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Doing This Would Change The Minds Of Those Who Doubt The Existence Of Sasquatch

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posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by N3k9Ni

Originally posted by blocula

Terrifying thoughts that the creature is always only a step away from you will fill your mind.About how it might be about to leap out in front of you,or jump down from a tree,growling and screaming at any moment.Every noise you hear will be transformed into sounds made by the Sasquatch as it stalks and follows you through the dark forest,hungry and ready to attack...

That's an interesting story, but of everything I've ever read, watched, or heard about Sasquatch, there's never been anything about them following, stalking or eating people.
If there ever were people captured or eaten by sasquatch,we would probably never even know about it...A person would go missing and have their face put on the back of a milk carton,or on the post office bulletin board,that next to no one looks at anyways and they would be very quickly forgotten by the vast majority of people who are too busy buying flat screen tv's to give a damn...

And sasquatch has been seen in trees and jumping down from them...A documentary i watched recently,where the witness described the sasquatch doing that,jumping and crashing down through tree branches and then chasing him down a trail...Scary or what?
edit on 6-11-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 10:49 PM
I made what I thought was a funny riposte to a Sasquatch believer on another thread which, to my surprise and dismay, upset the person profusely. I realized that his belief was not only profound but that it was practically his sole reason for living in his quest to prove their existence. I apologized unreservedly.
The OP on this thread is perhaps open for criticism in that the idea of isolating someone in the wilderness would scare them into believing in the Sasquatch.
If you would like a much more scary experience then have a walk through Melbourne's CBD after midnight. Believe me - that's scary!
I saw a documentary last night by someone called Matt Moneymaker of the BFRO (perhaps you may be familiar with it) which, despite the vastness of the research, using the most sophisticated equipment, searching the areas in Georgia, there was no positive evidence, only more and more speculation.
I wish you believers well in your search as I do those who search for the 'Yeti' and, here in Australia, the 'Yowie' but scaring us into it is not the way to convince us.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 10:58 PM
I wish you believers well in your search as I do those who search for the 'Yeti' and, here in Australia, the 'Yowie' but scaring us into it is not the way to convince us

I'm only explaining an example of taking a person,who does'nt believe in sasquatch,out of and far away from his safe,friendly and comfortable habitat,his house and putting that person,alone,deep in the wilderness where sasquatch has been seen...

Then when that person returns,i want to hear what he then thinks about the existence of sasquatch...

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 11:08 PM
Its not Sasquatch that I found so unbelievable in this story as much as a 20 mile hike in dense woods late in the afternoon. Sounded like a walk in the park and 10 minutes later you transverse 20 miles.

Back in my hiking days twenty miles took some time and effort even on a flat course. I think I would have made camp for the night and ask Sasquatch to bring his own smores.

Maybe old Sasquatch is the scared one and he runs back to the tribe blathering about his encounter with a booted, plaid looking man-thing.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by garbageface
This ranks up there with one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read.. I'd be more worried about keeping fed and finding my way back.. I'd be just as worried about sasquatch out there as I am worried about him here in my bed right now.. Not at all.

Try it and see how rediculous it is. People can talk the talk all they want, but it's a whole different deal being alone in the bush, deep from any civilization, and even worse off if you don't have a weapon. Strange things happen in the dark of night.

If there ever were people captured or eaten by sasquatch,we would probably never even know about it...

Actually there is a famous story about a guy who was captured deep in the bush by a family of samsquatch, and he escaped by getting them messed up on chewing tobacco. It happened in BC I believe.

Bigfoot abductions
edit on 6-11-2011 by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 11:10 PM
There was a deputy sheriff in oregon state who had almost that same scenerio happen...

It was featured on the sci-fi channel..

Here's a link to the video:

sci-fi channel bigfoot

testimony seems credible enough, but each to their own...

Living in Washington state myself, I have heard a ton of stories like this from campers as well as relatives who were scared out of ever going deep forest camping ever again..
Logs and big rocks tossed on their campfires, and other fun things happening to people in the pacific northwest.. They can't all be liars..
edit on 6-11-2011 by alienreality because: small fix

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 11:48 PM
It seems that those with the sophisticated equipment never get to see anything whilst those who have no equipment whatsoever are the ones who come across these creatures.
I take the OP's point but the cause of the fear could be alien, a bear, a ghost or another human who has escaped society and wishes to remain alone.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by blocula
I guarantee that while your on your dark,long and lonely way back through the wilderness alone.You will eventually become so scared and frightened at the thought of a Sasquatch out there in the darkness with you,that you will be slowly driven into a state of paranoid terror.Terrifying thoughts that the creature is always only a step away from you will fill your mind.About how it might be about to leap out in front of you,or jump down from a tree,growling and screaming at any moment.Every noise you hear will be transformed into sounds made by the Sasquatch as it stalks and follows you through the dark forest,hungry and ready to attack...

I once had a car break down on me in a very wooded area of northern Wisconsin late at night. Before cell phones. I got out of the car to try and walk to wherever the closest house might be.

Though there have been rumours of Sasquatch in the area, that was the least of my thoughts.......

The area is full of black bears, and those people do run into quite often. Point being there are all sorts of critters in the woods, so the last one on my mind would be something fictional!

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by OzTiger
It seems that those with the sophisticated equipment never get to see anything whilst those who have no equipment whatsoever are the ones who come across these creatures.
I take the OP's point but the cause of the fear could be alien, a bear, a ghost or another human who has escaped society and wishes to remain alone.

I've been alone in the bush by myself before. Mind you that I was never too far in the bush by myself, but far enough to be aware that I was far away enough from home. It's a whole other world. And no, bigfoot is not the specific thing that comes to mind; it is the fact that you simply don't know what's around you, and trust me, you're always surrounded.

And yes, people who aren't loaded with convenient equipment to record their experiences are much less likely to run into something like bigfoot. When you're not expecting it is when it is more likely to happen; when you are expecting, you might end up pursuing a bear (or whatever) while thinking your right on samsquatch's ass and then when you realize that you just wasted your time you buy right into the hoax belief.

It's like saying there's no sturgeon in a lake because you fished in it your whole life and never caught one (but really, how do you know what is below the surface?).

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by blocula

umm youre going to do that from Mass? Where are you Boston?

Have you even BEEN to Oregon?

I spent 10 yrs exploring the cascade mountain ranges........

Go ahead, Id be a nice respite from where I am now........oh and when you come back, be sure to bring some extra toilet paper................

That is if you can find me, I have a tendency to disappear when im up there

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:42 AM
Nobody would be scared of a sasquatch up in Oregon. Lots of animals live up in the trees, even bears go up in the trees.

The other part of your story that ranks high on imagination is you walking someone 20 miles back into the wilderness and you returning 20 miles back out before nightfall. You obviously don't have a clue as to how far you can travel in the wilderness on foot walking all day, or even half of a day.

People would be more scared of you than anything else in the woods simply because you want someone else to go into the woods with you that is unarmed, while you would be armed.

Who knows, you could be a brick short of a full load and be some type of crazed killer looking for unsuspecting victims here on ATS.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by blocula

Its the cascades..........everyone spends time alone up in the mountains, and much farther in than 20 miles......
And still not everyone believes in bigfoot.....

you dont know much about the back country do you?

And how do you suppose someone from Mass is going to know their way around enough up there to drive ME (someones whose spent years in that area) up 20 miles in and leave me?

LOL judging by your clear lack of bet is i make it back on foot before you do......

Dont mess with that country up there if you dont know what youre doing.......

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 04:53 AM
The last poster is right about the 20 mile trek. That isn't happening anytime soon. Many years ago, back in school playing football, we were all timed jogging for 1.5 miles. The average about 12 to13 minutes.
The worst animals to fear would be the cougar and a bear, especially if it has cubs nearby.
A coyote could put a scare into a person if you never heard one before, but fairly harmless to humans.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 05:21 AM
A great man once said that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
That Sasquatch exists is not in itself a fear it is something that we fear because whereas some doubt that it exists it is a question of whether or not it presents a threat!
Much more to come on this subject.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by OzTiger
A great man once said that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
That Sasquatch exists is not in itself a fear it is something that we fear because whereas some doubt that it exists it is a question of whether or not it presents a threat!
Much more to come on this subject.

That would be FDR who said that.

But personally, I think it's pretty damn scary to be alone deep in the bush, at night, knowing that you're surrounded by creatures that spent their whole lives there while I have not. I may feel somewhat more secure with a rifle and a fire, but what happens when something approaches me that is not afraid of either my gun, my fire or myself?

I think this is what most posters here don't seem to get. I really doubt that many of them have spent much time alone in the bush, and if they did then they were probably lucky enough to be in a fairly "unpopulated" area than others (like a desert vs thick forest).
edit on 7-11-2011 by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

I think this is what most posters here don't seem to get. I really doubt that many of them have spent much time alone in the bush, and if they did then they were probably lucky enough to be in a fairly "unpopulated" area than others (like a desert vs thick forest).

I could see how it could be that way for a lot of people...........but to those of us who have spent vast amounts of time in extremely isolated places, the animals there to us are much less fierce then the animals in the urban environment..

Ive spent lots of time alone in the cascades and high deserts and back country texas, with no one around for possibly 100 miles.........its just something you learn to me theres nothing scary about it, you take your precautions there just like anywhere else.....

But for the OP to claim that youd have some sort of epiphany about bigfoot from being alone at night in the woods is laughable at best........

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:16 AM
they're called samsquanches, ricky

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:16 AM
Sounds like a basis for a movie.....oh hang on Blair Witch Project.....already done. What a bad movie and not at all scary for anyone who has camped in the middle of nowhere. Even here in the crowded UK there are areas in Scotland where there is literally nothing, not even a dirt track for miles......that's the appeal. No Loch Ness monster though (Loch Ericht actually).

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:20 AM
Here is what kills me the OPs' story. First off, is Bigfoot real? Has there been any unmistakable proof, ever? I'm not saying it isn't because I don't know. I'm not saying it is either, but come on. If you take any inexperienced person into the woods, leave them alone, and say find your way back, your damn right they are gonna be scared. Anyone who has been in the woods can say they have heard a major ruckus only to see it was a small squirrel. Fear of an idea is understandable, especially if your not prepared to deal with it. To take an unarmed person into any wilderness situation unprepared is an accident waiting to happen. The scary part is your ability to knowingly endanger some one to try and prove a point. Again, the point is flawed. So you seen an animal you can not explain. Big, hairy, whatever. That's great. Was it truly a Bigfoot? We won't know. Does taking someone twenty miles as you put it, into the wilderness proof that big foot exists? No. Coming from a military back ground, there is a point when you are put into survival mode for two weeks at a time, in the deep wilderness, alone, with nothing more than a knife, field guide, and your wits. I heard a lot of things, reflected on a lot of things, and Big Foot never really ranked up there with the larger known predators of the area. And by the way...seeing many different environments including sandy # holes where the problem is returned fire...I'll take that twenty mile hike with ya any day. My bet is I make out long before you do.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:35 AM
I think the OP is projecting their fears of being alone in the woods in the dark.

I have spent many a night alone with nothing around for miles (with no guns) and i have never even thought of bigfoot or the boogyman.

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