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FAKE: Occupy Wallstreet is bought by Gates,Soros,Rockefeller and others for $3.6m

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Americanist
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Tell that to this guy:

“That was my home,” said Shane Stoops, 23, an occupier from Seattle who said he had been at Zuccotti since the dawn of the protest Sept. 17. “You see all those garbage trucks? That’s where I live now. They took my life, all my clothes, my four-man tent and mattress, all of my books and three years of drawings.”

Those guys, as you quote there, are the ones I do feel sorry for. They actually bought the line of crap the OW organizers/facilitators were feeding the masses to build headcounts in the parks. They believed them when they said they couldn't be thrown out at Zuccotti park and they had faith when informants inside NYPD and ESU always snuck a warning to the park to prevent what happened last night. Sadly...they believed the B.S. right into total loss and destruction. It breaks my heart to see how that ended for guys like that, because misplaced faith DID cost them what little bit they still had in life.

Now..... Will ONE DIME of that 500,000 Dollars or more be used to help replace ANYTHING for the followers who believed and got screwed to the pavement last night? Do we even need to ask that?? I don't. They'll get apologies..maybe..and they'll get very sincere looking expressions of solidarity and grief for their loss...but they won't get squat from the movement they've now lost everything in support of. Not one penny. Bet on it.

Now..... If the guy quoted above hadn't bellied up to the bar for his giant mug of Kool-Aid, it could fairly be said he dropped his life's belongings into a park and onto land that was never his to claim and NEVER his to camp in the first place. He lost everything by his own judgement and decision making process.....or lack there of. However, he did drink the Kool-aid and I DO blame those who poured his mug of it as much as I blame him for not using his own head on this.

The end result was inevitable and only a question of time. I figured Zuccotti would be among the last to fall...but fall it would and fall it must. Only a question of when. The timing is all I am shocked was everyone else. (grin) The Cops ARE learning and changing fast. I'm truly impressed.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:37 AM
What specific role have Bill Gates, Soros, or Rockefeller played in the decision making among the thousands of occupy protests around the globe? They didn't help to organize any rallies at occupykc. They didn't help us organize credit union booths to get people away from the big banks on credit union day. I sure as hell don't see George Soros making any proposals at GAs.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

Originally posted by Americanist
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Tell that to this guy:

“That was my home,” said Shane Stoops, 23, an occupier from Seattle who said he had been at Zuccotti since the dawn of the protest Sept. 17. “You see all those garbage trucks? That’s where I live now. They took my life, all my clothes, my four-man tent and mattress, all of my books and three years of drawings.”

Those guys, as you quote there, are the ones I do feel sorry for. They actually bought the line of crap the OW organizers/facilitators were feeding the masses to build headcounts in the parks. They believed them when they said they couldn't be thrown out at Zuccotti park and they had faith when informants inside NYPD and ESU always snuck a warning to the park to prevent what happened last night. Sadly...they believed the B.S. right into total loss and destruction. It breaks my heart to see how that ended for guys like that, because misplaced faith DID cost them what little bit they still had in life.

Now..... Will ONE DIME of that 500,000 Dollars or more be used to help replace ANYTHING for the followers who believed and got screwed to the pavement last night? Do we even need to ask that?? I don't. They'll get apologies..maybe..and they'll get very sincere looking expressions of solidarity and grief for their loss...but they won't get squat from the movement they've now lost everything in support of. Not one penny. Bet on it.

Now..... If the guy quoted above hadn't bellied up to the bar for his giant mug of Kool-Aid, it could fairly be said he dropped his life's belongings into a park and onto land that was never his to claim and NEVER his to camp in the first place. He lost everything by his own judgement and decision making process.....or lack there of. However, he did drink the Kool-aid and I DO blame those who poured his mug of it as much as I blame him for not using his own head on this.

The end result was inevitable and only a question of time. I figured Zuccotti would be among the last to fall...but fall it would and fall it must. Only a question of when. The timing is all I am shocked was everyone else. (grin) The Cops ARE learning and changing fast. I'm truly impressed.

To trace back further you would then place blame on syndicates pumping phony currency into World markets which collateralize the Tax Payers? I mean, if you're going to go after something, why stick to entry level discussion?

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:53 AM
I knew this way before they went public when Bloomberg made the announcement.

Druid majik and sorcery has made most everyone super slow yet this super slowness is hidden by your educated personality. Sure you are articulate, sure you can use big words and share data as factual but you are slow.
As far as the illuminists and secret orders...well they have become more koo koo than Crowley and Hitler.

The key is to be a solo artist illuminist with no god or government to serve..bow before no one and do not allow others to bow before you.

edit on 15-11-2011 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

I hope you know that the Occupy (Martial Law) Movement is completely fake. Its funded by wall-street investors like George Soros and others through the Tide foundation.

Of course it is!! This is a distraction!! Wall Street is a patsy! OWS has been steered away from the real crooks in DC! The problem begins with the government! Who allows the Federal Reserve and big banks to do what they do? Who bailed out the crooks with our tax dollars? Who forced banks to make bad loans (Fanny & Freddy)? Who sends billions of our tax dollars overseas? OUR GOVERNMENT! Those are the real crooks!! A company or lobbyist cannot buy someone who is not willing to be bought. Period!

Occupy the White House!! Occupy Congress!! Stop Being Played!! Don't let the real crooks shift blame!!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

You guys crack me up when you site Soros as your pet boogyman. I'll be perfectly blunt: I like George Soros. I think he's a swell guy. There are tons of people out there who will read your post and say "What's your point?"

The ones who are actually scared by the myth of Soros are people who only get their news from right-wing fear sites.

So you like a guy who betrayed his fellow countrymen? Soros admits helping the Nazis collect the personal property of his fellow Jews before they were led to their deaths in the gas chamber. Swell guy!! Nothing wrong or immoral about that, right? The fact that you and others don’t see a problem with him is very telling!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:28 PM
So wait... there are actually people here who don't think Soros is behind OWS?

Soros is very much behind OWS, they want socialism which will only manifest itself as corporatism if successful.

Soros has put over $5bn towards the progressive movement already, way over $5bn.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by satron
Lot of people are have been asking for free food, sounds like they can't allocate those funds that well...

Anyways, your Newsbusters site sucks. All the links in the article are no good, except for advertisements, and the story sounds bogus.

I think Soros paid you, you like that?

EDIT: Next time, try and find something with substance before parroting these claims.

You’re right! There is no proof that Soros is involved. How about this from yesterday? And before you dismiss it because you personally don’t like the site, why don’t you dispute the claim itself. ACORN and Media Matters are involved too? Come on! Admit it! OWS is bought and paid for by socialist crooks who are buddies with our liberal government. It is what it is!


Watch out New York City. The Occupy anti-capitalist movement is preparing to serve a three-course meal of so-called direct action that apparently includes the blocking of subways and bridges as well as shutting down the stock market. The attempt to cause mass chaos, slated for Thursday, is tied to the Tides Center, the George Soros-financed group that funds far-left causes. Tides grantees have been helping to direct Occupy from the onset of the anti-Wall Street movement. Occupy Wall Street is currently holding "Direct Action Preparation and Training" courses today and tomorrow in downtown Manhattan to gear up for Thursday's round of riots.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:34 PM
George Soros's house

Wow... look at that property
And nobody knows where he makes all that money from because finding that out is beyond the capabilities of the SEC

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by seabag

When he was a kid and he was delivering summons to Jewish lawyers to report to camps. What those fringe sites don't tell you is that he was also warning those lawyers of what was really going down at the request of his father. His father was also an attorney so what those bubba-effect websites accuse him of doesn't even make sense nor are they based in anything close to reality.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:38 PM
So far...

I'm seeing one side providing their evidence Links-Articles-Videos and on the other all I'm seeing is rhetoric and opinions.

I'm starting to wonder if some deniers are being complicit with those involved.
This is a Conspiracy site after all

Not and accusation just a question...

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
George Soros's house

Wow... look at that property
And nobody knows where he makes all that money from because finding that out is beyond the capabilities of the SEC

If they expose him how will they get their share of his money?
Soros is the poster boy for corporatism and crony capitalism. His companies have bought and paid for half of the politicians in Washington and his front groups do their bidding. He has meddled around in so many governments around the world that it’s hard to keep track. The US is just his latest venture. What's really funny is how many people on ATS deny his involvement and/or dismiss it as proaganda. Talk about sheeple!!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by seabag

When he was a kid and he was delivering summons to Jewish lawyers to report to camps. What those fringe sites don't tell you is that he was also warning those lawyers of what was really going down at the request of his father. His father was also an attorney so what those bubba-effect websites accuse him of doesn't even make sense nor are they based in anything close to reality.

That's completely ridiculous! Nice try though!


George’s father changed the family name to something less Jewish-sounding (Soros). As a teenager George went to work for the Judenrat (the name is self explanatory). This was a council of Jewish collaborators set up by the Nazis to aide them in their extermination efforts.

Then his father found him an even better gig:

Theodore hatched a better plan for his son. He bribed a non-Jewish official at the agriculture ministry to let George live with him. George helped the official confiscate property from Jews. By collaborating with the Nazis, George survived the Holocaust. He turned on other Jews to spare himself.

Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes asked him that.

Was it difficult?

“Not at all,” Soros answered.

“No feeling of guilt?” asked Kroft.

“No,” said Soros. “There was no sense that I shouldn’t be there. If I wasn’t doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not. So I had no sense of guilt.”

That explains a lot about the man who almost single handedly funds the radical left.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by seabag

Nothing you linked is from any legitimate news source; it was a blog. This is my point. The one real quote from it was asking him if he felt guilt but it was out of context after a blog entry that was fabricated by a paranoid Limbaugh fan.

There is nothing real to this made-up version of the story. Period. If you can find an AP source or something from his biography that can prove this fabrication, I'll reconsider my stance.

Blogs are not news...

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:09 PM

I am 10000000% percent positive we will win it in real life. I am not being sarcastic, some people just don't get it....





A. Those that don't actually know what this is about.
B. Those who don't YET have hope this will succeed.
C. Those who are morally corrupted and your opinion doesn't matter anyway. The staus quo is UNACCEPTABLE to any moral human being. Prepare to fight to the death or change sides when the time comes.

Period, end of story.

Mark my words...

This is JUST the beginning!

We will win, we will put Goldmansachs on trial and behead them!


For anyone who doubts the truth about this REVOLUTION goto

This mindset WON all of the revolutions in the Arab Spring, and WILL WIN, THE BIGGEST REVOLUTION EVER WITNESSED ON EARTH.

Corruption stops with us, we have found THE SOLUTION, THE "IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE"

ONCE YOU REALIZE WHAT I am saying is the TRUTH. You will literally wake up and join the hive mind...

OWS is a perfect virus that has NO vaccine!

I am not being sarcastic, I literally start laughing now when I read ridiculous FEAR CONSPIRACY posts like the OP's...


Doesn't matter where we are... THIS IS A MENTAL BATTLE AGAINST FEAR AND IGNORANCE. It IS THAT simple! Because we made that way!

I will no longer act as mouthpiece for the FEAR BASED MAINSTREAM MEDIA.

WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! Unless you are a corrupt insider-trading politician, or a big banker, you have nothing to worry about!!! Our country is full of good people!


Again, you have been lied to by the media, goto for the truth.

IN GOD I TRUST... And I am sure God is not on GOLDMAN-LICK-MY-SACHS side!

We will win through satire and good humor. We will make a joke out of our enemies and literally laugh at them at every turn.... WE ARE THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW FEAR.

Just joking, go back to your slave life, don't worry about the 1,000,000 Iraqi citizens who died because of our Idiotcracy...


WE THE PEOPLE..... are the government.. WE WIN!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:24 PM
Let's not forget how public employee unions are also feeding the OWS cow.

Great video detailing how VA nurses are paid to travel to these events around the WORLD. All expenses paid by you and the unions of course.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by CREAM

Your caps lock button is broken.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by CREAM

You assume that corruption is not at the heart of ows. With such support from those with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, how can any change take place? We have unions that are major political backers marching for change??? The WFP is a political party for crying out loud! The ows masses have bought into the hype, without looking at who stands besides them!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by seabag

Nothing you linked is from any legitimate news source; it was a blog. This is my point. The one real quote from it was asking him if he felt guilt but it was out of context after a blog entry that was fabricated by a paranoid Limbaugh fan.

There is nothing real to this made-up version of the story. Period. If you can find an AP source or something from his biography that can prove this fabrication, I'll reconsider my stance.

Blogs are not news...

60 Minutes isn't news? I've read that about Soros on several sites. Do you have a reference? Show me how its out of context. All I read was you saying it's false again. Back up your claim. Your posts are not news and they are baseless.  

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 01:39 PM

edit on 15-11-2011 by seabag because: Double post

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