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Urgent: Wake up now!

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posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by mikey1957
reply to post by Earthmuffin33

I believe the OWS is organized by the elite as a counter-attack to the Tea Party. The Tea Party allowed the Republicans to take them over and now the OWS movement is being co-opted by the Democrats. The Tea Party was a start that I immediately joined hoping that would make a difference, but the MSM immediately began to tear it down and the Republicans took it over for their own selfish agenda. I was blown away by the activities in Wisconsin when the Democrats walked out and went to Illinois. The system completely broke down at that point and now it just feels hopeless. Even if the people can shift the paradigm in a small way, the other side just shifts it back the way they want it. There are only two sides to every issue. And they are both corrupt. And We the People just continue to get played.

ok... i'm not taking stabs at any specific politicians because I really do believe people at least sometimes have decent intentions even if they make wrong choices or or you can't really see the true purpose they were serving... then again, I think most are just actors.

... but.... politicians say this and politicians say that but what you want to hear?

well, I know what the hell I want to hear. I want to hear some damn answers that's what I want to hear! i want to hear some people rolling over on other people dammit! They make laws for us... they lock us up... they sit up doing all kinds of stuff knowing ALL KINDS OF STUFF... and what o we get to hear.... A BUNCH OF DAMN LIES.


Who cares about their damn promises and what they are going to say again that they are gonna do? Who cares about that crap anymore? That is so damn besides the point now guess it's unfixable... it's broke, we need a new one nd we need the one's who broke the damn thing to not get a hold of the next one... NOW THEY ARE POLITICIANS!.... What does this mean? it means they KNOW people.... and they know STUFF.


I want to know what know what the hell they know.

They say they are gonna fix it they are a damn liar automatically. What they need is interrogation. They need to explain why they are schmoozing from the scene of the crime.... if they don't start spitting out some damn answers about all sorts of stuff because their secret buddies won't allow it, then they are cowards. Ok... that's how you identify a coward or a liar... and if he just tries to distract us and pass it off on some else, he's just a filthy rat. The only politician I want to hear talking is the one who is answering real questions. How the hell do we get sold on anything less? because we don't demand it. half our history is an arcane mystery... maybe we just need a new approach to the political situation. Don't play favorites, put em ALL on the stand!
edit on 14-11-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by CREAM

This isn't a debate. If you think that organization is the hardest part, and that conflict will be over within days, then you aren't ready for what you're asking for.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by GringoViejo
reply to post by CREAM

This isn't a debate. If you think that organization is the hardest part, and that conflict will be over within days, then you aren't ready for what you're asking for.

What will be the hardest part then? Enlighten me? OK, maybe it won't be over in a few days, IDK, some revolutions have happened like that. Especially since 95% of Americans don't really care or are too young or old to participate. If it lasts for months, I won't give up until I'm arrested or killed. Simple as that.

I think one plausible scenario is that many of us talking will get out there and get massacred, and then only after that everyone will wake up and realize what really happened, and then there may be a peacefully revolution.

I honestly don't know. I just know I am willing and ready and I trust in God and let my heart guide me.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 05:32 PM
I fail to understand how people have troubles reading the OP, it makes perfect sense to me and is very clear...

Anyways, I'm gonna ask you, Edog, what are YOU doing to free society. I'm not asking this out of disrespect, I'm just curious. For my part, I've been doing all I can to wake people up. I'm just 19 and I don't want to actively get involved in big procedures against the Elite, I just don't know enough about the world yet, even though I spend almost 3-4 hours a day in front of my laptop digging the internet for every info on every topic imaginable. One of these days, I'll have a good enough understanding of it all, then I will act accordingly.

So what can I do for now? I've been posting thousands of articles and opinion texts on Facebook for everyone to see. I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone, but it's just that with the amount of "friends" I have on Facebook and the number of articles I post everyday, people are starting to see a certain pattern emerging, and talking about it to their friends. Long gone is the time where I was being ridiculed for my "conspiratorial" view of the world. Yes, I have abandoned any reference to the word "conspiracy", and this is amazing how people are more receptive that way, just like if they were programmed to automatically discredit anything regarding conspiracies.

Anyways, now I regularly have discussions on world events and how the government/corporations/bankers rule the world against us, and etc. It may not always look like this, but people are aware. Sheeples aren't as sheeply as the conspiracy underworld wants us to believe. No! This is a conspiracy right here, people aren't THAT sleepy. Mind you, I'm a Canadian from Québec (yes, that weird french speaking province), so maybe this has something to do with our culture, I don't know, but people here, damn are they aware. They won't talk about conspiracies, but it's common knowledge here the Elite (banks, corps and govt) are all corrupted and not for the people.

So what are we waiting for? I agree with you, the time is NOW, and tomorrow it's gonna be too late. I know it's not a popular movement here, but let me throw OWS in. This has evolved from the simple anti-WS movement. Here, in Montréal, it's all about direct democracy, ending the FED (even though we are in Canada, USD is the global currency so it includes every countries), ending the life of debt, the Rothschild, and etc etc. A conspiracy theorist's wet dream in other words. Of course, this movement isn't as great everywhere, I've heard it wasn't as great down in Texas...but the fact is that with the Occupy movement, people now have a place to assemble and voice their disagreement. Little do we know, the age of whining in front of the TV might end soon. They will crash the economic system, the end times. People will either take the streets or let themselves be guided into the NWO (or however you want to call it, the "new" system).

It's all coming down and I'm extremely hopeful we will triumph. Humans are so powerful, they under-estimated our power! Ever wonder why we're still not in the NWO? Why there is still no North American Union, why the Euro Union is failing? It's not as easy as they taught, so let's make it a little harder and it should be easy win!

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by edog11

I got a thread removed last night for trying to pursue a serious effort to inform people about the controlled, propaganda/agenda pushing, mainstream corporate media. Seems that we can complain on this website, but not take action

Nah, they have their code of conduct, that's fine. But seriously, of all websites, you would think this one would be the birthplace of the spark that ignites the powder-keg of a mass awakening.

It's up to the individual to take action. I understand, some of the things that you believe, you keep quiet. It's only natural that you don't bring up that 9/11 was an inside job, the government is run by bankers and is corrupted, or that we are progressing towards a total police state as our law enforcement becomes more militarized and oppressive. But your reputation should take a back seat to your principles. If you think that something is seriously wrong with the country, don't just bottle it inside and talk about it on the internet in secrecy, spread the word!

Bring up the subject, and educate people! This can be done in dozens of various ways that I won't get into. But the important thing is that us closet-conspiracy theorists do what we think is right, and educate people in an attempt to wake them up to the reality that isn't portrayed on CNN each night.

In the words of Immortal Technique: "100 years from now, everyone who's living on this planet will be dead. So it's inconsequential really, all the # that you talk, all the BS that you stand for, it's more important what you're ready to build, what you're ready to pass down to your children, what you're ready to create. You better remember that."

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by edog11

Whatever their goal exactly is, it will be very bad for the rest of us judging from their history of blood-lust, cannibalism, satanism, mass-murder, sadism, pedophilia and a bunch of other sick stuff.

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.
edit on 14-11-2011 by Gemwolf because: (no reason given)

Yeah yeah..always blame the Others as if you are a pure being. Those "sick stuff" you count above are part of humanity, not only of "elites".
You shouldn't imagine a steril society, this is what Hitler imagined.
Accept those sick stuff and confront with your deepest shadows. This is what human being is.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 06:24 PM
The problem with the OP's OP is that it isn't exactly coherent. The popular ATS war cry WAKE UP was used in good measure...but the thing is, while the OP uses some popular terms, he/she failed--like every other "awake" person around here--to define in any meaningful way what the hell he/she actually means by WAKE UP etc.

I'm always tempted to remark to these people, "Quit beating around the bush and just tell me already what it is that YOU want ME to believe!"

I actually support these OWS movements. I hope they bring some positive change, but the OP was nonetheless one rambling, semi incoherent diatribe.
edit on 14-11-2011 by Threadfall because: grammar!

edit on 14-11-2011 by Threadfall because: grammar!!

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 06:26 PM
The OP is calling for anarchy. He clearly doesn't know how civilization has operated for THOUSANDS of years since the Sumerian.

It's not the system that's the problem, it's the people who were democratically placed into the positions that run the system which is the problem. Those at top seem to have an agenda, well, blame the masses of morons who elected them or blindly trusted them (in the case of the housing market debacle). You want to be proactive? Then don't trust the f&cking media and check multiple references before you make decisions about who to elect. Or know If a business/housing deal sounds too good to be true, THEN IT IS.

Things not to do: Don't shut down the port to your city to protest about how bad your economy is (oh the irony), deface your markets, egg people for wearing suits and actually going to work while you protest/riot, or attack the police (while you're inside private establishments) who are just doing their jobs. That's seriously not helping (those scenarios all happened).

Our latest generation is the "I want everything but don't want to do any work" generation that complains about any hardship like it's the end of the world. Then they compound the problem.

For those talking about a barbarian revolution (oh, them colorful imaginations again) please do it in the middle of a desert while the rest of us clean up the mess that you caused.
edit on 14-11-2011 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 06:46 PM
Another hypocritical plug.

I see one of these every... 3 weeks?

Wake up, nows the time... yada yada. I feel plenty awake, just a little preoccupied with life.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by edog11

thanks for your post and thread

i am awake and doing the best i can at my current mission...

i love you all, as wether your good or bad we are on the same team


posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by edog11
What "things" are out there more important then your life.I don't consider my son or daughter a "thing",but most of all after your rant that has been posted on ATS and many other website's a hundred times by a hundred people ,what are YOU doing to prevent what you say is comeing?????????????? all you people do is tell us to do something,what the hell are you doing?

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by TheLegend
The OP is calling for anarchy. He clearly doesn't know how civilization operates yet and he has a colorful imagination.

It's not the system that's the problem, it's the people who were democratically placed into the positions that run the system which is the problem. Those people at top seem to have an agenda, well, blame the masses of morons who elected them or blindly trusted them (in the case of the housing market debacle).

Please don't be retarded people and shut down the port to your city to protest about how bad your economy is (oh the irony), deface your markets, egg people for wearing suits and actually going to work while you protest, or combat the police (while you're inside private establishments) who are just doing their jobs. That's seriously not helping (those scenarios all happened).

Our latest generation is the "I want everything but don't want to do any work" generation.
edit on 14-11-2011 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

the elite do not run the system... they pay people to do it because they have the money. most of them probably don't know how to do real work. This is the whole point people are missing. The OP doesn't want anarchy because the elite are not in your town keeping things organized. if the system falls and notta one of us can come up with some type of plan of peaceful order to ATTEMPT.... with the resources we have in a local community, then how in the hell is any of this stuff being done now? You can only do it if you have a buck in your hand? THAT'S A FREAKING COP OUT.... LITERALLY.

I bet that if the system collapsed and martial law was declared (which I was told can no longer be declared... which I really need to look into to cut through the bs)... there would be some very excited volunteers who wanted to help maintain order.... I promise you that. Why is everyone so certain that everything will just stop? it can come damn close but who is running it NOW?


We know how to run this bitch. Why is this even a question? Don't pull sides against the military for example... you are friends with some of those people and pray for them to come home. how do you think they would feel to be asked to turn a gun on American citizens? If people cooperated, it's a hell of a lot less likely that they would not have your back... because this is their country too and they don't want to see a sweep of land go into the hands of the richest people on earth... they don't. They BLEED for this #.... You think they like being jerked around and lied to? Cooperation means across the board. Change does not mean anarchy. We are not looking for more enemies. We are looking for camaraderie and flexibility in opinions as well as staunch resistance to things that should never be. we will always need preparedness in defense... that is opposite anarchy. we just need to remember whose side we are on.

Another fitting song... and a classic!


posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:13 PM
I shall sum up this thread as simple as possible.

Originally posted by TheLegend
The OP is calling for anarchy. He clearly doesn't know how civilization has operated for THOUSANDS of years since the Sumerian.

It's not the system that's the problem, it's the people who were democratically placed into the positions that run the system which is the problem. Those at top seem to have an agenda, well, blame the masses of morons who elected them or blindly trusted them (in the case of the housing market debacle). You want to be proactive? Then don't trust the f&cking media and check multiple references before you make decisions about who to elect. Or know If a business/housing deal sounds too good to be true, THEN IT IS.

Things not to do: Don't shut down the port to your city to protest about how bad your economy is (oh the irony), deface your markets, egg people for wearing suits and actually going to work while you protest/riot, or attack the police (while you're inside private establishments) who are just doing their jobs. That's seriously not helping (those scenarios all happened).

Our latest generation is the "I want everything but don't want to do any work" generation that complains about any hardship like it's the end of the world. Then they compound the problem.

For those talking about a barbarian revolution (oh, them colorful imaginations again) please do it in the middle of a desert while the rest of us clean up the mess that you caused.
edit on 14-11-2011 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer
the elite do not run the system... they pay people to do it because they have the money. most of them probably don't know how to do real work. This is the whole point people are missing. The OP doesn't want anarchy because the elite are not in your town keeping things organized. if the system falls and notta one of us can come up with some type of plan of peaceful order to ATTEMPT.... with the resources we have in a local community, then how in the hell is any of this stuff being done now? You can only do it if you have a buck in your hand? THAT'S A FREAKING COP OUT.... LITERALLY.

I bet that if the system collapsed and martial law was declared (which I was told can no longer be declared... which I really need to look into to cut through the bs)... there would be some very excited volunteers who wanted to help maintain order.... I promise you that. Why is everyone so certain that everything will just stop? it can come damn close but who is running it NOW?

We know how to run this bitch. Why is this even a question? Don't pull sides against the military for example... you are friends with some of those people and pray for them to come home. how do you think they would feel to be asked to turn a gun on American citizens? If people cooperated, it's a hell of a lot less likely that they would not have your back... because this is their country too and they don't want to see a sweep of land go into the hands of the richest people on earth... they don't. They BLEED for this #.... You think they like being jerked around and lied to? Cooperation means across the board. Change does not mean anarchy. We are not looking for more enemies. We are looking for camaraderie and flexibility in opinions as well as staunch resistance to things that should never be. we will always need preparedness in defense... that is opposite anarchy. we just need to remember whose side we are on.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:26 PM
Oh yes... and the OP mentioned Freemasons then said this about us:

Whatever their goal exactly is, it will be very bad for the rest of us judging from their history of blood-lust, cannibalism, satanism, mass-murder, sadism, pedophilia and a bunch of other sick stuff.

You are completely insane my friend.

Forget the unreasonable "laws" that they have put in place to decrease our chances to overcome THEM.

And an anarchist.
edit on 14-11-2011 by MasonicFantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Battleline
reply to post by edog11
What "things" are out there more important then your life.I don't consider my son or daughter a "thing",but most of all after your rant that has been posted on ATS and many other website's a hundred times by a hundred people ,what are YOU doing to prevent what you say is comeing?????????????? all you people do is tell us to do something,what the hell are you doing?

I am currently trying to minimize monetary hold on myself to the bare minimum. my current monthly bills run less than a hundred bucks not including gas, groceries... i do not plan on obtaining too many more bills but I do not plan on living off of anyone else either. i plan to not pay too many taxes after I whittle it down. I plan on growing food and starting gardens for myself and any of my friends and family with a yard who wants more fresh food. i will look for green ways to recycle and live frugally and start doing wha i want to do... writing, video taping, making documentaries of places I know and personal videos about my experiences to help wrap their heads around things that never fit into the system, because I never did and therefore it's part of my job to help this change. i want others to get prepared in case they have to become mobile if disaster strikes, get their power shut off, loose their job... or simply not starve while rain is failing on their head. You don't need as much as you think to survive. what you need is your freedom of choice and your ingenuity.... you need to feel like you are in more control of your life and now many people do not feel that way. people who feel they have control, if they cannot see all those who suffer for someone else's comfort... who cares what they think. You gotta be blind to think that we are gonna keep passing this buck. We've spoiled ourselves into thinking it's an american entitlement. It's a worldwide entitlement and it is YOUR JOB to pitch a damn fit because if you're american... you might be able to get away with it and if you do, you just made it ok for some poor starving SOB to pitch a fit.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by edog11

Well speaking for myself:

I have been trying to facilitate change for a very long time now. Not only in myself but in those I love and even strangers. I am very "burnt out" explaining over and over and over again how exactly corruption works and leading people by their hand to find the "truth" only to have them continue on as if they don't care or submit to the notion "this is just too big to change" and wave their white flags.

I am tired of saying the same things over and over again to people, educating them on what the issues are how they got there and that THEY are moving this machine along to its horrid fruition with their apathetic malaise and lack of general concern for anything that doesn't directly effect their ability to watch american idol or shop in malls...

MANY of us here on ATS have been "awake" and at this for a VERY long time and are probably just ready for someone else to pick up and do their fair share...

I used to be fired up and passionate about the "future" of things and the "potential' for "change" felt as real as the keyboard I am typing on...

I have succumb to the exhaustion of it all and am rather put-off that the "people" I have been trying so long to educate, inspire, involve and evolve would rather continue on
as is" so long as they have their gizmos, gadgets and american idol.

READ AND long as those exist...people will be content enough with the status-quo to avoid challenging it...

Maybe the people are going to get whats coming to them...unfortunately I will also be on the receiving end of that the end of the day I try to tell myself its no big deal, "its just life"...

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by edog11
Forget what you have been programmed to believe.

This request may be impossible. Peoples' beliefs may have intertwined with etymology, and the evolution of languages. Peoples' beliefs may be connected with the very words they rely upon to communicate their thoughts. Words you need to use to effectively share your thoughts may be weaponized by psyops and used to manipulate peoples' priorities, intentions, actions, behaviors, habits, and tendencies. In other words: Language can be a medium used to "program" people with what to believe. So, I suggest the possibility may exist that what you are requesting us to forget, which has programmed us on what to believe, is the same exact words and language we are utilizing. I hope this makes some sense. If not, patterns exist that the subconscious mind may recognize and acknowledge, but the conscious mind may not.....

Occupy Wall Street & Lest We Plutocracy

Originally posted by edog11
Forget the unreasonable "laws" that they have put in place to decrease our chances to overcome THEM.

Forget the laws? ... Forget the laws?
How can I forget the laws when I don't even know the number of them, let alone what they all are?

Forget the unreasonable laws?

Is it reasonable to expect people to conform to more laws than they can live long enough to learn?

Dear American Voters:
If I wanted to move into the house next to yours, could you please tell me the number of laws that I would have to comply with and conform to in order to be a "law abiding citizen" in your neighborhood? I'd like to believe Americans are making informed decision prior to choosing who to hire to be a new LAW MAKERS, paying them to make new laws. Do you believe your candidates know the number of laws, what they all are, and what they all mean when we hold them in context with eachother simultaneously? If Americans locked up all of Congress, Senators and Representatives and the Supreme court justices in a plush hotel resort providing them with everything they need, and did not let them out until they collectively wrote down all the existing laws from memory, do you honestly believe they would live long enough to accomplish the task and be let out?

Just a few thoughts on this subject matter I thought I would share.

And to be totally honest, Bat Man scares me....
Bruce Wayne is the 1%
edit on 14-11-2011 by ILikeStars because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by MasonicFantom
Not to mention...the OP mentioned Freemasons then said this about us:

Whatever their goal exactly is, it will be very bad for the rest of us judging from their history of blood-lust, cannibalism, satanism, mass-murder, sadism, pedophilia and a bunch of other sick stuff.

You are completely insane my friend.

The world's problems don't stem from the "elites" or Freemasons. They stem from public officials and banking criminals.

edit on 14-11-2011 by MasonicFantom because: (no reason given)

i have known freemasons to completely take over small towns... most of them are fine but some of them tend to take way too much into their own hands. some of them tend to be very self righteous... the last masons i was around did not hear a word anybody else said except what came out of their own mouths.

then again... met some who seem great.

check out the poem "the builders" by henry wadsworth longfellow. masons have been important in history but they've also had their hand under the table so watch out for those who always have to wear labels. ou gotta know how to not make a business out of standing on your own and teaching others to do the same.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by edog11

WTH you make so much sense! so much sense, you have taking the words rite out of my post.

Thanks for making sense of what our reality is. its a shame so many human beings don't understand.

here's a human bean who is free from this madness.


posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by MasonicFantom
I shall sum up this thread as simple as possible.

Originally posted by TheLegend
The OP is calling for anarchy. He clearly doesn't know how civilization has operated for THOUSANDS of years since the Sumerian.

It's not the system that's the problem, it's the people who were democratically placed into the positions that run the system which is the problem. Those at top seem to have an agenda, well, blame the masses of morons who elected them or blindly trusted them (in the case of the housing market debacle). You want to be proactive? Then don't trust the f&cking media and check multiple references before you make decisions about who to elect. Or know If a business/housing deal sounds too good to be true, THEN IT IS.

Things not to do: Don't shut down the port to your city to protest about how bad your economy is (oh the irony), deface your markets, egg people for wearing suits and actually going to work while you protest/riot, or attack the police (while you're inside private establishments) who are just doing their jobs. That's seriously not helping (those scenarios all happened).

Our latest generation is the "I want everything but don't want to do any work" generation that complains about any hardship like it's the end of the world. Then they compound the problem.

For those talking about a barbarian revolution (oh, them colorful imaginations again) please do it in the middle of a desert while the rest of us clean up the mess that you caused.
edit on 14-11-2011 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

Originally posted by BlackSatinDancer
the elite do not run the system... they pay people to do it because they have the money. most of them probably don't know how to do real work. This is the whole point people are missing. The OP doesn't want anarchy because the elite are not in your town keeping things organized. if the system falls and notta one of us can come up with some type of plan of peaceful order to ATTEMPT.... with the resources we have in a local community, then how in the hell is any of this stuff being done now? You can only do it if you have a buck in your hand? THAT'S A FREAKING COP OUT.... LITERALLY.

I bet that if the system collapsed and martial law was declared (which I was told can no longer be declared... which I really need to look into to cut through the bs)... there would be some very excited volunteers who wanted to help maintain order.... I promise you that. Why is everyone so certain that everything will just stop? it can come damn close but who is running it NOW?

We know how to run this bitch. Why is this even a question? Don't pull sides against the military for example... you are friends with some of those people and pray for them to come home. how do you think they would feel to be asked to turn a gun on American citizens? If people cooperated, it's a hell of a lot less likely that they would not have your back... because this is their country too and they don't want to see a sweep of land go into the hands of the richest people on earth... they don't. They BLEED for this #.... You think they like being jerked around and lied to? Cooperation means across the board. Change does not mean anarchy. We are not looking for more enemies. We are looking for camaraderie and flexibility in opinions as well as staunch resistance to things that should never be. we will always need preparedness in defense... that is opposite anarchy. we just need to remember whose side we are on.

Well thought out.

Very convincing. I don't think it is necessary for you to simply repost what others have already said for the sake of repetition but thanks.

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