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Jesus is NOT a copy from Pagan religions! Those are lies! Do research and do not believe!

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posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, no telling what I will do now. You are right about reading between the lines, everyone has to do that, and with everything they read.
Actually, I am more of a Magus than a Magnum Opus, I am not creating a masterpiece, or at least don't think I am. I am just "tapped in" on the collective, with many, many connections there. I have come to a point in life where I can learn most anything just for the seeking of it. I have read more books than anyone i know, or know of. These include all of the Occult and of the Religious kind, and one is hand in hand with the other, truth be known. Some of the deepest, darkest Black Magick Grimores have many prayers to Jesus for protection during the conjuring, suggesting they were in fact written by the Priests themselves, thus creating enemies to be fought and dealt with.
I have walked the Ether, and have seen, and dealt with many Inferior Spirits, those you all call Demons. They are not anything like you think they are, I can assure you of that. The world is not like it seems to be, that is a fact.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by autowrench

amen to that brother

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:22 PM
you need to read "the christ conspiracy-the greatest story ever sold"
there you will find the names of at least 36 persons who were either born of virgins, had deciples, walked on water, died and were resurrected etc etc

christianity is just one big lie from beginning to end --- but "christians" won't pull their heads out of their ass long enough to check out the origins of christianity

they deserve to be fooled because they won't invest the necessary study to find out what a worthless religion christianity really is

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 08:32 PM
Actually, I have read that book. Thanks for recommending it though, perhaps one of our lessor educated members would like to read it? As long as we are on the subject of books, here is a real good book that will help anyone trying to understand it all.
Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are (Bob Frissell)
After reading that book, I never thought the same way again.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by sumwat

I don't see how it can be worthless when it's responsible for generating much if not most of my own "gnosis" and wisdom. Of myself, I'm nothing, but through my undersdanding of Christ and his God-consciousness, I am made a part of everything, rediscovered, without in any way reducing the unfathomable mystery of it all, only making of that which was an unknown unknown at the very least a known unknown. It restores my good-will, good-natured humor and charm, and awakens in me my compassionate heart, in communion yes, with the person of Jesus Christ. One among us was the living spirit personified, either as his already state of being, or as a result of a transformation and rebirth into God-realization whereby the Atma and Brahman are one, AND two both, at the same time. The beloved and beloved other. One of those Jesuses of the prophetic days of old showed up as the authentic one, and that's the one I know, and I would not know it if I didn't hear it first, or see it, read between the lines between the lines and "grok" it, the logos of it. I would be a ruin and a wreck without it, and in the process of my own "dark night of the soul" I came to realize that it had all been done before, and, had it NOT been done already, by Jesus, the living person (however mythologized), that we would all be royally screwed because I'd blown the assignment you might say, and simply did not have the whole integrity of what Christ offers. He fills me in the rest of the way and takes me all the way home, and home is where the heart already is, paradoxically. It's who we REALLY are as authentic children of a loving God, already. Jesus knew this and tried to communicate it and even become it for us all, but the whole thing got misconstrued in a very big way, even many of his words. The gospels I'll admit are a real mess, but they were never meant to be read literally, as they were written as apocrypha or revelation.

It's not a "lie" but a mythology, and there's a mask on it, but there's also a real person. In truth, through him I am him, or am becoming him, like him, as a work in progress, maybe even a "great work", by reading his heart, and the spirit that still lives there.

I love Jesus Christ, the spiritual person of the authentic one, the great teacher, who became the thing itself in an authentic and authentically self-expressed I-thou relationship with God as the Absolute or the "first father of creation", but not the creator of the Jewish mystical tradition, no even MORE the uncreated who created the creator, as a role that God plays. Jesus didn't stop you see, he took it all the way, and now he is God in spirit and in truth, and need never reincarnate again, except through us, through me and many others, some in the church, and some outside the church as I am.

It's raining Bodhisatvas don't you realize, even now.

But let's not exclude Jesus or the God as "the heavenly father" of his understanding, who's will he remained in obediance to, but who's story, as it was recorded, contains a "hitch" if you will, a cover up, and a controversy, at each end of his life, but that doesn't mean that he didn't complete everything he needed to, before going on vacation.

Best Regards,


edit on 9-12-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:19 PM
That said, there is part of us, or of many of us, who hate Jesus Christ, and therefore, who hate me also.

Oh well, what can I do about that?

Edit: Do I hate those who hate me and my Lord? That was my first reaction, and while it is said, was said, by him, that I will be hated as he was, and that I ought to rejoice with gladness when that happens..
he also told me to love my enemy and to pray for those who would persecute me, and so that's where the rubber hits the road and goes places, and that's quite something, a real challenge, especially in relation to some folks, like Satan's Apprentice who thinks of me as a "cow".. (that's funny, and ridiculous, even absurd!), but well worth every effort, for the sake of mutuality, and our collectively shared mutual growth and well being. Nothing else is worthwhile in the final analysis, and from what I can tell, nothing else of any consequence is going on, but that process of reconciliation through forgiveness, and not in the usual sense as in "yeah yeah, I forgive you" (eyeroll), but a real and authentic, far reaching radical transformative forgivess.

The teacher is still teaching in other words, and I'm listening, and he is telling me that while it may appear that there's nothing new under the sun, as they say, and that it's all "been there done that got the t-shirt", there are still even greater things yet to do, and to realize.

We haven't come very far since that time, as may be plainly obvious, but the rizome has remained under the surface just waiting to come busting forth as new life, or life regenerated or revitalized in yes, resurrection as an evolutionary principal of life meeting life in eternity.

You are right autowrench, that everything is already in the domain of knowledge and the gnosis of felt experience, and that nothing is really "taught" only unearthed or rediscovered, but there are still many great works to do, and more to follow.

Best Regards,


edit on 9-12-2011 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Im still so very confused how someone can say "I researched" and youtube is the only source of information...

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:00 PM
Anyone who rejects Christ must therefore be prepared to call me utterly insane, and suggest that what I say is completely meaningless nonsense, devoid of all significance, the mutterings of nothing but a lunatic and a madman. And since we're at ATS, I expect nothing less, but is that true? If not, then I've learned a huge amount from the master, not just by reading mythology and quoting scripture, but personally, and intimately. Sharing this in "koinonia" is another matter, but since this is ATS, I also have faith that there are folks who are interested in that, and who find the things I say to be of value and meaningful.

Because as a "regular Joe" it would have been like "duh", that would have been me except from what I've learned and grokked, predominanly through my inquiry into Christianity, even as a rebel and a prior atheist or agnostic at best (don't have a clue and don't care).

"He who asks, recieves, he who seeks finds and he who knocks, has the door opened to him."

He knew.

There was a guy there, a thinking man, and a totally awesome human being, perhaps the most beautiful person ever, until me, and you.

He is what we really are, and are becoming, or can become. That there's an authentic model itself, by its efficacy, proves the authenticity of the spirit of the person himself who is still alive! He lives in me. He is the very best part of who I authentically really am, and if that's "blasphemous" I don't give a #.

Best Regards,


edit on 9-12-2011 by NewAgeMan because: saluation signoff added.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Jesus is a story book character.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Enigami

He doesn't care. Some peoples lives are so devoid of anything, they will believe or as they say have "faith" in order to feel fulfilled.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by LunaKat


I agree with you about God respects our free will. I don't know how His grace and our prayers work while not interfering with the gift of free will? One mystery we won't understand until we go over the veil.

To all, don't wait for someone's intercessory prayer, pray from your heart to
God now, ask Him for the grace to believe. Say in prayer, save me dear God!

Luna, I can't skip past your words..."even when I was a Christian." I wish I
could change your heart? If not my words, as I shared, my prayers...
Times are going to get so difficult, you need Our Lord, the Father and God the
Holy Spirit. You cannot make it on your own.

Here's a beautiful message. The Scripture speaks of the "day of the Lord" which is the worldwide enlightenment, the Great Warning. And to follow, Our Lord speaks of after, the Great Tribulation and Chastisement. The new time of God, the Era of Peace. The 7th Day. Remember the last line of the message.

2 Peter 3:11-12 Since everything is to be dissolved in this way, what sort of persons ought (you) to be, conducting yourselves in holiness and devotion, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of the Lord, because of which the heavens will be dissolved in flames and the elements melted by fire.

“My children, all these things are passing away. Those with eyes to see are on the death watch, for they know the end of the culture of death draws nigh. My children, do not be afraid. Do I not know how to look after my children? Place all your hopes, your cares, your needs in my merciful heart. Little ones, you know how to read the signs. When you gather in this holy season, remember these things, for the time of fulfillment is almost upon you. Children, my heart quickens when I think of the Era of Peace I have promised. Set your faces on the promise and do not grieve over what cannot save you.”

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by colbe
reply to post by LunaKat


I agree with you about God respects our free will. I don't know how His grace and our prayers work while not interfering with the gift of free will? One mystery we won't understand until we go over the veil.

To all, don't wait for someone's intercessory prayer, pray from your heart to
God now, ask Him for the grace to believe. Say in prayer, save me dear God!

Luna, I can't skip past your words..."even when I was a Christian." I wish I
could change your heart? If not my words, as I shared, my prayers...
Times are going to get so difficult, you need Our Lord, the Father and God the
Holy Spirit. You cannot make it on your own.

Here's a beautiful message. The Scripture speaks of the "day of the Lord" which is the worldwide enlightenment, the Great Warning. And to follow, Our Lord speaks of after, the Great Tribulation and Chastisement. The new time of God, the Era of Peace. The 7th Day. Remember the last line of the message.

2 Peter 3:11-12 Since everything is to be dissolved in this way, what sort of persons ought (you) to be, conducting yourselves in holiness and devotion, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of the Lord, because of which the heavens will be dissolved in flames and the elements melted by fire.

“My children, all these things are passing away. Those with eyes to see are on the death watch, for they know the end of the culture of death draws nigh. My children, do not be afraid. Do I not know how to look after my children? Place all your hopes, your cares, your needs in my merciful heart. Little ones, you know how to read the signs. When you gather in this holy season, remember these things, for the time of fulfillment is almost upon you. Children, my heart quickens when I think of the Era of Peace I have promised. Set your faces on the promise and do not grieve over what cannot save you.”

Colbe, my soul is not up for grabs. My decision has been made and I'm quite happy about it. I made my choice 30 years ago after I left Christianity and I've never looked back. There really is nothing in your religion that I want or need. Let it be.
edit on 10-12-2011 by LunaKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by LunaKat

*All women* are the Goddess -- every shape, size, color and age. And men have an Inner Goddess.

You are exactly right in that. It took me awhile before I found the Goddess within, but I shall never forget the experience, and the feelings of the most pure love I felt. Women, everyone of you, are visible representations of the Divine Mother of us all. You might be interested in a few threads I wrote....

Vision about the Woman of Revelation 12

Let's All Face It, We Are God/Goddess

Mother Earth, Destroy, or Love?

Thanks autowrench I will check those out

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 12:14 PM
So much arguing ...

All this would have not been needed if you would have considered this version:

Jesus was a man
He did not die
Neither was he resurrected.
He was not divine.
He had companions but nothing about the number 12.
He was not born in a cave and neither did 3 wise men come bearing gifts.
He was born in the desert, under a palm tree. Only Mary was there. ALONE.
He preached about God, the ONLY true God, condemned the corruption the priests had done to the Word of God.
For this he was hated by them and they wanted to kill him.
He PRAYED to God to rescue him.
And this is exactly what God did.

Everything you are discussing about is a result of conjecture people put about him DECADES after he left.

And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain. - 4:157

This is what We recite to you, [O Muhammad], of [Our] verses and the precise [and wise] message.
Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.
The truth is from your Lord, so do not be among the doubters.
Then whoever argues with you about it after [this] knowledge has come to you - say, "Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then supplicate earnestly [together] and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars [among us]."
Indeed, this is the true narration. And there is no deity except Allah . And indeed, Allah is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
But if they turn away, then indeed - Allah is Knowing of the corrupters.
Say, "O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah ." But if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]." - 3.58-64

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 04:03 PM
atman and brahman are one

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by LunaKat

Don't wait till the end friend. You don't know your last day. Aren't we all prodigal sons and daughters? Yes! Name a person who in their life, especially these days who didn't doubt.

God is waiting with open arms.



posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by LunaKat

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by LunaKat

*All women* are the Goddess -- every shape, size, color and age. And men have an Inner Goddess.

You are exactly right in that. It took me awhile before I found the Goddess within, but I shall never forget the experience, and the feelings of the most pure love I felt. Women, everyone of you, are visible representations of the Divine Mother of us all. You might be interested in a few threads I wrote....

Vision about the Woman of Revelation 12

Let's All Face It, We Are God/Goddess

Mother Earth, Destroy, or Love?

Thanks autowrench I will check those out

LunaKat and autowrench,

Hi, I am replying, if you don't mind because it is important. John in the final
words of Revelation Chapter 11 talks about the Ark of the Covenant. The
Ark of the Covenant in the New Covenant contained God Himself! That would
Mary most holy.

Why do you think Our Lord addressed His mother from the Cross and in other
places in the Gospel as "woman?" He's God, He would know the plan. Mary is
the "woman" in Genesis 3:15, the first book of the Bible and Mary is the woman
in Revelation 12:1, Revelation, the last book of the Bible.

Mary is not God, nor are you. Mary is the mother of God. The term Goddess
is pagan.

The New Age "the goddess within" is such a crock.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by colbe

Originally posted by LunaKat

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by LunaKat

*All women* are the Goddess -- every shape, size, color and age. And men have an Inner Goddess.

You are exactly right in that. It took me awhile before I found the Goddess within, but I shall never forget the experience, and the feelings of the most pure love I felt. Women, everyone of you, are visible representations of the Divine Mother of us all. You might be interested in a few threads I wrote....

Vision about the Woman of Revelation 12

Let's All Face It, We Are God/Goddess

Mother Earth, Destroy, or Love?

Thanks autowrench I will check those out

LunaKat and autowrench,

Hi, I am replying, if you don't mind because it is important. John in the final
words of Revelation Chapter 11 talks about the Ark of the Covenant. The
Ark of the Covenant in the New Covenant contained God Himself! That would
Mary most holy.

Why do you think Our Lord addressed His mother from the Cross and in other
places in the Gospel as "woman?" He's God, He would know the plan. Mary is
the "woman" in Genesis 3:15, the first book of the Bible and Mary is the woman
in Revelation 12:1, Revelation, the last book of the Bible.

Mary is not God, nor are you. Mary is the mother of God. The term Goddess
is pagan.

The New Age "the goddess within" is such a crock.

Colbe anything outside of Christianity is considered a crock to Christians. But unlike you I don't find the fact that the Goddess is pagan to be an offensive thing at all. I am Neo-Pagan Colbe. The Goddess Within has just as much validity as the God Within (whether he is Osiris, Pan, Jesus, and so forth). Are you saying that "God" does not dwell within people? For the Goddess Within to be a crock you would ultimately also have to agree that the God Within is a crock as well.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by colbe
reply to post by LunaKat

Don't wait till the end friend. You don't know your last day. Aren't we all prodigal sons and daughters? Yes! Name a person who in their life, especially these days who didn't doubt.

God is waiting with open arms.



Colbe, I tried to play nice. Now I'm gonna play dirty. Move along man, as I've already told you my soul is not up for grabs. Being around evangelical type Christians is like walking into a meat market. They see someone who isn't Christian and their eyes get all glossy and nearly drool thinking they can grab another soul for Jesus. The only reason its even done by Christians (who honestly don't give a fig about anyone's soul) is to earn brownie points with God. Well I'm slamming the door on your meat market..take your sales pitch someplace else.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by LunaKat

Originally posted by colbe

Originally posted by LunaKat

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by LunaKat

*All women* are the Goddess -- every shape, size, color and age. And men have an Inner Goddess.

You are exactly right in that. It took me awhile before I found the Goddess within, but I shall never forget the experience, and the feelings of the most pure love I felt. Women, everyone of you, are visible representations of the Divine Mother of us all. You might be interested in a few threads I wrote....

Vision about the Woman of Revelation 12

Let's All Face It, We Are God/Goddess

Mother Earth, Destroy, or Love?

Thanks autowrench I will check those out

LunaKat and autowrench,

Hi, I am replying, if you don't mind because it is important. John in the final
words of Revelation Chapter 11 talks about the Ark of the Covenant. The
Ark of the Covenant in the New Covenant contained God Himself! That would
Mary most holy.

Why do you think Our Lord addressed His mother from the Cross and in other
places in the Gospel as "woman?" He's God, He would know the plan. Mary is
the "woman" in Genesis 3:15, the first book of the Bible and Mary is the woman
in Revelation 12:1, Revelation, the last book of the Bible.

Mary is not God, nor are you. Mary is the mother of God. The term Goddess
is pagan.

The New Age "the goddess within" is such a crock.

Colbe anything outside of Christianity is considered a crock to Christians. But unlike you I don't find the fact that the Goddess is pagan to be an offensive thing at all. I am Neo-Pagan Colbe. The Goddess Within has just as much validity as the God Within (whether he is Osiris, Pan, Jesus, and so forth). Are you saying that "God" does not dwell within people? For the Goddess Within to be a crock you would ultimately also have to agree that the God Within is a crock as well.


Give me an example of the miraculous, the result from praying to a Pagan God. This would confirm to me why you are a "Neo-Pagan." The true God, yours and
my creator is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. A mystery our human minds can't figure. All the miraculous points to Them, not Pagan Gods created by men.

The true God "dwells in you", in your soul if you have been baptized and are free of serious, mortal sin. This is why Jesus established Confession - John 20:23, instructing the Apostles, the first priests.

True repentance and confession of one's sins to God. Catholics have the fullness of faith, they must do more, they must go to Confession. This is the way, because of our "fallen nature" for God to return to our soul. After the Great Warning, everyone who says "yes" will believe in Confession to a priest. It is
Our Lord you are confessing your sins to, the priest is "In Persona Christi."

thanks so much for replying Luna K, I like that we's very good.

take care,


John 20:23 Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.

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