posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Amanda5
A special needs child will,on occasion, needs to be restrained.
My wife,a special needs specialist,had to do this every once in awhile.
They even had a room that was plexiglassed and foam coated for "timeouts" for these kids to calm down.
But those were extreme cases,I stress,extreme cases.
Trying to stab others with pencils, pulling their pants down,excrementing and throwing their feces at people.
Not all kids are the same.
These kids where our future serial killers,starting off with killing small animals.
At 6 years old!
The child in question was no were near that.
He was just acting out,and the school,trying to save some money,took another avenue and they basically f%^ked up,which in the end will cost them
Hope they learned their lesson.
edit on 1-12-2011 by kdog1982 because: (no reason given)