafening.
If that was my kid he'd be put up for immediate adoption, after having ten-bells of whooping thrashed out of him!

What are the parents doing?!

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:26 AM
I see the idea of feeding a kitten to a snake less offensive than eating veal.
Mildly offensive but, I'm dog people not cat people.
I can't seem to find the video though.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:32 AM
We shouldn't feed house pets to snakes. It's an unwritten rule, just don't do that.

Snake owners will often take advantage of "free kitten to good home" ads, then feed the kitten to their God forsaken reptile so they can save a couple bucks on proper food. Just wrong on so many levels.

edit on 4-12-2011 by L00kingGlass because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by POPtheKlEEN89

Actually a snake that size would require a couple full grown rats. A snake of that size would typically be fed Rabbits.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by WatchRider

Originally posted by Noobastronomer
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE..!! I'm sorry but Wow im amazed at some of the reply's in here... Sure the snake was doing what comes natural - feeding. However, to feed a kitten and video tape it for one's amusement is really a sadistic act in my opinion....How would you feel if i christmas wrapped one of you, feed you to a LION and videotaped it?

edit on 4-12-2011 by Noobastronomer because: (no reason given)

It just tell's me that humanity is off the charts with what it'll do for sick pleasure's like this.
The apathy from the rest is deafening.
If that was my kid he'd be put up for immediate adoption, after having ten-bells of whooping thrashed out of him!

What are the parents doing?!

Have you ever owned a snake?

This may come as a shock to many, but there is a certain sadistic attitude one must have in order to own a snake and feed it.

As an example, a young snake eats mice. Does anyone know what a common practice is when feeding mice to a snake?

The common practice is to grab the mouse by it's tail and smack it's head hard against the wall in order to daze it. This prevents the mouse from biting the snake and causing the snake harm or injury. Not anyone can take a defenseless animal and do that.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Noobastronomer

The fact these images are reposted without any disclaimer sickens me in the worst way. Thanks for making me see those pictures.

Maybe ATS would do better to ensure disgusting posts like this that seem to encourage this behaviour should be trashed. Whether you agree with this or not your participation, and mine as well, is promoting people to watch this stupidity.

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