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Two lesbians raised a baby, and THIS is who they got

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posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by korathin
reply to post by eleven44

Most lesbian relationships have a high degree of physical or emotional abuse in them(lesbian relationships are the type of relationships that have the most abuse in them). This kid is lucky. It is like a senior citizen that won the lottery advocating to eliminate Social Security because the lottery worked so well for him. More often then not, lesbians raise messed up kids.

Proof? I currently know 5 lesbian couples who have been in long term relationships and not a one of them have any abuse issues in them.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:54 AM
It is a very moving speech but not exactly recent.
I posted a thread on it back in April -
Go Zach! I wonder what he's been up to since?

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Maxumusx
I hate to say it, but gay and lesbian makes me sick. I couldnt imagine a man in me. It is sick, and to throw someone on there to say how unbelievable a human being is, brought up by a same sex couple is just propaganda to me. I am sorry, but it is the sickest thing imaginable. Methinks riding a bull, or cutting off the head of a chicken is more acceptable...There goes the scripture....Also, just imagine yourself sticking your penis in a mans butt,,,really,, is that acceptable? If so, i bid you peace, but to me,,,sik, sik, sik.....

As hard as this might be for you, you've got to look beyond your own perspective and imagine how others might think/feel.
You know, I hate olives. Can't stand eating them or smelling them. The fact that some people can actually tolerate them, much less love eating them just blows my mind. It is disgusting to me. Yet... if it makes someone happy to eat olives, well... it makes me happy to see other people happy.
A homosexual person (which I am not, by the way) feels the same way about heterosexual intercourse as you feel about homosexual intercourse. That's why they are homosexual! Get it?
It disgusts a gay man to imagine having sex with a woman, and since he is physically and emotionally attracted to males, he thus has sex with males.
Some heterosexual people behave in sexual behaviors that confuse me and scare me. But, I mean... if it is consensual, they are both happy doing it, and especially if they are in love... then why would I want to stop them, even if I 'didn't like it?'
I'm really sorry, but the way you are presenting your point of view makes you sound like a child who is upset he isn't getting what he wants. There is more to this world than the way you perceive it to be.
God bless you on your journey, and may peace, love and empathy grace your heart.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by rogerstigers

Originally posted by korathin
reply to post by eleven44

Most lesbian relationships have a high degree of physical or emotional abuse in them(lesbian relationships are the type of relationships that have the most abuse in them). This kid is lucky. It is like a senior citizen that won the lottery advocating to eliminate Social Security because the lottery worked so well for him. More often then not, lesbians raise messed up kids.

Proof? I currently know 5 lesbian couples who have been in long term relationships and not a one of them have any abuse issues in them.

My sister recently became a lesbian...

That is to say my historically heterosexual sister has been in a monogamous gay relationship for the past year or so. Honestly, I don't get it. I still thinks she's straight. I think that she thinks she's straight...but she is with a girl now and their relationship is as about as healthy as any I've ever seen so who am I to judge?

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by Alexandra9
Granted though, I think every couple (not just gay couples) should be evaluated for their capacity to raise children seeing how many people are so unfit for the task

Hasn't China tried that with their one-child policy? Really...who would you give the power to dictate whether or not you are entitled to bear children? Or would you simply sterilize 'undesirables'? Didn't Hitler try that? Seems it happened in the US and we are now seeing the fall-out in the press. I'm sure it happened in Canada...likely with the First Nations...didn't work, did it?

Gay couples have every bit as much propensity to raise a thriving family...or to screw it up hetero ones. Kudos to the kid for voicing his opinion in the face of so much anxiety about what other people do with their naughty bits.

China's one child policy had nothing to do with evaluation of anyone's suitability to parent a child. It was to control population size!

Beyond that, kindly note that particular part of my comment was a sarcastic jab at crappy parents in general. Hence the smiley face
The rest of your comment was already addressed, somewehere in this thread


posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by Threadfall

Kind of by definition, that makes her bi-sexual.. *shrug* Doesn't matter much to me what people do with their genitals, really.

I personally believe that everyone starts life as a "pan-sexual" meaning there is no sexual orientation at all (as opposed to asexual which means a sexual orientation of "no"). I hope your sister finds a balance and harmony in her life that makes her happy and that she learns to accept her view on things.

What really gets me is that people would care in the first place. Seriously, as far as the religious types are concerned, the judgement thing, as I understand it, is kind of a one-on-one kind of thing. It is based on the actions of the induvidual. Why would they even care about the actions of others? As for the non-religious types who are just "eeew, that's gross!"... well, noone is asking anyone to join in to something they don't agree with.

I am indifferant. I am only attracted to women.. and only a small subset of the female population at that. Other people have differant preferences. I simply cannot begin to fathom trying to force my preferences onto the general populace.. seems so.. icky? (loss for words at the moment)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
reply to post by Expat888

The Bible is Man-kinds supernatural guide book to life, the teachings of Jesus are no more irrelevant now then they were when first laid down in the first century... Just because something is old doesn't mean its no longer true. I mean with that attitude we could say the sun was primitive, but where would we be without it? The bible doesn't need to be changed or updated because the truth is absolute and the scriptures are complete. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was a historical event that took place in the ancient world that was seen by many thousands of witnesses. Do you have any idea about bible prophecy? Thousands have already come to fruit and as we get closer to the end times, we are seeing prophecy's being fulfilled more frequently, half the things you see in the news were already foretold in the bible.
edit on 1-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

wrong on all counts.
it was compiled in the 4th century a.d rewritten many times over the centuries - king james version, modern new testament, living bible, gideons bible etc etc etc.. to serve the needs and agenda of those in charge.

it brings nothing but pain , misery, bloodshed and death to the world with its hate and narrowminded intolerance.

there are far older writings and civilisations in the world than western civilisation and we do not nor will we ever follow the primitive hate filled barbarism of christianity.
edit on 2/12/11 by Expat888 because: tengu mischief

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 01:47 AM
I have nothing against gay people or them raising kids or getting married at all.

But, that guy in the video did everything perfectly. Changed tone at the right time. Moved the right way. Used the right words. And played on my emotions like a pro. He is perfect.

Its creepy. It reminds me of that guy from American Psycho. I dont like it.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Expat888

So the Bible is wrong because you say so... You do realize just because you don't like something doesn't make it not true? Your posts regarding theology are clearing displaying a lack of knowledge. I can prove you wrong on all accounts because I have actually taken the time to do the research unlike you.

In actual fact the Old testament or Torah are some the oldest known writings in human history.

The oldest version of Genesis is found in The Dead Sea Scrolls which tells you what the Israelite believed from about 130 BC until 68 AD.

In regards to the KJV of the bible -- If it was 'created to serve the needs and agenda of those in charge' like you say, then how come the roman catholic church sent out Guy Fawkes and the Jesuits (illuminati) to try and kill King James by blowing up the parliament in London in an attempt stop it from being made?... Oh wait i guess u didn't research that yet and have no idea on the history of the inspired KJV. Other new translations are prinited in opposition of the KJV to try and dilute Gods word. The devil couldn't stop Gods word being translated into English... so he sought out to print as many of his own copy's as possible and in the process removing scripture and changing words. Before the KJV there wasn't even an English copy of the bible in circulation.

it brings nothing but pain , misery, bloodshed and death to the world with its hate and narrowminded intolerance.

The roman catholic church are responsible for this yes, but if we look at history atheism has caused far many deaths. I also do not even consider Catholicism as being Christian so please don't blame what atrocities they have committed on the rest of us (although I know you will anyway)...

there are far older writings and civilisations in the world than western civilisation and we do not nor will we ever follow the primitive hate filled barbarism of christianity.

Oh but you realize Christianity does not originate from the west... But in fact the The Middle East ?

There is also nothing primitive or hate filled about the true foundations of the Christian faith.

P.S: Christianity is NOT Religion.
edit on 2-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by rogerstigers

I read it and I went "A-#ing-men!" in my head.

Great story and anyone who opposes the idea of gay marriage and gay families should really take in something useful from this story!

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 05:03 AM
this whole subject is exactly what i've been talking about.

WHY can't we just break off and create a utopian society free of all of this religious bullsh!t where we are allowed to advance as a species.

if THEY don't want to have gay marriage in THEIR society then them have their own society separate from us where they base their values upon their holy book.

lets weed out the close minded and start a new, forward thinking society which stands for all of the ideals that america was supposed to have been about. FREEDOM.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

have both studied history and read the texts of the majority of religions on the planet.

along with put people back together in my travels who suffered at the hands of 'good christians' am all to familiar with them and their barbarism.

No further discussion as
1. You are taking the thread off topic in an attempt to derail.

2. I have far better things to do than waste time with someone too brainwashed to accept or face truth.

Conversation over. End of.
Good day.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by johngrissom

Originally posted by jewells
Wow, credit to this young mans exceptional parents!!!
What a magnificent set of values, insight, will & wisdom they have managed to instill in him.
As a mother I know how challenging & difficult this can be.
If only all children were so lucky, what a different world we would see.
Maybe I should get a girlfriend!

First of all I have no problems with the gay community. I've had numerous gay friends. In fact a gay man on facebook sent me a friend request and we became best buds. I have a problem with gay marriage but I also have a problem with marriage in general. I think there should be tests that show if your ready to get married or not because of the fact that the US already has a high divorce rate. Plus not too mention the numerous problems that come about.

I'am dumbfounded by you peeps. You think this person is awesome but the fact of the matter any of you know know this kid. There is plenty of things that can be said about this person. This kid could be paid by someone to do this or his story could be true but at the same time his life could have been # and he is just doing it for his mom.

Make a decision on your own...not by someone convincing you.

I think you make some valid points to begin.
Then you lose all that credibility.

Are you so suspicious of everything, or is it just specific to the issue of gay marriage? (Oh thats right, you proved your tolerance friending a "gay' man on facebook!)
Your arguments & distrust of his story could stand for any media or film clip on ANY subject.
How is it that you are able to discern the truth , where the rest of us fail, as we were just convinced????

Do you think his speech swayed me to embrace gay marriage, lol?
The truth is his beautifully put speech only served to confirm my own beliefs on the subject, just in a much more eloquent way.
I'm not gay, was never interested even in experimenting, lol. But if I were to changes sides I sure as hell don't need anyone to 'convince' me that its ok or not.
True love is all thats important to me, in whichever sex makes you happy.

edit on 2-12-2011 by jewells because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by xxblackoctoberxx
this whole subject is exactly what i've been talking about.

WHY can't we just break off and create a utopian society free of all of this religious bullsh!t where we are allowed to advance as a species.

if THEY don't want to have gay marriage in THEIR society then them have their own society separate from us where they base their values upon their holy book.

lets weed out the close minded and start a new, forward thinking society which stands for all of the ideals that america was supposed to have been about. FREEDOM.

Because it's not the 70's you Hippie!

Get real!

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 06:50 AM
The point is that it is no one's business who I lay my head next to at night.

If a family has love, the members of it prosper. Period.

WHat the parents do when the kids go to bed is not anyone else's concern. Not mine, not yours.

You should never allow your fears to run your life.

And That is what is happening in the Iowa legislature.

Thou shall not judge, remember?

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by xxblackoctoberxx
this whole subject is exactly what i've been talking about.

WHY can't we just break off and create a utopian society free of all of this religious bullsh!t where we are allowed to advance as a species.

if THEY don't want to have gay marriage in THEIR society then them have their own society separate from us where they base their values upon their holy book.

lets weed out the close minded and start a new, forward thinking society which stands for all of the ideals that america was supposed to have been about. FREEDOM.

No one is stopping the gay community from starting there own utopian society... If that's what they want I am sure there is enough of them to be able to afford the infrastructure. If you want to start a Godless society with no morals then go do it and see where it gets you... I can guarantee it will be the worst city on earth.

Oh wait its already be done... and it was called the city of babylon. They tried building a tower in there own efforts to reach God and look what happened... They disobeyed God and suffered the consequences.

This is the same thing homosexuals are doing every day when they try to make excuses for there sin. Deep down they know being gay is unnatural and wrong but there sexual urges convince them otherwise. They are essentially in a constant battle against there flesh. They turn there backs from God because "The desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh" (Gal 5:17). The bible encourage us to walk in the Spirit and not carry out the desire of the flesh as they are opposed to each other. Our bodies have strong desires which tempt us the only way to over-come this temptation is to flee from sexual immorality and put your trust in our Christ Jesus.

Being Gay is not normal... It is a terrible thing for a kid to grow up without one biological parent. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. America has always been about Family Values... Sadly this is fading away and is one of the biggest reason america is slowly drifting away from the constitution. The Family is what built America and made it great, without it the states would be nothing they are today.
edit on 2-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 08:20 AM
My brother's fiancée practically got raised by two lesbians and she is just the sweetest person I have ever met.

That being said, I don't think there is anything wrong with gay marriage, it will not affect our marriages at all.

Thank you for posting OP, S&F.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Expat888

yaaawwn.. have both studied history and read the texts of the majority of religions on the planet.


2. I have far better things to do than waste time with someone too brainwashed to accept or face truth.

I think the only brain-washed one here is you. The Bible says: Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Thessalonians 2:3

And I am walking in truth my friend... Jesus is the truth bearer.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

God bless.

edit on 2-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
That being said, I don't think there is anything wrong with gay marriage, it will not affect our marriages at all.

Of course you wouldn't see anything wrong with it You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.. You have a satanic baphomet star in your avatar which basically identify's the master you serve.
edit on 2-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by jimnuggits

The Bible also says Honour thy father and thy mother.

How can you do that if you only have one parent around?

Quoting scripture works both ways.

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