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The Reptilians And Insectoids Walk Among Us

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posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Originally posted by HillbillyHippie1
There is only one way to test your theory out, OP. Why don't you get yourself and a bunch of other people who believe along the lines of your theory together and start a spelunking group? Then you all can go underground and search the caves as far down as you are willing to go, and see for yourself whether or not what you say is true.

Your theory is not something which needs to be theorized, you can prove it or disprove it if you are willing to take the time to explore a little. You don't need bundles of money to go spelunking. All you need is a little bit of equipment and some sandwiches. You could spend the rest of your life exploring caves and mines if you wished. You could even goto school for speleology and make money exploring (just don't tell no one who you work with what your theories are).Just a thought...

Hi Hillbilly Hippie,

I thnk that's a very nice invitation indeed. Apparently you haven't done much research about what these beings are like? I happen to be a very lucky camper indeed, as I am among the few who came near one such creature and survived to share what I saw. Apparently this is why there are so few accounts of Reptilian encounters, most end rather dramatically for any eyewitnesses. Fortunately for me he had just had his meal. I don't need to prove to you or to anyone that they exist, I happen to know that at least one of them did actually physically exist when I saw him four years ago. Are there others, is the one I saw still alive, how can I know? Yet it seems likely that others exist since there has been testimony from various origins, even if sparse, that other such creatures have been known to exist and on rare occasions witnessed.

Check out some mining incidents, or those about the tunnel system beneath the Island of Malta, and you'll better understand why it is not very friendly or intelligent to suggest that individuals without serious military support venture into contact with such beings. They are predatory and many times our size in terms of volume, weight and physical strength, and are superior to us in other ways. That they find us tasty doesn't help any in terms of establishing peaceful contact. I'd jump into a fire pit before mingling with such beings.


Easy enough to understand, much like not trying to pet a frickin tiger in the wild.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:19 AM
There is an interesting researcher Nigel Kerner who lumps the NORDICS in with the Insectoid Grays by using their joint presence as an investigative vector and their common lack of a SOUL. This is very disturbing because it give way to a new theory about the Final Solution which was to populate the Earth with Cloned NORDICS which would harbor the Gray's consciousness but binding it to captured Human Souls !

"The behavior of these Nordics, Reptilians and Greys suggests the complete lack of a conscience as we know such a thing to be. They would have to be simply following pre-set instructions that have been programmed into them, instructions within a dead-legged program to preserve and look after the interests of both themselves and those who created them, at any cost in this universe."

"According to abduction accounts the taller humanoid aliens seem to be directing what the smaller Greys do. They thus seem to oversee the predatory ethos. The Nordic, blonde blue-eyed types often seen and perceived with the Greys are the same deadly form that I believe made themselves known to the Nazis and were affirmed by Hitler himself to be the new kind of future man that the SS Nazi ideal would be based on. A blonde Nordic alien entity was present and was ‘shown’ to several of the Nazi hierarchy including Heidrich and Himler who were gathered secretly at the stone caves of Externsteine in 1936. I believe the so called ‘final solution’ to the Jewish question was an idea implanted here in the minds of these German Nazi parodies of human vermin."

"I believe there was a sensational reason why they did this. But more about that in my second and third book of the trilogy. Another aspect of the Grey alien phenomenon that I’ve come across and deal with in my new book is a certain type of Near Death Experience (NDE) that seems to resemble alien abduction. Those who have had these experiences are confused as to why they are so different to the beautiful ecstatic experiences that tend to characterize NDEs. They wonder why the environment they find themselves in is metallic and solid rather than the ephemeral ethereal world they expect."

"In studying these experiences and looking at them in the light of my other research I have come to the conclusion that the Greys are indeed waiting for some of their human experimental subjects at the point of physical death. I believe that the Greys can capture the soul fields of some individuals at the point that the field leaves the dead body and begins its entrance into the spaces between atoms (the tunnels seen in NDE’s). At the very edges of atoms they lie in wait ready to use their technology to magnify force such that individual morphogenic electro-spatial fields (souls) are somehow caught and prevented from entering the status of existence beyond the physical matter based atomic Universe."

Biomechanical Messiahs

This theory is interesting insofar as it might be explanatory of a number of phenomena. It purports to explain the reasons for the reproductive and genetic sampling done by Alien Grays in abduction situations. It also tends to explain the influence that the NORDICS might have had on Adolf Hitler leading him to his Aryan ideology. It also might explain some of the experiments undertaken by the Nazis in Concentration Camps and also the use of said camps, and of WWII by in large, to help the Grays harvest human souls to power their NORDIC Avatars???

In any case it can be considered that there might be an ongoing Soul Harvesting as suggested by John Lear and suspected by quite a few ufologists who consider that some of the preoccupations of these Alien visitors is to exploit us not only for our biological substances but also to steal our SOULS.

I even wondered if at one time there haven't been discrete revelations of this ongoing process in works of fiction such as the TV series The Prisoner, where Orb shaped Soul Stealing UFOs are discussed in this thread.

USO Killer Balloons: Revelations made in the old TV series "The Prisoner"?

It seems that ancient scripture is not so inexact, and that there is actually a veritable war being waged FOR OUR SOULS. Are these aliens primarily based under the ocean's surface? One can wonder when the origins of the best known such reference are maritime, with Ships sending a SOS (Save Our Souls) signal in morse code when at peril. After all, why would their Souls be threatened? Normally it would only be their physical life form likely to die at sea. And no, it is not a metaphor, as it was done at a time when many sailors were deeply religious with their own patron saints, etc.


posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
I thnk that's a very nice invitation indeed. Apparently you haven't done much research about what these beings are like? I happen to be a very lucky camper indeed, as I am among the few who came near one such creature and survived to share what I saw. Apparently this is why there are so few accounts of Reptilian encounters, most end rather dramatically for any eyewitnesses. Fortunately for me he had just had his meal. I don't need to prove to you or to anyone that they exist, I happen to know that at least one of them did actually physically exist when I saw him four years ago. Are there others, is the one I saw still alive, how can I know? Yet it seems likely that others exist since there has been testimony from various origins, even if sparse, that other such creatures have been known to exist and on rare occasions witnessed.

Check out some mining incidents, or those about the tunnel system beneath the Island of Malta, and you'll better understand why it is not very friendly or intelligent to suggest that individuals without serious military support venture into contact with such beings. They are predatory and many times our size in terms of volume, weight and physical strength, and are superior to us in other ways. That they find us tasty doesn't help any in terms of establishing peaceful contact. I'd jump into a fire pit before mingling with such beings.

I appreciate the reply, GS.

To be perfectly honest, I have not done an immense amount of research on these beings, UFOs, and other related material as I have primarily spent the last ten years studying the globalist conspiracy, but I did touch upon the subject quite a bit in the process, especially where it intersected with Luciferianism. I have only recently begun to take a more serious look at the UFO/alien phenomenon (within the past year and a half or so) because I ran across some things that led me down that road. However, I've certainly done enough research on the topic to understand how "allegedly" dangerous these beings are.

It is perfectly understandable that you feel you need not prove their existence to anyone, but if you truly believe they are a threat to us all, then I have to ask why you do not feel it is important to prove their existence to others? I know I would be going out of my way to prove their existence because of my concern for humanity and particularly for my family and friends. I cannot speak for you or anyone else, but I know I would put my life on the line to prove to my family and friends that these beings existed if I thought it were possible to do so, even if it meant placing my life in danger.

I would personally go looking, and in fact, I have thought about it. I even grew a little suspicious when I realized that finding the locations of various caves and mines in the U.S. is not an easy task. The information is not as readily available as you would think, which made me wonder a little.

Call my suggestion crazy, or suggest that I am not thinking things through if you want, but I'd just think it is the logical conclusion. Fear is a paralyzer. If they exist in the place suggested, there is no guarantee you'll get eaten and there is no guarantee you'll be captured. Everything is potentially dangerous, and if these beings are as rare as you seem to suggest, then it would seem to me (statistically speaking) that it would be much more intelligent to fear leaving your home and getting killed in a car crash, then being attacked by one of these beings while caving. Heck, I'd think one would have a better chance of being beaten by the police!

I am open to all possibilities and I will not laugh anyone's theory out the doorway of my mind, but I do prioritize the ones I think are less likely, which is why it took me so long to research the topic. I respect your opinion and your belief, I just think if even 10% of the stuff out there on UFOs, aliens, and even reptilians is accurate there should be more concrete evidence, but most of it is speculation or easily interpreted in another, less spectacular way (from what I've been able to find), unlike the globalist info which is in-your-face obvious.

Maybe I'm just a guy who wants something better than ancient texts and grainy video (which can be interpreted in a thousand ways) to slowly and sneakily drop into the minds of my less receptive family and friends (should such evidence exist), and maybe that's why I make such suggestions?

I have no doubt there is something out there roughly along the lines this thread suggests, or I wouldn't even be wasting my time reading it (not that I am wasting my time, mind you). I'm just trying to point out how easily evidence could be obtained under the proposed theory of the OP, which makes one wonder why it has not been obtained, and quite frankly that fact is probably the main reason such theories get laughed at.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by HillbillyHippie1

Hi Hillbilly Hippie,

Yes, I agree with you that one would feel compelled to be able to provide proof. Yet I do not. But it is not because I believe it would be useless, but because I was unprepared for that experience and had no way of documenting it. I looked into getting myself wired for live real time video footage 24/7 but soon learned that even with miniaturization the current breed of such devices has serious technological limitations with poor image capturing and limited storage in mobility applications. Plus I haven't had anything unusual happen to me after my Reptilian sighting other than a single event of intimidation by a Man in Black. If you know of a good system providing real-time nonstop video recording in a stealth undetectable package pray tell.

Thus, I have had to simply tell what I experienced and not worry about what others would say. I was an adamant opponent of Reptilian tales before that happened. David Icke only made sense if you removed his insane Lizard Men stories, which I was certain were added in to discredit all of those opposing the system. Now I know better, unfortunately, not because it bursts a comfortable bubble but because it leads one's gaze to a very nasty picture of reality where we're not the one's in charge...


posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by blocula

What your looking at up there is 96,000,000,000 light years across and its getting bigger faster.

The entire Universe is about 13.8 Billion of our years old. That number you wrote, is 96 Billion. You're only off by a factor of about seven.

Hi...I meant to type 93 not 96,but none the less,13.8 Billion is a number used fro the Observable Universe,the Actual Universe is 93 Billion...

The age of the universe is about 13.75 billion years, but due to the expansion of space we are observing objects that were originally much closer but are now considerably farther away (as defined in terms of cosmological proper distance, which is equal to the comoving distance at the present time) than a static 13.75 billion light-years distance.The diameter of the observable universe is estimated to be about 28 billion parsecs (93 billion light-years. Wikipedia Quote From Link >

edit on 5-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by blocula

13.8 Billion is a number used fro the Visible Universe...The Actual Universe is 96 Billion >

Your source?

The observations, especially from the Hubble Telescope, based on the background radiation observations, can "look back" to the limits of the Universes's beginnings.

The age, since the initial conditions (termed "Big Bang") is roughly 13 to 14 billion years. And, although the red-shift of the most distant objects seen indicates that they are moving away, relative to us, at near light speed (due to the expansion of space).....there is simply no way they could be farther away, in light years distance, than their age!!

Understand, in order for that to happen, they would have had to travel faster than the speed of light.

This is the common understanding, and is based on many things still to be learned of course. But, 96 Billion light years? This is irrelevant, because we cannot see anything past 14 Billion. So, if anything exists beyond 15 Billion LY? It is inaccessible to us, and our comprehension in any case.

Have you seen the concept of the "cone of light"? It is represented and explained in Stephen Hawking's book, "A Brief History of Time". It's a good read. I think there's an update, or a follow-on as well.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by ProudBird
My source? I linked it like 2 replies above >

I think what i'm trying to say is the age of the universe is 13.8 billion light years and the diameter of the universe is 93 billion light years and the accelerating expansion accounts for how astronomers on earth can observe the light from a galaxy 30 billion light years away,even if that light has traveled for only 13 billion years, anyways these numbers boggle the mind "whatever they are"...

I wonder how much more than us the Reptilians and the Insectoids have discovered about space and time than we have?

edit on 5-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Pauligirl

Originally posted by blocula

It just couldnt possibly get any worse than this and i believe that these sinister Bi-Pedal creatures are planning another invasion upon the earth,to eliminate the surface dwelling humans once and for all,one final and massive Soul Harvest and this will be our Apocalypse...Armageddon...Unleashed upon us in December, 2012...

I know I'll probably regret asking this, but why December 2012? Did your underworld "Bi-Pedal" buddies eat the Mayans? And if they eliminate us all in December, who will they have for lunch in January?
They will initiate a new species on the surface that will be allowed to breed and thrive who will become the Reptilians and Insectoids new harvests,just like sometimes we get tired of breeding,murdering and then eating chickens and we switch to cows or pigs...

December 2012 sounds as good a date as any,although it could happen today and the Mayan leaders sacrificed massive amounts of people to their gods,just like our leaders are sacrificing massive amout of us through wars and genocides...
edit on 5-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Getsmart
I just read your incredibly detailed account of your encounter with a Reptilian and i am stunned and totally believe you,Why would i not believe you?

Unlike most other people who would not believe you and say its because they were not there,or that your lying, what would you gain from making that up? Nothing as far as i can tell.When in reality,its plain to see and easy to understand that the non-believers are the ones who are living in denial.Who am i to doubt your story?

Did you have any Missing Time during this encounter? Because this Reptilian Entity may have been very aware of your presence,"much more than aware" and "wanted you to think" and "implanted into your mind" the images of it wearing clothing and whatever else that may have only "appeared" humanlike about it...As a matter of fact, its possible that your whole encounter while viewing this creature was implanted into your mind,while you were abducted...

You mentioned the encounters with the Reptilians and Insectoids as being a rare event and i believe that a lot more people are encountering them and being abducted by them then we are led to believe,then we would like to believe,because probably 50% and most likely more than that of people that are experiencing these beings Do Not Talk About It...

I also answered your wonderings about how the Reptilians are getting here among us and in case you didnt read it i'll tell it again here...

Well Getsmart,i think that perhaps these beings,the Reptilians and Insectoids,who i also think reside at the bottom of earths oceans,another place thats everywhere yet we are unable to go there,are indeed ascending from deep below us underground,but instead of them having to climb their way up out from their nether regions, they have evolved the ability to teleport themselves out from within those unreachable depths and materialize among us.They are physically real entities who are light years beyound us in technological prowess and pshchic abilities and it is they who have consructed and who pilot the Flying Saucers that might be powered and flown by their thoughts...

And as is explained within some of the amazing to read links i posted a few replies back,sometimes these entities suddenly approach a person and then unexpectedly they wave or point some type of bizarre sparkling light wand at the person,who then finds themselves,immobilized,blacked out and suddenly awakened somewhere else entirely...

edit on 5-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 06:13 PM
We continuously and relentlessly and thoughtlessly breed,farm,cultivate,murder,eat,experiment, test,disect,butcher,hunt,track,harvest,stalk,abduct,tag,realease and monitor the beautiful and innocent animals that we live with and that live around us us on a daily and nightly basis...

The same things are being done to us...

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by blocula

I just read your incredibly detailed account of your encounter with a Reptilian and i am stunned and totally believe you,Why would i not believe you?

Unlike most other people who would not believe you and say its because they were not there,or that your lying, what would you gain from making that up? Nothing as far as i can tell.When in reality,its plain to see and easy to understand that the non-believers are the ones who are living in denial.Who am i to doubt your story?

You are right to question motives, as even in ancient Rome it was established what might be one's intention and who might be motivated to do something with respect to "Qui bono?" - meaning who stands to benefit? Clearly those who share their traumatic experience of a Close Encounter stand to lose much and have strictly nothing to gain unless their lives are so empty and meaningless that it impresses them as a way to get attention? Yet there are far too many eyewitness accounts of alien encounters for it to possibly be representative of pathological mythomania or delusional fantasies, especially as there are clearly replicated patterns of consistency among eyewitnesses.

As an example of what one stands to gain or to lose by speaking out one's experience and one's convictions, it is not entirely a winning gain and you can't say that I have in any way benefited from this. Here is an email I received today from one of my oldest and closest friends, and you will note what one is up against when one tells the truth and at what expense people do so.

"I can't help being extremely skeptical when you speak of bloodlines, secret societies, multigenerational cults raping/murdering children in "Satanic" rites, Freemasons, the "Illuminati," New World Order, Men in Black, lizard people from another dimension, etc. and connecting them all to some grand conspiracy of elite masterminds bent on global domination."

"I've also heard anti-Semitic conspiracy theories suggestIng Jews control these secret societies you mention and are major players in the NWO and hope you don't subscribe to those ideas as well. If I didn't love you so much I'd think you were completely nuts. None of this reconciles with my impression of you as an otherwise intelligent and rational person. Is there credible evidence to back up claims...? I swear I'm not condemning you for wanting to make sense of the horrors you experienced and witnessed, but there's no sense to be made of it."

"Now you're being victimized further by those who are promulgating these ridiculous theories. Have all your nearest and dearest bought into this as well? Perhaps they have doubts but because they love you they don't want to seem unsupportive. Keeping quiet in order to protect oneself from being thought of as delusional doesn't make one any less so, but it's the perpetrators who are nuts, not you."

Beyond being disowned by those you have known all your life and who trust your judgment and intelligence, telling one's genuine experience also gets you labelled a crackpot, and in several other threads those who disagree with me threaten to link to my Close Encounter posts to discredit me. I don't care, for it is genuine and not something one must be any more ashamed of than seeing your neighbor walk their dog: I had nothing to do with provoking that experience, I was merely at the wrong place at the wrong time. Yet it is considered a useful means of "character attack" proving that whatever else you might say it invalid, since you say you saw... such and such.

That is all you stand to gain by telling your close encounter, unless you aim to rake in bucks doing conference tours and selling books and DVDs. This is very rarely the case and while some of those who engage in such activities are probably honest and straightforward, one can legitimately ask oneself if they are altogether sincere. Those who only speak up and do so candidly and without ulterior motive can hardly be taxed with benefiting from their very difficult choice.

Originally posted by blocula

Did you have any Missing Time during this encounter? Because this Reptilian Entity may have been very aware of your presence,"much more than aware" and "wanted you to think" and "implanted into your mind" the images of it wearing clothing and whatever else that may have only "appeared" humanlike about it... As a matter of fact, its possible that your whole encounter while viewing this creature was implanted into your mind,while you were abducted...

That would help explain things, but I dropped off my wife and went to my parking garage a few blocks away. I was back home within fifteen minutes including the walk home, so there wasn't much wiggle room to figure in lost time during that experience. Prior to returning home I dropped off a couple we had dinner with at their place on the way back and was in good spirits, relaxed but wide awake despite the late hour.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by blocula

You mentioned the encounters with the Reptilians and Insectoids as being a rare event and i believe that a lot more people are encountering them and being abducted by them then we are led to believe,then we would like to believe,because probably 50% and most likely more than that of people that are experiencing these beings Do Not Talk About It...

My experience with people's reaction to my sighting is eloquent enough for me. I sort of regret telling them now that I know how they reacted. For example the letter I received today which I quoted a few paragraphs of in my last post didn't bother me because my friend didn't believe what I saw, it very much upset me because she assumes that since I had an "out of the ordinary" experience I must have gone "mental" and lost at least some of my marbles. Yet all I did was share an experience, which was simply that of observing a visual manifestation in my immediate environment. Clearly, in her mind I should have probably jumped to the conclusion that I was stark raving mad, and asked to be committed to a mental institution?

But instead I ventured out further, I sought to verify if others might have witnessed anything similar, I wondered what the implications would be that such beings might be known to the authorities and why they might seek to keep us in the dark about them? That was my mistake, being true to what I know my physical senses and deep intuition conveyed to me, allowing my own experience to be a vector of my reality instead of relying 100% on what I am supposed to believe, thinking outside of the box when one's experience cannot fit inside of it was my downfall. So be it. It tells just how conditioned the population is, and our dear ones are no exception.

Originally posted by blocula

I also answered your wonderings about how the Reptilians are getting here among us and in case you didnt read it i'll tell it again here...

Well Getsmart,i think that perhaps these beings,the Reptilians and Insectoids,who i also think reside at the bottom of earths oceans,another place thats everywhere yet we are unable to go there,are indeed ascending from deep below us underground,but instead of them having to climb their way up out from their nether regions, they have evolved the ability to teleport themselves out from within those unreachable depths and materialize among us.They are physically real entities who are light years beyound us in technological prowess and pshchic abilities and it is they who have consructed and who pilot the Flying Saucers that might be powered and flown by their thoughts...

You've definitely done your homework as most of the accounts I have read including observations from scientists and military personnel tend to lead to similar conclusions. Only the inability to suspend disbelief will keep people from connecting those dots. Yet I am not really altogether too happy that my disbelief has been suspended permanently by that urban encounter.

I honestly don't know what they may be or where it may have come from but I do know that one night four years ago it was right there in my own neighborhood. In my account you will have noted that I couldn't explain how it could have gone unnoticed, and I assumed the police and political authorities were complicit, otherwise they would have engaged in rapid action to secure the district with the local equivalent of SWAT teams.

But now that you mention that it might have "teleported" there, it makes more sense even if it stretches our imagination one notch further since we have no evidence of teleportation being possible outside of "Scotty, beam us up" in Star Trek. Proof of this is that the very words "teleported and teleportation show up in red in this conspiracy website as they are not recognized by the spelling corrector as existing words!

Regarding UFOs being guided by thought, the US Military are allegedly using similar technology to accelerate the piloting of bleeding edge jet fighters with pilots being trained in issuing mental commands to control their aircraft instantly during dogfights. Being one with the machine is commonplace for speed sports such as formula one racing and riding a motorcycle, so why wouldn't any designer of a flying craft not pursue a similar path?

Originally posted by blocula

And as is explained within some of the amazing to read links i posted a few replies back,sometimes these entities suddenly approach a person and then unexpectedly they wave or point some type of bizarre sparkling light wand at the person,who then finds themselves,immobilized,blacked out and suddenly awakened somewhere else entirely...

I consider myself fortunate to not have experienced an abduction and certainly hope it never happens. I used to think it would be fun to see a UFO and marvel at what mysteries the Cosmos holds. No longer.


posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
reply to post by HillbillyHippie1

Hi Hillbilly Hippie,

Yes, I agree with you that one would feel compelled to be able to provide proof. Yet I do not. But it is not because I believe it would be useless, but because I was unprepared for that experience and had no way of documenting it. I looked into getting myself wired for live real time video footage 24/7 but soon learned that even with miniaturization the current breed of such devices has serious technological limitations with poor image capturing and limited storage in mobility applications. Plus I haven't had anything unusual happen to me after my Reptilian sighting other than a single event of intimidation by a Man in Black. If you know of a good system providing real-time nonstop video recording in a stealth undetectable package pray tell.

Thus, I have had to simply tell what I experienced and not worry about what others would say. I was an adamant opponent of Reptilian tales before that happened. David Icke only made sense if you removed his insane Lizard Men stories, which I was certain were added in to discredit all of those opposing the system. Now I know better, unfortunately, not because it bursts a comfortable bubble but because it leads one's gaze to a very nasty picture of reality where we're not the one's in charge...


In my opinion, if one takes the "Reptilian" face off of the things people such as Icke talk about it becomes a little more believable. In fact, as soon as I start hearing people talk about things typically considered unbelievable (and by that I mean to the vast majority, not to some atheist or skeptic) in terms that make it sound like something is a concrete fact and has been studied-such as being taken to another planet or different aliens races-I can't help but stop there. That's when it starts sounding crazy instead of like someone relaying an experience they had or a theory they have developed.

If they are supposed to be shapeshifters, which I can believe, then why not stop there, and just say we know that some people have experienced these entities (whatever they may be) as reptile in form, and those who have refer to that form as Reptilian? By doing that, you open up to a larger camp of people who may have experienced similar things, but with different forms, and it is a lot more honest, since no one seems to have any proof, just experiences and speculation.

I had an experience similar to what people have noted in many camps, and my experience, although the entities I encountered were once taken highly seriously by most every non-monotheistic culture, would get even more laughs than Reptilians do, if I mentioned it. My experience was in a spiritual context, however. But the entities I encountered have always been associated with living underground, have always been known to snatch people, have always been associated with "mounds", have always been considered to be able to shapeshift, and many other correlations. In fact, the entities I encountered were so highly regarded and believed in that it was quite common throughout Europe to attach one's name to them, as it meant a degree of respect, and that one was supposed to be able to do some things that ordinary humans could not do, if one were somehow genetically related to these entities.

Many other people have had experiences where they encountered similar beings, but in a different form. I do not doubt that they could be Reptilian, but when one talks as if they are, then it sounds far from believable. How does one know that is their true form, especially since they are supposedly shapeshifters? In my estimation, I believe people like John Keel and Jacques Vallee have done a wonderful job keeping it simple and documenting what can be documented without making speculations or definitive statements. I also think David Icke's work would be wonderful if he would just drop the suggestion that these entities are indeed Reptilian, as it has kept me away for some time, and I am certain I am not alone.

Wouldn't it just be enough to suggest they are shapeshifters who appear in various forms to different people, and who have some sort of connection to dragons and snakes and the underground? Isn't that all that is really being documented by most believers/experiencers, and the rest is just speculation?

In any event, good luck on your journey, and don't allow others to make you feel crazy, since there are people like me, who believe you really experienced something along the lines of what you describe, who have had similar, but not the exact same, experiences, and if you took the related details of the experiences of such people, I believe, you would discover that they outnumber the non-believers when taken in total.

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by Getsmart
In one of the numerous books on aliens anf flying saucers that i have read,there were two encounters by two different children who live on seperate continents that were compared to eachother.I dont recall the book,but none the less...

One took place in a village in India and the other a town in England and each child was around 5 years old and they both awakened one morning and told their parents that someone came into their bedrooms the previous night and when asked to "draw" who or what came into their bedrooms,they both had drawn pictures that greatly resembled the Grey aliens and the childs bedroom in the England encounter was on the second floor and the branches in the tree tops near by were singed and broken...

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Getsmart
Just look at what happened to someone in Nazi Germany if they dared talk about "what was really going on" The earths sinister overlords and their prison wardens known as world leaders want peoples heads buried in the sand,posessed by materialistic illusions and dumbed down by the mind numbing medias relentless seeding of fear into everyones minds and lives so as to destroy the family structure,keep everyone afraid of eachother and annihilate our solidarity so there will be no resistance offered against the final harvest...

Something like 70% of all UFO/Flying Saucer encounters have them being seen above,going into,or coming out water,ponds,lakes,reservoirs,inland seas and oceans and i have read of Flying Saucers "Daylight Discs" seen spalshing through the surfaces of lakes in broad daylight,followed by large amounts of foaming muddy water appearing where the craft entered and the craft was not seen exiting the area,strongly suggesting that the craft entered,somehow "burrowed" itself through the ground after passing into the water,into its subterranean base...

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Getsmart
"When we talk to god,they tell us we are praying,when god talks to us,they tell us we have schizophrenia"

"Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality,but,there is unseen by most,an underworld,a place that is just as real,but not as brightly lit,a dark side"...Opening narration...Tales From The Darkside.

We are a cold,ruthless and arrogant people and the terrible ways we have been treating eachother for so long,the horrible things that we have been doing to eachother for so long,our relentless inflictions of death and destruction upon the beautiful and innocent wildlife around us for so long and our perpetual attempts at trying to dominate and control the forces of nature for so long,have all been gathering together unseen storms of vengeance,have all been forming together monsters of reckoning,have all been unknowingly constructing massive amounts of negative karma that are revealing themselves within the Reptilian,Insectoid,Nordic and Grey Alien,Flying Saucer,Abduction and Demonic Intervention scenarios that are all being encountered,that are all happening in this fallen world,all those brutal realities that millions of people turn away from,millions of people only seeing this fallen world with blinded eyes looking through rose colored glasses are the millions of people whos souls will be harvested...

Most people are unaware and would like to keep it that way and would rather not turn on the light of truth shining upon reality and see that hundreds of thousands of sightings of UFO's/Flying saucers have been reported during the 20th Century alone and that at least half of all sightings go unreported and encounters and abductions by superior beings are happening all around us...

Most people are unaware that over 250,000,000 people during the 20th Century alone have been murdered through Wars and Genocides,they dont want their comfortable bubbles of materialistic illusions burst wide open,their little worlds of greed and denial that they orbit around eachother on forced out of their crumbling orbits,their self imposed pidgeon holes that they have cornered themselves into exposed and laid bare,they refuse to shed their armor of denial and face the reality that We Are Not Alone,we are not the top of earths food chain and something terrible and horrifying is being done to most of humanity and has been for a very long time,inflicted upon those of us without Elite Royal Blood flowing through our veins,which is most everyone...

There were people in Europe during WW-2 who managed to escape from Nazi Death Camps and who were able to make their way back into villages,towns and cities that "were not rounded up yet" and they went around desperately trying to tell anyone they could about the horrible fate that was awaiting them beyond the gathering trains and people "refused to believe them"

And if and when the days and nights arrive when large groups of people today are told to gather together here and told to gather together there for resettlement and relocation within destinations unknown,they will,like good little sheep,be torn asunder and walk willingly and blindly into the waiting jaws of orchestrated death,just like the forgotten millions before them whos fate that they chose to ignore and deny...

edit on 6-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by blocula

Hi blocula,

This is another thing which has me very concerned, not just the fact that we are herded like cattle but that they are organizing changes in their farming methods and planning on a major culling of the herd. For example here is the Soros sponsored United Nations official project to create an ecological planet, by reducing human populations and corralling them in urban centers adjacent to train lines. All natural territories would be off limits for humans, with only other species allowed there.

Is Agenda 21 a plan to retain only a tiny population of human slaves on the surface with Alien creatures occupying the rest of the natural space? In that case the rest of us would be culled methodically and systematically in what really constituted the FINAL SOLUTION which went way beyond any single ethnic group... Is there instead a plan to retain the earth's surface for humans, but not us? Such a plan would reduce the size of us "naturally reproduced" humans, with the intention of then tagging us and parking the few kept alive into "holding pens" near rail tracks for their labor, only to eliminate them later once perfected Cloned and genetically improved REPLACEMENT HUMANS have been perfected, raising the new herd in a reconquered natural wilderness isolated from any contamination by us?

Similar maps have been drafted for each country in the world! They plan to remap the planet, DELETE POPULATIONS and relocate the rare survivors. You will not fail to note that in their maps the areas for human habitation are very small, and could only contain a very tiny fraction of the current population!

This corresponds perfectly with their targets of reducing the human population to less than 500 Million planet wide. While for decades most thought that the Georgia Guidestones were built by some eccentric millionaires without any real power to influence events, it is about time to wake up. With the global AGENDA 21 of the United Nations we are seeing this project enter into its official "Implementation phase".

Sponsors: A SMALL GROUP of Americans who seek an age of reason

So it appears that the Georgia Guidestones are not nearly as innocuous or well intended as many have been lulled into believing. It is a small group of men who seek to dominate the world for their own Agenda. Whatever one might think of their own brand of Utopia, whether you buy into their depiction of an earthly Paradise or are more realistically inclined to guess that it might more closely resemble Hell, who can accept their means of achieving their goal? The massive genocide of 95 percent of all humans today living on earth? The hardliners among them, such as Ted Turner, would feel a lot happier with only 200 Million people left alive!

Earth can be sustainable... if you REMOVE 6.5 Billion EXCESS HUMANS

While there are many methods and technologies mobilized as innovative means of mass destruction, it appears that the Globalists who seek to dramatically reduce the human population rapidly and efficiently want to avoid the ensuing difficulties of disposing of our corpses or any material destruction of resources or valuable assets. With staged deaths hitting portions of the population in bursts they can use those temporarily surviving to bury the first to die, leaving only a portion of the mess to clean up once all is said and done.

This is planned to be executed through targeted biological means, both using biowarfare pathogens and epidemics with a limited duration and contagion, as well as using ethically selective genetically engineered food staples which will lead to death. Such methods provide for survivor attendance to the fallout from the massive deaths and preserves material wealth for the Globalists organizing the Global Genocide.

GLOBAL GENOCIDE using Genetically Modified Foods?

You'll probably want to listen to General Stubblebine's second video segment too, he was there when it all started but didn't know what its intended use was to be. It is enough to upset anyone but a satanical Globalist without soul or conscience. Those in the military know what it means to kill millions of people, and it isn't part of the soldier's creed to target civilian populations for extermination. After all, isn't that what horrified the world when it was learned that their trial run for the Final Solution tested in small scale by Adolf Hitler had routinized and computerized Genocide?

Sustainability invoked as a PRETEXT TO CULL THE HERD

This must be taken most seriously, because behind the plans for an allegedly more ecological society under the auspices of the United Nation's Agenda 21 we can see the backdrop of a complete reengineering of our planet's geosphere, of society and human life !

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by HillbillyHippie1

Hi Hillbilly Hippie,

I'd be interesting in reading more about your experience. I think I would have much preferred encountering humanly figured entities with more graceful characteristics than ours rather than a frightful nature of a beast. I do understand how it must be hard because once you have had a direct experience which is outside of the box of what is considered "normal" you can never really accept the social norm of what constitutes reality, because you know it to be at minimum incomplete and quite probably purposely flawed and deceptive.

So not only do others find us delusional but they also imagine we are paranoid... except that all we have done is waken up from a controlled state of hypnosis using societal transmission of reality constructs as a limitation of our perceptions. And in fact, were it not for the extreme nature of our encounters, we probably would have gone on for the rest of our lives convinced of the impossible existence of such creatures.


posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 06:21 PM
Hi blocula,

One of the sources I quoted earlier interprets scripture in much the same manner as you in terms of the upcoming harvesting which is probably awaiting humankind. Here is his take on this:

"I believe that when the finest minds take a look at all the evidence together they will see that what fundamentalist christians call the ‘RAPTURE’ is really the ‘CAPTURE’."

"They will see that deadly grey four fingered hands are moving our planet and its leaders to bring about this capture. The capture and dispatch of billions of a certain genotype of specially genetically prepared humanity, Euro-Caucasian de-melanized humanity, for their purposes. Purposes that should send a chill through all human bones."

"There is no doubt in my mind that the Greys and their hybrids are indeed the great Pretender prophesied in the Book of Revelation who will seem all things to all men because of the miracles he will perform. This false prophet has the power ‘to give life unto the image of the beast’. Is this perhaps a reference to the cloning procedures used by the Greys?"

"...The fact that the 2012 prophecy has come from several sources that are independent of each other might be taken to suggest its potential accuracy. There is also the possibility outlined in my new book that the Greys could use their technology to control the path of an asteroid such that it hits those parts of the world where there is a concentration of those who are not part of their experimental group and might interfere with those who are part of it."

"Be this prophecy certain or uncertain, it brings us face to face with the prospect of death as an agent of sudden demise, of the ending of our physically conscious individuality. We are but a heartbeat away from the loss of all our expectations. Where next? The question must hit us from time to time whether we like to admit it or not."

Biomechanical Messiahs

According to the author the coming Rapture will be a massive harvesting of humans and of their souls. He apparently interprets them to represent the End Times scenario and the Anti-Christ?



posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Getsmart
You've spoken volumes and i have to ask,where will Christ "our saviour" be when all this future horror is going on? Will there be no "divine intervention" arriving to save us from evil?

I have a very real and terrifying "remotely viewed" and "clairvoyantly induced" feeling that we are already dead,we have already lived and died in the "real world",somewhere else,perhaps the fourth dimension and we have already been judged and sentenced,the "rapture" has all ready taken place,those who were not "raptured" were put where we are now,hell and there is no way out,suicide and death will not release us from eternal damnation, which is why we recollect past lives,because we are forced to be reborn again and again forever within this evil materialistic world of perpetual hate,fear,genocide,drug addiction,abortion and war...

As far as getting rid of massive amounts of people i propose these scenarios that may be all interconnected...

The ground literally opening up in certain places all over the earth simultaneously,tunnels and passageways that lead far below us,that were all previously constructed and waiting for us.That would explain all the bizzare and mysterious "rumbling sounds" that are heard all over the world that seem to have no visible origin and the beasts beneath us pouring out of them and dragging everyone they want to back down with them and then the ground just as suddenly closing back up...

Lacing our drinking water with poisonous substances,or lacing it with alien mind control drugs so when they appear,or when the governments of the world begin the round up,people will be unknowingly drugged into willingly accepting their fate without resistance and perhaps just blindly walking themselves down into those tunnels below...

Werner Von Braun,shortly before he died,gave an interview in which he warned of a succession of false flag orchestrated disasters,totally fabricated by the government and then thrust upon the frightened populations and he said this around 35 years ago,he was an SS officer and a genius and these warnings of his were pertaining to the space race,but i think these warnings also hold something far more sinister for us in the near future...

The first one he said was the ongoing at the time false flag and fabricated..."cold war"

The second one he said will be the false flag and fabricated..."terrorist attacks"

The third one he said will be the false flag and fabricated..."asteroid strike"...that i think will actually be a purposefully launched and detonated nuclear missile...

And the final one he said will be the false flag and fabricated..."alien invasion" and i think that either one of the last two,or both of them taking place in a fairly rapid sequence,is how they "will get most of us" to go down into the waiting underground tunnels and subterranean death camps controlled by the Reptilians and Insectoids and the Governments of the world..

Or they could just fabricate an imminent massive solar flare,comet strike or gamma ray burst,thats all it would take to put most everyone into a frenzy and who then would do anything their told and do it as quickly as possible...

Werner Von Braun warnings link >
edit on 6-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

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