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Woman Arrested For 'Racist' Rant On Tram

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posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by NadaCambia

last word.

next line.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:06 AM
Ah, just me stopping by again with some food for thought. If there are more minorities than the majority, then doesn't that make the minorities the majority?

So much tension, it's like the 60's again, of which I was not old enough to be a part of, thank god.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:06 AM
Right....heres the dialog in print:

Whats this country come to...a bunch of black people and a load of polish? TRUE

A load of ****** inst....oh yea

You aint english TRUE she is can hear the accent.
Na no your not, you aint english either
None of you are ******* english TRUE (to an extent)

get back to your own ******* know what.,,,
sort out your own country, dont come and do mine TRUE

Britain is nuffin now..britains **** all, TRUE
My britain is **** all now TRUE

Someone says about little kids:

Ive got a little kid here

Black lady:..."have respect"

Have respect for who?

"ive got a little boy here"

Black lady:...So get off the tram then

**** you

Black lady:..."someone need to throw you off"

really..i dare you...i ******* dare you
i wont watch my language

Go back to where you come from...go back to (she cant pronounce it)

Or whever you come from

(Black dude jumps up behind like hes going to beat the woman)

Black lady: ....if we dont come here you guys dont guys dont want to work, we have to do the work for you.

Black lady: ....go and work

I work i work...i work this is my british country, until we let you lot come over TRUE

Black what/?


Black lady:....yes i am

you aint ******* british...**** off. You aint british youre black TRUE

you aint british your black

Black it because im black?

Where do you come from...where did you come from??

Other chav jumps in about her baby

Then lady says...someones got to talk up for all these lot
look the whole ******* tram...look at them...whos black and whos white?

Its all black and ******* brown people. TRUE

So....she is insulting people, she calls a black woman a black woman...she says the tram is filled with immigrants/blacks/browns/ this not true???

And to Gambon....i think thats your not a chav...sorry to disappoint you

The only thing i can see as racist is what the black lady says....

"if we dont come here you guys dont guys dont want to work, we have to do the work for you."

Thats what a real racist comment looks are all the same, you are all lazy and we (as a superior race) have to come and do the work for you, as you are incompetent.

edit on 29-11-2011 by loves a conspiricy because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-11-2011 by loves a conspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

no she is a chav i didnt say u were , personally i would like to deport all chavs and keep people of colour ... there food is soo much nicer

and she said " go back to 'n-word'agua " hardly subtle i think she trying to be funny
edit on 29-11-2011 by gambon because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-11-2011 by gambon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

You just proved a point...this broad is racist and think that being British is superior! She's telling every different race to go back to their country. Does she even understand the gravity of such suggestion? I highly doubt it. She's ignorant. This is a free world, as there are no boundaries. We should be able to roam freely...why should we be bound to one place. This is obviously how we evolve when we interact with different cultures. Learning new ways and new languages. There is a lot that we can all learn from each other...racism is believing in superiority. Meaning that Men are better than women and we have nothing to learn from them or vice versa or black is better than white, or Asian is better than American...that does not make any sense. We are all equal.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:16 AM


posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by Historymajor

I as a brit read it differently.

She is fed up with the state of our country....she doesnt blame a single race, she blames the decisions our government have made in regard to immigration.

Clearly she is angry and having a hard time at articulating herself.

What brought on this outburst?? Do you really think she just got on and started abusing other members of the public??? I dont.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

im a brit and agree with historymajor , she a plumb dumb racist chav who thought she was being clever

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

If you want to get technical, yeah, I suppose by that strict definition she's not "racist," but she is certainly guilty of being a world class ass. She is also certainly prejudiced as well. But above all, she is one crazy white girl! Luckily the people in the bus didn't all stoop down to her level, some were about to, but I suppose they just realized she was crazy. Perhaps the government is biased towards colored people. Is it okay then to claim a country, where, if you go back far enough in time, is 100% immigrants, as yours? No. It's also not okay to point to every single colored person and say they are not British, unless you want to use the word "Brythons" which is what the Romans called everyone living in Britain, which even then isn't correct because Brythons included Celts, Picts, and other tribes. It is fair to say every citizen of Britain is British! However, not every citizen of Britain is English.

There, that's for all you "technical" people....

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

"if we dont come here you guys dont guys dont want to work, we have to do the work for you." Thats what a real racist comment looks are all the same, you are all lazy and we (as a superior race) have to come and do the work for you, as you are incompetent.

i agree 100% with that part, two wrongs do not make a right and the comment was also offensive to british people.

Its all black and ******* brown people. TRUE

false there were also white people, who could of also of been immigrants, also being black or brown does not mean you are an immigrant. obviously it was the skin colour she had issue with.

you aint british your black

and another false statement, there are plenty of black british people.

The only thing i can see as racist is what the black lady says....

then you are trying your hardest to ignore the obvious issue with skin colour she has as oppose to immigration concerns.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

I agree that she is fed up with the government, but I also believe that their is an underlying race issue period. I say this simply because why argue with the people that don't make decisions. Her argument is futile and only depicts her ignorance.

For example...If I went to a restaurant that only employed blind people, should I yell at them for being employed there or should I go to the manager that hired them to inquire why? It's not their fault that they were provided with an opportunity...if I really thought that this establishment was doing itself an injustice, I would believe that talking to the head person in charge would be able to provide me with an elucidation as to why this happened. Arguing with the blind people will only be an exercise in futility. Is it not? It's a waste of breath and it would make me come off as being discriminating against the blind. Now, if they are doing a job that most wouldn't do (people that are able to see) why would I argue? If I did argue knowing that this job will only be done by them...then that shows that I really just have a hatred towards these people for whatever reason. So what is that?

The government is a business and they make business decisions such as...what will work best for the economy. If they sent all the immigrants back as she suggested, please tell me what would happen to Britain?

Her argument and disdain for different races is not sound. She makes no point! Her ignorance is apparent, and with ignorance one would come off as a racist, because in my eyes, thats all racism is...

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:34 AM
This boy was born in a small town in southern England in the early 70s. Both of his parents were British. One happened to be from Yorkshire and the other from India. The parent from India had moved to England decades before this kid was born, as a teenager, worked on fitting in, and become a citizen, with a good job. This kid grew up 100% English culturally. However, during the whole time he was growing up, he suffered from people like this for being "brown" and not "British". Almost daily he met people with this same attitude, being called things like "paki" and being beaten up and told to move back to where he came from.

When he finally could, he moved away from his own country, feeling ashamed of who he was. However, being in another country, he was also an outsider, a foreigner. Think how motivating it was for him to feel like a foreigner in his own country, with nowhere to go in the world where people would see him as "fitting in". To see that nothing has changed since this kid grew up in the UK proves what he realized while growing up - that people just pass this attitude on to their kids. This racism is an institution in the UK. And this video just solidifies it.
edit on 29/11/2011 by rozetta because: Read more of the thread

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

Right you are. I doubt she got on the tram and just started abusing these poor folk. Several years ago when in London I experienced some hate as well. Well, maybe being called "white boy" is not hateful and racist but I believe it is and I have to wonder what the real story is. Calling her ignorant, racist, high, or mentally ill just doesn't cut it for me. There's more to this than we know.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by MegasAlexandros

I dont think she is being "technical" lol

I think she is saying if you arent born here (now) you arent British...which is true. How can you be born somewhere else yet claim to be British?

If i were born in the USA, came to the UK when i was not i not??

Borders were put in place to protect their assets/resources. Unfortunately thats the world we live in.
We SHOULD all get along, but that seems like a pipe dream to be honest. Especially given the circumstances/position our country is in at the moment.

When immigrants have more than natives, there is something wrong. Especially if said immigrant has only been in the country a matter of weeks (whereas the native has worked all their life for a house, car etc).
People are bound to get annoyed.

This isnt a one off....there are plenty of people like this here in the UK. Some just chose not to say what they think.

*****Im not racist, i just dislike what "multiculturalism" has done to our country***** Even Cameron said it was one big **** up

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

they dont have more than the whites , thats what people like to say to make themselves feel justified , its a crock of sh......

mebbe they choose not to say it cos they know they in the minority and would be dekked....
edit on 29-11-2011 by gambon because: (no reason given)

u mean cameron the priveleged white who went to the poshest school in the country....yeah he knows all about it if....
edit on 29-11-2011 by gambon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Right....heres the dialog in print:

Whats this country come to...a bunch of black people and a load of polish? TRUE

Not true. Black people and polish make up about 3% of the population. She's also implying that there's something inherently wrong with black people or a country with a sizable black population?

While you might make the distinction between African and black, she clearly doesn't.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
You aint english TRUE she is can hear the accent.

So what if she is? Doesn't being an economic migrant justify being abused by an aggressive and revolting racist?

"You aint English" doesn't sound very English to me. Sounds like something you'd here from a hick in a Western film.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Na no your not, you aint english either
None of you are ******* english TRUE (to an extent)

How can it be true to an extent, something is true or it isn't. Saying "None of you are ****** English" is not true. It's absolutely incorrect. Why are you making excuses for this woman, I have to wonder?

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
get back to your own ******* know what.,,,
sort out your own country, dont come and do mine TRUE

That's not true, I would hazard a guess that most black people on the tram are English. Their country IS England.

It's also untrue, even if we pretend everyone on the tram is an immigrant, because immigrants have done nothing to the nation. And even if they had, it's not their fault that they've been permitted entry into the country.

Most people would argue that the reason our country is in a mess is because of racists like her.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Britain is nuffin now..britains **** all, TRUE
My britain is **** all now TRUE

Maybe if she took a speech therapy course and studied English she might have an actual job and a more positive out look on the world.

Regardless, what does Britain being "**** all" have to do with immigrants? Last I checked the problems we face as a country exist also in communities that are void of immigrants, black people and poles. In fact, many in the North of England, Wales and Scotland can boast more social deprivation and evidence of Britain being "**** all", while having a demographic that's whiter than white.

So no, she is not right.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Go back to where you come from...go back to (she cant pronounce it)

It's also a country in Central America. Again, more evidence that her retardation is the cause of her existence as a benefits claiming alcoholic crack head, NOT Britain's immigration policy.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
I work i work...i work this is my british country, until we let you lot come over TRUE

If she works what's she doing riding a tram with a baby in her lap, off her box on alcohol or drugs?

And again, she is not true. Britain is still her country. Nobody has taken it away from her, except for the white working class who vote Labour. Certainly the immigrants aren't to blame for her failure of a life.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
you aint ******* british...**** off. You aint british youre black TRUE

British citizenship isn't determined by the colour of ones skin. Again, she is wrong, as are you.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Its all black and ******* brown people. TRUE

So? So what if the tram is full of black and brown people. I can't think of any legitimate reasons for taking issue with that, except for out and out racism.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
And to Gambon....i think thats your not a chav...sorry to disappoint you

Nah, you're one of those middle class Daily Mailer readers huh?

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
The only thing i can see as racist is what the black lady says....

"if we dont come here you guys dont guys dont want to work, we have to do the work for you."

Thats what a real racist comment looks are all the same, you are all lazy and we (as a superior race) have to come and do the work for you, as you are incompetent.

Sounds like she was making a comment about dole dossers in London who drink all day and shoot brown... not Britons as a whole, white or otherwise. A fair comment I'd say, I get the same impression everytime I'm down sarf and see the Londoners pissing away their dole money on alcohol and the bookies

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

The people should be mad at the government and not the recent immigrants then. Who is more to blame when children acquire then use drugs? The people giving the children drugs or the children? You can't be mad at all the children because they're not all getting drugs, and even those who are, are only taking advantage of something already available to them.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Historymajor
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

This is a free world, as there are no boundaries. We should be able to roam freely...why should we be bound to one place.

Look, the thought is nice, but this isn't a Disney movie. The reason ignorant scum like the woman in the video exists is because of the failures of immigration.

Racist hate mongers like this woman exist because she's been neglected by a system that has flooded the nation with immigrants. Worst still, they've done it purposely to undermine the British people, British workers and British livelihood.

There are very real grievances with immigration that many people agree with. Myself included, even as an ardent anti-racist and a proud minion of the Left.

Your fantasies of open borders sounds good only in theory. We're hundreds of years away from it.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Right....heres the dialog in print:

Whats this country come to...a bunch of black people and a load of polish? TRUE

Not true. Black people and polish make up about 3% of the population. She's also implying that there's something inherently wrong with black people or a country with a sizable black population?

While you might make the distinction between African and black, she clearly doesn't.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
You aint english TRUE she is can hear the accent.

So what if she is? Doesn't being an economic migrant justify being abused by an aggressive and revolting racist?

"You aint English" doesn't sound very English to me. Sounds like something you'd here from a hick in a Western film.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Na no your not, you aint english either
None of you are ******* english TRUE (to an extent)

How can it be true to an extent, something is true or it isn't. Saying "None of you are ****** English" is not true. It's absolutely incorrect. Why are you making excuses for this woman, I have to wonder?

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
get back to your own ******* know what.,,,
sort out your own country, dont come and do mine TRUE

That's not true, I would hazard a guess that most black people on the tram are English. Their country IS England.

It's also untrue, even if we pretend everyone on the tram is an immigrant, because immigrants have done nothing to the nation. And even if they had, it's not their fault that they've been permitted entry into the country.

Most people would argue that the reason our country is in a mess is because of racists like her.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Britain is nuffin now..britains **** all, TRUE
My britain is **** all now TRUE

Maybe if she took a speech therapy course and studied English she might have an actual job and a more positive out look on the world.

Regardless, what does Britain being "**** all" have to do with immigrants? Last I checked the problems we face as a country exist also in communities that are void of immigrants, black people and poles. In fact, many in the North of England, Wales and Scotland can boast more social deprivation and evidence of Britain being "**** all", while having a demographic that's whiter than white.

So no, she is not right.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Go back to where you come from...go back to (she cant pronounce it)

It's also a country in Central America. Again, more evidence that her retardation is the cause of her existence as a benefits claiming alcoholic crack head, NOT Britain's immigration policy.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
I work i work...i work this is my british country, until we let you lot come over TRUE

If she works what's she doing riding a tram with a baby in her lap, off her box on alcohol or drugs?

And again, she is not true. Britain is still her country. Nobody has taken it away from her, except for the white working class who vote Labour. Certainly the immigrants aren't to blame for her failure of a life.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
you aint ******* british...**** off. You aint british youre black TRUE

British citizenship isn't determined by the colour of ones skin. Again, she is wrong, as are you.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Its all black and ******* brown people. TRUE

So? So what if the tram is full of black and brown people. I can't think of any legitimate reasons for taking issue with that, except for out and out racism.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
And to Gambon....i think thats your not a chav...sorry to disappoint you

Nah, you're one of those middle class Daily Mailer readers huh?

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
The only thing i can see as racist is what the black lady says....

"if we dont come here you guys dont guys dont want to work, we have to do the work for you."

Thats what a real racist comment looks are all the same, you are all lazy and we (as a superior race) have to come and do the work for you, as you are incompetent.

Sounds like she was making a comment about dole dossers in London who drink all day and shoot brown... not Britons as a whole, white or otherwise. A fair comment I'd say, I get the same impression everytime I'm down sarf and see the Londoners pissing away their dole money on alcohol and the bookies

starred i think she says Niggeragua trying to be clever .....
wierd edited the n word last time but not this

edit on 29-11-2011 by gambon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
reply to post by Historymajor

I as a brit read it differently.

She is fed up with the state of our country....she doesnt blame a single race, she blames the decisions our government have made in regard to immigration.

Clearly she is angry and having a hard time at articulating herself.

What brought on this outburst?? Do you really think she just got on and started abusing other members of the public??? I dont.

Give it a rest! You're blowing hot air out of every hole.

I am fed up with the state of our country, I blame government policy on immigration. Do I sound anything like the woman in this video? No, because I am not a racist. She is a racist.

To say that she's just a normal frustrated Briton who is angry at politicians, that's clap trap mate. She's a raging, racist lunatic. Who probably should be sectioned

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