reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard
Good day to you from Agarta(inside joke lol(pun intended)),
before I get into my post to you I would like to give some history for other readers that may not be aware of the Annunaki and their place in Egyptian
In pre-dynastic Egypt the cycles of life were as one, from the over world to the underworld, and they were represented as the Sun and the Moon. The
Sun god, Amen, being of birth and life and the Moon god, Sin, being of death and afterlife. Sin, the Moon god, ruled over the 7 guardians of the gates
of the undeworld(aka the 7 fates) known as the Annunaki. Later they came to be represented as the 7 deadly Sins of the Bible(which I find interesting
as 7 dead or underworld and sins being the Moon god that ruled over them, but anyway...) It was the creations of the Annunaki that became the gods of
the religions of ancient Egypt.
Okay with that said I wanted to express my thoughts on the true Annunaki(as far out as it may be lol)
Lets say, for just a moment, that our Sun, Sunna, is a female sun and gives birth to the planets. The solid planets being male and the gaseous planets
being female(as the have the potential to become suns). So, to follow the thought...our Sun has certain orbit areas and the birthing "ring" is
currently empty. When the Sun gives birth, the new planet orbits here, in the cradle orbit, until it is ready to move into the toddler orbit currently
held by mercury. When this happens all the other planets are pushed out, by gravitational pulls, into more advanced orbits of their growth cycle.
Now lets say that the Human existence began on Mars. This civilization grew and became technologically advanced. Mercury was born and developed in the
cradle orbit and as time neared for Mercury to shift out, the Humans realized they had to pack up and move. So a decision was made by someone, lets
call him Noah, to create an ark in order to move life from one planet to another in the form of Human life and DNA.
Now lets say that Terra(Earth) was not ready for life to exist so the ark was taken to Luna(our moon) and bases were created under its surface to
await the development of Terra. DNA was transplanted to Terra and cultivated to develop a living biosphere. This period was all about the timing.
Terra had to grow and develop, but as it did, it no longer radiated the heat to sustain life on Luna, so they had to hold out to the last moment
between Luna getting too cold and Terra cooling enough. As the atmosphere was not ready to maintain Human life, they had to enter the interior of the
Terra and create an artificial atmosphere contained within the core of the planet.
So life developed in order to create the proper conditions to handle the needs of Humans to live on the surface ie proper atmospheric conditions,
surface temperatures, etc. During this period DNA was manipulated as test subjects for the move to the surface ie part man part animal. Once parts of
the civilization moved to the surface they began to develop civilizations on the surface and the original "Hybrids"(half man half animal) became the
forerunners of the Human race upon the surface and were considered gods as they held the knowledge of the surface world. A conflict began and ties to
the underworld were severed, technology gave way to nature and the origins became legend and eventually myth.
This would bring us to the beginnings of the Amen. Amen meaning “hidden”, was the main deity of the city of Thebes(Karnak and Luxor) from
Pre-Dynastic Egypt and was seen as the creation Deity by the priests of Hemopolis who altered the knowledge of Sunna(our Sun) from female to male to
hide the truth from the surface dwellers . He was depicted as ram-headed, more specifically a woolly ram with curved horns. s When the Thebians
established their sovereignty in Egypt during the Middle Kingdom, Amen became a dominant deity and by the 8th Dynasty he had became the king of the
gods. His name was spelled, at this time, in different ways, for example Amen, Amon, Amun, Ammon, Amoun and Imen. By the the 11th Dynasty his name was
settled on the spelling of Amun and in the 18th dynasty he had been merged with Ra, thus, Amun-Ra, making him half man and half ram. Later he was
associated with Horus and was shown as half man and half Hawk which he is better known today.
Although the Agartians(spelling varies ie Agartha, Agharta etc.) remained, the surface dwellers in control of the verbal stories told changed their
name to Annunaki(Ananki in Greek, taken from the plural of Ananke) and depicted them as the Dark ones or Evil(out of the light). Over the years
connections have been made and Maybe this is where the technological advances of the modern age stem from as it is coming time for Sunna to give birth
once more and the cycle is repeated.
Continued next post-
edit on 3-12-2011 by Agarta because: (no reason given)