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Positivity Thread for Sad & Lonely Souls (help me make it if you enjoy spreading happiness)

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posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by creatureme
reply to post by ottobot

So sorry to hear about your friend! I think people just automatically wants to follow you when they see how happy you get from doing the changes you have made in your own life. And some may need to feel extra welcome and included if they have issues mentally and/or physichally. I have have a friend who has joined us one time, and I know she struggles alot with anxeiety and such, so even if she doesent show up I still keep trying to encourage her to join. because I know she really wants but can't always make her self.

Yes, so far she's been doing well. I'm kind of peer pressuring her into eating well and exercising, even though she's twice my age.
I've known her nigh on ten years, and I am pretty comfortable bossing her around about some stuff - it's like I have double willpower or something, hers and mine. She doesn't mind too much, I think she actually needs someone to tell her what to do so that she actually does it!

I made a blog and we both post on it every day: our meals, activities, and she also posts info about how she is feeling and stuff.

I have noticed that every time she has "failed" at changing her lifestyle, it's because she feels like it's useless and she'll always be overweight, and it's not fair that other people get to eat junk food when she can't. So, eating the same way as her and talking to her and spending a lot of time with her has really helped. She's in a much more positive place already.

make you own suit? Thats just awesome
I just found one at the store, but think I have to buy a new one - my clevage is too much, and guess it will get worse when I get pregnant again

Yes, I love to make my own clothing. I was thinking about making my own suit because I prefer to wear a modest suit and most of the ones for my body type are way too scanty in the front. I have the same kind of problem as you - it is very uncomfortable to be pulling on the bathing suit all the time to make sure it is covering everything properly.

Long story short: I have no interest in flashing random people at the pool... Again.

I ended up buying a swimsuit from a department store; all of the reviews I read online were written by women over 60 years of age, saying it was the best swimsuit ever. So, I knew it would be what I was looking for and I went and tried it on - perfect fit and coverage.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by ottobot

Understand very well. Some needs a kindhearted kick in the butt and some just needs to silently know that they can come out and play when they feel its safe out there. I really hope everything works out and that she can feel good about her body and such again. And I hope my friend will do to - I will try your way if it doesent work. I found out she just got herself a new swimsuit so I know she really liked swimming with me.

By the way - there is a competition going on at the center I work out. Have to swim 10.000 meters before the end of 31.march to maybe win some holiday tickets. So I had to figure out how many meters I swim per day and calculated its about 1175 meters! (About 45 min of laps)

Yeah..I try to keep my body below the water at all times when swimming
I am a disaster waiting to happen.. Gonne get a new one right away when I can afford it. I was looking at those retro swimsuits on ebay, was thinking about getting one of those, looks really comfy aswell. I think its so cool that you enjoy making your own clothing, especially a swimsuit!

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by creatureme
Understand very well. Some needs a kindhearted kick in the butt and some just needs to silently know that they can come out and play when they feel its safe out there. I really hope everything works out and that she can feel good about her body and such again. And I hope my friend will do to - I will try your way if it doesent work. I found out she just got herself a new swimsuit so I know she really liked swimming with me.

That's great that your friend is becoming more comfortable. You're awesome for taking the time to swim with her.

By the way - there is a competition going on at the center I work out. Have to swim 10.000 meters before the end of 31.march to maybe win t some holiday tickets. So I had to figure out how many meters I swim per day and calculated its about 1175 meters! (About 45 min of laps)

Nice! I hope you win! I have no idea how far I can swim, but you have given me an idea on how to keep the swimming interesting: race my friend and record our times to see how much we improve.

Yeah..I try to keep my body below the water at all times when swimming
I am a disaster waiting to happen.. Gonne get a new one right away when I can afford it. I was looking at those retro swimsuits on ebay, was thinking about getting one of those, looks really comfy aswell. I think its so cool that you enjoy making your own clothing, especially a swimsuit!

Yes, I agree. The suit I got is styled after one from the late 1940s or early 1950s. If I had made one, it would have been in the style of the late 1920s or early 1930s. I really do like those old fashions the best. They suit me so much more than anything that is out there today. Oh well!

Spring is here! I started the seeds for my garden the other day. I am looking forward to having a monstrous garden this summer.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by ottobot

Its always cool and of course very motivating to see how one is progressing
Racing makes it really fun
(I won when we tried it last week, mohaha
) Ah, lucky you. dont have my own garden around here, but have a big park behind our place
My dog loves it! Can see some of the flowers are starting to say hello, its wonderful and it smells so nice alredy!

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 04:17 AM
Hey nice idea for a thread!
) first off. My english isnt so strong so excuse my miss spellings.
ive had a depression for what feels like aeons!... But lately ive been trying to think different... stop making theorys of what might be and what might is... its going ok i guess...
But the story i wanted to share with u is actually a dream of some sort... I lucid dream pretty often... not very good at staying lucid, i wake up rather quick... but im working on it xD...
Ive tryed to enter a lucid state from a "awoken" state for quite some years now... Well it happened!

Like 2 weeks ago i went outside at like 01:00 / 13 am.... and smoked a green x) was thinking about the mentioned above... and i went inside, turned on the tele for like 5 min. Turned it off and thought to myself.
# NIKOLAJ (thats my name) tonight ure gonna #ing enter lucid consciencely tonite!... and well cant really recall what i did, i think it was the usual meditation "empty your head and chillax"... but im not sure... only thing i recall is i started visualize and a small circle of light appeared growing until i could see my legs and feet appeared very vivid in what looked like a small grass area (around 1-2 square feet) with a smal circle of white mist, when it was fully vivid it started spreading out in a circle (the white mist) and landscape appeared when the mist passed by, pine trees / rocks / grass it was beautiful, so when the mist had spread in a perfect circle around 30 square feet. I thought #ING awesome i did it man! cool that means i can fly, so i leaped up in the air started flying a couple of feet and woke up
... Sucked so bad to wake up so quick xD, regret i didnt wait longer for the landscape to take form or something. So went to bed trying to re-enter, but just had some other lucid, but not as vivid dreams...
and for anyone wondering what was past the white mist, it was just white same color as the mist.
It was pretty damn nice and left me with a really nice sence of achievment for the reminder of the week!...
Now im just struggling to figure out what i did exactly to reach that state.

ps. some chillax songs:
Arist: The xx
Songs: Intro, Crystalised, Islands

Regards from Denmark

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by creatureme
reply to post by ottobot

Its always cool and of course very motivating to see how one is progressing
Racing makes it really fun
(I won when we tried it last week, mohaha
) Ah, lucky you. dont have my own garden around here, but have a big park behind our place
My dog loves it! Can see some of the flowers are starting to say hello, its wonderful and it smells so nice alredy!

I was just posting about the gardening the other day and I do suggest trying indoor gardening:

Just having plants in the house lifts the spirits and mood, but plants you actually can harvest? Awesome.

I am excited for spring, it's been snowing here the past few days, but I was taking a walk and looked a big fat robin right in the eyes as he chirped at me. He didn't even run away. So, spring has sprung and hopefully the weather will follow suit.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Johnkie

Hello there, Nikolaj,

Have you had any more success with the lucid dreaming?

That is an interesting experience - thank you for sharing!

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by ottobot

Hey guys!

Started to read a lot about astral traveling and such recently and how to perform this - have you experience within this subject? Its funny.. I started out with finding myself having a sudden case of extreme fear of death and did some thorough research by watching documentaries about people describing near death experiences and I was no longer afraid as everything just dawned on me.. I suddenly understood the concept of ¨dying¨ and I was no longer afraid.

I have begun some sort of spiritual quest - hence the research upon astral traveling. Been reading this book on how to do it and the only reason I want to do this is to overcome the fears I struggle with on an day to day basis.

I have had one lucid dream in my life where ( knowing now after reading about it) I had reached the middle realm of the astral plane and everything was soooo beutiful.. I first thought I had visited another planet but I realize know that it was the middle plane. The place that reflects our world but holds much greater beauty and creation than we can physically comprehend.

I remember meeting these two boys (incredibly beautiful beings - blond haired, big blue enchanting eyes, I think they were brothers) I kind of hung out with them for a little while. Enjoying the scenery and not speaking, just feeling..and smiling a lot! The perception of this experience was extremely vivid and I have never had it again.

I was suddenly asking them to join me and my partner along with another friend - to drink whiskey the next evening with us.. wich was weird because I automatically thought it was possible for them to come to my plane.They looked at eachother with this disgusted smurk as they shook their head at me - and bang I was back in my bed. Very much, quite alot emberrased about that, yes...
I feel so "stupid" in a way for actually loose control over the situation and ask them to join in on such a destructive human activity, But yes.. that was my lucid experience

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by creatureme

Wow, that's definitely something to remember. I don't think it's stupid that you "lost control" - at least you were able to gain control at some point. The request from you to the boys to do something incredibly human was probably just your brain's way of trying to get that control back.

I am excited for you; it must be empowering take steps toward breaking down those fears you do not want to control you.

I have never been able to have an OBE when I've consciously tried to. Honestly, what has stopped me from leaving my body completely is that I get the idea that I won't be able to come back, though I know it isn't true.

I've only had one unconscious out of body experience that I remember vividly, and it was very odd. It started out very cool - I went to bed and was awake and thinking about learning to fly, and then I was suddenly flying. I mean, I felt the wind on my skin and the cold air in my lungs and I just knew how to fly. I followed some air currents and was trying to figure out how to do loops, and I somehow ended up at a school of some kind.

I was hovering over a black SUV and watching two men who were in the vehicle talking to one another. This is when it got strange - the guy in the passenger side saw me. He started yelling to the other guy and then the driver drove away very quickly.

After this, I went somewhere (the past, maybe?) else because it turned to day. I drifted to a white house with a wrap-around porch and I was trying to knock on the door. I'm not sure why I went to that house or where it was, but I remember that it had a willow tree outside and a lot of grass and flowers and a little pond with a bridge over it, too.

I went inside and there was a boy there, and he could see me and when I entered the house, he greeted me like he had expected me. He was talking to me and showing me paintings in his room he had made and he was taking me around the house and I remember him telling me that his mom wasn't home much so he had to think of things to do on his own.

The last thing I remember was sitting in the boy's room and he was just looking at me, not saying anything.

Then I was sleeping and I started dreaming about the two guys in the SUV - I was back floating over it but instead of them being afraid of me, they got out and were trying to recruit me to play on a basketball team because I could fly.
Yeah, my brain thinks of crazy stuff.

I have lucid dreams a lot, and I have paid attention to my dreams since I was very young. But, this had a much different quality than a lucid dream. It was just real.
edit on 4/7/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by ottobot

Yeah, I have understood that to be able to do OBE's one have to be totally fearless, because there is of course nothing that can harm us, but I know the feeling. What if? In the book I read they talk about a silver cord that holds us to our physical body no matter how far we wish to go it will hold us to our body. Still I feel the whats ifs.

And the most frightening scenario for me would probably be me not having control of my thoughts so I could come in harm of projecting some selfmade horrific beast, because I am very afraid of the dark and that is one of the biggest fears that I want to conquer. So I finally can sleep with the light off at night and use my energy on something else.

Oh! And I want to meet my spirit guides(Or just to see if I really have one or several) since I can't percive them with my physical body.

Have you seen the spirit science series on youtube? I recommend the entire series - Its simple and entertaining!

Have you tried other excercises to do OBE's?
I found the astral book through this episode - and here is presented several excercises for how to accomplish OBE's

I havent started to try it out yet, I have to teach myself to relax and silence my mind properly before trying, I am not very good at that sort of thing. Yet

edit on 8-4-2012 by creatureme because: editpiaf

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by creatureme
reply to post by ottobot

Yeah, I have understood that to be able to do OBE's one have to be totally fearless, because there is of course nothing that can harm us, but I know the feeling. What if? In the book I read they talk about a silver cord that holds us to our physical body no matter how far we wish to go it will hold us to our body. Still I feel the whats ifs.

I read a book that talked about something similar. This book also talked about "evil-looking hitchhikers" that would grab a person's leg or arm or whatever just as s/he was leaving the body. It is, apparently, the brain's way of keeping the spirit in the body.

And the most frightening scenario for me would probably be me not having control of my thoughts so I could come in harm of projecting some selfmade horrific beast, because I am very afraid of the dark and that is one of the biggest fears that I want to conquer. So I finally can sleep with the light off at night and use my energy on something else.

Are you afraid of the dark, or are you afraid of what's in the dark?

And, have you always been afraid, or was there a specific event that made you afraid of the dark?

Oh! And I want to meet my spirit guides(Or just to see if I really have one or several) since I can't percive them with my physical body.

I've never looked for spirit guides; I've just never gotten around to doing those exercises.

Have you seen the spirit science series on youtube? I recommend the entire series - Its simple and entertaining!
I will check it out, thank you for the suggestion!

Have you tried other excercises to do OBE's?
I found the astral book through this episode - and here is presented several excercises for how to accomplish OBE's

I havent started to try it out yet, I have to teach myself to relax and silence my mind properly before trying, I am not very good at that sort of thing. Yet

I have tried various methods I read about in books, but also just tried to accomplish it naturally by sheer willpower. I know that I am capable of consciously broadcasting my emotions and some thought in the form of energy, but I have never been able to consciously leave my body completely.

I definitely have an interest in OBE, but the main problem is that I fall asleep almost as soon as I get to bed.

edit on 4/12/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by ottobot

I read a book that talked about something similar. This book also talked about "evil-looking hitchhikers" that would grab a person's leg or arm or whatever just as s/he was leaving the body. It is, apparently, the brain's way of keeping the spirit in the body.

Hmm, this sounds like catalepsy (SP) , the evil thing (old hag) people sense or see when they are in this state. ( I have had this and the terror is intense) When in sleep paralysis I have heard that this is a stage close to actually having an an OBE. And I can see it can be difficult leaving the body when experiencing such a thing.

Are you afraid of the dark, or are you afraid of what's in the dark? And, have you always been afraid, or was there a specific event that made you afraid of the dark?

Afraid of whats in the dark. I think I have been afraid ever since I was a child - watching x-files waaaay to early and such
But when I was very young, there was this psychiatrist who came to our home several times (I have had angst since I was 4, and had a problem going to sleep, hyperactivity and such) And I remember she locked me in the batroom to separate me from my younger sister at bedtime - I do not know what she was aiming for (maybe to show me like an animal that it was bedtime by forcing me to experience total darkness at evening) This kind of treatment is surely something that isn't performed today. And she turned of the lights and made me stay there for a while and I was so scared and screamed and cried my heart out for a long while before they let me out.

I have tried various methods I read about in books, but also just tried to accomplish it naturally by sheer willpower. I know that I am capable of consciously broadcasting my emotions and some thought in the form of energy, but I have never been able to consciously leave my body completely. I definitely have an interest in OBE, but the main problem is that I fall asleep almost as soon as I get to bed.

I have read that it can be a trick to do this when not tired. Such as in the morningtime

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by creatureme
Hmm, this sounds like catalepsy (SP) , the evil thing (old hag) people sense or see when they are in this state. ( I have had this and the terror is intense) When in sleep paralysis I have heard that this is a stage close to actually having an an OBE. And I can see it can be difficult leaving the body when experiencing such a thing.
Yes, I agree, the terror would probably be too much for most people until they learn to completely ignore it and any strange things they see on the way out. I've never had any type of sleep paralysis, so I can't say I have felt that particular terror, but I have seen some creepy things in the dark and I DO know that type of terror.

Afraid of whats in the dark. I think I have been afraid ever since I was a child - watching x-files waaaay to early and such
But when I was very young, there was this psychiatrist who came to our home several times (I have had angst since I was 4, and had a problem going to sleep, hyperactivity and such) And I remember she locked me in the batroom to separate me from my younger sister at bedtime - I do not know what she was aiming for (maybe to show me like an animal that it was bedtime by forcing me to experience total darkness at evening) This kind of treatment is surely something that isn't performed today. And she turned of the lights and made me stay there for a while and I was so scared and screamed and cried my heart out for a long while before they let me out.

That is just awful, I am so sorry that you had to experience that as a child.

No wonder you have such a deep fear! I just don't understand the mindset of some psychiatrists - it seems like they do much more harm than good with these types of radical treatments.

So, now, when you have trouble going to sleep is it that you are worried about something "getting you"? Or, is it more like you reach a high level of anxiety thinking about the darkness?

I have read that it can be a trick to do this when not tired. Such as in the morningtime

That would be ideal, but I don't really have any other time of day to practice. I wake up early, head out early, work all day, spend the evening with my kids, an hour or so of hobby time after they go to bed, and by then I am so tired that I just crash out.

Oh well, I figure I will have a lot of time to practice these things when my kids are older. Right now I am mastering how to be mentally present at all times when I am with them. I think too much and sometimes my mind wanders entirely too far and I miss out on some of the stuff they are doing or saying. So, I am learning not to let my mind wander.

edit on 4/15/2012 by ottobot because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by ottobot

Its definately the fear of something trying to grab me in the dark. The thought of the uninvited standing there, looking at me.

Yeah, I have a very wandering mind as well. Its is really hard sometimes, wanting to listen to what my partner says - and still I end up often having him to repeat the stuff he says.

Ohhh! By the way, I am pregnant again!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by creatureme
reply to post by ottobot

Its definately the fear of something trying to grab me in the dark. The thought of the uninvited standing there, looking at me.

Have you tried sleeping with a flashlight? Every time you think something is there, shine the flashlight around and see what really is there.
Haha, I know, that is silly, but you never know - it might work!

Ohhh! By the way, I am pregnant again!!!!!!!

Excellent! I hope it sticks this time!

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by ottobot

No no, its not silly at all! I will give that a try
Yep, hope it sticks this time - have good feeling

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by creatureme

I'm glad you are feeling good about it so far.

I am teaching myself to knit and started making my first scarf. I am very excited about it.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by creatureme

OK...Positive things and perhaps something to put a smile on your face. A persons Happiness is guaranteed if their Body and Mind...and both Hemispheres of the brain...both left side...analitical...and right well as a persons Subconscious...are all in balance.

Now...What the Hell does all that mean!? It means that if your are physically capable...Get Your Butt out of Bed and DO SOMETHING! LOL!

Exercize! Move! It will allow you to Oxygenate your whole body...rebuild muscle and best of makes your body release ENDORPHINS! This is the bodies equivelent to a HAPPY PILL! It also allows your brain to recieve more Oxygen thus making your Mental Capacity increase.

One cannot be Happy without first being Happy with themselves. One of the best feelings in the World for me is either going out early or late for a run or play some tennis...come back home and if early...look at the little things...the sky and clouds...a flower...the leaves on a bush or tree...if at night...the stars or if cloudy...the reflections on the clouds by lights from the distant city or how a shadow is cast on a wall from my Solar Deck lighting.

If you are in pain...and cannot do these things then...Mental you are doing here or learn something new. It is always about balance and if you need an Rx to be it...balance of mind and works very well...I know! Split Infinity

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by ottobot

A friend of mine has started to knit also, she knits little stuffed animals. I dunno how she does it, but looks very cool! She makes them look really sad and you instantly want to give the animal a hug.
Are you doing several colors or just sticking to one for now? I havent knitted since I was a child, the most difficult thing is to make masks I think.

And oh.. I found out that my due date (before ultrasound) is 21th of Desember 2012

posted on Apr, 29 2012 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Hey man! Thanks for posting!

You should have read through the entire thread tho - I do excercise regularly 4 - 5 days a week, and that pretty hard too. I have a strict program I follow and sometimes I produce so much endorphines that I start laughing out loud in the middle of the class. Things have certaintly improved, but not entirely. Excercise do not solve everything. That has to do with things that have been latent in me since I was a child and when I grew up - experiencing quite horrible things. And no, I just cant program my mind to be "happy", I am getting professional help to overcome these things and I couldnt have done it on my own.

But I so do agree, excercising solves a whole bunch of stuff, and it is in my theory that one should start stimulating the body to get in balance if unhappy. A lot of "small" fragments like unhealthy food, too much TV, never outside the house, never sosializing, smoking, drinking etc. can easily make you unhappy without one noticing it. But when as I - have already excluded those things its a big problem when the problem is still there.

One of my biggest problems is that I feel alone most of the time. I am a black sheep in my torn up family, I feel that they give a pretty good damn about me and probably gives them selves good conciousness by thinking that everythings all right, because I have my fantastic partner. He can¨t replace the last pieces I have of my close relatives. Lets just say that dinner invitations doesent occur that often..

I dont have any good friends - (except for one, but she has not been available for over 6 months due to treatment) My facebookfriends... hah.. well.. You cant call them friends when they all prefer to hang out with me online and never for a cup of coffee in the real world...and that makes me so angrybird.. Alone, but plugged in still.. Yes, I like, I comment and I take initiative... but I doesent help much, nobody has "time".

So.. I have become very ambivalent to the idea of me being "unhappy" - I am happy - but I am not. I don't struggle to feel complete bliss.. I just wish to be seen sometimes nowadays..If ya now what I mean. And I feel guilty for it - cos it makes me feel really selfish, when I know that I instead should be out there, saving lost souls! Have to save my self first tho.. Yes, I am mentally ill and have comepletely lost the red line in my post here...

edit on 29-4-2012 by creatureme because: editpiaf

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