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Aliens do/dont exist, so what ?!

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posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 01:23 PM
The whole "distance to get here" issue is not even worth discussing here, because an advanced civilization with technology that may be perhaps even millions of years more advanced than our own would have things we only dream of. I seriously doubt that a civilization that advanced would not have found better methods to travel (ie. what I mentioned before about Einstein-Rosen Bridges, etc.). Therefore, they may not even have a means of propulsion if they travel by somehow warping the fabric of spacetime itself. Using any means such as this would indicate they could travel from point A to Point B in an instant...thereby creating a loophole around the known speed limit of light which is 186,000 m/s.

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 02:39 PM
just because a race could be thousands or millions of years more advanced than us - you cannot say that they will have definately developed a propulsion system that can travel space at light speed.

maybe light speed travel is a nice dream and no civilization can do it.

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 02:49 PM
Aint been probed yet

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 02:52 PM
I find the fact that people think there is no life out side of Earth MORE extreme than the idea of UFO's visting us.Theres a few places on Earth where life dont exist or rather more cant.Its the same as the universe.Some places are suited for life some are not.

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
just because a race could be thousands or millions of years more advanced than us - you cannot say that they will have definately developed a propulsion system that can travel space at light speed.

maybe light speed travel is a nice dream and no civilization can do it.

Who said traveling at light speed? If you are talking about my comments I never suggested this. However, there are ways to "go around"(for lack of better words) light speed.

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 04:19 PM

If you are talking about my comments I never suggested this. However, there are ways to "go around"(for lack of better words) light speed.

no there isnt ? you have been watching too much star trek. all there is are a few theories flying around that some sort of hyperspace is possible and nothing more.

i still stand by my claim - just because a civilization could be more advanced , it does not mean that they are guarenteed to develop the technology to travel between stars in a short period.

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 04:26 PM
Actually,that is not entirely correct acidhead.Einstein was able to prove mathmatically that the fabric of space time is able to be warped or bent.Now whether anyone has mastered that in terms of tranfering atomic mass intact from point A to B is certainly debatable.But space time can be bent.

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 04:35 PM
you have just answered my point while trying to dissagree with me ?

its a theory like i said - it may be possible but the amount of energy used to create the wormhole thingy was estimated (if i recall from something i read a while back) the total energy the sun has used from the moment it was born until the present day.

afaik - this is still a pipe dream

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 04:43 PM
Actually no,you stated in your previous post,"no there isn't".Your cynicism is equally as unfounded as those who believe there IS the possibility,as well as those that have mapped out scientifically/mathmatically the way to achieve it.I think I'll side with a person like Einstein or a Phycisist like Dr. Brian Greene who have the backgrounds to explore what can and cannot be done.

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 04:52 PM
acidhead, I thought that you were all for the fact that man built the pyramids. So how can you say that a supposed ILF could not travel to get here?

If there is life out there (sure there is since the end of the universe is not comprehensible) we have no idea how long it lives, what conditions it can survive in, etc. 100 years could be like 1 day to them! They could travel at 20 miles an hour for all they care.

Im going to ask you all a question. (this is not me) I am new to these english numbers. Define 0

[edit on 9/4/2004 by SirKillallott]

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 04:58 PM
Read a lot of stuff here about million year old advanced alien race or something. So guess what, if they even exist, i believe that those intelligent "Aliens" are more like us in their nature, they would kill themselves the same as we do now, i doubt that earth is going to survive next 100 years. Every year the situation gets worse, it is in human nature to rule over everyone, to get all the power, to dominate, so that means that there is probably no such million year advanced race. Also you are now discussing about travelling in space and such, but the main question was : If we knew intelligent life forms exist in outer space, so what? what does it change?

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by WOO HOO
Read a lot of stuff here about million year old advanced alien race or something. So guess what, if they even exist, i believe that those intelligent "Aliens" are more like us in their nature, they would kill themselves the same as we do now, i doubt that earth is going to survive next 100 years. Every year the situation gets worse, it is in human nature to rule over everyone, to get all the power, to dominate, so that means that there is probably no such million year advanced race. Also you are now discussing about travelling in space and such, but the main question was : If we knew intelligent life forms exist in outer space, so what? what does it change?

Well you see if there are any we have no
ing idea what they are like. Not everything has to be like us... I do however agree that we are screwing ourselves but that does not mean that they are.

If we knew intelligent life forms exist in outer space, so what? What does it change?

Well it would change a lot. 1st EVERY skeptic would be shot (JK JK). Second, we would be able to compare our world with theirs, resulting in either good or bad changes to occur between us and them. For example:
When the white man came and met the Native's of North America. Look how much influence we had on them. Look at what we did to them.

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 05:11 PM
@11th dimension - side with who you want , the fact is that we have not done it , we are not close to doing it , we dont actually know if its possible and if it was we probably wouldnt survive the trip or the explosion/implosion created by it anyway

@sirkillallott - yes im all for man creating the pyramids , laying some large blocks is slightly different to punching a hole in spacetime and then staying in one piece while you travel thru it to come out in another pre planned part of spacetime

im not denying the fact that other life exists in the universe , im denying the fact that because a race could be more advanced than us that does not mean they have the power to travel the distances between galaxies / stars etc anything is possible but is anything probable?

why describe zero ? zero is nothing , absense , neither positive or negative ??

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
@sirkillallott - yes im all for man creating the pyramids , laying some large blocks is slightly different to punching a hole in spacetime and then staying in one piece while you travel thru it to come out in another pre planned part of spacetime

Well yes laying some large blocks is slightly different to punching a hole in spacetime. What is to say that they don�t live hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, etc years? The time it takes to travel here could mean nothing to them. Just because I don�t drive to Calgary going 120 km per hour doesn�t mean that I can�t walk there.

Now for 0. You obviously have no understanding about how this relates to what we are talking about. But, since you gave me an answer I will tell you some more. If zero is nothing, then what is nothing? OH I know an absence of something right? Okay, now here is were it gets a little tricky for some people. You cannot explain nothing with something if it is nothing. If it is nothing than it was not there to explain in the first place, which means that it is unexplainable. Please think about how this relates before you say it doesn�t.

[edit on 9/4/2004 by SirKillallott]

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 05:48 PM
again you are reading my post without actually understand what i was posting at - i dont care if they take 120 000 years to get her traveling at 200mph in a rustbucket. i was answering the post that an alien race because they are more advanced than us then they must have mastered traveling the distances. advancement in technology does not mean success in intergalactic travel

and as for your last bit - wtf are you talking about?

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 09:45 PM

In one of your earlier posts, u state:

"I live in reality, what i dont see and it cant be proved, that doesnt exist. Im not close minded, i live in reality, in this world, not in "Star Wars" or something"

Does this mean that the world u cannot "see" (sense) does not exist?

Yes there is a world that u cannot sense naturally that makes up part of reality. Take audio or sound for example. A standard human ear can hear frequencies from about 20 Hz to about 20,000 Hz. But there exists a reality of sound that we, & you, cannot perceive naturally. Check this link out:
Therefore, WOO HOO, there is more than meets your mind, your experiences, your senses. In light of this, how can u know "reality"?

posted on Sep, 4 2004 @ 11:28 PM
First off, Claps, Cheers, and 'horns' to Viendin! Very nice post

Secondly, not only Einstein, Greene, and Hawking... check out some of the work of Dr. Michio Kaku!

WOO HOO, you stated "i believe that those intelligent "Aliens" are more like us in their nature, they would kill themselves the same as we do now", so by using your argument of them acting like us, we observe and study everything. Why would it not be different for them to study us, either from a distance, or up close, or even closer (abductions)?

and, your question: If we knew intelligent life forms exist in outer space, so what? what does it change?

It changes religion, it changes the way we percieve the universe, and it could possibly change the way humans treat other humans. If there were a worldwide alien disclosure, and everyone saw for themselves that there really ARE aliens from outside our solar system, would that not change a thing? You really think that everyone is gonna be like "Wow... so there really ARE aliens, eh? Hmm... dear, could you make me another cup of tea? I want to catch up on the stock market.."? Jeez, dude... that's some narrow-mindedness right there. I assume you cut people off, or drive like a jackass and think that it does not impact anyone elses life... just by your thread ALONE you have caused something to happen. Get over yourself, and quit buying into James Randi's B.S.!

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 12:20 AM
Great link Earthscum!Michio is another super bright guy who is helping open minds.He and Greene are very interesting to listen to,they are truly opening doors.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 02:55 AM
There is a species of worm that lives off of and in chunks of methane ice at the bottom of the sea. Correct me if I'm wrong, but at that depth there is virtually no oxygen, intense pressure, and zero light. That sounds pretty extreme for an environment in which to live. Also I encourage everyone to visit the NASA advanced propulsion project site. Interesting stuff there. Yes, it's theories at this point but check it out.

NASA Advanced Propulsion Project

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 03:00 AM
Just found this too. (sorry 'bout the dual post, went to add to my previous post and the second link erased the body of the previous post.)

Methane Worms

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