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Cop Arrests Five Year Old for Acting Out in School...Zip Ties Hands and Feet. (Video)

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posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:12 PM
Before I became a Teacher I was a Police officer and I never had to tie up a juvenile - of any age. Had one Child get angry and busted my glasses in the scuffle - but - he was watching his father fight another Police officer. I managed to put him in the back of the Police truck - to keep him safe! I still did not resort to tying him up because I knew what was happening and could apply my intelligence to manage the situation.

This is the problem - Police do not use their intellect - their instinct or their communication skills. Just go straight to the physical. Violence incites violence and no one wins.

Never - does anyone on this planet need to tie up a Child. As for the Teachers - they have an entire class to manage and sometimes through sheer frustration a Child needs to be removed. My understanding of why the Police were called in this instance - was to show the uniform to the Child and send the message that unruly behaviour will lead to crossing over the accepted boundaries in society.

It is important to factor in all the inappropriate Police activity that occurs in America. The Police officer should have represented authority but he represented violence. The little boy lashed out when the officer touched him - we are teaching Children that no one must touch them - I would say the little boy is quite bright and made the officer look like the thug he really is....

Much Peace...

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Amanda5

And how many times did you get called into a grade school to deal with a misbehaving 5 year old.

Any cops you know?

At what point does the absurdity sink in?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by poet1b

I have to do it one more time....can't resist

1)are you comfortable with a stranger being physically agressive with and zip tying your kid?
2)what is your proof that physical aggression works with children?

Not that you're going to have some epiphone and finally answer my questions five pages later...

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by poet1b

I actually got called to one particular Public school (primary in Australia Kinder to Year 6) and the Principal commended me on how I spoke with the Child.

I would always discuss all aspects of the incident/s with the Principal. Remember that all organisations have guidelines and rules and most employees adhere to them - but - as in the case of the Police in this thread they step over the guidelines.

The officer should NEVER have touched the Child. Police do not have the right to touch people unless they are absconding from arrest, offering protection to the pubic because an offender has a weapon/is a threat to public safety or to offer medical assistance.

Nowhere on the planet is it okay to tie up a Child? Authority figures in society have an obligation to respect their office and it is very unfortunate that psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists often gain positions of authority. And remember psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists do not care who they hurt - it is all about me me me and no one else.

Much Peace...

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Amanda5

A special needs child will,on occasion, needs to be restrained.
My wife,a special needs specialist,had to do this every once in awhile.
They even had a room that was plexiglassed and foam coated for "timeouts" for these kids to calm down.
But those were extreme cases,I stress,extreme cases.
Trying to stab others with pencils, pulling their pants down,excrementing and throwing their feces at people.
Not all kids are the same.
These kids where our future serial killers,starting off with killing small animals.
At 6 years old!

The child in question was no were near that.
He was just acting out,and the school,trying to save some money,took another avenue and they basically f%^ked up,which in the end will cost them more.
Hope they learned their lesson.

edit on 1-12-2011 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by kdog1982

Sometimes there are cases where a child needs to be restrained, but it is extremely rare, and it is NEVER necessary to zip tie them.

I once had a child make a shiv out of a set of headphones and attack a teacher in a blackout fit of rage. It ended with me having him on the ground in a 4 point restraint, one of the approved restraining techniques(yes, contrary to the lies and sensationalism portrayed by others in this thread, you can use restraining hold if needed). After about 2 minutes in the hold he calmed down, and it was over.

At no point did I EVER feel the need to tie him up.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

I am somewhat familiar with the approved methods of restraint,my wife was trained and has used it on me on occasion.

But I agree with you on the zip tying incident.
Totally un called for .
Never should have happened.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Amanda5

I think that things are totally screwed up when a cop is called in to deal with an misbehaving school kid.

That is the real problem. which nobody seems to get.

Unless you have some sources we haven't seen, you have no idea if actions taken weren't discussed before the kid was cuffed and taken away. Seems to me that you are assuming the cop acted on his own, which might not be the case at all.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by poet1b

I am not assuming anything.
I am working with the details provided.
The Police officer should NOT have touched the Child.

In my experience the Police will only be called to a school when the problem is beyond the school protocols. One poster stated the school was trying to save money - if that is the case then the system is more than screwed. NO five year - anywhere - needs to be tied up. The officer was way out of line.

Much Peace...

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Amanda5

You are assuming the cop didn't do exactly as he was told, from touching to take control, zip tying, and taking into the station, and filing charges.

You are assuming that the kid did not act up in a way deserving of physical intervention.

Maybe this cop just acted rogue, and if so, then he was wrong. I see this as a possibility, but I also see the other possibilities.

If this visit by the cop wasn't warranted, then he acted in the wrong way, but if this is a result of politics or funding, then that is the real problem. My feeling is that the latter is most likely, as I have consistently stated.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 06:48 PM
Whatever we have all discussed here I still feel that tying up a five year old is wrong wrong wrong.

Children today - even with fabulous parents - are subjected to chemicals in the air, the water and the food. Children have young bodies that are still growing and the effect of the chemicals is one dimension - another is all the media that is everywhere. I have been to homes where the television is on constantly!

The games and music the Children listen to are filled with sex and violence. I know as a Teacher I ask the Students to explain the games and when I comment on all the violence - they laugh! The news with all its horror is broadcast all day every day. Children are being born and filled with multiple vaccines and then medicated when 'problems' occur.

I still feel strongly - working with the information supplied - that the officer should not have touched the Child. The touch is most likely what elicited the reaction from the Child. I feel deeply for any Child being born into this world that is why when I am in a classroom - they can ask any question - anytime - I am there to support them in a messed up world.

Much Peace...

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 12:22 AM
When I was in elementary school I had a lot of behavioral issues. But I was constantly bullied and had anger issues. I saw the school counselor often, but I still got into fights all the way up till my Junior year of high school.

At one point in time our principal retired and we got a new one. She was...well...I have a lot of sour words for her if I met her again today. But one time, as punishment for still getting into fights, she suggested I not be able to draw in school.

She wanted to ban me from drawing in ludicrous is that? Children are dealing with this kind of crap on a daily basis. If you have any children, ask them how they are treated at school. Tell them to tell you the truth, everything, but don't punish them or belittle them for anything they say. I say that because this system doesn't treat any of the kids well except those that are perfect and never act out. The ones that get into fights are both punished. Isn't that great policy?

Ask your child for their school handbook and read up on some of their ridiculous rules and off the wall punishments for some. I will guarantee that some of you will be surprised what your children go through and some of the "rules" that their classes have.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by Amanda5

Children enjoy violent games for the same reason adults do. We are biologically wired for a violent physical world, but due to the advance of technology, we have been removed from this violent world within the last few generations, or for immigrants, literally within a short plane flight. Just because we now live in a world were the killing takes place out of sight, doesn't change our biological tendency towards violence, being that the struggle for survival has shaped us throughout the history of biological development.

We need to relearn to recognize that being physical, aggressive, and occasionally violent is a natural human tendency, and quit trying to pretend differently.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by Xen0m0rpH

I say that because this system doesn't treat any of the kids well except those that are perfect and never act out.

You got it. That is the crux of the problem.

Our schools don't try to teach children. The people running our schools systems are only interested in conditioning conformity. They are the products of this very environment, and essentially are the conformists conformists.

While they continuously gripe about teachers salaries, no one talks about how difficult it is to get a job as a teacher. It is a very exclusive club.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Xen0m0rpH

Interesting .....

I wonder what would explain the differences in administrators and policies.

At any time in your experience, did you sense the administrators had been drug users or themselves were having delayed reactions from past drug/alcohol use/abuse ?

Some of the wild ideas and inconsistencies of policies may be drug and mental related.

The problem has been around for several generations.

Some permanent effects alter the DNA and pass it to offspring.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

Quite possibly they may have used some drug recreationally at some point in time, but I wouldn't know for sure.

I think she was just generally more...liberal(?) I guess would be the word. She was just one of those principles that would be upset about the littlest things. I didn't know any other classmate who liked or had had a good experience with her.

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