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Death Highlights Problems with Drugs and Group Sex at Occupy Vancouver

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posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

What group has had to compromise and who have not? The people have had to do all the compromising with none on the side of companies or banks. How is that fair?

As to the last 4 lines of your post the Declaration covers this and addresses this.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:36 PM
Dang, people are having heroin fueled orgies in the streets, and all I got is the satisfaction of closing my bank account?
I miss all the fun! I didn't even get a t-shirt.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

No one in the movement supports corporatism as it has caused a whole mess of problems!

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.


Economically speaking, I am part of the 99%.

But, how can the OWS protesters speak for me?
Do you know how I feel about government? Bankers? The stock market?
Health care?? The state of education? Corporations???

I don't understand how OWS think they can speak for the 99% since they have no way of knowing what 99% of the 99% really think and believe.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

edit on Sun Nov 6 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by DontTreadOnMe

State what you feel. We are here to learn from the 99% so that we can truly and better represent the 99%!

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by QueSeraSera

Originally posted by Americanist

Originally posted by AtticusRye
A woman has died of a possible drug overdose at "Occupy Vancouver" with several more having been treated for problems involving drugs in the past few days. The Vancouver Fire Department and provincial health service are expressing concern at needle sharing, drug dealing and public group sex at the encampment.

Do 99% of Canadians engage in public group sex and recreational drug use? (Not a dig, just a question.)

No, but it's a good guess most rock tours do. Let me know the next time you get invited on the bus. Not short bus...

Problem is, this isn't a rock tour. It's supposed to be a focused demonstration against Wall Street and the moneyed corruption of government, globally, not the umpteenth "recreation" of Woodstock. Those who get busted only provide fodder for those who seek to discount what this grassroots movement truly embodies; "We're as mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!"

Problem is they're not going to take it, but they're going to give it. If you caught my drift.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

4. Failure to condemn the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrille Giffords!

Excuse me?

NO ONE, tea party, democrat, liberal, conservative EVER did anything BUT condemn that attack.

And it was done by a guy who was TOTALLY NUTS.

This is some of the most distasteful crap I have ever read from you.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

The White House condemned the action, The Congress condemned the act but not one person in the TP condemned the act!

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by AtticusRye
A woman has died of a possible drug overdose at "Occupy Vancouver" with several more having been treated for problems involving drugs in the past few days. The Vancouver Fire Department and provincial health service are expressing concern at needle sharing, drug dealing and public group sex at the encampment.

Do 99% of Canadians engage in public group sex and recreational drug use? (Not a dig, just a question.)

Do 99% of us engage in drugs and public sex? Probably not. I'd like to see the number if you have it - what percentage of us do?

Now this is a wild guess, but I'd say out of the protesters, that same percentage still does!

Revolutionary thinking, huh?


posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by AtticusRye

Find me proof that Goldman Sachs is behind this movement? That's right, you can't!

Obama supports OWS. Goldman Sachs supports Obama (top 5 contributors in 2008).

A revolution has the power structure quaking in their boots. A revolution doesn't have the power structure politely applauding it over escargot at a $25,000-plate fundraiser.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by projectvxn

The White House condemned the action, The Congress condemned the act but not one person in the TP condemned the act!

I sure as hell did.

I even went after a few of the more extremist right wing posters here, got a few of them banned, for saying seriously egregious things. I'm a Tea Party member. As a matter of fact the Tea Party was BLAMED for it, even though Jared Loughner had NOTHING to do with the Tea Party AT ALL.

Ariz. tea party activists voice shock at shooting

NJ Tea Party Coaltion Condemns Arizona Shooting

St. Louis Tea Party Coalition Statement on Gabrielle Giffords Shooting

You're lying, and you KNOW IT.
edit on 6-11-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by NiNjABackflip
reply to post by AtticusRye

I've been to occupy Vancouver, and although the protest has been subverted by the homeless and addicted street people, there are still a lot of people there who do not share needles or engage in group sex. It would be dangerous and ludicrous to paint a whole group of people with that brush.

A fair point. While we agree OW-Vancouver is primarily the homeless and street urchins, it is fair to say there is a tiny minority in there who genuinely seem motivated and also concerned that they've been sidelined by hookers and drug pushers.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 03:03 PM
I just took a little walk down there to see what's going on. It turns out, the girl who died is associated with a band of street kids whom I've seen many times. They sit on the corners with their dogs asking for handouts. Usually you can find them begging for change in front of the liquor store.

While I believe the movement in Vancouver has been tainted if not completely destroyed because of this news; it has been the result of a few to ruin it for the many. They were standing around a memorial when I got there and a hostile disruption ensued after a man was taking pictures of them. One girl completely lashed out and attempted to assault him while their dread lock friends held her back. In my opinion, this group needs to be evicted. Not by the city, but by the organizers if they want to save face.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by FlySolo
I just took a little walk down there to see what's going on. It turns out, the girl who died is associated with a band of street kids whom I've seen many times. They sit on the corners with their dogs asking for handouts. Usually you can find them begging for change in front of the liquor store.

While I believe the movement in Vancouver has been tainted if not completely destroyed because of this news; it has been the result of a few to ruin it for the many. They were standing around a memorial when I got there and a hostile disruption ensued after a man was taking pictures of them. One girl completely lashed out and attempted to assault him while their dread lock friends held her back. In my opinion, this group needs to be evicted. Not by the city, but by the organizers if they want to save face.

How would they evict them? Ask them politely to leave? If they don't then what? Should a group of private citizens (OWS) use makeshift weapons and physical violence to force them off the same property they're on? The only way they can be removed is through police power. Police power involves, necessarily by its very definition, the use of increasing degrees of violence. When the police move in the large percentage of OWS who consists of this group fall back in among other OWS protestors.

Then what should the police do? Tell OWS to disburse so they can grab the dreadlock gang?

OWS refuses to disburse calling it a corporate conspiracy to get them to leave. Then what?

Then the police move into the main throng to retrieve the dreadlock gang.

Welcome to Oakland.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by FlySolo
One girl completely lashed out and attempted to assault him while their dread lock friends held her back

OWS arrests have been split between (1) planned arrests [e.g. traffic blockades to provoke an arrest for publicity purposes], (2) police arresting street urchin gangs engaged in physical assaults (or prostitution or drug dealing) like the one you described.

The corporate media who are backing OWS don't report on the gritty reality of each arrest. They just throw up numbers "20 arrested at Occupy Atlanta" and let people's imaginations fill in the blanks.

You just got a dose the reality of the OWS.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by AtticusRye

Originally posted by FlySolo
I just took a little walk down there to see what's going on. It turns out, the girl who died is associated with a band of street kids whom I've seen many times. They sit on the corners with their dogs asking for handouts. Usually you can find them begging for change in front of the liquor store.

While I believe the movement in Vancouver has been tainted if not completely destroyed because of this news; it has been the result of a few to ruin it for the many. They were standing around a memorial when I got there and a hostile disruption ensued after a man was taking pictures of them. One girl completely lashed out and attempted to assault him while their dread lock friends held her back. In my opinion, this group needs to be evicted. Not by the city, but by the organizers if they want to save face.

How would they evict them? Ask them politely to leave? If they don't then what? Should a group of private citizens (OWS) use makeshift weapons and physical violence to force them off the same property they're on? The only way they can be removed is through police power. Police power involves, necessarily by its very definition, the use of increasing degrees of violence. When the police move in the large percentage of OWS who consists of this group fall back in among other OWS protestors.

Then what should the police do? Tell OWS to disburse so they can grab the dreadlock gang?

OWS refuses to disburse calling it a corporate conspiracy to get them to leave. Then what?

Then the police move into the main throng to retrieve the dreadlock gang.

Welcome to Oakland.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Ostracize them. They don't get the free food and are politely asked to leave. You see, this movement is flawed just on the fact that almost anyone can join in. These kids don't have a clue about losing their home to a fallacious mortgage nor loosing their job due to the corporations moving over-seas. While this may not be the point and the movement is trying to encourage equality, these kids are heroin users. A strict mandate must be enforced. No pot, no alcohol, no needles. You're caught, you're out. Don't empower them

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 04:04 PM
I don't understand the point of this thread. I guess it's another thread for the "rant bin".

Random people do random things. Shocking.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by lacrimosa

It's neither.

This sounds like nothing but a smear article based on isolated incidents. From what I've heard, there are no drugs or group sex in the Occupy movement for my home state.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 04:55 PM
So If they had Never gone to the protest they would be home safe?


posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 05:00 PM
If anybody is really from vancouver they would understand the situation, downtown vancouver ha s a very heavy drug problem, them drugs are sold at insane quantities, vancouver has a very bad drug abuse problem...

These things happen every day, so thank you for trying to add this daily event to the ows protest, the drug overdose has nothing to do with the ows...

Where the protest is ebhing held used to be a very high drug traffiking area, so nothing new there...

SO plz inform yourself about a ceratin city before we add all this stuff together

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by AtticusRye
I've gone down to check-out Occupy San Diego when I was there last week. If they were representative of other "Occupy" events, these are not gatherings of the swath of mainstream society. These are the Bottom 1% who have assembled.

In Marxist theory there is a class of people below the Proletariat - for whom the liberation struggle is directed. It is the Lumpenproletariat. From

LUMPENPROLETARIAT: Roughly translated as slum workers or the mob, this term identifies the class of outcast, degenerated and submerged elements that make up a section of the population of industrial centers. It includes beggars, prostitutes, gangsters, racketeers, swindlers, petty criminals, tramps, chronic unemployed or unemployables, persons who have been cast out by industry, and all sorts of declassed, degraded or degenerated elements. In times of prolonged crisis (depression), innumerable young people also, who cannot find an opportunity to enter into the social organism as producers, are pushed into this limbo of the outcast. Here demagogues and fascists of various stripes find some area of the mass base in time of struggle and social breakdown, when the ranks of the Lumpenproletariat are enormously swelled by ruined and declassed elements from all layers of a society in decay.

Marxism rejects the Lumpenproletariat as being a "rag class" that cannot participate in the revolutionary struggle but only derail and distract it.

For anyone who has not seen an "Occupy" event first hand, but supports the notion, I know this may be hard to accept. I was, myself, shocked as what one sees in the news are middle class moms with children, hardworking union members, etc. I didn't see a single one of those. I saw a mix of the (chronic) homeless, drug pushers and members of every class of the fringes of society, all gathered together in a rally of fewer than 100 people.
edit on 5-11-2011 by AtticusRye because: (no reason given)

Thank you for posting this. I live in San Diego and I have not bothered to go down to check out the OWS at the civic center. I have seen enough different live news reports to see that its 80% composed of people i would call "malcontents" and other types I would generally classify as "sketchy." These are the people I always had an inherent mis/dis-trust of. They ingratiate themselves into groups by acting very friendly and fun and social but in reality their only agenda is trying to use people to get something for nothing. They are leeches in sheeps' clothing.

The other 20% is people who are idealistic and really want to make things better for society, people with a legitimate gripe about how our military-industrial complex is destroying our country.

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