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Sharia Law. She's buried chest high.

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posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by MisterFister103
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

The Christian God has a lot of faults, but he does seem to be generally more forgiving than this Allah character. Or at the very least, the people who follow the Christian God are a lot more humane and tolerant than followers of the Islamic God.

I disagree entirely. It is simply in the current cultural climate, we consider Western Liberalism to be connected to christianity via association.

Christianity was the reason for many of the hurdles which had to be jumped to get to this (somewhat) personally free society/ culture.

I would say Yahweh is in general at least equally, or maybe even less, forgiving than Allah. There is simply a clever little clause in the Qur'an which means that verses CANNOT be 'interpreted' in any way other than literal and pure otherwise you are effectively equating yourself with Allah by presuming you understand his mind and therefore committing blasphemy. Of course, there are exceptions such as the early Caliphs who often ordered with slightly different messages during their reigns.

Indeed, Islam, as the younger religion, is beginning to be 'contaminated' in many places/ communities by Western ideals therefore practically ending certain horrible elements earlier than christianity did.

I believe that the mentality which permits (and encourages) these horrible acts is effectively an 'ends justify the means' mentality combined with divine license. They claim, and possibly believe, that these things are done in Allah's name and because he wants it therefore persuading themselves that they can perform any act because they have the authority of 'the creator' behind them- this would almost be a definition of amorality.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Jim Scott

By their fruits ye shall know them...

^^^^^This. Evil people can't hide behind a nation, religion, or other group.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:35 PM

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:43 PM
Dear posthuman,

Thanks for replying, I just wanted to find out where any agreement was.

May I ask, then how the government decides what is proper in such a case? I thought that all Islamic nations used religious writings for their law, but I could be wrong. Were the laws covering this matter passed by some form of legislature? How did the law come to be? If they used haditha, is that wrong?

With respect,

p.s. I'm delighted that we have agreement on the other four.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Thats because Allah is not YHWH, he is Lucifer. Actions speak louder than words. This is what Jesus Christ has been saying all along in the bible. Know them, by the fruits of their labors. Yeshua ha Meshiach forgives and this is why he is the divine one and why Muhammad is just a blood thirsty madman. Yeshua wanted people to covert, but Muhammad says "if any man should change his religion, kill him". Who would you rather pick? Yeshua who loves you and forgives you? Or Muhammad who would see you die horribly for comitting a sin with a smile on his face?

Sharia law versus the laws of Christ. Love and forgiveness or hate and retribution? Shouldn't be a hard decision to make.

This video was very brutal and it saddend me. How could anyone do these things? I couldn't i do not have the heart to make someone die.
edit on 14-11-2011 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

I don't support none of the institutionalized religions as I think are all a tool of deception and control, created by man to control other man. That being said, don't you recall what did christianity few centuries ago? How many innocent women got burned to stake and berried alive under witchcraft accusations? How many progressive mind got attacked, persecuted and lost their lives under the same dogma we see it happen today? All religions at one point in time were as cruel and savage as they could be. I find it absolutely right believing in something greater then us, being that a God or something else but I will never accept crimes in the name of it.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by BurningSpearess

Duly noted, the religion is based on one of the oldest to set this record straight. Pre-Islamic Arabian Pagan, even before the moon God practices. Rape, murder and torture were never dropped only incorporated into fictions in religion later to justify the dark side of mans journey.
edit on 14-11-2011 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Thetawave

Ahh yes, the poor old lady tilting at an angle in the dirt coming back for another visit to forum land. BTW, it is from a 1994 Dutch movie 'De Steen'. I expect more people have seen the pic in forums, though, posted by yet another stooge singing the plaintive cry of Give War, (with Iran), a Chance. The saintly girl in white giving the title performance is from a BBC propaganda video.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by yes4141

You need to read the Bible , your opinion is very wrong on comparing the Yahweh with Allah. Considering Allah is a type of moon god.

The Muslim's claim that Allah is the God of the Bible and that Islam arose from the religion of the prophets and apostles is refuted by solid, overwhelming archeological evidence. Islam is nothing more than a revival of the ancient Moon-god cult. It has taken the symbols, the rites, the ceremonies, and even the name of its god from the ancient pagan religion of the Moon-god. As such, it is sheer idolatry and must be rejected by all those who follow the Torah and Gospel.

The religion of ancient Israel was based on revelation; the Old Testament says that God appeared in diverse places and spoke to the Patriarchs; there they raised altars of undressed stones, called Beth-el—or House of God. Man's sensual imagination soon led him "to collect his gods in the dust and fashion them as he pleased," imagining that God resided in these Stones. Thus it became Beth-aven or House of Vanity. Beth-el abounded in Chaldea, Asia, Egypt, Africa, Greece, in remote parts of Europe, among the Druids, Gauls, and Celto-Scythians, and in North and South America.

In the Hebrew language, stones fallen from the sky are called Bethel (Heb. "House of God"). After dreaming of a ladder reaching to heaven, Jacob called his stone pillow a Bethel-stone (Genesis 28:10-22).

"The Pagans imitated the Beth-el of Jacob and consecrated them with oil and blood, making them gods, calling them Betyles (betylus, baetyl, betyles). In classical antiquity a stone, either natural or artificially shaped, venerated as of divine origin, or as a symbol of divinity. There were a number of these sacred stones in Greece, the most famous being on the omphalos at Delphi. Likewise there were the so-called animated or oracular stones. "Strabo, Pliny, Helancius (Hellanicus) or Beth-al-Jupiter, Cybele, Venus, Mithras). The greater part of the natural Betyles were the black meteorites or fire-balls fallen from the heavens and regarded by the Sabeists as heavenly divinities. These meteorites were the Cabiri, and the Pelasgi—whose most noted worshippers were wandering or dispersed men" (The Trail of the Serpent, by Inquire Within, Boswell Publishing Co., Limited, London (1936) p. 10).

So ... yeah.
edit on 04/30/2011 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:37 PM
TL;DR - Islam as a religion is spiritually legitimate, but the behaviour of far too many Muslims isn't.

Do not let these sorts of acts lead you into making emotive generalisations about Islam as a whole. A lot of Muslims, from an Islamic perspective, are actually heretics.

You can also respond that this is part of Sharia Law, and hence my argument is invalid; but if you want to take that angle, go and read Rumi, or for that matter, the writing of any other mystic, of any religion. That is, someone who has actually had genuine contact with God.

They will NEVER advocate murder. EVER.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Thetawave

Many of you blame the religion, its not it. Its the people that claim to be apart of it. There are many good Muslims out there. Its the politicians that try to 'justify' religious laws with moral laws that should be condemned.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:42 PM
While I don't stand and applaud this kind of tyranny and torture (its quite disturbing IMO), I say let them do whatever the hell they want to do. It isn't our business. When we meddle with other peoples cultures or religions is where we get into trouble.

I will stand up and take action if I notice that my next door neighbor has his wife buried chest deep and throwing stones at her, but what can the human rights movement do to stop this deep in the middle east? Send in troops?? Donate money?? I just don't understand why it is okay to try to change a culture that has been operating in the same way for thousands of years.

But everyone has the right to their own opinion. I respect standing up and fighting for these women and children's rights, but what can I do? Absolutely nothing. So I go on with my life.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by Thetawave

The Neo-Con Lie Machine Rolls On....

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:45 PM
This thread should be a prime example of HOW TO MANIPULATE PEOPLE WITH SIMPLE EMOTION.

Doesn't this site have a motto? Oh, what was it...

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by olliemc84

May I ask if you see any possibility in using the United Nations or, perhaps, a regional coalition, to apply pressure in human rights cases?

The UN does have a Human Rights Commission, and the countries in that area are members of the UN, so maybe.....

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:46 PM
Where do they get this idea were it is ok to stone someone?Their religious leaders thats who.Who instill fear in others who go against the quran/allah. I bet muslim's only know parts of the quran just like christians only know parts of the bible.Like most people they dont bother to really look into either and leave it to their leaders.If born into to a religion they have learned all they want to know by their teens and dont go any further.And if they are illiterate they can be manipulated to believe anything just by saying it is in the quran.The clergy in the dark ages kept people from knowing latin therefore the average person went alone with what the clergy said.

Like Mark Twain said "People are only temporary seekers of truth."
Nietzche "Is man God's problem or is God man's problem."

I didnt watch the video.I watched one of the witch burning in Africa and I regret it. It hurt my soul

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Telos

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Thats because Allah is not YHWH, he is Lucifer. Actions speak louder than words. This is what Jesus Christ has been saying all along in the bible. Know them, by the fruits of their labors. Yeshua ha Meshiach forgives and this is why he is the divine one and why Muhammad is just a blood thirsty madman. Yeshua wanted people to covert, but Muhammad says "if any man should change his religion, kill him". Who would you rather pick? Yeshua who loves you and forgives you? Or Muhammad who would see you die horribly for comitting a sin with a smile on his face?

Sharia law versus the laws of Christ. Love and forgiveness or hate and retribution? Shouldn't be a hard decision to make.

This video was very brutal and it saddend me. How could anyone do these things? I couldn't i do not have the heart to make someone die.
edit on 14-11-2011 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

I don't support none of the institutionalized religions as I think are all a tool of deception and control, created by man to control other man. That being said, don't you recall what did christianity few centuries ago? How many innocent women got burned to stake and berried alive under witchcraft accusations? How many progressive mind got attacked, persecuted and lost their lives under the same dogma we see it happen today? All religions at one point in time were as cruel and savage as they could be. I find it absolutely right believing in something greater then us, being that a God or something else but I will never accept crimes in the name of it.

In any religion you are going to have people subverting the true messages for their own personal gain. The incident youre refering to was sanctioned by the Pope in the medievel Roman Catholic Church and granted permission to the Dominicans to burn not just women but men as well at the stake and many other horrible tortures. This incident is called the Spanish Inquisition and it wasn't witches being burned it was my dead brothers and sisters in Christ...the Protestants.

What you and many other people cannot seem to grasp is that there are true christians and there are psuedo-christians, there are true muslim and there are fake-muslim, there are true jews and fake jews. Satan has infiltrated all of our ranks and placed the synagogue of satan within our faiths.

Know how you can tell a true believer in Christ from a fake? Look at their actions, if they are warmongering and beating on the drums of war and calling for blood and reveling in slaughter they do not serve Christ and they are the synagogue of satan. Easiest word to describe them is Hypocrit.

Were not supposed to "accept" their crimes but we are powerless to stop them beyond rebuking them as far as christians are concerned because it has been commanded of us to do no violence. Granted that the catholics didn't follow that decree during the crusades because they were a major synagogue of satan in those times and they controlled our faith until Martin Luther set about the task of ridding them from our ranks and even then he only succeeded in isolating them and creating protestantism.

In the end it doesn't matter what you do because the tools of satan are divide and conquer and part of that conquering comes from splitting up mankind and keeping them warring with eachother while he wreaks havoc behind the scenes.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

In any religion you are going to have people subverting the true messages for their own personal gain. The incident youre refering to was sanctioned by the Pope in the medievel Roman Catholic Church and granted permission to the Dominicans to burn not just women but men as well at the stake and many other horrible tortures. This incident is called the Spanish Inquisition and it wasn't witches being burned it was my dead brothers and sisters in Christ...the Protestants.

What you and many other people cannot seem to grasp is that there are true christians and there are psuedo-christians, there are true muslim and there are fake-muslim, there are true jews and fake jews. Satan has infiltrated all of our ranks and placed the synagogue of satan within our faiths.

Know how you can tell a true believer in Christ from a fake? Look at their actions, if they are warmongering and beating on the drums of war and calling for blood and reveling in slaughter they do not serve Christ and they are the synagogue of satan. Easiest word to describe them is Hypocrit.

Were not supposed to "accept" their crimes but we are powerless to stop them beyond rebuking them as far as christians are concerned because it has been commanded of us to do no violence. Granted that the catholics didn't follow that decree during the crusades because they were a major synagogue of satan in those times and they controlled our faith until Martin Luther set about the task of ridding them from our ranks and even then he only succeeded in isolating them and creating protestantism.

In the end it doesn't matter what you do because the tools of satan are divide and conquer and part of that conquering comes from splitting up mankind and keeping them warring with eachother while he wreaks havoc behind the scenes.

I didn't mean absolutely to offend nobody's feelings. I respect your choice of religion as I respect your religion or other religions for that matter but I'm a grown man and educated enough to think for my self and to have my own opinions. What I said, remains unchanged.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by MisterFister103

yeah right...just like the 9million women the 'humane' christians killed in the name of their God! ALL and I mean ALL belief in this singular god, by name allah, god, whatever breeds a seeming hatred of women and their rights.
WAKE UP AND GET REAL...your god is one of genocidal hatred as enacted in HIS name by a bunch of men in dresses!
Sick sick sick

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Dude, YHWH was just as bad!

Have you read Ezekiel?

Did you see what he made Ezekiel do?

YHWH is an Orion entity. Hehe.

Please quote me again where Jesus states explicitly that he is the son of the God Yahweh?

Personally, i and every other christian out there believes that Yeshua ha Meshiach was actually God in person, our creator the Word. He is our God and the prophecied immanu'el.

Not going any further into that because i'll have millions of people on my case about what christians believe so i'm leaving it at that.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by olliemc84

But everyone has the right to their own opinion. I respect standing up and fighting for these women and children's rights, but what can I do? Absolutely nothing. So I go on with my life.

All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
Go on with you life.
That's right!
That's what everyone does,isn't it? It's "Status Quo".
That's why our society is completely F*****. People buried their heads in the sand and didn't speak out in opposition when they should have. They were intimidated by Political Correctness or fear of being socially outcast from what the mainstream media and entertainment would have you believe was the "norm"
Every time someone who thought being a homosexual was an abominable act,yet bit their tongue they died a little. And every time you saw something blatantly wrong and thought "oh well, everybody else does it." you died a little. And over a course of how many years now we've reached the end of that road, and we ALL know it's got to change. It's going to be a drastic and possibly violent change to remedy this mess of apathy and inaction on people's part. We've all been witness to a long tradition of being made to feel despair, frustrated and helpless in the overwhelming thing called life. There are people.. peddlers of futility if you will, who are more at fault than others and I pray every day they get what's coming to them in this life or the next.
"Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying nation."

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