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Two lesbians raised a baby, and THIS is who they got

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posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 10:36 PM

"Gay is unnatural" So why the hell does it happen in nature all the damn time?!
reply to post by AzureSky

Grrrrrrrrrrrreat point!
I mean REALLY!

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by leo123

Frankly, I feel sorry for him and fear for his future as a man.

I feel sorry for him because he lives in Iowa!

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by leo123
reply to post by eleven44

Reality is, men and women bring two totally different dynamics to a child. To rob a child of this is tantamount to child abuse.

I have said it a hundred times before and I will say it again. The gay lifestyle is all about being selfish and they don't care a rats ass about who it impacts.

What about a child raised by a single mother?
What about a child raised by a single father?
What about the orphans who WISH they had one parent who loves them, much less two?
Are all people involved with a child who aren't a 'traditional family' child abusers?
What about the kid I grew up next to who lived with his mom and aunt because he didn't have a dad in the picture?

What about 'traditional parents' who don't have the slightest clue as to how to give their child a proper nutritional diet? (Hence the insane amount of obese children in this world.) Is that not 'tantamount to child abuse?' Do we need to pass tests now to become certified parents?

I understand that balance is key in life. Yin/Yang, Black/White, Male/Female, etc.
But we are talking about LOVE here.

And in a world overrun by hatred - over populated with the sad - busting at the seams with the angry - I think LOVE in all forms needs to be not only accepted, but exalted!

In all honesty, you're the only person I see being selfish here. The gay community isn't asking anything of you except to STOP BEING MEAN. They don't need anything else from you. What two people do in a bedroom has zero concern to you.


posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by eleven44

I think that the clamoring for validation that the GBLT community is doing, is causing them to miss a great opportunity. Sadly enough, Gays are just like other people. Other dumbed-down, stupid, irresponsible people. They like to pretend that they are more enlightened, because that fits their non-conformist views on ONE subject. They could be at the forefront of the individual sovereignty movement, but as far as I can tell, they are far too busy prostituting their self-ownership for (the promise of) government bennies and insurance payoffs to care about something as abstract as freedom.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:23 PM
Okay, I'm not gay bashing here.....but this Boy "lied" at the end of his comments.

There is NO WAY that you can live with a Gay couple...or anyone for that matter,
and THEIR life style not influence you in "any" way. That's all I have to say about that.

It all sounds good to listen to but when put down in black and don't all add up.

I have an Aunt (school teacher) that is Gay and got Married in Iowa last year..She is one of my favorite Aunts...
we grew up together as she is one year older than me :-)

Has not changed our relationship as far as I know.

I have some friends that are gay...and even if I didn't have Gay friends...I wouldn't be hurtful to them.
It is the way I was RAISED...thankfully!! And luckily I was not raised in a Racist home either :-)


posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:30 PM
This video has really been blowing up lately. And, I'm GLADD
(bad joke?)

My mom first showed me the clip and some friends on facebook posted it as well.

The thing that gets me, however, is who is this video supposed to convince that gays can raise kids? As far as I'm concerned most intelligent, self-aware people are already able to acknowledge that gays can raise "normal" kids. And the majority of people who take the opposition view surely will not be convinced by this video--which will be presented as anti-christian/liberal propaganda in those circles. This video seems to have been recorded in a kind of formal government setting, so hopefully his presentation might affect the law in a positive way, but it won't win over any bigots--ignorance is positively addicting, after all.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by clockdryve

How come so many people who have to put up a disclaimer saying, "Ok, I'm not gay bashing but..." always have gay friends; that always strikes me as odd. I mean, I don't have ANY gay friends, but I seem to support them more then their "friends"...but then I'm not a secret bigot either. I guess I should try to cultivate more politically convenient friendships (calling all Mormons, Muslims, Jews, rich, poor, blacks, mexicans, et. al. I need you to befriend I can talk s*it on you in a more PC way)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:49 PM
I hate to say it, but gay and lesbian makes me sick. I couldnt imagine a man in me. It is sick, and to throw someone on there to say how unbelievable a human being is, brought up by a same sex couple is just propaganda to me. I am sorry, but it is the sickest thing imaginable. Methinks riding a bull, or cutting off the head of a chicken is more acceptable...There goes the scripture....Also, just imagine yourself sticking your penis in a mans butt,,,really,, is that acceptable? If so, i bid you peace, but to me,,,sik, sik, sik.....

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:52 PM
very well spoken, however this proves nothing when it comes to the rights of parents... a child can be raised alone in the jungle and still be very well raised. it has alot to do with himself. i wonder if he knows how to change a flat tire. or any other basic survival need... nothing can replace a father figure in the REAL world....

it seems like they did a great job raising him to fight for his parents "rights"
edit on 1-12-2011 by SOILDERSUNITEDFORCHRIST because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Maxumusx
I hate to say it, but gay and lesbian makes me sick. I couldnt imagine a man in me. It is sick, and to throw someone on there to say how unbelievable a human being is, brought up by a same sex couple is just propaganda to me. I am sorry, but it is the sickest thing imaginable. Methinks riding a bull, or cutting off the head of a chicken is more acceptable...There goes the scripture....Also, just imagine yourself sticking your penis in a mans butt,,,really,, is that acceptable? If so, i bid you peace, but to me,,,sik, sik, sik.....

Methinks you thinks wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much about man on man butt sex to be the pure heterosexual you claim to be. Denial ain't just a river in Africa. Embrace your homosexuality! Or embrace your heterosexuality, though that might be hard to do with gay sex on your mind 24/7.
edit on 1-12-2011 by Threadfall because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:58 PM
Well spoken is correct, and i feel that a child should be raised by a father and a mother, not two fathers sleeping together. It is a sin, and disgusting in my mind,,pure disgusting, and to put a child to the task of acceptance of gay/lesbian family life is just a travesty. God says strictly in the bible, "Woe to you". And i can honestly agree,,it doesnt even seem human. Totally against the grain. I believe phsychiatric help is in order. We are truly becoming Babylon,,,

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:59 PM
Lol, very good comeback for someone whos probably gay. Sickness is sickness, and i dont have that sickness, lmao. But enjoy your life. Apparently that is your way, or you wouldnt take such offense.

Also read

In the King James Version, Leviticus 18:22 is translated: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

It very well should be...

edit on 2-12-2011 by Maxumusx because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by Maxumusx

Myopic, idiotic, hateful, fundamentalist zealots like you are the primary reason why many reasonable, thoughtful, intelligent, self-aware people find it hard to embrace Christianity...its mascots are morons, and in your case a moron with deep seeded gay tendencies.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:07 AM
Christianity? Im sorry, i wont bend the Bible to suit my wishes and twist it to my preferences,,go ahead and ask. Probably 99 percent of men would think it disgusting being with another man, even gay men, im sure. It's so unnatural....

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:16 AM
The spin here is that they want you to believe that this is the typical result of a gay couple's parenting skills. However, most straight couples can't even produce a kid this well-spoken or intelligent these days. Nice PR piece, but that's about all.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by eleven44

Most lesbian relationships have a high degree of physical or emotional abuse in them(lesbian relationships are the type of relationships that have the most abuse in them). This kid is lucky. It is like a senior citizen that won the lottery advocating to eliminate Social Security because the lottery worked so well for him. More often then not, lesbians raise messed up kids.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by eleven44

I'm thinking, "Why is this such a big deal?"

Then I realized it's because I'm from Northern California.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Maxumusx

By definition heterosexual people do not find homosexual acts appealing
, otherwise they'd be gay. What is odd about you and people like you is how intensely focused you are homoerotic sex acts...the bible also says eating shellfish is an abomination, Leviticus 11:10. But something tells me people eating oysters at your local seafood joint wouldn't arouse the same hatred in you as two men walking into that place hand-in-hand.

Most straight men, like myself, don't rail against homosexuality because we don't think about two dudes having sex as frequently as you do, for one, also some people are intelligent.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:26 AM
DP (double post, not double penetration, get your head out of the gutter you perv Maxumusx)

edit on 2-12-2011 by Threadfall because: DP, same as above

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

Thank you for that article - very interesting. My first response was: " yes, well that's a dominance issue in these animals!" but after thinking about it some more I realize there is probably more to it than that. It is hard for me to imagine...but I did warn you I am rather limited by (my own) notion of what is natural. People are like that

I see your point. In the end I guess this issue will still have to pass through the usual rites of revolution in order for the public opinion to gradually grow more accustomed to with any other controversy.
Very interesting topic indeed.

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